15041 results:

351. Serbia: Escalating threats and attacks against journalists in Novi Sad  

The escalation of threats and violence suffered by journalists in Novi Sad, northern Serbia, has reached an unprecedented level in the past fortnight. The undersigned organisations, including the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), urge the Serbian authorities to conduct an immediate and thorough investigation into the persistent attacks on journalists and ensure that perpetrators are prosecuted accordingly. In just ten days, no fewer than seven journalists have faced threats and assaults in the city of Novi Sad alone. Whether it is physical assaults, verbal abuse, online harassment or death threats, the ability of Serbian journalists to do their job is severely compromised…  
352. Czech Republic: Appeal to protect exiled Russian journalists  

In a letter to Czech and European authorities, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins partners of the Safety of Journalists Platform in urging them to address security threats faced by exiled Russian journalists in the Czech Republic. We are deeply concerned for the safety of Irina Dolinina and Alesya Marakhovskaya of Russian independent news outlet I-Stories, whose safety is threatened by probable Russian state agents. To: Petr Fiala, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Pavel Blažek, Minister of Justice of the Czech Republic Vít Rakušan, Minister of Interior of the Czech Republic Catherine De Bolle, Executive Director EUROPOL Vera Jourova, Vice-President, European…  
353. Pakistan: Senior journalist killed in Punjab  

Veteran Pakistani journalist Sagheer Ahmed Laar was killed on March 14 after unidentified men opened fire on him outside a pharmacy in Punjab. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), and the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) strongly condemn his murder, and urge Pakistani authorities to conduct an immediate and swift investigation into the incident, and ensure that journalists are free to work without fear of retribution. According to sources close to the IFJ, former Nawankot Press Club President and Khabren News correspondent Sagheer Ahmed Laar, also known as Muhammad Sagheer, was shot to death by unknown people at approximately 6 p.m. on March 14, in the…  
354. Reuters Institute: Research shows women only make 24% of news top editors  

New research by the Reuters Institute analyses the gender representation of senior editors in major news outlets across five continents, recording that women fill only 24% of senior editorial roles in the markets surveyed. The findings highlight how gender inequalities can reinforce misperceptions, imbalances, and perceived differences both within journalism and as covered by journalists. The research “Women and leadership in the news media 2024: Evidence from 12 markets” took examples from five continents, and analysed the gender breakdown of editorial leaders.  Two hundred and forty major online and offline news outlets provided data.  According to the factsheet, among the 33…  
355. Spain: CCOO holds second training on gender portrayal of politicians  

Cordoba played host to Spain’s second training for journalists on the portrayal of women in politics on 15-16 March. Nineteen participants, drawn from all over Andalusia, as well as Masters students from Mexico, Peru and Chile, took part in the event, organised with IFJ affiliate CCOO. The activity was part of the IFJ project "Rewriting the story" in which several IFJ member unions are involved.It aims to improve the portrayal of politicians in Spain ahead of  EU and national elections. For women politicians in particular, some journalistic approaches have become essential, such as the law of reversibility (would you ask a man the same question?) or the openness of the journalistic…  
356. Somalia: Unlawful appointment of Media Council threatens press freedom  

On 14 March, the Council of Ministers appointed members of the new Somali Media Council, without involving consultation with media organisations and including a former senator. This has never happened before and contravenes the media law. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), in condemning the unlawful appointments of the Somali Media Council, which undermine press freedom and disrespect rule of law in the country. Somali journalists and media organisations, including the IFJ-affiliate NUSOJ, are sounding the alarm on the dire consequences of the government-appointed Media Council’s members, that will…  
357. Malawi: Death of JUMA's General Secretary Charles Mkula  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) had learned with great sadness of the unexpected death of the Secretary General of the Journalists Union of Malawi (JUMA), Charles Mkula, 57, who died on 10 March at the Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre, Malawi. According to a statement issued by JUMA, Charles succumbed to a liver failure. He was buried on Tuesday, 12 March, at Chipande Village, Traditional Authority Malemia in Zomba, Malawi. The IFJ General Secretary, Anthony Bellanger said: "It is with great sadness that we learnt of the death of our colleague, Charles Mkula .  On behalf of the IFJ and its affiliates across the world we would like…  
358. Haití: FIP y FEPALC se solidarizan con sus colegas y se mantienen en alerta ante esta nueva crisis  

En los últimos días, la crisis en el país antillano se profundizó luego de que las pandillas que controlan la capital lograran la dimisión del primer ministro interino Ariel Henry. En estos momentos, la labor de lxs periodistas es fundamental pero carecen de garantías para realizar su trabajo de forma segura y se encuentran permanentemente expuestxs a la violencia. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas junto a la Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe expresan su preocupación y se solidarizan con lxs colegas de la Asociación de Periodistas Haitianos (AJH por sus siglas en francés). La crisis política, social, económica, sanitaria y humanitaria en Haití empeoró aún más…  
359. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 9 March to 15 March 2024. English  On International Women's Day-Support Palestinian Women Journalists In San Francisco - Indybay IJU joins IFJ in standing with women journalists in Gaza - The Arunachal Times UN Fact-Finding Mission on Iran reports on the threats faced by BBC News Persian journalists and their family members - BBC In Colombia, unions face harassment and violence against LGBTQI+ workers - PSI - Public Services…  
360. Poland: IFJ demands humane treatment of Spanish journalist Pablo González while he remains in pre-trial custody  

