15063 results:

14421. Secret Editorial Phone-tap By Danish Police "Scandalous Violation of Journalists' Rights" Says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists today protested over action by police in Denmark who secretly tapped a telephone conversation between a reporter and his editor over a controversial story calling it "a profound and scandalous violation of journalists' rights." The reporter working for Denmark's second-largest newspaper Jyllands-Posten was tapped while speaking with his editor about a story dealing with rumours of a hit list with names of Danish Jews that allegedly was circulating among radical Muslims. The conversation was replayed on Monday during a Copenhagen city court hearing where reporter Stig Mathiessen was ordered to divulge to the police the name of…  
14422. IFJ Calls for Palestinian Journalists in Gaza to Withdraw Ban on Media Coverage of Children  

The world's largest journalists' group, the International Federation of Journalists, today appealed to Palestinian journalists in Gaza to withdraw a ban on news photographers from taking pictures of Palestinian children carrying weapons or taking part in activities by militant groups. "We understand the deep frustration that journalists feel about those who try to manipulate the media message," said Aidan White, the IFJ General Secretary, "but journalists need more freedom to do their job in Palestine, not less." The IFJ welcomed the call by the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate in Gaza for Palestinian factions and their military wings to stop using children in…  
14423. IFJ Protests After Israeli Soldiers Open Fire On Israeli Journalist in the West Bank  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' organisation, today condemned a shooting incident in the West Bank involving an Israeli journalist over the weekend. Gideon Levy, a correspondent for the daily Haaretz newspaper, a Haaretz photographer and a representative from the organization Physicians for Human Rights were traveling in an armored taxi when an Israeli soldier opened fire on them in the West Bank. No one was injured. "This is another example of how journalists are put at risk when military discipline breaks down," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "It also shows why every journalist needs armoured protection when…  
14425. IFJ Warns Government Over Death Threats to Editor-in-Chief in Ghana  

The International Federation of Journalists today called on the Government of Ghana to take "urgent and immediate steps" to secure the safety of Kweku Baako, Editor-in-Chief of Crusading Guide, following two death threats. The IFJ, which is the largest journalists' organisation in the world, was informed by its affiliate, the Ghana Journalists Association, that the threats came in two separate letters received by Kweku Baako. "We are told that this is the second time this year that Baako has been issued with death threats," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary, "It is time for urgent and immediate steps by the authorities to provide him with protection…  
14427. SAJA Press Statement from the first Annual General Meeting in Mbabane Swaziland  

The Southern Africa Journalists Association (SAJA), a regional body of scribes from 14 southern African countries launched in December 2001, has successfully completed its first ever Annual General Meeting in Mbabane Swaziland. Since its inception six months ago, SAJA has, with the support of the Brussels based International Federation of Journalists, vigorously tried to network journalists from the region to consolidate the fight for Press freedom and better working conditions for journalists in SADC countries. At the first ever AGM in Mbabane, SAJA welcomed the recent launch of the African Union and acknowledged it as a step further in the positive development of our continent.…  
14430. IFJ Warns Over "Political Games With Media" As Montenegro Prepares for Elections  

The International Federation of Journalists today expressed concern about attempts by Montenegrin politicians to manipulate media through a series of changes to law that may threaten editorial independence in the run up to elections in October. "Politicians must not play political games with media", said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White, "Elections are the crucial test of democracy and journalists must be able to work without interference. The public has the right to be informed without censorship or political tinkering with their news media". Montenegro is preparing parliamentary elections on 6 October and presidential elections in November. A parliamentary…  
14432. IFJ Calls for Global Solidarity With Journalists in Iran as Courts Put Pressure on Press Freedom  

