15063 results:

8191. Indian union calls for wider discussion on media ownership recommendations  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Indian Union of Journalists (IJU) in calling on the government to hold wide-ranging discussions with all media stakeholders and civil society leaders on the amendments to the Press Council of India (PCI) Act and other recommendations put forward by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI). The recommendations were put forward in the report, “Issues Related to Media Ownership”, released on August 12 which aims to dealing with the issue of corporates entering the media arena. While the IFJ and IJU welcome the move to amend the PCI Act to bring journalists working in electronic media under the Act, there are…  
8192. IFJ and SAMSN demand action on search for missing Maldivian journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) today called on the Maldives government to expedite police operations and deploy all necessary resources to determine the whereabouts of missing Maldivian journalist Ahmed Rilwan Abdulla.  His disappearance comes at a time of increased tension in the Maldives with a spike in threats against the media by criminal gangs and religious extremists in recent weeks. Abdulla, a 28-year-old journalist with Minivan News, was last seen on early morning on Friday, August 8 on a ferry traveling to Hulhumale Island from the capital Male and has since not been seen or heard from. Numerous reports…  
8193. Pro-democracy Hong Kong media outlet sacks independent radio host  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned about a radio host whose contract was terminated because he promised to host of a rally against the Occupy Movement in Hong Kong on 17 August. Eric Ng, the host of a D100 music programme, had his contract suddenly terminated by D100 after he insisted on becoming the host of a rally against the Occupy Movement. Morris Ho, one of the founding partners of D100, admitted that Ng was terminated because he defied management by insisting on being host of the anti-rally. Ho said there was an ideological difference between Ng and D100, and Ng’s decision had upset some members of the audience. Another founding partner, Albert…  
8194. Abdulrahman Hameed Aldin  

According to the Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate (YJS), an IFJ affiliate, Abdulrahman Hameed Aldin, who worked for Sana’a Radio, was shot in the head by an armed assailants in Yemen’s capital city, Sana’a. He was taken to hospital where he passed away the following day.  
8195. IFJ Demands Immediate Release of Somali Journalists Following Government Attacks on Media Freedom  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned the severe and unwarranted action of Somali security forces who last Friday raided and closed independent radio stations in Mogadishu and arrested 19 media workers. Sixteen of the journalists were subsequently released, but three are still being held. The IFJ has demanded that the three remaining journalists are released immediately and expressed its concern for their safety and well-being amid reports they have been subjected to abuse and torture. According to IFJ affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), at around 9:30am on Friday, 15 August, heavily armed security forces raided and shut down both…  
8196. Journalist Killed in Yemen: IFJ Repeats Demand for Increased Media Protection  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has issued a renewed appeal for authorities in Yemen to immediately increase protection for media workers in the country following an escalation in attacks over the last few days, including the murder of a senior journalist. According to IFJ affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate (YJS) Abdulrahman Hameed Aldin, who worked for Sana’a Radio, was shot in the head last Friday, 15 August, by an armed group in Yemen’s capital city Sana’a. He was taken to hospital where he passed away the following day. The YJS has also stated that Ibrahim Al Abiad, a TV director for Yemen TV, found an unexploded bomb under his car while it was…  
8197. Journalist bashed trying to cover construction accident  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the use of violence by a China state employee against a China Central Television (CCTV) journalist in Yuzhong County, Lanzhou, Gansu Province. On 16 August, Ma Lingfeng a CCTV journalist was harassed, blocked and attacked by a staffer of the China Railway Construction Corporation (CRSGC) as he was attempting to report on a landslide in a CRSGC construction site where five workers were trapped. According to a Beijing News report, Ma was pushed down by a CRSGC employee on his arrival at the site and his mobile phone taken away. The same man then also tried to remove a camera Ma was using to film at the scene. When the journalist…  
8198. FAJ Condemns Intimidation of Media Workers in Burkina Faso  

Authorities in Burkina Faso must immediately stop threats against the safety of journalists and their work, the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) has stated. Recently, media professionals in Burkina Faso have faced a series of threats to their physical safety and burglaries of their workplaces. (Read in French/lire en francais)  
8199. FAJ condemns serious threats to safety of journalists in Burkina Faso  

