15063 results:

9101. New office bearers of Free Media Movement  

Media Release: Sri Lanka July 2, 2013 The International Federation of Journalists congratulates the newly elected office bearers of Sri Lanka’s Free Media Movement (FMM). The elected positions were announced at the 21st annual general meeting of the FMM was held on May 28th 2013 at the Auditorium of the Sri Lanka Press Institute (SLPI). Convenor - Sunil Jayasekara Secretary - Kumara Alagiyawanna Treasurer - Azam Ameen Asst. Secretary - Dileesha Abeysundara Executive Committee Members 1. Seetha Ranjanee 2. Udaya Kalupathirana 3. B. M Murishideen 4. Sidath Mendis 5. C. Dodawatta 6. Ananda Jayasekara 7. Sujeewa Senarath 8. R. Shadagopan 9.…  
9102. Cambodian Government Lifts Ban on Airing of Foreign Radio Programs  

Media Release: Cambodia July 1, 2013 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Cambodian affiliates welcomes the Cambodian Government reversal of a ban on foreign media content being broadcast in the lead up to the Cambodian general election next month. The original directive which banned foreign content was issued on 25 June 2013 and stated that any local stations found in violation of the directive would face legal action. The Cambodian Government originally claimed that the directive was issued as foreign reports were not neutral and were therefore playing an active role in the campaign. The Cambodia Peoples Party (CPP) are…  
9104. European Court of Justice supports levies for reprographic devices  

The Court of Justice of the European Union ruled on 27th June that  member states can put in place a system in which a levy is paid by printers manufacturers to compensate authors for unauthorized reproduction of their work. This compensation must not be subtancially different from the amount fixed for a reproduction obtained by means of a single device.The ruling also states that even if a rightholder has authorised the reproduction of his work, the fair compensation can apply.It also says that technological protection measures cannot render inapplicable the conditions under which fair compensation applies.This decision follows a request made between German collecting society VG Wort…  
9105. IFJ/EFJ Welcome Victory of French Reporter over Defamation  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its European group, the Federation of Journalists (EFJ), have today welcomed the ruling of a court in France which upheld the claim brought by France 2 correspondent Charles Enderlin for defamation against media analyst Phillippe Karsenty. On Wednesday, 26 June, the Paris Court of Appeals ruled that Mr Karsenty, founder of the Media Rating website, was guilty of defamation for accusing Mr Enderlin, Jerusalem correspondent for French public broadcaster France 2, of staging TV footage about the killing of Mohammed Al Dura, a Palestinian boy who was reportedly shot dead by Israeli forces in Gaza on 30 September…  
9106. How evidence is planted on journalists  

Esben Ørberg, the EFJ delegate from the Danish Journalists' Union (DJ) tells his dismay and shock of the visit to Europe's biggest court house in Istanbul and the court hearing of imprisoned journalist, Füsun Erdogan. DJ has ‘adopted' Erdogan as parts of the ongoing EFJ campaign to Set Journalists Freed in Turkey.   How evidence is planted on journalists (Istanbul, 3 June 2013) I just managed to grab her hands for a quick greeting before the security guards surrounded the 50-year-old journalist Füsun Erdogan forming a human barrier between us.  Erdogan was quickly taken away from the courtroom in Europe's biggest court house, on the…  
9107. European Court of Justice supports levies for reprographic devices  

The Court of Justice of the European Union ruled on 27th June that  member states can put in place a system in which a levy is paid by printers manufacturers to compensate authors for unauthorized reproduction of their work. This compensation must not be subtancially different from the amount fixed for a reproduction obtained by means of a single device.The ruling also states that even if a rightholder has authorised the reproduction of his work, the fair compensation can apply.It also says that technological protection measures cannot render inapplicable the conditions under which fair compensation applies.This decision follows a request made between German…  
9108. Who makes money with content? EFJ speaks at European Dialogue on Internet Governance  

Lisbon, 21 June 2013Mike Holderness, chair of the IFJ/EFJ Authors' rights expert group (AREG) gave a presentation at the European Dialogue Internet Governance in the session Who makes money with content? Who should pay for content?"It is vital to society that it be possible to make a living as a professional, independent journalist, to hold power to account", he said.Holderness differenciates creative works from "content". He recalls in particular that fundamental principles of droit d'auteur are about rights of the individual, not commoditised content. Looking at Google's business model he points out that free information on the net  will ultimately mean that…  
9109. Who makes money with content? EFJ speaks at European Dialogue on Internet Governance  

