15063 results:

8681. Muthanna Abdul Hussein, Khaled Abdel Thamer  

The two cameramen working for Al-Iraqia channel were killed in a bomb blast which targeted al Athar check point located in the northern entrance of the city of Hilla, according to the Iraqi Journalists’ Syndicate (IJS), an IFJ affiliate. The IJS says that the blast happened when a suicide bomber blew himself up near a tank which also exploded. The cameramen were covering live the distribution of voting cards from the police electoral center in Hilla.  
8682. Maniobras contra la Libertad de Prensa en Venezuela  

Trabajadores de la prensa se concentraron frente al Palacio de Justicia en Caracas, para exigir libertad plena para la fotorreportera de nacionalidad italiana, Francesca Commissari, quien fue detenida ilegalmente por la Guardia Nacional Bolivariana el viernes en la noche en Altamira. "No es un delito manifestar, y mucho menos es un delito hacer la cobertura periodística de una manifestación. Y eso es lo que estaba haciendo Francesca Commissari el día de ayer en la Plaza Altamira cuando fue detenida por la GNB", aseguró Marco Ruiz, secretario general del Sindicato Nacional de los Trabajadores de la Prensa (SNTP). El dirigente sindical exigió que se declare libertad plena para…  
8683. Defend the Right to Inform the Public  

EFJ, the European Federation of Journalists, ENPA, the European Newspaper Publishers' Association, EMMA, the European Magazine Media Association, and EPC, the European Publishers' Council, have launched a joint petition calling on EU policy-makers to defend their right to inform the public in the EU data protection law reform. Journalists and press publishers play a crucial role in our democratic society informing citizens about important issues of public interest. A key part of this work is investigative journalism, which has resulted in unearthing countless revelations of concern to our society and which remains a vital part of the process of holding those in power to account.…  
8684. International Women's Day: End Violence Against Women Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today marked International Women's Day by calling on media organisations and public authorities to confront violence against female journalists by providing a safe working environment for women in the media.In November 2013 the IFJ launched a global campaign to denounce violence against women journalists and alert public authorities on their need to end impunity for these crimes."In addition to numerous cases of discriminations in the workplace including gender pay gap and glass ceiling, women journalists are subject to specific violence because they are women. Numerous cases of intimidation, sexual harassment, physical attacks have…  
8685. Freedom for Photojournalist in Venezuela  

Media workers gathered outside the courthouse in Caracas on Friday, 7 March, demanding full freedom of the Italian photojournalist, , who was illegally arrested by the National Guard on Friday night in Altamira.  "It is not a crime to show and much less is a crime the media coverage of a demonstration. And that's what Francesca Commissari was doing yesterday in the Plaza Altamira when she was arrested by the GNB" said Marco Ruiz, general secretary of the National Union of Press Workers (SNTP). The union leader demanded full liberty to the Italian journalist, and that her photographic equipment that was stripped at the time of his arrest is returned. Ruiz…  
8686. IFJ Demands End to Violence Against Women Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today marked International Women's Day by calling on media organisations and public authorities to confront violence against female journalists by providing a safe working environment for women in the media. In November 2013 the IFJ launched a global campaign to denounce violence against women journalists and alert public authorities on their need to end impunity for these crimes. "In addition to numerous cases of discriminations in the workplace including gender pay gap and glass ceiling, women journalists are subject to specific violence because they are women. Numerous cases of intimidation, sexual harassment, physical attacks…  
8687. IFJ Raises Serious Concerns Over Safety of Journalists in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has raised serious concerns over the safety of journalists in the Puntland state of Somalia (North-East) following the discovery of the names of seven journalists, including a radio director, in an Al-Shabaab hit list.   According to IFJ affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), security forces from the autonomous region of Galmudug, in central Somalia, recently arrested an Al-shabaab fighter after he killed and wounded civilians in the town of Galkayo, the capital city of the north-central region of Mudug. The Al-shabaab fighter was discovered to be carrying a list containing the names of Mudug region officials,…  
8688. Abrar Tanoli  

The photographer for Reuters and reporter for local newspapers, Daily Mahsib and Daily Shamal, was shot in the neck by unidentified gunmen while travelling with his family in Abbotabad, the Hazara region of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in Pakistan. He passed away in the early morning of Monday 3 March 2014. According to Pakistan Federation Union of Journalists (PFUJ) , and IFJ affiliate and the Abbotabad Union of Journalsits, he was under threat for his reporting and had recently been provided police protection for a two month period. In January, 2013, Tanoli was arrested and released on bail in a case of murder of two students, whose family had publicly threatened him of…  
8689. End Censorship of Independent Press in Somaliland  