Spanish freelance reporter Pablo González, accused of spying for Russia, has been held in pre-trial detention in Poland for more than two years, since he was arrested on 28 February 2022. Following parliamentary elections in October 2023, the president of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) Dominique Pradalié sent a letter to the new Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk on 15 March to demand the rights of González to be respected in prison. González is treated as a dangerous prisoner and spends 23 hours isolated in his cell, despite any evidence of the allegations against him being made public and no trial in sight. The IFJ, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and its…  
361. Poland: Persistent obstruction of Ukrainian journalists’ work  

Since the beginning of 2024, Ukrainian journalists investigating Poland’s economic ties with Russia and Belarus have faced deliberate obstruction of their activities by Polish law enforcement officers. From vehicle searches to confiscation of equipment, leading to arrests and deportations, the work of the Ukrainian journalists from online newspaper Ukrainska Pravda and Rayon.in.ua have been seriously unhindered. The International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) urge the Polish authorities to conduct an independent and thorough investigation into these serious attacks on journalists and to reconsider their deportation from the territory. On 27 February, journalist…  
362. Somalia: Journalist shot and killed by security guard in the newsroom  

Journalist Abdikarin Ahmed Bulhan, a reporter for the Somali National Television (SNTV) was killed on 13 March in the Abudwak district of the Galguduud region in central Somalia, when an armed security guard shot and fatally wounded him at the workplace The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), in mourning the killing and calls upon the Somali authorities to launch an investigation that brings the perpetrator of this heinous crime to justice. Abdikarin Ahmed Bulhan, who was not only a renowned journalist but also a community leader, succumbed to his injuries on 13 March, after an armed security guard working in…  
363. Sagheer Ahmed Laar  

According to sources close to the IFJ, former Nawankot Press Club President and Khabren News correspondent Sagheer Ahmed Laar, also known as Muhammad Sagheer, was shot to death by unknown people on 14 March, in the southern city of Khanpur in Punjab. Reportedly, three unknown people on motorcycles opened fire on him while he was seated in a pharmacy where he worked part-time. He was transport to the local Government Tehsil Hospital, Khanpur shortly after the incident, but did not survive. Pakistan, Pakistani, Asia Pacific, impunity, IFJ, safety, union, killing, journalist, Sagheer Ahmed Laar, journalism,  
364. Abdikarin Ahmed Bulhan  

Journalist Abdikarin Ahmed Bulhan, a reporter for the Somali National Television (SNTV) was killed on 13 March in the Abudwak district of the Galguduud region in central Somalia, when an armed security guard shot and fatally wounded him at the workplace. Abdikarin Ahmed Bulhan, who was not only a renowned journalist but also a community leader, succumbed to his injuries, after an armed security guard working in the same building fatally shot him in the head.  The Somali police have not issued any statement providing further details at the moment of publication. impunity, somalia, somali, africa, journalist, journalism, IFJ, safety, union,  
365. Online abuse: UNIFOR training module to support journalists  

Check UNIFOR’s training material to support union members in their fight against online abuse. This training was presented by Jennifer Moreau to IFJ Gender Council members and IFJ affiliates during the IFJ webinar on Fighting gender-based online abuse on 24 November. The IFJ webinar held on 24 November was a response to unions' call for more guidance on countering online abuse of women journalists.  “Online abuse is a health and safety issue and must be treated as such by the media industry,” said Moreau during the training.   Download the presentation in English here.  webinar, jennifer moreau, presentation, file, donwload, ifj, gender, online abuse, training,  
366. Portugal: Portuguese Union of Journalists calls for nation-wide strike on 14 March  

For the first time in over 40 years, the Portuguese Union of Journalists (SinJor) will be calling a 24-hour strike, joined by other journalists’ unions and associations, on 14 March to demand better working conditions. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) stand in solidarity with the striking journalists and media workers. The strike was decided unanimously at the last congress on 18 January 2024. SinJor is demanding general pay rises, stable employment contracts, decent overtime pay and compensation for the hardships of working nights and weekends, and additional payments for exceptions to working hours. The union is also calling for public support by the…  
367. Egypt: woman journalist detained and released on bail  