The struggle for press freedom in Iran must become a top priority for journalists' worldwide says the International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' organisation, today in response to recent developments, which include the banning of pro-reform dailies and the imprisonment of editors and journalists. "The struggle for editorial independence and press freedom is being fought by courageous journalists in Iran," said Aidan White, the IFJ General Secretary, "and journalists throughout the world must give them support as they challenge the violations of their rights by hardliners inside the country." On July 11, Tehran's Press Court ordered…  
14433. IFJ Welcomes Italian President Backing for Pluralism but Warns of New Threat to Media  

The IFJ has welcomed this week's defence of public service broadcasting by the Italian President, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi. It represents a major breakthrough at the heart of Italian politics in support of media pluralism, and opens up a new front in the campaign against Silvio Berlusconi's undue influence over the Italian media system. President Ciampi addressed the Italian Parliament on 23 July calling for more pluralistic and impartial information in the country, and for a guarantee of the "central role of public broadcasting as a democratic, social and cultural requirement of each society", as stated by the Treaty of Amsterdam. This major intervention on the situation of…  
14434. Moldovan Government Approves of New TV Company  

The Moldovan government on 20 July approved President Vladimir Voronin's draft on setting up a "Teleradio Moldova public company," Flux reported. Justice Minister Ion Morei said the company's denomination is in line with the recommendations of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Morei urged the government to forward the draft to parliament with the recommendation that it be debated under urgency procedure. The cabinet approved an amendment to the draft proposed by Culture Minister Ion Pacuraru that obligates Teleradio Moldova to promote "the authentic values of national culture and of the cultures of national minorities." The Council of Europe…  
14435. Resolution on the Creation of the African Union  

Southern African Journalists' Association First Annual Meeting, July 18-19th 2002 Mbabane, Swaziland SAJA welcomes the recent launch of the African Union and acknowledges it as a further step in the positive development of our continent. SAJA asserts that it will cooperate and give support to all and any efforts undertaken by the African Union towards the development of a free and independent media in our continent, as well as the protection and preservation of journalistic independence throughout Africa. SAJA calls on the member states of the African Union to support efforts by journalists and African media professionals to establish pluralist, professional and…  
14436. IFJ Calls for Urgent Probe Over Mystery Robbery of Georgian Association of Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' group, today urged President Eduard Shevardnadze to launch an investigation into a mysterious robbery of the offices of the IFJ affiliated Independent Association of Georgian Journalists (IAGJ). The President of IAGJ, Zviad Pochkhua, said that their offices were robbed on July 8th. The intruders stole, among other things, documents and papers, including project information, official letters received from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, internal reports, and most importantly, documents connected to investigations into violence against journalists, and the Association's contact list. "This was no…  
14438. PSB Country File : Portugal  

BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS FOR RTP CRISIS: The Journalists' Union criticises the Government and demands explanations What PSB model: Latin-American or European? LA CRISE DE LA RTP : Le Syndicat des Journalistes critique le gouvernement et exige des renseignements  
14440. Resolution on the state of the media in Swaziland from the Southern Africa Journalists' Association  

Southern Africa Journalists' Association First Annual General Meeting, July 18-19th 2002 Mbabane, Swaziland Resolution on the state of the media in Swaziland. The first Annual General Meeting of the Southern Africa Journalists' Association (SAJA) noting: 1. That there is clear political interference by the Swazi Government in the media. 2. That inter alia this has manifested itself in: Unfair and unlawful dismissals of employees at the national television station, The Swazi Observer and the Guardian newspapers. Interference with broadcasting programming by politicians. The continued existence of pieces of legislation inimical to the existence and development of a…  
14441. PSB in Montenegro, IFJ Conference  

Round table "For a Public Service Radio and Television : The case of Montenegro" Hotel "Crna Gora", Podgorica July 11, 2002 On 11 July 2002, over 30 media professionals from Montenegro, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, as well as representatives from the IFJ and from the OSCE met in Podgorica to discuss the transformation of Radio-Television Crna Gora into a public broadcaster. The conference, organised by the Independent Trade Union of Journalists of Montenegro in the framework of the IFJ Campaign Public Broadcasting for All, provided a forum for the professional journalists community and civil society to define PSB values for Montenegro. A new law,…  
14442. IFJ Mourns Loss of African Union Leader  