The authorities in Somaliland must re-open the offices of an independent and outspoken newspaper in Hargeisa, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) said today. According to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), an IFJ affiliate, Hubaal newspaper in Haregisa, Somaliland is still closed down since 13 December 2013 following a raid of police rapid reinforcement unit (RRU).  Police is still occupying the headquarters of the independent and outspoken newspaper. “We are deeply disturbed by the actions of Somaliland authorities to shut down Hubaal newspaper and forcefully occupy its offices,” said Gabriel Baglo, IFJ Africa Director. “Authorities in…  
8690. Nepali journalist receives death threats  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) are alarmed by death threats made against K P Dhungana, a crime reporter working for Nagarik Daily of Kathmandu. According to the FNJ, Dhungana had been involved in the reporting of a police investigation into the misconduct of a well-known Nepalese social activist. The reporting, published in Nagarik Daily, quoted sources accusing social worker Dil Shova Shrestha of illegally running a children’s orphanage and contained allegations of sexual misconduct. Dhungana, who is also president of the Online Journalists Association of Nepal (OMAN), received numerous…  
8691. Bangladeshi Journalist Falls to Death From Police Rooftop  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the journalist organisation Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF) have expressed concern at the circumstances that led to the death of a Bangladeshi journalist on March 1. Shah Alam Mollah Sagar, 41, died after falling off the roof of the Uttara Pashchim Police Station building in the capital city of Dhaka under suspicious circumstances. Sagar, a reporter working for the Oporadh Domon weekly, was in the police station attempting to solve a feud over a financial dealing. The police claim the fall was an accident, yet Sagar’s family have filed a case alleging that he was murdered for his reporting. The IFJ and the BMSF demand…  
8692. Canadian Journalist Still Missing in Cambodia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Cambodian Association for Protection of Journalists (CAPJ) in raising concerns over missing Canadian filmmaker and journalist Dave Walker. It is now three weeks since the 58-year-old journalist and documentary maker was last seen and the IFJ calls on Cambodia’s police to escalate their investigations as fears for his safety and well-being intensify. Walker, whose production company has been based in Cambodia since mid-2012, was last seen leaving his guesthouse in Siem Reap at about 2pm on February 14 to allow a housekeeper to clean it. The journalist’s film production partner Sonny Chhuon has said that his…  
8693. Journalists Must “Write and Speak Truth” About Ukraine  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have joined colleagues in Russia to call for media standards and ethics to be upheld by media across the world reporting on Ukraine.           The call comes as IFJ/EFJ affiliate, the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ), has expressed its concern about the continuing escalation of aggressive and hate-filled rhetoric by elements of the media in Russia and across the globe about developments in Ukraine. According to the RUJ, some media is not carrying out its duty to inform the public, but is instead fermenting discord that contradicts the code of ethics of…  
8694. Journalist Killers Convicted in Historic Ruling in Pakistan  

The decision marks only the 2nd time in Pakistan’s history that murderers of a journalist have been brought to justice. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) acknowledged the pivotal significance of the judgement of Pakistan’s Anti-Terrorist Court this week when it handed down the country’s first successful prosecution over the killing of a Pakistani journalist. The Court’s decision on March 2 marks only the second time in Pakistan’s history that the murderers of a journalist have been brought to justice. The first was American journalist Daniel Pearl’s killer, Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, in 2002. The IFJ welcomes…  
8695. IFJ/EFJ Welcome Release of Spanish Journalist in Syria  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have welcomed the release of Spanish journalist Marc Marginedas who had been held for six months in Syria by a jihadist group. According to media reports, Marginedas, a highly respected journalist who has covered many conflicts across the world, crossed the border between Syria and Turkey last Sunday morning, 2 February, after being freed by the Islamic group. "We welcome the fantastic news that Marc Marginedas has been released and can now return to his family, loved ones and colleagues," said IFJ President Jim Boumelha." "On this day of great relief and joy we offer…  
8696. Media Safety Advice for Ukraine  