Egyptian journalist Rana Mamdouh working for news outlet Mada Masr was detained on 10 March at the Alamein police station while on her way to Ras al-Hikma on assignment. Afterwards her whereabouts remained unknown for over ten hours, until she was released on a 100 euro bail. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) together with the Egyptian Journalists Syndicate (EJS) stand in solidarity with the journalist and demand an end to the ongoing crackdown on the media. Journalist Rana Mamdouh working for the Egyptian online newspaper Mada Masr, together with the driver of the car, were stopped by the police in an ambush and questioned for an hour about the reasons for her journey while…  
368. Senegal: African Journalists' Congress Sets New Vision for Journalism, Elects New Leadership  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the African Regional Organisation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), successfully held its 5th Congress on Wednesday, 6 March, 2024 with the theme "Engage and make our voices heard: New vision, new mission," receiving comprehensive support from IFJ's top leadership, symbolizing a unified commitment to elevate the journalism profession, enhance solidarity and ensure the protection and freedom of journalists in Africa. As the highest decision-making body of the African federation, the congress serves as an essential platform for African journalists to address challenges in the journalism profession, promote media freedom, enhance…  
369. Mujeres periodistas en América Latina y el Caribe: entre el pluriempleo y la violencia  

Una encuesta realizada por la Federación Internacional de Periodistas en América Latina y el Caribe evidenció la situación en la que se encuentran las trabajadoras de prensa en la región: el 66% debe recurrir a trabajos por fuera del ámbito de la comunicación para complementar ingresos, y más de la mitad aseguró tener compañeros varones que perciben mayores salarios por la misma tarea. Además, el informe revela que casi el 60% de las encuestadas sufrió situaciones de violencia motivada por el género por parte de colegas y/o jefes varones y un número similar afirmó que en sus lugares de trabajo no existen herramientas para abordar este tipo de situaciones. Este trabajo fue realizado con el…  
370. 8 March: IFJ stands with women journalists in Gaza  

Since the start of the war in Gaza, Palestine, on 7 October, journalists and media workers have been specifically targeted. Women journalists have paid a particularly heavy price as women, reporters and mothers. On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) Gender Council and all IFJ affiliates pay tribute to the courage of women journalists in Gaza and demand safety and the end of the war atrocities, including any form of gender-based violence against women. As Israel’s ground invasion pushed civilians south of Gaza, journalists and media workers continue to document the situation, simultaneously covering horrifying scenes and living the war, risking their…  
371. 8M: Women journalists in Gaza  

Since the start of the war in Gaza, Palestine, on 7 October, journalists and media workers have been specifically targeted. Women journalists have paid a particularly heavy price as women, reporters and mothers.  On International Women’s Day, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) Gender Council and all IFJ affiliates pay tribute to the courage of women journalists in Gaza and demand safety and the end of the war atrocities, including any form of gender-based violence against women. As Israel’s ground invasion pushed civilians south of Gaza, journalists and media workers continue to document the situation, simultaneously covering horrifying scenes and living the…  
372. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 2 March to 8 March 2024. English  Concerns raised Israel is deliberately targeting journalists in Gaza - Press Gazette 8 March: IFJ stands with women journalists in Gaza - occupied Palestinian territory - Relief Web IFJ nominates Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate for global press freedom prize - Jordan Times Survey on the safety of environmental journalists [Worldwide] - IJNet New report raises concerns about use of spyware, SLAPPs…  
373. Colombia: First global unions-led workshop to support LGBTQI+ workers under C190  

Around sixty trade union representatives from different sectors and LGBTQI+ activists came together on 28 and 29 February in Bogotá, Colombia, to advance the rights of LGBTQI+ workers. Based on a comprehensive toolkit launched by global unions, the workshop provided a safe space to learn, discuss and address violences against LGBTQI+ people and seize ILO Convention 190 as a framework for creating more equal and inclusive working places. “An atmosphere of respect and affection is essential to address questions and concerns about the realities and needs of LGBTQI+ workers,” noted Public Services International (PSI)’s Andean representative on the LGBTQI+ committee, Néstor Osvaldo Pérez Muñoz.…  
374. Pakistan: Pakistani authorities arrest tv anchor Imran Riaz Khan again  

Imran Riaz Khan, a well-known Pakistani YouTuber and tv anchor, was arrested and placed on judicial remand by the Anti-Terrorism Court (ATC) in Lahore. Prior to this, an anti-corruption court had granted him bail in a contract corruption case. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), urge the government to drop the charges against the journalist and immediately allow him to resume his activities. He was apparently arrested in a corruption case, and an anti-corruption court ordered him to be remanded in police custody for five days, until March 6, pending an investigation. On March 6, when he appeared…  
375. Malaysia: Government reduces media card validity for digital journalists  

Concerns have been raised by Malaysia’s media community at a government review of the country’s media accreditation cards, with card validity periods reduced solely for journalists from online news agencies. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) supports its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM), in calling for an equitable system of accreditation and reiterates calls for the swift formation of the independent Malaysian Media Council. On March 5, multiple journalists from Malaysian digital media organisations, including online news portals Malaysiakini and Twentytwo13, received media accreditation cards with significantly shortened periods of…  
376. Europe: Serious concern about the use of spyware, abusive lawsuits and journalists in exile  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) and the other partner organisations have expressed deep concerns about threats to press freedom to the Council of Europe’s Platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists in their 2024 annual report. Issues include the unlawful deployment of spyware against journalists, the use of abusive lawsuits against journalists to hamper their investigative work (SLAPPs) and the precarious situation of many journalists in exile, notably from Russia and Belarus. Released under the title “Press Freedom in Europe: Time to turn the Tide”, the report assesses the major issues undermining media freedom – including…  
377. India: Journalist arrested two days after release  