The International Federation of Journalists today expressed sadness at the "tragic loss" of Angels Banda, President of the Zambian Union of Journalists, as well as the first President of the Southern Africa Journalists Association that was launched last year. Angels Banda was killed on Friday in a car accident while attending a union-backed seminar near Lusaka. In a message to mourners at his funeral held on July 8th, IFJ General Secretary Aidan White said: "Angels' death is a tragic loss for journalists and unionists in Zambia and Southern Africa. Our thoughts are with his friends and family at this difficult time. We should build upon the foundations for unity and…  
14443. Empowering Women for Change. Resources Pack for Women in the Media  

Package of information and materials arising from the IFJ-FES Regional Gender Equity Workshop held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 6-7 July 2002. Download the material (PDF)  
14444. IFJ Outlines Challenge of Globalisation for World Summit on Information Society  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest organisation of journalists, set out its action-plan for the UN World Summit on Information Society to take place in Geneva in 2003 and Tunis in 2005, and called for globalisation to respect social and professional rights of journalists. The Swiss Federation of Journalists (SFJ), representing the IFJ during the Preparatory Committee for Civil Society from 1 to 5 July 2002 in Geneva, introduced the position of the journalists during a working session on media professionals. The action plan recalls essential principles for media in a global information society : respect of the rights to report for journalists and the…  
14446. Action Alert Venezuela: Owner of daily "La Nación" kidnapped  

Human rights section for Latin America of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), Lima Fabio Cortés, owner of the daily "La Nación", published in San Cristóbal, was kidnapped on the morning of Saturday 29 June 2002. At 8:30 a.m. (local time), three armed individuals entered his house and apprehended him, his wife and his two daughters, aged seven and ten. The assailants, who were dressed in civilian clothing and whose faces were covered, violently broke in while Cortés was having breakfast with his family. One individual grabbed the journalist and businessman while the other two tied up his wife and daughters and locked them in another room. The kidnappers…  
14448. IFJ Calls for End of Harassment of West Bank Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' organisation today protested over the detention of two Moroccan journalists by the Israeli military after they had interviewed Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat. "This unwarranted detention is another example of persistent harassment of journalists working in the West Bank," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ. "Interviewing Yasser Arafat is not a crime and Israeli intimidation will not stop journalists carrying out their work." The journalists, Anas Ben Salah and Hassan Boucheni, both working for the second television station 2M in Morocco, were detained by the…  
14450. IFJ Report on Press Freedom in Slovenia  

IFJ Report on Press Freedom in Slovenia, June 2002  
14451. European and World Journalists Condemn Threat to British Newspaper in Protection of Sources Dispute  

The world's largest group of journalists today condemned a corporate attempt to seize control of The Guardian newspaper in Great Britain as a "grotesque and outrageous assault" on press freedom and journalists' rights. The International Federation of Journalists and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists, says the application by the Belgian-based international brewery company Interbrew, asking the British High Court to seize the assets of the newspaper for refusing to hand over a copy of a leaked document, posed a challenge to journalists throughout Europe and around the world. "This unprecedented legal assault reflects a startling level of…  
14452. Danger and Deadlines: Journalists' Rights on the Palestine Peace Agenda  

Danger and Deadlines: Journalists' Rights on the Palestine Peace Agenda Report of IFJ Mission to Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza Strip, June 16-20th 2002 (PDF)  
14453. Some comments on the input and discussions "European Copyright Revisited"  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) represents more than 200.000 authors who work in the printed media, radio and television and in on-line and net-media. Some work as freelances, some work as staff. They fill out many different functions, but what they have in common is the fact that they create content for the media with a journalistic approach. Please find below some com-ments on the conference interventions and discussions so far. Contract Law and authors' rights It is widely recognised that the principle of free will of the parties does not work in each and every contractual relation. Unbalanced relations can be found in many situations. Responsible legislators…  
14454. EFJ Annual Meeting 2002: Minutes  