Lisbon, 21 June 2013Mike Holderness, chair of the IFJ/EFJ Authors' rights expert group (AREG) gave a presentation at the European Dialogue Internet Governance in the session Who makes money with content? Who should pay for content?"It is vital to society that it be possible to make a living as a professional, independent journalist, to hold power to account", he said.Holderness differenciates creative works from "content". He recalls in particular that fundamental principles of droit d'auteur are about rights of the individual, not commoditised content. Looking at Google's business model he points out that free information on the net  will ultimately mean that…  
9110. Who makes money with content? EFJ speaks at European Dialogue on Internet Governance  

Lisbon, 21 June 2013Mike Holderness, chair of the IFJ/EFJ Authors' rights expert group (AREG) gave a presentation at the European Dialogue Internet Governance in the session Who makes money with content? Who should pay for content?"It is vital to society that it be possible to make a living as a professional, independent journalist, to hold power to account", he said.Holderness differenciates creative works from "content". He recalls in particular that fundamental principles of droit d'auteur are about rights of the individual, not commoditised content. Looking at Google's business model he points out that free information on the net  will ultimately mean that there is nothing…  
9111. Press Freedom Should Be Key Indicator of Democratic Change in Iran, Says IFJ  

The election of President Hassan Rohani in Iran provides a window of opportunity for democratic change, a round table discussion hosted by the European Parliament yesterday concluded. The event, jointly organised by the Tarja Cronberg MEP and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), brought together members of the European Parliament, IFJ leaders, Iranian journalists and writers. "There is a window of opportunity for change in Iran," said Ms Cronberg, Chair of the European Parliament delegation on Iran, who moderated the discussion. "On the eve of the election, candidate Rohani promised to release all political prisoners."   IFJ President, Jim Boumelha,…  
9112. Protests as Journalists are Arrested on Criminal Charges in Nepal  

Media Release: Nepal                                                                                        June 24, 2013                    The International Federation of Journalists…  
9113. IFJ Affiliates form the ‘Southeast Asian Journalists’ Unions Network’  

Media Release: South East Asia                                                                           June 21, 2013 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), with funding provided by the Swedish Government’s LOTCO program, held a meeting and workshop with South East Asia affiliates in Phnom Penh, Cambodia between the 16 – 18th June to create solidarity and a stronger regional network.  During the meeting, the affiliate unions from Cambodia,…  
9114. IFJ Raises Serious Concerns Over The Security of Journalists Ahead of July Polls in Zimbabwe  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today has expressed serious concerns on the security of journalists in Zimbabwe ahead of the July presidential election.  The Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ), an IFJ affiliate has documented several cases of attacks against journalists and press freedom. “We call on authorities in Zimbabwe to protect journalists and promote press freedom as guaranteed by the country’s Constitution,” said Gabriel Baglo, IFJ Africa Director. “Journalists must not be sacrificed by political groups during the upcoming polls”. These elections are crucial for the country’s stability and are due to take place on July 31, though…  
9115. Global Unions Call for Immediate End to Repression in Turkey  

Global Unions, collectively representing over 200 million union members, including in Turkey, stand in solidarity with the people of Turkey.Our organisations wish to reiterate their serious concern at the repeated use of brutal and excessive measures including rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannon by government security forces against people peacefully exercising their rights.Global Unions and their members believe that the right to peaceful demonstration and freedom of assembly are basic elements of genuine democracy. However, instead of respecting that right, the Erdo?an Government appears to engage in repression as a regular practice. For example, still fresh in our minds are the…  
9116. EFJ Condemns Continuous Targeting of Journalists in Turkey after Police Raid  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has today condemned the continuous targeting of journalists and media organisations following the police raid on the residences of journalists working for the daily newspaper Atilim, Özgür Radio and Etkin News Agency yesterday morning.   According to the Turkish Journalists' Union (TGS), the police raided the residences of Sedat ?eno?lu, general editorial coordinator of the daily At?l?m, Selvi Co?ar of Özgür Radio and the news editor of Etkin news agency, Derya Okatan as part of operations launched against the anti-government demonstration, #occupygezi. Following the raid, Sedat ?eno?lu and Selvi Co?ar were taken into…  
9117. Thomas Pere  

The Freelance journalist and contributor to New Vision newspaper was killed by unidentified assailants. According to the New Vision’s management, the body of Pere was found in a pool of blood on Entebbe road in Masajja, a few kilometers south west of the capital city, Kampala.The Uganda Journalists’ Union (UJU), an IFJ affiliate, said that there were injuries all over the journalist’s body but no signs of struggle at the scene, leading the police to suggest that Pere had been killed elsewhere and his body dumped by the roadside.Police recovered the victim’s possessions on his body , including ID documents, press card, ATM cards, phone and  wallets, UJU added.  
9118. Michael Hastings  