Kashmiri journalist Aasif Sultan has been arrested two days after his release on bail, with the journalist charged and detained without trial for the third time in over five years. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU), condemn the arbitrary arrest and continued legal harassment of Aasif Sultan, and urge Indian authorities to uphold their constitutional commitments to press freedom and withdraw all charges immediately. Sultan, the editor of shuttered media outlet Kashmir Walla, was first arrested in August 2018 on allegations of ‘harbouring known militants’ and an unspecified involvement with serious crimes under the…  
378. Mohammed Khader Ahmad Salama  

On 5 March, journalist and presenter at Al Aqsa TV, Mohammed Khader Ahmad Salama, was killed in an Israeli airstrike that hit his home in Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip, PJS reported. IFJ, impunity, Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, journalist, killed, killing, safety, union, FIP, FIJ, union, solidarity,  
379. Argentina: anuncian el cierre de la agencia nacional de noticias e impiden el ingreso de sus trabajadores  

En la apertura de sesiones ordinarias del Congreso de la Nación, realizada el viernes 1 de marzo durante la noche, el presidente Javier Milei afirmó que cerrará la agencia nacional de noticias Télam. Hoy durante la madrugada, lxs trabajadorxs advirtieron que se estaba colocando un vallado perimetral en las oficinas de la agencia y luego se les informó que no podrían ingresar a trabajar. La web de la agencia dejó de funcionar en ese mismo momento. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas y la Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe repudian este ataque al derecho a la comunicación y a la libertad de expresión y se mantienen en estado de alerta ante esta situación. También…  
380. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 24 February to 1 March 2024. English  International journalist groups show solidarity with Palestinian colleagues - Al Jazeera bianet expresses solidarity with Palestinian journalists - Bianet Journalists protest Israel outside German consulate in İstanbul - Bianet Marking 26 February as the International Day in support of Palestinian Journalists - The Guardian International Day for Palestinian Journalists: Condemnation of Violence - BNN…  
381. Ibrahim Mahamid  

On 1 March, PJS confirmed the death of journalist Ibrahim Mahamid, who died of his wounds five months after being injured by Israeli fire. Mahamid worked as a presenter and cameraman for Al-Salam TV, Al-Shaab TV and other local channels, and was a member of PJS for about 30 years, the Syndicate reported.   Gaza, Palestine, Palestinian, impunity, journalist, journalism, IFJ, union, FIP, FIJ, PJS, Israel, killing, Ibrahim Mahamid  
382. Palestine: IFJ nominates Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate for global press freedom prize  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has nominated its affiliate the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) for the UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize for 2024 – as a means to honour all Gaza’s journalists and media workers for their work and sacrifice in recent months. The nominating statement reads as follows: Since 7 October 2023, foreign journalists have been barred from the Gaza Strip. All the sounds, words and pictures broadcast from the enclave have come from approximately 1,000 Gazan journalists – around ten percent of whom have now lost their lives. The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) counts as members around four fifths of Gaza’s media workers.…  
383. #IFJBlog: Police laid surveillance trap for journalists  

Northern Irish police laid a trap for two journalists whose source they hoped to unmask. The reporters’ electronic communications were monitored, ahead of a dramatic dawn raid on their homes. These were designed to provoke the journalists to contact their suspected source, who was themself, under electronic surveillance. That was the case laid out by Ben Jaffey KC, representing NUJ member Barry McCaffrey at an Investigative Powers Tribunal, held at the Royal Courts of Justice on 28 February 2024.  The journalists had worked on the 2017 film No Stone Unturned, which named the main suspects of the 1994 Loughinisland massacre. In this, loyalist paramilitaries fired into a crowded pub,…  
384. Poland: Spanish journalist Pablo González in custody for two years on charges of spying for Russia  

Spanish freelance reporter Pablo González is the only journalist imprisoned in an EU member state. On 28 February, it will be two years since he was arrested and held in pre-trial detention in Poland without any evidence of the allegations against him being made public and no trial in sight. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ), together with their Spanish affiliates, urge the Polish authorities to release him, so that he can defend himself in court, and ensure that he receives a fair trial. A Polish court extended González’s pre-trial detention for the eighth time on 15 February 2024, meaning he will spend up to a further three months in prison, accused of…  
385. Malaysia: Media council must be independent  

Digital and Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil announced the long-awaited approval of a bill by the Malaysian cabinet to establish a self-regulating Malaysian Media Council (MMC) on February 21. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), and its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM), welcome the decision, but urge authorities to ensure that the council is implemented with a mandate, resources, and due independence. The announcement came following consultation with the Malaysian Attorney General’s Chambers, and almost five years since the initial introduction of the bill. Fadzil, a supporter of the bill since at least 2020, initially claimed the…  
386. Pakistan: Journalist arrested amid allegations of anti-judiciary campaign  