Following reports of the escalation of tensions between Russia and Ukraine, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have issued an urgent safety advisory urging journalists covering events in Ukraine to exercise utmost caution. Over 160 journalists have been injured since the beginning of the Ukraine's political crisis in November 2013, while journalist, Vyacheslaqv Vereymi, died after being brutally attacked in February. "Given the many brutal attacks against journalists in Ukraine in recent months and the ever increasing tensions in the country, we urge journalists covering events to remain mindful of their safety at all…  
8697. IFJ Reiterates Appeal for Increased Media Protection in Yemen  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has issued a desperate appeal for authorities in Yemen to take immediate and effective action to improve safety for media workers in the country following the latest spate of brutal attacks. According to IFJ affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS), an Al Arabiya TV crew was assaulted by security forces in the Yemeni capital Sana'a last Sunday, 2 March, while covering the arrival of vehicles carrying detainees at the city's Special Criminal Court. The four crew members were also verbally abused and prevented from covering the event, while their TV cameras were confiscated.  The assault against the Al Arabiya crew follows…  
8698. Detail  

8699. IFJ/EFJ Issue Urgent Media Safety Advice Amid Crisis in Ukraine  

Following reports of the escalation of tensions between Russia and Ukraine, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have issued an urgent safety advisory urging journalists covering events in Ukraine to exercise utmost caution. Over 160 journalists have been injured since the beginning of the Ukraine's political crisis in November 2013, while journalist, Vyacheslaqv Vereymi, died after being brutally attacked in February. "Given the many brutal attacks against journalists in Ukraine in recent months and the ever increasing tensions in the country, we urge journalists covering events to remain mindful of their safety at all…  
8700. IFJ/EFJ Welcome Release of Spanish Journalist in Syria  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have welcomed the release of Spanish journalist Marc Marginedas who had been held for six months in Syria by a jihadist group. According to media reports, Marginedas, a highly respected journalist who has covered many conflicts across the world, crossed the border between Syria and Turkey last Sunday morning, 2 February, after being freed by the Islamic group. "We welcome the fantastic news that Marc Marginedas has been released and can now return to his family, loved ones and colleagues," said IFJ President Jim Boumelha." "On this day of great relief and joy we offer…  
8701. EFJ responds to the European commission (EC)'s consultation  

The EFJ responded to the European commission (EC)'s consultation on copyright review which closed on 5th March. The EC consultation aimed at gathering contributions from different stakeholders including consumers, authors, publishers, broadcasters or intermediaries on specific issues related to copyright including authors' rights exceptions or remuneration of authors. Nearly 10000 responses were received. In its response, the EFJ highlighted the need to strengthen journalists' authors' rights and denounced unfair contractual practices that deprive journalists from earning a decent living. The EFJ denounced specifically unfair contractual clauses such as buy out, rights' transfer…  
8702. Linking to a Website Does Not Infringe Copyright, Says European Court  

Linking to a website does not infringe copyright and thus will not require prior consent from authors before linking the content. The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has ruled that linking to a website does not infringe copyright and thus will not require prior consent from authors before linking the content. In the Svensson v Retriever Sverige AB case, journalists at Svensson have accused the news aggregator company, Retriever Sverige, of infringing their copyright by posting links of the articles published on the website Göteborgs-Posten without asking for their permission. The journalists demanded Retriever Sverige to compensate for listing the links to their…  
8703. Journalist Abrar Tanoli killed in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) to strongly condemn the killing of a journalist in Abbotabad, in the Hazara region of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in Pakistan. On Sunday March 2, journalist Abrar Tanoli was shot in the neck by unidentified gunmen while travelling with his family at Mamsehra. He passed away in the early morning of Monday March 3. Tanoli, the General Secretary of Mansehra Press Club, was a photographer for Reuters and a reporter for local newspapers, Daily Mahsib and Daily Shamal. According to PFUJ and the Abbotabad Union of Journalsits, he was under threat for his reporting and had…  
8704. IFJ/EFJ Issue Urgent Media Safety Advice amid Crisis in Ukraine  

Following reports of the escalation of tensions between Russia and Ukraine, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have issued an urgent safety advisory urging journalists covering events in Ukraine to exercise utmost caution. Over 160 journalists have been injured since the beginning of the Ukraine's political crisis in November 2013, while journalist, Vyacheslaqv Vereymi, died after being brutally attacked in February. "Given the many brutal attacks against journalists in Ukraine in recent months and the ever increasing tensions in the country, we urge journalists covering events to…  
8705. IFJ and Its African Groups Urge Media in Uganda to Report Responsibly on Homosexuality Issue  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) and the Eastern Africa Journalists Association (EAJA) have today called on media in Uganda to report the issue of homosexuality in a responsible manner. The call follows several reports that Red Pepper, a private Ugandan tabloid newspaper, has published a list of the names of what it described as the country’s “200 top homosexuals”. The list was published on Tuesday, 25 February, one day after the President of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, signed into law an anti-gay bill toughening penalties for gay people. Reports said homosexual acts were already illegal in Uganda, but the new law bans the…  
8706. Draft African Union Resolution on Safety & Protection of Journalists  