The leading American journalist and war correspondent was killed  in car crash in Los Angeles, his employer, news website BuzzFeed, has confirmed.His vehicle hit a tree and caught fire on Tuesday morning, according to US media report.The accident which killed Mr Hastings is thought to have occurred on Highland Avenue in the Hancock Park neighbourhood.Authorities confirmed a man had been killed in a car crash there on Tuesday morning, but would not confirm his identity.  
9119. IFJ Presses President-Elect in Iran on Journalists' Union Closure  

The International Federation of Journalists( IFJ) today called on Iran's President - elect Hassan Rohani to make good on the promises he made after clinching the presidency in last week' s poll. At his first press conference on Monday, President-elect Rohani was asked about the closure of the office of the Association of Iranian Journalists( AoIJ), an IFJ affiliate. He replied that "guilds and associations are the best ways to run social affairs of the society." The IFJ reacted by writing to the new leader, welcoming his new approach to civil liberties , especially journalists' rights. "We welcome your response regarding the Association of Iranian Journalists closed down since 2009,"…  
9120. The FAJ Condemns the Killing of a Journalist in Uganda  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) has today condemned the killing of freelance journalist, Thomas Pere, of the New Vision Newspaper, on Sunday, June 16, 2013. “Thomas Père was found dead in a pool of blood in Masjja, a few kilometers south east of the capital, Kampala on the Entebbe road.  According to the Ugandan Journalists Union (UJU) an affiliate of FAJ, “The deceased had injuries all over his body but there were no signs of a struggle at the scene of the crime”, with the police indicating that the crime could have been committed elsewhere, and the body dumped in the trench.  “The police were able to recover Thomas’s employment Identification Card, ATM Cards,…  
9121. IFJ Urges Action on Court's Order to Restore Public Broadcaster in Greece  

A court in Athens yesterday suspended the government's decision of last week to shut down the country's public broadcaster after ERT was abruptly taken off air on Tuesday 11 June 2013. The media workers at ERT challenged the decree before the Council of State, Greece's highest administrative court which suspended the decision to cease ERT transmissions and to switch off its frequencies. It ordered the programmes to continue but also upheld the plan of Prime Minister Antonis Samaras to replace ERT with a smaller broadcaster, according to media reports.The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its European group, the Federation of European Journalists (EFJ) today welcomed the…  
9122. IFJ Affiliates in South East Asia Form New Network  

Journalists Unions and Associations in South East Asia, affiliated with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), have formed a new network aimed at tackling issues affecting journalists' safety, rights and freedoms in the region.The ‘Southeast Asian Journalists' Unions Network,' formed during a meeting of the affiliates in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, aims to build strength between the unions and stand in solidarity on issues such as press freedom, labour rights and gender equality. "This newly formed network of affiliates represents a very positive step forward for the region," said Jacqui Park, Director of the IFJ Asia-Pacific Office. "The network will mean the…  
9123. Journalists Call for International Action to End Crackdown on Media in Turkey  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), today condemned unreservedly the violence and arrests of journalists that took place during the crackdown on the Taksim Square protesters this weekend. According to the TGS (Turkish Journalists Syndicate), at least four journalists have been arrested, photographers have had their pictures deleted, and cameramen have been targeted by tear gas and water cannon. In a more sinister move, four TV companies have been fined by the Radio and Television High Council over their reporting of the demonstrations while the Daily Taraf publication has also been banned. Meanwhile…  
9124. Audiovisual Social Partners Call for Reopen of ERT in Greece  

The EU Audiovisual Sector Social Dialogue Committee (AVSDC) has today expressed its profound dismay at reports that the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (ERT) has been shut down.   In a joint letter signed by the trade bodies representing media workers and broadcasters in the audio-visual sector across Europe includnig the European Federation of Journalists, it called upon the Greek Prime Minister, Antonis Samaras to immediately reverse this decision. It further called on the European Commission to use its powers within its competences to support the continuation of all the components of public service media in Greece - the…  
9125. Greek Public Broadcasting Belongs to the Greek People - Solidarity Protest in Brussels  

Today the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and UNI Global Union Media Entertainment & Arts (UNI-MEI), together with their member organisations in Belgium, expressed their solidarity with the Greek journalists, media workers and citizens who are fighting for the independence of the public media in Greece and resist the closure of the public broadcaster ERT.  At a rally outside the Greek Embassy in, Brussels, Belgium, the organisations applauded the hard work and spirit of Greek journalists, media workers and unions and called on Prime Minister, Antonis Samaras, to reverse this incomprehensible and dangerous…  
9126. The everyday sexism project  