Federal authorities arrested journalist and blogger Asad Ali Toor on February 26 as he responded to a Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) summons, three days after he had been interrogated concerning his alleged connection to a “malicious campaign” against senior judicial figures. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), urge authorities to investigate the journalists’ arrest, and ensure his immediate release. On February 27, Islamabad Judicial Magistrate Mohammad Shabbir granted the FIA a five-day udicial remand of Toor, a partial reduction of the agency’s initial 10-day request. According to Toor’s legal…  
387. Brasil: FENAJ demanda que se revelen los nombres de periodistas espiados ilegalmente  

El Sindicato de Periodistas Profesionales del Estado de São Paulo (SJSP), junto con la Federación Nacional de Periodistas (FENAJ) y la Asociación Brasileña de la Prensa (ABI), presentaron el viernes 23 de febrero ante el Tribunal Supremo Federal (TSF) una solicitud de divulgación federal de los nombres de periodistas que fueron espiadxs ilegalmente por la llamada “Abin Paralela”. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas acompaña este pedido y rechaza las maniobras de vigilancia llevadas adelante por el gobierno de Jair Bolsonaro. Tras una investigación del periódico O Globo, se reveló que la Agencia Brasileña de Inteligencia (Abin) habría utilizado un software israelí llamado First Mile…  
388. Ethiopia: French journalist detained while on assignment in Addis Ababa  

[UPDATED 01.03.2024] French journalist Antoine Galindo was arrested on 22 February and subsequently detained in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, while on assignment for Africa Intelligence, the news platform for whom he was working. The International and the European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) together with their French affiliates the Syndicat National des Journalistes (SNJ), the Syndicat National des Journalistes (SNJ-CGT), CFDT Journalistes and the Syndicat Général des Journalistes Force Ouvrière (SGJ-FO) condemn Galindo’s arrest and call on the Ethiopian authorities to immediately release him. They ask the French government to do everything it can to help Galindo. Following his arrest…  
389. #IFJBlog: Global solidarity for Gaza's journalists  

On a rainy day in the Parisian square that commemorates murdered journalists, IFJ President Dominique Pradalié mounted a make-shift stage with a megaphone in her hand. “The killing of journalists in Gaza must stop”, she demanded. “Journalists all over the world demand that Israel abides by international law and instead of targeting reporters, starts to safeguard them”.  Pradalié then led the assembled group, drawn from members of all of France’s journalists’ unions, in a minute’s silence to remember the hundred and more media workers who had died in the Gaza conflict.   They were not alone. From Lima to Istanbul, Dublin to Doha, Stockholm to Santiago de Compostela, journalists…  
390. 26 February: International Day for Palestinian Journalists  

Four months since the start of the war in Gaza, Palestine, on 7 October, 100 journalists have been killed. This massacre has been as horrific as it is unprecedented. Join the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the Federation of Arab Journalists (FAJ) and its affiliates on 26 February for an International Day in support of Palestinian Journalists. As the war in Gaza approaches its fifth month, the IFJ, the Federation of Arab Journalists (FAJ) and many affiliates around the world are mobilising through public actions to support journalists and media workers in Palestine, notably its members of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS).  One hundred journalists were…  
391. #IFJBlog: Gazan journalists need our support  

Last weekend, The Times (London) devoted two pages to a striking interview with Palestinian journalist Amal Helles. It was a gruelling read, but underlined how important it is that today journalists all over the world will stand with their Palestinian colleagues. After reporting on months of bombardment, Helles has finally left Gaza with her children Maryam and Wajj, aged six and four. Her husband Samed, also a journalist, has stayed in Gaza from where he continues to report. “I hated the night most”, Helles told Alice Thomson. “We would lie in the darkness, my husband and I, my beautiful young daughter and son warm between us, so if the bombs came, we could all die together. I felt…  
392. Ukraine: “In times of war, journalists become targets of information attacks”  

On 24 February, it will be two years since Russia’s full scale invasion of Ukraine. The International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) conversed with Serhiy Shturkhetskyy, chairperson of the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine (IMTUU) to examine how the reality of Ukrainian journalists have changed and what the journalistic community and sister unions can do to continue supporting journalists on the ground. 1. It will soon be two years since the start of the full-scale Russian invasion in Ukraine, which is still raging despite vanishing from many international headlines. How is the situation on the ground and how do you feel? The situation remains dire.…  
393. Ukraine: "Thousands of Ukrainian journalists remain in the profession thanks to international journalistic solidarity"  

As the war in Ukraine enters its third year, Sergiy Tomilenko, president of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) reflects on two years of unwavering work and relentless determination to support journalists and media workers on the ground, with the help of international partners such as the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), and UNESCO. On 24 February, it will be two years since the war in Ukraine started and Tomilenko recalls the imperative need to raise more funds in a war that rages on, despite vanishing from the headlines. 1. It will soon be two years since the start of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which is…  
394. Mohammad Yaghi  