EFJ Annual Meeting 2002 "European Action Plan to confront Media Globalisation" Brussels, 15 June 2002 Download the Minutes (PDF)  
14456. IFJ Investigation into Unsolved Attack of Investigative Journalist: Press Freedom Lies in the Hands of Slovene Police  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists organization, today called upon the Slovenian authorities to initiate an independent investigation into the brutal attack against investigative journalist, Miro Petek. "Slovenian authorities must delay no longer," said the IFJ. "The country has made good progress in establishing a vibrant democracy, however the attack on Miro Petek throws a shadow over the future of press freedom." Since the attack in February 2001 the police have failed to prosecute a single individual. As a result and in response to appeals from the Slovenian Journalists Association, who have been leading the campaign on behalf of Miro…  
14458. IFJ Condemns Zimbabwe 'Media Vendetta' and Calls for Guardian Journalist on Trial to be Freed  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest organization of journalists, today called for a leading journalist on trial under draconian new press regulations to be freed and for the Government of Zimbabwe to end its "deplorable vendetta against press freedom." The IFJ says the trial of Andrew Meldrum, the Guardian's Harare correspondent, is "victimization of a respected professional." Meldrum, who is accused of publishing a false story under the country's spiteful media law, denies the charge. Late last years he was one of a group of journalists accused by government representatives of "supporting terrorism". "This is victimization pure and simple," said IFJ…  
14459. Missing Link in Venezuela's Political Crisis - How Media and Government Failed a Test of Journalism and Democracy  

Missing Link in Venezuela's Political Crisis - How Media and Government Failed a Test of Journalism and Democracy (PDF) Report of IFJ Mission to Caracas June 10-12, 2002  
14460. World Journalists Mourn Murdered Brazilian Reporter  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest organization of journalists, today expressed the sympathy and solidarity of journalists around the world with the family, friends and colleagues of Brazilian journalist Tim Lopes, following his brutal murder, while investigating drug crimes in a suburb of Rio de Janeiro. According to news reports, the body of the journalist was found in a cave in a shantytown near the impoverished suburb Favela Vila do Cruzeiro where he was last seen on assignment on June 2nd. He is said to have been tortured and murdered with a sword. "This is a tragedy not only for Brazilian journalism, but also for journalists all over Latin…  
14461. World Journalists Call on Chavez to "Cool It" Over Threat to Close Media  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' group, today urged President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela to lower the temperature of his criticism of media after he announced yesterday that he would not tolerate broadcasts that he claims are attempts by his rivals to foment political unrest. "It's time for President Chavez to cool it when it comes to dealing with media," said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White from Caracas, where the Federation is carrying out a mission of inquiry into the controversial role of the media during the attempted coup two months ago. "Where professional problems exist they must be resolved through dialogue and not…  
14462. World Journalists Express Serious Concern Over Missing Journalist in Brazil  