The Everyday Sexism Project is a valuable initiative highlighting and collecting instances of sexism experienced by women on a day to day basis. By sharing openly their stories contributors want to show that sexism does exist, it is faced by women everyday and it is a valid problem to discuss. Check their web site: http://www.everydaysexism.com  
9127. The everyday sexism project  

The Everyday Sexism Project is a valuable initiative highlighting and collecting instances of sexism experienced by women on a day to day basis. By sharing openly their stories contributors want to show that sexism does exist, it is faced by women everyday and it is a valid problem to discuss. Check their web site: http://www.everydaysexism.com  
9128. Sri Lankan Government Must Reconsider Move to Introduce Ethics Code for Media  

Media release: Sri Lanka June 14, 2013     The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins partners and affiliates in Sri Lanka in calling on the Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) to reconsider its move to introduce a code of ethics for the country’s media.   Early in June, the Ministry of Mass Media and Information in the GoSL introduced a three-thousand word document titled “Code of Media Ethics” in Parliament. There is as yet no official explanation on the exact status of this code. Media commentary in Sri Lanka though sees this initiative by the GoSL as the prelude to enforcing an intrusive set of norms that could considerably…  
9129. IFJ/EFJ Call for Affiliates to Take Action in Support of Greek Colleagues  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have called for affiliates across the world to support their colleagues sacked from Greek broadcasting station TV and fight to reverse the "deplorable" decision. The IFJ/EFJ are calling on affiliates to show their support by holding demonstrations outside the Greek embassies in their countries. IFJ/EFJ, along with the AVBB (General Association of Professional Journalists of Belgium), are calling on journalists and media workers to come along to a protest of solidarity outside the Greek embassy in Brussels, at Karmelietenstraat 10, near Porte de Namur,…  
9130. IFJ Calls for Immediate Release of Two Journalists Imprisoned in Iraq  

The International Federation of Journalists has demanded the immediate release of two journalists imprisoned in Baghdad.According to the Iraqi Journalists' Syndicate (IJS), Mohamed Fouad Tawfik, a photographer at the Iraqi News Agency ANB, and his assistant Afdal Jouma, were arrested and imprisoned by forces from the Ministry of Defence after being summoned to its offices under false pretenses on 4 June. "We call for the immediate release of these journalists who have been arrested and detained under false and illegal pretenses and have done nothing to warrant such an action by the authorities in Iraq," said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. "Their detention is a restriction of…  
9131. ‘Stop Targeting Press and Cease Police Brutality’ Demands Journalists' Union of Turkey  

EFJ affiliate The Journalists' Union of Turkey (TGS - Türkiye Gazeteciler Sendikasi), and the Journalists Platform, have issued a statement following a series of violent and unwarranted attacks against journalists during the unrest in Turkey in recent weeks:                         "During the police attack yesterday in Taksim, Star Haber correspondent Osman Terkan's finger was broken when it was hit by the gas canister. Star Haber correspondent Murat Uslu was also wounded on his abdomen by a rubber bullet fired by a cop targeted from 10 meters. We have been…  
9132. Journalist and Broadcasting Pioneer Threatened by Maoists in India  

  Media Release: India                                                                                         June 13, 2013                      The International Federation of…  
9133. Yara Abbas  

The female television correspondent for Al-Ikhbariyah TV, a pro-government channel, was killed while covering clashes near the border with Lebanon, according to media reports quoting the Syrian Information Ministry sources.The war reporter was reportedly attacked by rebels near the town of Qusayr in Homs province, the ministry said in a statement carried by Syrian state television.The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights activist group also reported her death on Monday, saying she "was killed by a sniper close to Dabaa airport", north of Qusayr.The group said other members of Abbas's crew were wounded, without providing further details.Source: Al- Jazeera  
9134. IFJ Mourns Respected Iraqi Journalist Murdered in Baghdad  

The International Federation of Journalists has condemned the murder of an Iraqi journalist who was killed in a terrorist attack in Baghdad on Sunday, 9 June. According to IFJ affiliate, the Iraqi Journalists' Syndicate (IJS), the body of well-known journalist, Zamel Ghannam al Zoubaie, was found in the al Washwash area of western Baghdad on Sunday. "We mourn the death of our colleague who was murdered in a cowardly and senseless attack," said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. "This is the second murder of a journalist in Iraq in recent months, a death toll which simply cannot be tolerated. We call on the authorities in Iraq to take urgent steps to bring those responsible for the death of…  
9135. Zamel Ghannam al Zoubaie  