On 23 February, PJS confirmed the killing of photojournalist Mohammad Yaghi in an Israel bombing near Al-Aqsa hospital in Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip. According to Al Jazeera, Yaghi worked as a professional photographer for a number of international media, including Al Jazeera Network.  safety, IFJ, Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, killed list, killing, journalist, media worker, journalism, union, PJS, photographer, impunity  
395. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 17 February to 23 February 2024. English  Julian Assange fighting extradition back to U.S. - CVT Atlantic Julian Assange supporters gather outside court as extradition hearing starts - The Guardian Will Assange case have chilling effect on journalists, whistleblowers 'risking 175 years in prison?' - France24 Can Julian Assange appeal his extradition to the US? A British court will decide. - Columbia Journalism Review  Assange waits for…  
396. #IFJBlog: My experience at IFJ's Training of Trainers in Malaysia  

Mike Miz, a member of the National Union of Journalists Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM), attended an IFJ-led training of trainers in Malacca, Malaysia in February, focused on enabling a new generation of leaders to build a strong and active union membership. He describes his experience and plans to continue to strengthen the union into the future. What matters more? What you say - or how you say it? This question was on my mind as we began the two-hour bus ride from Kuala Lumpur to Malacca - surrounded by people whom I only knew prior virtually - and it stayed with me throughout the 70-odd hours we spent following the training. As the youngest person attending the training, I had initially…  
397. Morocco: IFJ and unions in the Arab world join forces to promote press freedom in the region  

Representatives of IFJ-affiliated unions across the Middle East and the Arab World came together on 13 and 14 February in Casablanca, Morocco, to attend a press-freedom reporting workshop organised by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and hosted by the Moroccan National Press Union (SNPM). The participants discussed methodologies to monitor press-freedom violations, document breaches of journalists’ rights and assess the state of media freedom to develop solid and grounded reports and boost press freedom in the region. The aim of the workshop was to back the efforts of journalists’ unions and organisations to strengthen the media sector by identifying and exposing the…  
398. Germany: Farmers’ blockade of media disrupted newspaper deliveries  

Germany is facing a major nationwide media blockade, led mainly by farmers who have demonstrated fervently against the government's proposed subsidy cuts. Criticising the poor representation of their claims in the media, farmers have blocked access to media premises to interrupt newspaper deliveries during protests lasting hours. Since the beginning of February, farmers have targeted at least three media companies and two publishing houses across the country. The International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) call for calm discussions between farmers and the media, and regret that disruption of newspaper deliveries is being used as a means of protest. “Attacks on the…  
399. #IFJBlog: Judges probing provides hope for Assange  

Julian Assange’s plea for leave to appeal his extradition to the United States provided cause for both hope and concern. Heard over two days in London’s Royal Courts of Justice, on 20 and 21 February 2024, it could be the last time his case is considered by a European court. Assange is fighting extradition to face 17 changes under the Espionage Act, and one of computer hacking. If convicted, he could be sentenced to 175 years in prison, albeit with some qualified commitments that he won’t face the severest solitary confinement. Assange has been held in Belmarsh prison on the outskirts of London awaiting the outcome of these proceedings for the past five years. His extradition hearings…  
400. Slovakia: Impunity for Jan Kuciak’s murder continues  

The International and the European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) reiterate their call for justice for the murder six years ago of investigative reporter Ján Kuciak and his fiancee Martina Kušnírová, both aged 27, in their home in Veľká Mača, in the south-west of the country. On 21 February 2018, Ján Kuciak and Martina Kušnírová were shot dead at their home. Kuciak had regularly reported on cases of corruption for online news website Aktuality.sk. His investigative reporting included articles on alleged tax fraud committed by prominent members of the business community, with suggested links to SMER party as well as organised crime groups. Six years on, Kuciak’s and Kušnírová’s…  
401. India: Journalists injured, one arrested in eastern states  

Two journalists have sustained serious injuries after being attacked by a mob during their coverage of the recovery of a missing woman’s body in the Bhagalpur district of Bihar, India, while Republic Bangla journalist Santu Pan was arrested while broadcasting. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates, the National Union of Journalists - India (NUJ-I), and the Indian Journalists Union (IJU), urge authorities to ensure the safety of journalists covering protests and investigate the attack swiftly and transparently. According to media reports, police recovered the body of a woman outside the Eastern city of Bhagalpur in Bihar, two days after she had been reported…  
402. Malaysia: Government’s journalism code of ethics should be regulated by media, say industry stakeholders  

Media organisations, unions, and press freedom groups have raised concerns at a revised Code of Ethics for Journalists, launched by Malaysian Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil on February 20, which could be used to extend government control over the functioning of the media and restrict press freedom. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM), in urging the Malaysian government to allow a free and independent media with a code of ethics developed and administered by the media industry. Announced at the communications ministry in Putrajaya, the government review marks the first time the code has been…  
403. #IFJBlog: Assange deserves clemency  