Read the Draft Resolution on the Safety and Protection of Journalists, developed at the 20th African Union Summit.   
8708. UN report on the right to artistic expression and creation  

This report points at "coercive contracts that authors and artists identify as a primary obstacle to fair remuneration. Under such contracts, which are frequent, creators sign away all their rights to their creation in order to gain a commission for creating a work. Consequently, they lose control over their creation, which can be used in contradiction to their own vision".   
8709. Authors' and performers' organisations welcome Castex report on Private Copying  

Authors’ and performers’ organisations congratulate Legal Affairs committee on forward-looking report that looks at how to sustainably modernise the implementation of the private copying levy system to cater for permanently evolving consumption patterns of copyrighted works and to ensure its efficient functioning within the single market.  The organisations, that represent the interests of screenwriters, directors, composers, journalists, visual art authors, writers, actors and musicians, welcome the balanced report at a time when the European Commission is consulting on copyright.   Mrs Castex’s report includes a number of detailed clarifications on different elements of the…  
8710. Detail  

8711. Global unions' joint statement on UN Commission on the status of Women March 2014  

Dowload statement in EN, FR, ES  
8712. IFJ Outlines Policies to Get World Back to Work at UN Commission for Social Development  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) HAS called on the UN Commission for Social Development to promote policies which support work opportunities and  workers' rights. The call was made at the 52th Session of the Commission for Social Development which met from 11-20 February in New York to discuss "the promotion of people's empowerment in achieving poverty eradication, social integration and full employment and decent work for all."In a statement, the IFJ supported the Session's objectives, saying they foster a cohesive society where employment opportunities can help reduce the social divide and give everyone a stake in the future of their communities and…  
8713. Violent attacks on journalists in Ukraine  

By EFJ President, Mogens Blicher Bjerregård By Mogens Blicher Bjerregård. President of the Danish Union of Journalists and the European Federation of Journalists. Deputy Chairperson of the International Media Support. Journalists were among the first victims of the fighting in the streets of Kiev. The events of the past week were the culmination of a protracted period of attacks on journalists and the free media. Video-documented attacks on journalists in Ukraine, in which the profession of journalism in itself has been under attack, must now really get the world community to understand that the attacks on journalists must stop. The brutal murder of Vyacheslav Veremei in Kiev…  
8714. IFJ Urges Utmost Caution for Journalists Covering Bangkok  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has urged journalists covering the protests in Bangkok to protect their safety and remain vigilant at all times.Last Saturday, 11 January, seven people were wounded after gunmen on motorcycles opened fire on anti-government protestors in Bangkok. While this week's protests to "shut down" the capital have so far been peaceful, there are fears of further outbreaks of violence. Two foreign reporters were shot dead in political protests in the country in 2010, while last December a photographer was injured by a rubber bullet while covering clashes in Bangkok. There have also been reports that on Monday, 13 January, a foreign media…  
8715. IFJ Urges Utmost Caution for Journalists Covering Bangkok  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has urged journalists covering the protests in Bangkok to protect their safety and remain vigilant at all times.Last Saturday, 11 January, seven people were wounded after gunmen on motorcycles opened fire on anti-government protestors in Bangkok. While this week's protests to "shut down" the capital have so far been peaceful, there are fears of further outbreaks of violence. Two foreign reporters were shot dead in political protests in the country in 2010, while last December a photographer was injured by a rubber bullet while covering clashes in Bangkok. There have also been reports that on Monday, 13 January, a foreign media…  
8716. EFJ Focus 18 January 2014  

The January issue of the EFJ Focus is now available in English, German and French. Got a smartphone? Scan the QR code and read the Focus while you are on the move! To subscribe, simply click HERE. If you missed the previous issues, see our archives. ENGLISH GERMAN FRENCH  
8717. IFJ East European Projects 2010  

Read the IFJ report on projects run in the East European region during the Congress period 2010-2013. Read the report HERE  
8718. IFJ Ongoing Asia Pacific Projects 2010  

Read the IFJ report on ongoing projects run in the Asia Pacific region during the Congress period 2010-2013. Read the report HERE  
8719. RUJ: Solidarity with Ukrainian Journalists  