The body of well-known journalist, Zamel Ghannam al Zoubaie, was found in the al Washwash area of western Baghdad on Sunday, according to  the IFJ affiliate, the Iraqi Journalists' Syndicate (IJS). He had been killed in a terrorist attack, the IJS said.Mr Zoubaie was a member of the IJS since the 1980's. He worked for the Iraqi News Agency from the 90's up to 2004 and then worked as a freelancer for a number of media organisations in Iraq.  
9136. Journalists Community Condemns Closure of Greek Public Broadcaster ERT  

The signatories, meeting in Cyprus to promote diversity in the media, have learned with indignation and shock of the brutal closure of the public broadcasting service in Greece. The signatories demand that the Greek government reverse this decision without delay. Public broadcasting is a precondition of pluralism and of the quality of TV and radio programmes. The signatories express their full solidarity with their Greek colleagues and call upon the media across Europe to condemn this authoritarian suppression of public-service broadcasting. The massive, imposed cuts in public employment are an inadequate response to the economic and financial crisis. The decision by the Greek…  
9137. IFJ/EFJ Call for Greek Government to Revoke Closure of Public Broadcaster  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and their Greek affiliates, the Panhellenic Federation of Journalists' Union (PFJU), the Journalists' Union of Athens Daily Newspapers (JUADN), the Journalists' Union of Macedonia and Thrace Daily Newspapers (ESIEMTH) and the Periodical and Electronic Press Union (PEPU), have called on the Greek government to immediately revoke their unprecedented decision to close down its public broadcasting station ERT. Yesterday the Greek government decided to shut down the public broadcasting organisation's three TV stations, radio and regional radio stations, satellite emissions and internet…  
9138. IFJ World Congress Elects New Board  

The World Congress of the International Federation of Journalists, meeting in Dublin, has elected the members of the Administrative Committee and its advisers. They are as follows: President, Jim Boumelha, President (NUJ, Great Britain and Ireland)Senior Vice President, Youness M'Jahed (SNPM, Morocco)Vice President, Celso Schröder (FENAJ, Brazil)Vice President, Jasmina Popovich (TUCJ, Croatia)Honorary Treasurer, Wolfgang Mayer (Ver.di, Germany)The following have been elected as IFJ Advisers:Abdal Nasser Najjar (PJS, Palestine)  283Zuliana Lainez Otero (ANP-FNTCS, Peru)  244Pervaiz Shaukat (PFUJ,Pakistan)  243Moaid Allami (IJS, Iraq)  234Mohammed Garba (NUJ,…  
9139. IFJ World Congress approves urgent motion on the events in Turkey  

The World Congress of the IFJ, meeting in Dublin, have approved the following motion:Proposed by AGJPB-ABVV (Belgium), the Basin-Sen (Cyprus), the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), the SNJ-CGT (France), USJ-CFDT (France), the SNJ (France) The RFJ MediaSind (Romania), the FNSI (Italy), SJF (Sweden), FAPE (Spain), CCOO (Spain), FeSP (Spain), SJP (Portugal), the Syndicom (Switzerland), the SSNM (Macedonia), AJI (Indonesia), the MAV (Vanuatu), the UJF (Finland), the NJ (Norway), DJU in verdi (Germany)The World Congress of the International Federation of Journalists, meeting in Dublin (Ireland), from 4 to 7 June 2013,deploring the disproportionate use of force, the massive use of tear gas,…  
9140. IFJ Congress Elects President  

The IFJ World Congress, meeting in Dublin Castle, yesterday re-elected Jim Boumelha (NUJ, UK & Ireland) as the President for another three years.The two candidates that stood for the Presidential election were: Philippe Leruth, a respected Belgian journalist who has been the Vice-President of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) for the past nine years, and Jim Boumelha, who was first elected as President at the Moscow Congress in 2007. Before then he was IFJ Honorary Treasurer for two cycles.In a close vote, Mr Boumelha was elected with 191 votes, against 178 votes for Mr Leruth (AGJPB, Belgium). There were 2 abstentions.  The two candidates agreed that they would not…  
9141. IFJ World Congress Reelects Jim Boumelha as President  

The World Congress of the International Federation of Journalists, meeting in Dublin, Ireland, has elected Jim Boumelha as President.Jim Boumelha has been re-elected for the third term as IFJ President. He was first elected as president at the Moscow congress in 2007. Before then he was IFJ Honorary Treasurer for two cycles.He has served on the national executive of his union, the National Union of Journalists UK and Ireland, and was its past President.  
9142. World Congress Study Reveals Vital Need for Training of Journalists  