Authorites in Burkina Faso must immediately stop threats against the safety of journalists and their work, the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) has stated. Recently, media professionals in Burkina Faso have faced a series of threats to their physical safety, while burglaries have been carried out at their workplaces. (Read in French/Lire en francais).  
8200. FAJ Condemns Attack Against Photojournalist in Zimbabwe  

Authorities in Zimbabwe must immediately stop the attacks by a religious leader against journalists and media houses, the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) said today. The perpetrators of these attacks must be punished. According to FAJ affiliate, the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists, ZUJ, the chief photographer of Chronicle newspaper, Elias Saushoma, for doing his job, was harassed and detained on Thursday August 14, by Walter Magaya, the head of a religious outfit known as the Prophetic Healing and Deliverance (PHD) Ministries Church. The photographer was taking pictures at a meeting held in Bulawayo when Magaya’s bouncers assaulted and harassed him. “Authorities must…  
8201. FAJ Condemns new wave of Attacks against Independent Media in Somalia  

Authorities in Somalia must immediately release the staff members and hand over the equipment of prominent independent radios, the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) said today. According to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) a FAJ affiliate, around 09:30 am on Friday 15 August, heavily armed security forces raided and shut down both Radio Shabelle and Sky FM, which are owned by Shabelle Media Network, and arrested at least eight journalists, including Shabelle chairman Abdimalik Yusuf Mohamud. ''This latest blow against two radio stations shows how authorities are reluctant to promote independant media,'' said Mohamed Garba, FAJ President. ''Our colleagues must be…  
8202. Journalist missing in the Maldives  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA) call on the Maldives government to speed up investigation to clarify whereabouts of journalist Ahmed Rilwan Adbulla, who is missing since August 8. According to reports, Abdulla, a 28-year-old journalist with Minivan News was reported missing to the police. He was last seen on early morning on Friday, August 8 on a ferry traveling to Hulhumale Island from the capital Male wearing black trousers and a turquoise shirt. The Police said that the immigration records show he has not left the country, while there is no evidence to suggest that he returned to his apartment, according…  
8203. South Asia Media Solidarity Network Bulletin: August  

To SAMSN members and friends, Welcome to the e-bulletin of the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN). The next bulletin will be sent on September 15, 2014, and your inputs are most welcome. We encourage contributions to let others know what you are doing; to seek solidarity and support from other SAMSN members; and to find out what others are doing in the region. To contribute, email: [email protected] SAMSN is a group of journalists’ trade unions, press freedom organisations and journalists in South Asia that have agreed to work together to support freedom of expression and association in the region. SAMSN was formed at a meeting of these groups in Kathmandu, Nepal, in September…  
8204. FIP exige a las autoridades colombianas investigar el brutal asesinato del periodista Luis Carlos Cervantes  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) ha pedido a las autoridades colombianas investigar el brutal asesinato del periodista Luis Carlos Cervantes en el noroeste de Colombia y que se aseguren de que sus asesinos respondan por sus crímenes. Según informes de prensa, Cervantes, periodista y director de la emisora de radio, Morena FM, con sede en el municipio de Tarazá, en Antioquia, fue asesinado al mediodía del, miércoles 13 de agosto en la carretera que conduce de Tarazá a La Caucana. Las declaraciones de los testigos dicen que dos personas armadas no identificadas ordenaron al conductor de la motocicleta en la que Cervantes estaba viajando que se alejara y luego le dispararon…  
8205. IFJ Demands that Colombian Authorities Investigate Brutal Murder of Journalist Luis Carlos Cervantes  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called on Colombian authorities to investigate the brutal murder of the journalist Luis Carlos Cervantes in north west Colombia and to ensure that his killers answer for their crimes. According to media reports, Cervantes, journalist and director of the radio station, Morena FM, based in the township of Tarazá, in Antioquia, was killed at noon yesterday, Wednesday 13 August, on the road that leads from Tarazá to La Caucana. Eyewitness accounts say that two armed and unidentified people ordered the driver of the motorcycle on which Cervantes was traveling to move away and then they shot him nine times, killing him on the spot.…  
8206. European and Indonesian media join call to free French journalists in West Papua  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins with the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the French Union of Journalists (SNJ, SNJ-CGT, CFDT-Journalists) and Indonesia’s  Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI), in calling on Indonesian authorities to immediately release two French Journalists, arrested and charged in West Papua this week. Few details have been released since Thomas Dandois and Valentine Bourrat were arrested in the city of Wawena, West Papua on August 6. The pair, who work for the Franco-German television channel Arte, were covering a story on the Free Papua Movement (OPM). Sulistyo Pudjo Hartono, the West Papuan police spokesman said both…  
8207. Nadir Benseba  