IFJ/EFJ affiliate, the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ), expresses its solidarity with journalists in Ukraine IFJ/EFJ affiliate, the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ), expresses its solidarity with journalists in Ukraine and supports the demand of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) and the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine (IMTUU) to immediately find and punish all those involved in violence against journalists in Kyiv and other cities of the country in recent weeks. The RUJ states:There have been many violations of the rights of media workers. One journalist was killed, 167 of our colleagues were injured, dozens of them were subjected to all sorts of attacks.…  
8720. African Platform on Access to Information - Distribution Book  

The Campaign around Access to Information has seen unprecedented success, with organizations from across the African continent joining hands to ensure that the Right to Access Information is promoted throughout the continent. Read the APAI Declaration  
8721. Resolutions adopted by the EFJ General Meeting in 2013  

A set of  21 Resolutions was adopted by the General Meeting of the EFJ on 13-15 May 2013. The General Meeting also endorsed statements on ongoing issues.  
8722. Australian Media Rallies for Journalists in Egypt  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and Australian affiliate, the Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA), stood in solidarity with media organisations globally in a day of protest, calling for the immediate release of the Al Jazeera journalists and staff detained in Egypt. Speaking at a public rally in Sydney’s Martin Place today to mark the Day of Action for Freedom of Journalism, MEAA federal secretary Christopher Warren said: “This is a global day of action for journalists detained in Egypt. It requires a global response. We call on Prime Minister Tony Abbott to personally appeal to Field Marshal el-Sisi and demand the release of all the journalists detained in…  
8723. Former Hong Kong Editor Attacked With Cleaver  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) in condemning the brutal attack on recently-sacked Ming Pao chief editor Kevin Lau in Hong Kong yesterday morning. The IFJ has expressed deep concern at the horrific attack which comes amidst rising tensions in Hong Kong over ongoing threats to free speech and freedom of the press. Lau remains in serious condition in Eastern Hospital after being attacked with a meat cleaver by an unidentified man in a motorcycle helmet on Tai On Street in Sai Wan Ho. The assailant is reported to have struck Lau in the back several times before escaping on a motorcycle with an accomplice. The…  
8724. Back to a Maoist Future: 2013 Report on Press Freedom in China and Hong Kong  

2013 IFJ Annual Report on Press Freedom in China and Hong Kong The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today releases the sixth annual China Press Freedom Report, titled “Back to a Maoist Future: Press Freedom in China 2013”. The report, launched at the Foreign Correspondents Club in Hong Kong, documents the continued deterioration of press freedoms in Mainland China, as well as Hong Kong and Macau. It takes its title in direct response to Chinese authorities adopting more repressive measures in 2013 reminiscent of the Mao era four decades ago, including direct censorship, internet surveillance, abuse of legal process, harassment and intimidation, and televised confessions of…  
8725. IFJ/FAJ Condemn Sacking of 60 Journalists and Media Workers in Uganda  

The International federation of Journalists (IFJ) today has joined its African regional group the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) to condemn vigorously the sacking of 60 media workers including journalists in Uganda. According to the Uganda Journalists Union (UJU) an IFJ/FAJ affiliate, Channel Wavah Broadcasting Services (WBS) a TV channel based in Kampala, capital city of Uganda, has sacked the workers in a major exercise that management says is aimed at cost - cutting. “Sacking 60 workers is not the best way to cut costs. The sudden move is against the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and all other ILO standards”. “We condemn the decision and call on the…  
8726. IFJ Calls on Affiliates to Share Cases of Women Journalists Subjected to Violence  

In a letter addressed to its affiliates today, 18th November, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called on its affiliates to join a world action  to mark international day for the elimination of violence against women on 25th November 2013.Following a decision by the Steering Committee of the Gender Council  to take GLOBAL ACTION on November 25 and launch a working group and campaign on that day, IFJ affiliates are requested to send cases of women journalists that have been killed, attacked, threatened, bullied and harassed in the course of their profession. Read the letter In English, French or SpanishThe deadline for contributing is 20th November.…  
8727. Journalists Protest against Philippines Cybercrime Laws  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in condemning the decision by the Philippine Supreme Court on Tuesday February 18 to uphold the constitutionality of the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012. The NUJP alongside other media and free speech organisations held ‘Black Tuesday’ protests across the Philippines, online and on social media on February 25 to rally media workers and free speech activists against the controversial decision to uphold the 2012 laws that criminalise a host of online activities including libel, system and data interferences and illegal access and interception of computer and…  
8728. Thousands Rally for “Free Speech – Free Hong Kong”  