At their bi-annual Executive Committee meeting, the International Federation of Journalists, have expressed their serious concern over missing investigative Brazilian journalist Tim Lopes of TV Globo. According to news reports, he was last seen on assignment in the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro, on June 2nd at the impoverished community, Favela Vila do Cruzeiro. According to TV Globo the reporter was met by his driver at the favela at about 8 p.m., but told the driver that he needed more time to finish his work. They agreed to meet again at 10 p.m., but the reporter never arrived. This was Lopes's fourth visit to Vila do Cruzeiro, and this time, he was a carrying a hidden camera. He…  
14463. IFJ Welcomes Release of UK Journalist Detained in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists today welcomed the decision by the Government of Pakistan to release British journalist Amardeep Bassey after his detention for nearly 20 days on suspicion of espionage. In a letter to the IFJ, which had protested over the arrest to the Pakistan Ambassador in Brussels, the authorities announced that "as a gesture of good will", the Government has decided not to prosecute Mr. Bassey and he had left Pakistan yesterday. The Birmingham-based Sunday Mercury journalist had been travelling with a group of British journalists on a 13-day trip to Afghanistan and Pakistan organised by the British army. At the end of the trip he decided to return…  
14464. Victimisation of Jailed US Freelance Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists today called for the immediate release of a Seattle freelance journalist sent to jail for contempt of court by a judge who claims he is not a legitimate investigative reporter because he edits and publishes his own work. Veteran journalist Paul Trummel, a member of the National Writers Union, which is affiliated to the IFJ, was imprisoned in February for breaching an injunction forbidding him to write about a residence where he lived for two years and about which he has complained in his own newsletter and web-site. "The judge has advanced the dangerous argument that this freelance has no professional status because he edits and…  
14466. Victimisation of Jailed US Freelance Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists today called for the immediate release of a Seattle freelance journalist sent to jail for contempt of court by a judge who claims he is not a legitimate investigative reporter because he edits and publishes his own work. Veteran journalist Paul Trummel, a member of the National Writers Union, which is affiliated to the IFJ, was imprisoned in February for breaching an injunction forbidding him to write about a residence where he lived for two years and about which he has complained in his own newsletter and web-site. "The judge has advanced the dangerous argument that this freelance has no professional status because he edits and publishes…  
14472. Law on Radio-TV of Republika Srbska  

Texts of the adopted Laws (27/05/2002) Law on Radio-TV of Republika Srbska  
14473. End of the lock-out at Radio-Canada  

On Wednesday, 22 May, the union members at Radio Canade voted to accept the latest contract offer of the employer, and will be returning to work over the next few days. Ubald Bernard, vice president of the Syndicat des Communications de Radio Canada and responsible for the negotiations says in a comment that the union has made some progress, and that the deal was the best they would be able to get at this moment. The situation for temporary staff will be improved, but the main issues in the conflict concerning inequalities in treatment of men and women remain unresolved. An expert committee will be set up to discuss this question. (24/05/02) More information: RCI action…  
14474. IFJ Warns Against "Unfair Treatment" Over Bid to Limit Advertising Rights in Bosnia Broadcast Law  

The International Federation of Journalists today warned against attempts to undermine the right to broadcast advertising by the reformed public broadcasting network in Bosnia-Herzegovina. "Bosnia's public broadcaster must have the right to broadcast a limited amount of advertising in line with European standards," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ following suggestions that some international community observers want this right removed or heavily curtailed in the draft law currently before the Office of the High Representative in Sarajevo. "If this right is restricted Bosnia will suffer unacceptable discrimination and unfair treatment in a region where other public…  
14476. IFJ Questions Israel Over "Inhumane Detention of Palestinian Journalists"  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' organisation, today called on Israel to explain its detention - "in harrowing and inhumane conditions" - of at least seven Palestinian Journalists. Three journalists are in Israeli custody after being arrested while carrying out their professional duties. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has so far provided no explanation about why they are held. Reuter's cameraman Jussry al-Jamal, a Palestinian, has been jailed by Israeli authorities without charge, access to a lawyer or appearance before a court. His family has been unable to see him and does not know where he is being detained. No charges have been…  
14477. EAJA Bulletin - May 2002  

East Africa Journalists Association Kenya: Draconian bill now law Kenyan publishers are now required to execute a Kenya shilling 1 million bond up from the current Kenya shillings 10,000 before they can publish. The miscellaneous amendments act bill became law on May 30, after it was published in the Kenya gazette the official government paper. Failure to comply with the new law will attract a jail term of three to five years, a 1 million shilling fine for first offenders and disqualification from owning or publishing a newspaper or magazine for repeat offenders. Publishers must also submit at least two copies of their publication to the registrar of Books and newspapers before…  
14478. Submission of the NUJ Ireland to the Forum on Broadcasting  