There is an urgent need to provide better training opportunities for journalists across the world, a study by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has found.According to the study, which was carried out with journalists taking part in the IFJ World Congress in Dublin, unions in 75% of countries across the world think training for journalists in their country is currently insufficient or only partly sufficient.The study also showed that increasing numbers of journalists are being forced to carry out their work online. In Europe the figure is nearly 50%, while in European countries such as Switzerland, Germany and Finland the figure is closer to 80%. Outside Europe, 30.8%…  
9143. IFJ Congress Holds Commemoration and Freedom Walk for Killed Journalists Across the World  

A special Freedom Walk to commemorate the 408 journalists across the world who have died in the service of their profession in the last three years was held in Dublin this evening.Around 300 journalists from around the world involved in the International Federation of Journalists' (IFJ) World Congress took part in the moving Stand Up For Journalism Freedom Walk, from Dubh Linn Garden to Dublin City Hall. Delegates carried 408 carnations, one for each journalist who has lost their life over the last three years.Commenting on the commemoration event, IFJ General Secretary, Beth Costa, said: "This Freedom Walk demonstrates our solidarity with those who have died because they…  
9144. Watch videos of the IFJ World Congress So Far  

You can now watch short films featuring coverage of the last two days of the IFJ World Congress week in Dublin - including a film on last night's very special opening ceremony.The videos are available on the video section at the bottom left side of this Congress website, but you can also just follow the links below to view them.To view the exciting Opening Ceremony of the World Congress yesterday at Royal Hospital Kilmainham in Dublin, featuring speeches from President of Ireland, Michael D Higgins, and IFJ President, Jim Boumelha, as well as plenty of song and music, please click HERE.You can also watch a short Congress film which was shown at the start of today's Congress and shows…  
9145. President of Ireland Speaks of Need to Protect Media Diversity at IFJ World Congress Launch  

The President of Ireland, Mr Michael D Higgins, has stressed the need to protect media diversity and pluralism at the opening ceremony of the International Federation of Journalists’ World Congress in Dublin this evening.Opening the World Congress, President Higgins warned of the dangers of "identifit news organisations chasing the same narrow commercial ground" and emphasised the importance of a free press to democractic society."Pluralism, real diversity and choice are critical and should never be reduced to a false choice between partisan media arrayed on ideological grounds, and identikit news organisations chasing the same narrow commercial ground,” President Higgins…  
9146. IFJ Congress event celebrates role of women in trade union movement  

The contribution of the women who took part in the 1913 Lockout was celebrated at the IFJ World Congress Sisters in Union event tonight, an informal reception hosted by the Irish Executive Council. This year is the centenary of the 1913 Lockout, a seminal event in the history of the Irish and international labour movement, and the reception, held in the unique setting of the Teachers' Club in Dublin, marked the important role played by women in the event which sowed the seeds for the Irish trade union movement. Speaking at the event, IFJ General Secretary, Beth Costa, "said: "This was a great event to mark the important role of women in the trade union movement in Ireland and…  
9147. IFJ Gender Council elects new board and set priorities for gender equality  

The IFJ Gender Council today elected a new board including Co-Chairs, Mindy Ran (NUJ, UK and Ireland) and Mounia Belafia (SNPM, Morocco), and the Vice-Chair Fatimah Abdulkareem (NUJ, Nigeria). The Council also elected members of its board representing all IFJ regions around the world. Ran, who was re-elected as the Chair of the Council, said:  "This is a truly historical moment for women. Years ago, the Council started from a small number of women journalists in the region. Today, we have over 30 dedicated members from around the world who are committed in improving gender equality in trade unions and the media." Regional coordinators who attended the meeting…  
9148. EFJ condemns violence against journalists at #occupygezi protest  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has today expressed its outrage at the extreme violence against journalists who covered the peaceful protest that started on 28 May in Istanbul, Turkey. Several EFJ affiliates have tabled an urgent motion to the IFJ Congress  deploring the disproportionate use of force by the Turkish police against protestors and journalists covering the democratic movement called #occupygezi. ‘‘This is an unacceptable act by the Turkish government who blatantly ignored the rights of citizen to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression as guaranteed in Articles 19 and 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.'' said Mogens…  
9149. IFJ condemns series of attacks on journalists in Shannxi Province  