An estimated six thousand people joined International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) affiliate, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) in a march to the Hong Kong Chief Executive’s Office on Sunday, February 23, to demand Leung Chun-ying keep to his election promise to defend press freedom. The IFJ this week calls on Leung Chun-ying to formally answer to those concerns. Speaking at the “Free Speech – Free Hong Kong“ rally, HKJA Chairperson Sham Yee-Lan said that the muzzling of the city's press had become increasingly rampant – as documented by the IFJ. In her address, the HKJA chair outlined an alarming environment where “critical headlines are removed, where pictures are edited…  
8729. Macau Government appoints civil servant as president of public broadcaster  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned about the Macau Government’s decision to appoint a civil servant to the position of president of the public broadcaster. The Macau government has appointed Manuel Goncalves Pires Junior as President of the Executive Committee of Teledifusao De Macau (TDM) from March 1. Goncalves Pires Junior is currently President of TDM’s Board of Directors and also Deputy Director of the Tourist Office of Macau. The current President of the Executive Committee, Leong Kam-Chun, is a professional auditor who was an elected legislator in Macau in the 1980s. During his time at TDM, Leong made reforms that were largely accepted by TDM…  
8730. FEPALC se solidariza con los compañeros venezolanos y llama a la paz  

La Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe (FEPALC) sigue con preocupación los trágicos acontecimientos acontecidos últimamente en Venezuela. Los periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe, agremiados en esta Federación, en solidaridad con sus compañeros y, en especial, con el Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa de Venezuela piden: 1) Que se garantice la libertad de expresión y de prensa en Venezuela. Esto significa asegurar la viabilidad de la prensa en todos sus aspectos. Es decir, tanto en la comunicación pública y privada, en las plataformas de periodismo tradicionales como prensa, televisión o radio y también en las nuevas formas digitales. La FEPALC…  
8731. Thousands Rally for “Free Speech – Free Hong Kong”  

An estimated six thousand people joined International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) affiliate, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) in a march to the Hong Kong Chief Executive’s Office on Sunday, February 23, to demand Leung Chun-ying keep to his election promise to defend press freedom. The IFJ this week calls on Leung Chun-ying to formally answer to those concerns. Speaking at the “Free Speech – Free Hong Kong“ rally, HKJA Chairperson Sham Yee-Lan said that the muzzling of the city's press had become increasingly rampant – as documented by the IFJ. In her address, the HKJA chair outlined an alarming environment where “critical headlines are removed, where pictures are edited…  
8732. Journalists to Challenge Ukraine in European Court of Human Rights  

The National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), the Ukrainian Association of Press Publishers (UAPP) and the Association of Independent Regional Press Publishers of Ukraine (AIRPU), have decided to initiate a lawsuit on behalf of the 168 journalists who have been attacked in Ukraine, since 23 November 2013 (one killed, 167 injured). The NUJU (member of the International Federation of Journalists and the European Federation of Journalists) and the Ukrainian publishers have already appointed lawyers from the law firm "Right 24" to bring Ukraine to the European Court of Human Rights for violations of the fundamental rights of journalists. On Thursday, 20 February, the…  
8733. FIP lanza convocatoria para Director/a regional para su oficina de América Latina  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas, FIP, en coordinación con su grupo regional, la Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe, FEPALC, abre el proceso de selección para el cargo de DIRECTOR/A DE LA OFICINA REGIONAL DE LA FIP PARA AMÉRICA LATINA.   La Oficina Regional de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas para América Latina (LARO), ubicada en Buenos Aires, Argentina, es el referente central para los periodistas y sus sindicatos en la región por su defensa de los derechos sociales y protección, el desarrollo mediático y la promoción del sindicalismo y la solidaridad profesional.  El rol de la oficina es desarrollar la capacidad de los…  
8734. Violence Against Journalists in Ukraine Demands International Engagement  