I last saw Julian Assange a little before Christmas. We were in the visiting room at HMP Belmarsh, surrounded by 30 or so other inmates, sitting at tables and chairs that are secured to the floor. Overhead strip lights provided the only illumination. The weight on Assange’s shoulders was palpable. I am one of the only journalists who has been allowed to visit him in prison. We spoke for ninety minutes. His sun-starved skin is unusually pale, his hair is now completely white, and he has lost weight. What really struck me, however, was how long his responses took. I was full of questions. Most were met, at least initially, by hesitant silence. Some reticence is to be expected – we know that…  
404. International Day for Palestinian Journalists: Solidarity messages  

Ahead of the International Day for Palestinian Journalists, a joint action organised by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) on 26 February, the IFJ shares solidarity messages from its affiliates around the world to support the work of PJS and condemn the massacre of Palestinian journalists and media workers. Around the world at noon, this February 2024, 26, the IFJ and its affiliates will observe a minute of silence for the journalists killed since October 7. More information about the International Day for Palestinian Journalists: here Solidarity messages in English “We continue to condemn the…  
405. Myanmar: Journalist tortured and killed in military custody  

The body of Western News journalist Myat Thu Tan has been found after he was shot and killed by military personnel on January 31, along with seven other political prisoners in the custody of Myanmar’s ruling junta. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, Myanmar Journalist Network (MJN), strongly condemn this horrific murder and call on the military junta to immediately prosecute those responsible and cease the rampant impunity for crimes against journalists in Myanmar. According to IFJ sources, Myat Thu Tan, also known as Phoe Thiha, was shot by two personnel from the Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 378 in a detainment ward in Mrauk-U Town, in Myanmar’s western…  
406. Palestine: For journalism to live in Gaza  

We, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and Journalism & Citizenship (J&C), meeting today, 16 February, on J&C’s initiative at the Arab World Institute in Paris for a day of dialogue between journalists from both shores of the Mediterranean, issue a solemn appeal to the international community to end the slaughter of journalism in Gaza and enable the international media to finally access Gaza in order to document this war’s terrible reality. Every day for more than four months, Palestinian journalists have been putting their lives in danger in order to inform the world about the situation in Gaza and the West Bank. Around 100 of them have been…  
407. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 10 February to 16 February 2024. English  Israel gets closer to prohibiting foreign press- Menafm Could this be Assange’s last stand?- Morning Star  IFJ: Gaza's journalists face hunger as well as bombing - PSI - Public Services International  Four Iranian Journalists Missing Following Raid On Editorial Office - iranintl.com Gaza Conflict: Western Media's Biased Portrayal and the Perilous Role of Journalists - BNN…  
408. UK: Assange prosecution threatens press freedom  

“The ongoing prosecution of Julian Assange jeopardises media freedom everywhere in the world”, says the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), in a joint statement ahead of his appeal hearing in London on 20 and 21 February. The IFJ and EFJ, which represent nearly 200 journalists unions’ and associations, have opposed Assange’s extradition since the publication of the US incitements under the US Espionage Act. The charges relate to Wikileaks publication in 2010 of the Iraq and Afghan War Logs. These provided an extraordinarily detailed account of US military actions between 2004 and 2009. The logs included episodes such as that now…  
409. India: Journalists attacked for reporting  

Broadcast journalist Jyotiranjan Mohapatra sustained serious injuries after an attack by four people riding motorcycles in the eastern Odisha state on February 10, while journalist Nikhil Wagle’s car was attacked by political activists in Maharashtra on February 9 in relation to social media posts. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU), condemn the attacks, and urge authorities ensure all investigations into the incidents are conducted thoroughly and transparently. On February 10, Jyotiranjan Mohapatra, a reporter with Bada Khabar TV, was allegedly chased and attacked by four men riding on two motorbikes in the VSS Nagar area…  
410. #IFJBlog: Assange's appeals against extradition are nearly done  

When Julian Assange enters the dock at the Royal Courts of Justice at the end of this month he will have completed nearly five years in HMP Belmarsh. How much longer he will be a British prisoner is a decision for the judges. It is quite possible that a plane will take him to Washington within days. This, potentially final, stage of his legal campaign to resist extradition comes exactly four years after it began – in Woolwich Crown Court, within the Belmarsh campus. One member of his legal team told me that the chances of a favourable outcome at this stage are slight. “We are not pleased about the judges who will hear our case, and although our arguments are very strong, they have already…  
411. Obituary: Fani Petralia, Greek trade unionist (1935-2024)  

The Greek journalist and trade unionist Fani Petralia passed away on 25 January 2024. She was one of the leading figures in the IFJ Greek trade union, JUADN, and represented her country at numerous congresses and international meetings. In particular, she organised the IFJ Congress in Athens in 2004. The IFJ pays tribute to her great support to the Federation. When the IFJ held its last Annual Meeting and Executive Committee in Athens in April 2023, Fani Petralia made a point of being there to welcome its leadership.  Born in 1935 in Pyrgos Ilias, Fani Petralia was a graduate of the Department of English Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Athens and also spoke…  
412. Alaa al-Hams, Angham Ahmed Adwan  