Media Release: China                                    June 03, 2013 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the three violent attacks against journalists in Shannxi Province over the past week and is particularly disturbed to learn of the involvement of Government officials in one of the incidents.   On 29 May, Feng, a journalist of Shannxi Science and Technology Views newspaper, was attacked by two men with a knife after he refused to accept bribe during his investigations into an illegal…  
9150. IFJ Supports New Book on Media Online Safety  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today teamed up with former war correspondent Alan Pearce to announce the publication of his book on journalists' online safety. The book, entitled ‘Deep for Web Journalists,' is the result of two years of research into the pitfalls of journalists' failure to secure their online work, leading to communications being traced and information exchanged accessible to press freedom predators. The book is available an inter-active ebook direct from the publisher at www.deepwebguides.com The IFJ contributed a foreword to the book, stressing the internet has become a new front for information's control. "In an…  
9151. EFJ Focus, 31 May 2013  

The new issue of the EFJ Focus is available in English, French and German now. Got a smartphone? Scan the QR code and read the Focus while you are on the move! To subscribe, simply click HERE. If you missed the previous issues, see our archives.  
9152. EFJ Warns of Chilling Effect of Market Abuse Law on Press Freedom  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has warned of the chilling effect of recent draft laws on regulating insider dealing and market abuses and demanded legislators to guarantee editorial freedom for journalists reporting on financial issues.   In a joint letter signed by the EFJ, European Newspapers Publishers (ENPA) and European Magazine Media Association (EMMA), the group told Ms. Mary Lawless, the Permanent Representation of Ireland to the EU  to provide clear legal certainties for journalists in the draft laws (Directive 2003/6/EC).   In a separate letter sent to Ms. Maria Teresa Fabregas Fernandez, the head of the unit responsible for securities…  
9153. IFJ Marks Central Role of Gender at World Congress with Special Exhibition  

To mark the central role of Gender at this year's World Congress, the IFJ has created a digital Gender Exhibition.   The exhibition, which was put together by members of the IFJ gender council, features a range of pictures from across the world, most of which have been taken by women. It conveys a positive message that women can play a determinant role in trade unions and the economy, whether in front of or behind the camera.   To view the photo exhibition, just click on the link in the Photo Gallery on the IFJ World Congress website, or click on this link: IFJ Gender Exhibition.pptx The exhibition will also be played on screen during the Congress period.The issue of…  
9154. IFJ Marks Central Role of Gender at World Congress with Special Exhibition  

To mark the central role of Gender at this year's World Congress, the IFJ has created a digital Gender Exhibition. The exhibition, which was put together by members of the IFJ gender council, features a range of pictures from across the world, most of which have been taken by women. It conveys a positive message that women can play a determinant role in trade unions and the economy, whether in front of or behind the camera. To view the photo exhibition, just click on the link in the Photo Gallery on the IFJ World Congress website, or click on this link: IFJ Gender Exhibition.pptx The exhibition will also be played on screen during the Congress period. The issue of Gender will be a…  
9155. IFJ Hails Somalia Conference for Promoting Media Peace and Safety  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today hailed the outcome of a Regional Conference on Peace and Safety for Somali Media, held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. "It is crucial that we remember at all times the plight of journalists in Somalia suffering at the hands of Al-Shabbab and other rebel groups," said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. "The journalist community has been repeatedly targeted and many journalists have paid for their lives in their effort to keep their citizens informed. This must stop. In calling for peace, this conference could not have come at a better to also call for justice for journalists and their families." The…  
9156. Bai Lu  

The female journalist for the Urumqi Evening News died in an accident while conducting iinterviews on a construction site in Urumqi, capital of Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, according to media reports.  The management of the media outlet confirmed that the Ms Lu was accidentally crushed by a forklift at a site under a viaduct on Tuanjie Road around 11 am. Another colleague who was with her was also injured and taken to hospital for treatment.  
9157. Governor interferes with the media’s election coverage  

Media Release: Philippines 29 May 2013   The elected Governor of North Cotabato, Emmylou Mendoza confronted Malu Manar, journalist for dxND, Sun Star Davao and Mindanews.com, on May 21 over a May 18 article she wrote about allegations of electoral fraud in the province.   Malu Manar said Governor Mendoza entered the station where she was working and confronted her over the news report which described the allegations made by former governor Pinol’s who had filed a petition to exclude two towns from the canvassing of votes due to ‘improbable’ numbers.    In an email to the National Union of Journalists, Manar said that "She…  
9158. Kevin Ash  

January 22The motorcycling correspondent for The Daily Telegraph, was killed in an accident during a new bike launch in South Africa.BMW said that Kevin was fatally injured in a motorcycle the accident in George town, 250 kilometres east of Cape Town. He had worked for 15 years as motorcycling correspondent for The Daily Telegraph.Source: The Daily Telegraph  
9159. Rebecca Davidson  