The International Partnership Mission on Safety and Protection of Journalists and Press Freedom in Ukraine, meeting in Kiev on 19 and 20 February 2014, heard testimony and witness accounts from a wide variety of stakeholders and found: - an appalling number of cases of violence and harassment against journalists, including the murder of Vesti journalist Vyacheslav Veremyi; - clear evidence that journalists, other media workers, and media organisations are being directly targeted and attacked because of their work; - a culture of impunity caused by failure to investigate and prosecute crimes against journalists, media workers, and media organisations; - that authorities have engaged in…  
8735. IFJ Catalogues Ongoing Press Freedom Violations in Hong Kong  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today released a catalogue of press freedom violations in Hong Kong dating back nine months and called on the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, Leung Chun-Ying to take steps to protect freedom of expression in Hong Kong. The list of incidents between June 2013 and February 2014, paint a concerning picture of constricting press freedom in Hong Kong with the IFJ receiving reports of incidents at least every month over the past nine months. “The IFJ is concerned at the frequency and pattern of media incidents that range from physical attacks and death threats through to attempts to influence media independence by economic forces and direct…  
8736. IFJ/EFJ Condemn Murder of Ukrainian Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have joined international condemnation of the murder of a journalist in Kiev and injuries to countless others during the latest violent outbreaks in Ukraine. The IFJ and EFJ have called on all sides involved in the ongoing protests to end the deliberate targeting of journalists and to uphold the freedom and safety of media professionals who are doing their jobs and reporting on events that are in the public interest. According to reports, Vyacheslav Veremei, a journalist working for Vesti, was last night shot by unknown assailants on Kiev's Velyka Zhytomyrska Street while returning from work…  
8737. Media Safety Conference in Yemen  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists' Syndicate (YJS), brought together one of the most representative meetings in Yemen of journalists, unions representatives, media organisations and government officials on 19 February, 2014.  Entitled "Media Safety in Yemen; Coordination Meeting of National Actors in Yemen", the conference took place in the wake of increased attacks against journalists in recent weeks including broadcasters, reporters and other media workers who have been abused, beaten up and threatened, and others who escaped kidnapping by unidentified gunmen.Addressing government representatives, IFJ President,…  
8738. IFJ and Yemeni Affiliate Organise Major Media Safety Conference  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists' Syndicate (YJS), today, 19 February, brought together one of the most representative meetings in Yemen of journalists, unions representatives, media organisations and government officials. Entitled "Media Safety in Yemen; Coordination Meeting of National Actors in Yemen", the conference took place in the wake of increased attacks against journalists in recent weeks including broadcasters, reporters and other media workers who have been abused, beaten up and threatened, and others who escaped kidnapping by unidentified gunmen. Addressing government representatives, IFJ President, Jim…  
8739. IFJ Says Miranda Ruling Attacks Media Rights and Freedom  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its UK affiliate, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), in condemning today's judgement by the UK Court of Appeal that it was lawful for police to seize material from David Miranda at Heathrow airport last August.Mr Miranda, the spouse of then Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald, was carrying encrypted material based on information supplied by Edward Snowden, who had revealed worldwide spying by the United States National Security Agency, with the co-operation of Britain's GCHQ, on millions of emails and phone calls.According to reports, judges in the case accepted that Miranda's detention and the seizure of computer material…  
8740. International Partnership Mission Condemns Violence Against Journalists in Ukraine  

The International Partnership Mission on the safety and protection of journalists and press freedom in Ukraine, currently in Kiev, strongly condemns the violence that today claimed the life of Vesti correspondent Vyacheslav Veremyi and left at least 27 journalists injured The delegation of national and international freedom of expression and media support groups, which includes the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), calls on Ukrainian authorities to allow an immediate, independent, and transparent investigation and to bring those responsible to justice. "Over 167 journalists have been injured since the beginning of the…  
8741. Journalist Murdered in Ukraine as Violence Flares Up  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have joined international condemnation of the murder of a journalist in Kiev and injuries to countless others during the latest violent outbreaks in Ukraine. The IFJ and EFJ have called on all sides involved in the ongoing protests to end the deliberate targeting of journalists and to uphold the freedom and safety of media professionals who are doing their jobs and reporting on events that are in the public interest. According to reports, Vyacheslav Veremei, a journalist working for Vesti, was last night shot by unknown assailants on Kiev's Velyka Zhytomyrska Street while…  
8742. Five Journalists Injured in Thailand Bombings  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has reaffirmed its stance on the need for security of journalists working in Thailand to be assured after five journalists were injured in two separate incidents this week. Clashes in Bangkok between protesters and police on Tuesday, February 18, at Phan Fah Bridge resulted in the hospitalisation of Jordi Calvet, a Spanish journalist working for Agencia EFE. Calvert suffered shrapnel-related injuries. Four journalists were also reportedly injured by a bomb blast in Narathiwat's Yi Ngor district in Southern Thailand on the night of February 17 as they were inspecting and reporting the scene of another explosion from earlier that day. The…  
8743. Viacheslav Veremii  