Submission of the NUJ Ireland to the Forum on Broadcasting, [WORD], 16 May 2002  
14479. Study on the conditions applicable to contracts relating to intellectual property in the European Union, L. Guibault and B. Hugenholtz  

"The cross-border exploitation of copyrighted works or performances has increased dramatically in recent years. This development is evident in respect of such ‘borderless’ media such as broadcasting and information services provided online. However, more traditional sectors of the information and entertainment industries, such as book publishing and film production, are also undergoing a process of rapid internationalisation, particularly within the European Union. As a consequence, contractual relationships between authors or performers on the one hand, and publishers, broadcasters or producers on the other hand, are increasingly taking on an international dimension. In view of the…  
14480. IFJ Condemns Detention of UK Journalist in Pakistan on Spy Charges  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' organisation, today called on Pakistan to make a clear statement on the whereabouts and safety of Amardeep Bassey, an award winning British journalist reportedly being held by Pakistani security officials on spy charges. Bassey, a journalist for the Sunday Mercury in Britain was apparently arrested four days ago when he tried to return to Pakistan from Afghanistan where he had been reporting on the war-torn nation from the capital Kabul. He was detained in the border town of Torkham when the authorities examined his passport and noted that he did not have the required exit stamp on his visa. The journalist…  
14481. IFJ condemns repressive media bill in Kenya  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalist's group, and the Eastern Africa Journalist Association (EAJA), today expressed their strong concern regarding the adoption of a media regulation that has been passed in Kenya. "This law is repressive regulation that is potentially seriously damaging to press freedom", said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. On 8th May the Kenyan parliament passed the Statutory Law (Miscellaneous Amendment) bill 2002, making shocking amendments to sections affecting the media. The bill seeks an increase in the bond executed by media publishers from the current Kenya shillings 10,000 (US$128) to Kenya shillings million…  
14482. Model contract for freelance journalists  

The model contract is accessible here  
14484. Journalists Warn of Crisis Of Confidence Over Media Policy in Poland  

Global journalists today called for the Polish authorities to withdraw actions against the majority owners of a leading daily newspaper Rzeczpospolita, which they claim is the battle ground in a struggle between state and private interests for editorial control. The International Federation of Journalists and the European Federation of Journalists has also warned the Polish authorities that they face a serious confrontation with media professionals over two draft laws covering broadcasting and journalists rights. "There is a growing crisis of confidence of media policy in Poland," said Aidan White, IFJ and EFJ General Secretary, "the Rzeczpospolita case reflects widespread concern…  
14485. Globalization and the Media: The European Agenda  

Final Report from the European Federation of Journalists Conference Globalization and the Media: The European Agenda Brussels 3-4 May 2002 Download the report  
14488. Journalists Condemn Charges Against Reporters And Zimbabwe's "Ruthless Vendetta" Against Media  

The International Federation of Journalists today accused Zimbabwe of a "ruthless vendetta" against journalists and independent media in the wake of the arrest and charging of three journalists. "The Government of Zimbabwe is determined to persecute reporters in what amounts to ruthless vendetta against press freedom," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ today. "The arrested colleagues are the victims of a government that has lost all sense of its democratic responsibilities. These journalists are not criminals – they are victims." Andrew Meldrum, an American citizen who has lived and worked in Zimbabwe for more than 20 years and is the correspondent of The Guardian in…  
14490. IFJ Supports Adoption of Draft Broadcasting Law for Serbia  

The International Federation of Journalists today gave its broad support to the principles in the Draft Broadcasting Law approved by the Serbian Government in early April, and currently presented to the Serbian Parliament. The draft law foresees the transformation of Radio-Television Serbia into a public service broadcaster, as well as the establishment of a Broadcasting Agency. These two main measures are fundamental steps on the way to a democratic and independent broadcasting framework in the Republic of Serbia, says the IFJ. Although the IFJ welcomed the principles contained in the draft, the Federation took note of comments made by the Council of Europe, which is seeking a…  
Search results 14421 until 14490 of 15063