February 8The deputy head of programming at the Dubai-based Arabian Radio Network was killed in a boat collision while on assignment in the Seychelles.The network said Rebecca, a New Zealand national, died when the vessel she was aboard struck another boat in the Indian Ocean archipelago.Source: Emirates247.com  
9160. John Driftmier  

February 24The 30 year-old Canadian journalist was killed when the plane he was travelling in crashed near Mount Kenya. Dr Anthony King, the director of the Laikipia Wildlift Forum Trust Fund, who was piloting the plane also died. The two-seater aircraft’s owner, Pixcom, said that the crash was caused by poor weather condition. John Driftmier, 30, was shooting aerial footage for a documentary series called 'Dangerous Flights,' the Montreal-based film producer Pixcom said. The show tracks pilots who fly small private planes to various locations around the world, according to media reports.  
9161. Prem Thakur  

April 3 The 28 year-old reporter for Asia News International (ANI), was filming a snow clearing operation with two colleagues in the Rahla Nallah area when the accident took place.The crew had crossed a restricted area, which was unfit for vehicle use, to take shots. News reports said that a search and rescue operation to find the crew was hindered by heavy snowfall.Mukesh Kumar, a machine operator, and camera assistant Karan were later rescued.Source: Hill Post / IANS  
9162. Adbul Raheem Kour Hassan  

The death of Adbul Raheem Kour Hassan, former director of broadcasting at Watan FM, was announced to his family on April 1, 2013 by the Syrian officials. They did not offer details on the circumstances or exact date of his death. The journalist had been arrested in January in Damascus, according to the local opposition station Watan FM.Hassan died while being held at Palestine Branch, a feared prison of Syria's Military Intelligence Security that is known for the severe abuse of prisoners, according to Watan FM. The station, local opposition groups, and press freedom groups including the Syrian Journalists Association said he had been tortured to death. Source. CPJ  
9163. Olivier Voisin  

The French photojournalist died from injuries suffered while working in Syria, the office of French President Francois Hollande said.Voisin sustained a head wound and later died at a hospital in Turkey, French officials said in a written statement. He was reportedly wounded in an explosion. At the time of the incident, the photographer was embedded with a Syrian opposition group, according to media reports. Source: CNN  
9164. Mohamed al-Mesalma  

The reporter for Al-Jazeera was killed by a sniper in the city of Daraa. The Qatar-based cable TV channel said that their reporter was shot while reporting on fighting in the village of Basri Al-Hariri in Daraa.  
9165. Yves Debay  

The editor- in - chief of military magazine Assaut, was killed in the Syrian city of Aleppo. He was reportedly shot by a sniper.  
9166. Suheil al-Ali  

The journalist for Dunya TV station , a pro-government television station, died of wounds sustained in a shooting attack in the suburbs of Damascus, state media said. The state news agency, SANA, said that al-Ali, died four days after he was shot while returning home from work. The agency blamed a "terrorist," the term the government uses for those trying to topple Assad, according to media reports added.  
9167. Mohamed Ibrahim Rageh  

The newscaster, reporter and program producer for state owned Radio Mogadishu and Somali National Television (SNTV) was shot dead in Mogadishu by two men armed with pistols, NUSOJ said.Rageh was shot dead around 6 PM in front of his house while he reached home after his work. He was shot in the chest and head seven times, his family was quoted as saying.The journalist was one of the members of NUSOJ’s Banadir Branch and he was among the fifteen journalists who resigned from their work in 2009 due to increased killings and deadly threats he received from Al-Shabaab militants  when he was working for Radio Shabelle. In August 2009, the union with the help of the International Federation…  
9168. Rahmo Abdulkadir  

The female radio journalist was gunned down in the Somali capital, Mogadishu , according to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ).Ms Abdulkadir, who worked for Radio Abudwaq, was shot dead near her house by three young men armed with pistols. The shooting took place in the district of Towfiq in north Mogadishu.  
9169. Mohamed Ali Nuhurkey  

The producer at Mustaqbal Radio, a private radio station in Mogadishu, was among eight people killed when a suicide bomber blew up his car near the Presidential Palace. His colleague and fellow journalist Abdirashid Nur was wounded in the attack along with more than 20 other people.  
9170. Abdihared Osman Adan  

The 45 year -old journalist was brutally killed in an unprovoked attack by three unknown armed men who shot him in the Wadajir district of the capital, Mogadishu, according to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), an IFJ affiliate. In a statement, NUSOJ paid tribute to Adan, saying he was a brave journalist and one of the few journalists who could publicly criticize the ruling style of the government.  He had, unlike the rest of his colleagues at Radio Shabelle station who live in the premises, decided to live at his home, NUSOJ added.  
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