The journalist for Vesti newspaper died of wounds he sustained in attack allegedly by the” tityshki” , a group of youths who have been accused of working in collusion with security forces in Ukraine, according to the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine, an IFJ affiliate. The Union said that Veremii was shot and fatally wounded in the stomach. He was admitted to hospital where he later died.  
8744. Fresh Visa Restrictions for Foreign Journalists Working in Myanmar  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Myanmar Journalists Association (MJA) are deeply concerned about the announcement of new visa restrictions on foreign media working in Myanmar that means many correspondents and reporters previously granted three-month visas will now only be allowed to work in the country for a month. The IFJ has also warned that the withholding or control on the issuance of visas appeared to be another means of restricting and controlling the media in the fledgling democracy. Under the visa changes, correspondents based in a foreign news bureau would be granted multiple six-month visas, while journalists seen as providing…  
8745. IFJ/EFJ Taking Part in International Mission to Ukraine  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) are taking part in an international fact finding mission to Ukraine to gather first-hand information about the problems facing the country's journalists and offer them solidarity and support.   The international mission, taking place from 19-21 February, has been arranged in partnership with a number of international professional associations and freedom of expression groups. The mission has been organised in response to a tumultuous period of political and social unrest in Ukraine during which freedom of expression has been continuously violated and it is estimated that over 150…  
8746. IFJ Backs UK Protest to Demand Release of Journalists Jailed in Egypt  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined it UK affiliate, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), to demand an end to the intimidation of journalists and media suppression in Egypt and to call for the immediate release of all detained journalists.Tomorrow morning, Wednesday 19 February, journalists, politicians and human rights activists will gather outside the Egyptian embassy in London to call for the release of jailed journalists in the country. The demonstration, organised by the NUJ, is being held the day before the trial of four journalists begins in Egypt. The journalists face charges that could see foreign-born journalists face up to seven years in jail, and…  
8747. Two Media Offices Attacked in Karachi as Pakistan Media Violence Continues  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is gravely concerned about the ongoing violence targeted against journalists in Pakistan after two separate media organisations were attacked with hand grenades on the evening of Monday, February 17. IFJ affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) has reported that the offices of news channel Aaj Group (Daily Business Recorder) and Daily Nawai-e-Waqt Group (Waqt TV) were attacked the same night. A blast outside the main gate of the Aaj Group offices injured a security guard and an unexploded device was later found outside the Daily Nawai-e-Waqt Group’s offices in the same Gurumandir area of Karachi. The grenade that…  
8748. Germain Kennedy Muliwavyo  

The reporter for Radio Télé Muungano was killed during clashes between the Congolese army and rebels of the Uganda Liberation Army ( ADF-Nalu) in Beni, northern Kivu, the AFP reported. The journalist, who was embedded with the DRC army during their offensive against the rebels, was shot while sitting with two colleagues in a military supply vehicle which came under attack. He was fatally injured and died later of his wounds. The other journalists were also injured but their life was not thought to be in danger, the AFP added, quoting the DRC Minister of Information and government’s spokesperson, Lambert Mende.  
8749. SNTP: Sobre el Papel y la Amenaza a los Medios Impresios en Venezuela  

El año 2014 se inició con una severa y real amenaza en contra de 30 mil puestos de trabajo directos y 70 mil indirectos. La totalidad de la prensa escrita en el país (cerca de 100 periódicos) no cuenta con los recursos necesarios para la importación del papel, las planchas y las tintas, porque el Gobierno nacional (a través del Centro Nacional de Comercio Exterior) no ha liquidado las divisas solicitadas por estos medios (tomen en cuenta que en Venezuela existe un control de cambio y la única forma lícita de importar es comprándole los dólares al propio Estado).  Hay medios con los que se mantiene un retraso en la liquidación de más de un año y en los casos en que menos retraso hay,…  
8750. FATPREN: Amenazan a periodistas argentinos del Diario El Sol  

La Federación Argentina de Trabajadores de Prensa (FATPREN) acompaña al Sindicato de Prensa de Mendoza en su solidardad con la situación que afrontan colegas de Diario El Sol quienes, según determinaron autoridades de Seguridad, están en la mira de la banda ligada al narcotráfico cuyas actividades publicaron.  Reclamamos protección y garantías, no sólo, para la integridad física de nuestros colegas y sus familias sino también para su integridad profesional, por el alto riesgo y el compromiso social que entraña una investigación periodística de esta índole, sobre hechos que atentan contra la sociedad toda, cuya denuncia constituye, además, un llamado de atención a quienes deben…  
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