On 12 February, journalist Alaa al-Hams, who worked for local media, died of her wounds, according to PJS and media. Al-Hams was seriously injured two weeks ago, when an Israeli bombing hit her home in al-Geneina neighbourhood in the city of Rafah, southern Gaza Strip. On the same day, journalist Angham Ahmed Adwan, who worked for Libyan TV channel February, was killed following an Israeli airstrike that hit her home in Jabalia city.  impunity, Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, Israel, killing, journalist, journalism, union, IFJ, safety  
413. Malaysia: Clare Rewcastle Brown sentenced to two years imprisonment  

London-based reporter Clare Rewcastle Brown has been sentenced in absentia to two years in prison after being found guilty of criminal defamation against a Malaysian royal during her investigation into the multi-billion-dollar 1MDB corruption scandal. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the journalist’s sentencing and calls on the Malaysian authorities to immediately reverse this punitive decision. In a surprise verdict on February 7, Rewcastle Brown, the founder and editor of online media outlet Sarawak Report, was convicted by the Kuala Terengganu Magistrates’ Court of defaming the Sultanah of Terengganu, Sultanah Nur Zahirah, under Section 500 of Malaysia’s Penal…  
414. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from February 3rd 2024 to February 9th 2024. English  Brussels journalists call on media organizations to take action against killing of Gaza colleagues - Anadolu Ajansi  Bosnian, Croatian, Journalists Honour Colleagues Killed in Israel-Gaza War - Balkan Insight  An Essential Intervention on Behalf of Embattled Palestinian Journalists - The Nation Bosnian, Croatian journalists pay tribute to murdered colleagues in Palestine - Anadolu…  
415. Nafez Abdel Jawad  

On 8 February, PJS confirmed the killing of Palestine TV's director Nafez Abdel Jawad and his son. Both lost their lives when an Israeli airstrike hit their home in Deir al-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip. impunity, Gaza, IFJ, union, Palestine, Palestinian, Israel, safety, journalist, journalism, killings  
416. Senegal: Crackdown on media after election delay  

The broadcast licence of the privately owned television station, Walfadjri had been revoked by the Senegalese authorities through an order issued on 5 February. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Syndicat des professionnels de L’ information et de la communication du Sénégal (SYNPICS) in condemning in the strongest terms this deliberate attack on media freedom. According to a statement issued by SYNPICS, ‘this iniquitous decision is an unprecedented violation of press freedom’ and an attack on the right to work of the employees of Walfadjri TV. SYNPICS ‘appeals to the Minister of Communication to rescind this harsh decision, especially when,…  
417. China: Australian writer sentenced to death  

On February 5, a Chinese court sentenced Australian blogger, academic, and pro-democracy activist Dr Yang Hengjun to a suspended death sentence, almost half a decade after his 2019 arrest. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA), condemn the sentence and urge authorities to advocate for Yang’s immediate release. Dr Yang’s sentence was confirmed by Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong on February 5, with Australian officials “appalled” by the outcome and vowing to communicate their response to China’s ambassador in Australia in “the strongest possible terms”. Yang’s ‘suspended’ death sentence will grant the…  
418. Belgium: Vigil to commemorate 100 journalists killed in the Gaza war  

Join the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the Brussels branch of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), and the Europe branch of the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) on Monday 5 February for a candlelight vigil in commemoration of journalists killed. When? 12h30-13h30 Where? Outside the Justus Lipsius Council building, rue de la Loi, Brussels The IFJ, together with the Brussels branch of NUJ and  the Europe branch of PJS, is holding a candlelight vigil in commemoration of all journalists killed in the war in Gaza.  At least 100 journalists and media workers have been killed so far since the conflict started on 7 October, with many others injured or…  
419. Palestine: journalists crave routine, home and family  

As the death toll among Gaza’s journalists climbs, media workers from the enclave have spoken about their dreams of a return to life without bullets, bombs, and brutality. In a video, recorded by the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) and published by the IFJ, journalists speak of their dreams of returning home, being with family, and visiting friends.     Shurouk Shaheen, of Syria tv misses her own bed and gathering with family for a meal, for example. Ibrahim Kanan of Al Ghad tv has seen his children only three times in the past 100 days and each time only for a few minutes. Amrou Tabash, of Al Kofiya tv yearns to see his mother, with whom he has spent only half an…  
420. #IFJBlog- Serbia: Darkness and despair, return of the deep state   

Eerie despair. No way out and no hope. The vicious hand of the 1990’s deep state continues to hold us in their grip. This is the situation in which the Serbian journalistic community finds itself after the publication on Friday 2 February of the Belgrade Court of Appeal’ final verdict acquitting the suspected murderers of Slavko Ćuruvija, journalist and publisher of Dnevni Telegraf and Evropljanin, who was killed in 1999. Twice in previous court proceedings, former members of the State Security Service Radomir Marković, Milan Radonjić, Ratko Romić and Miroslav Kurak were sentenced to a total of 100 years in prison. Now, after the decision of the Court of Appeal, they are exonerated and…  
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