The 44-year-old worked for five years as coordinator for the IFJ at its regional office in Algiers before launching his own newspaper el Mihwar el Yawmi. He died in a road accident in Zeralda, Algiers as he was returning home.  
8208. Kamili Simon, Ali Abuafash  

According to IFJ affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS), Italian photographer Kamili Simon, 37, who worked for Associated Press, and Palestinian photographer Ali Abuafash, 38, who worked for AFP, were killed today, Wednesday 13 August, in Beit Lahya, north of the Gaza Strip. They were filming as Palestinian bomb disposal experts tried to dismantle the bomb when it exploded. Another Palestinian photographer, Hatem Musa, 37, who also works for Associated Press, was seriously injured in the incident.  
8209. Two Journalists Killed by Unexploded Bomb in Gaza  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has advised all journalists who continue to report in Gaza to remain vigilant at all times, even during periods of ceasefire, after two journalists were killed while photographing attempts to dismantle an unexploded Israeli bomb. According to IFJ affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS), Italian photographer Kamili Simon, 37, who worked for Associated Press, and Palestinian media worker and freelance interpreter Ali Abuafash, 38, were killed today, Wednesday 13 August, in Beit Lahya, north of the Gaza Strip. They were taking photos of local technicians as they tried to dismantle the bomb when it exploded.…  
8210. Asesinado el periodista Luis Carlos Cervantes, en Tarazá, Antioquia  

Luis Carlos Cervantes, periodista y director de la Emisora Morena F.M  del municipio de Tarazá, fue asesinado al medio día de hoy en la carretera que de Tarazá conduce al corregimiento La Caucana. De acuerdo con habitantes de la zona, dos sujetos armados no identificados, ordenaron al conductor de la motocicleta en la que Cervantes viajaba como parrillero retirarse y posteriormente le propinaron 9 tiros en la cabeza al periodista, produciéndole su deceso inmediato. En el Magazín  “Buenos días Tarazá”, que dirigía Cervantes, se  había hecho alusión a un ex alcalde de Tarazá preso por corrupción y acusado de tener vínculos con paramilitares. Además, el periodista había…  
8211. Changes to India’s labour laws set to downgrade workers' rights  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) have criticised proposed changes to India’s labour laws by the Government of India which will make it easier for employers to deprive the workers of their wages, rights and privileges.  Instead, the IJU has called for a national discussion on reforms to come up with meaningful proposals that would serve to strengthen the media. The proposed ‘labour reforms’ fall under amendments to the Factories Act, the Apprenticeship Act and other labour laws in the Parliament. The Indian Cabinet has already approved proposals to amend the acts ‘with the common intention to make them more…  
8212. Indian TV terminates dozens of employees  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Indian Union of Journalists (IJU) in harshly condemning the arbitrary termination of a large number of journalists from Focus NE, a TV station based in Guwahati, Assam. More than 40 employees including journalists, newsroom staff and camerapeople of Focus NE were either sacked or forced to resign as per management’s decision to “cut costs”, according to the  IJU. The affected journalists and their fellow employees along with media rights organisations in Assam staged a demonstration against the mass termination outside the office of the channel at Ulubari, Guwahati on August 11. SN Sinha, the president of…  
8213. IFJ Launches Solidarity Appeal for Journalists in Gaza  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is appealing to its affiliates across the world to contribute to a special solidarity appeal it has set up to provide financial aid to journalists in Gaza who are desperately in need of help. The IFJ says that the current limited cease-fire may have halted the loss of life, but many journalists and families are now homeless after their houses were razed to the ground or suffered extensive damages as to render them inhabitable. IFJ’s Palestinian affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS), estimates that 42 journalists and their families have been displaced in Gaza, 14 of them (read the list HERE) have had their…  
8214. PNG radio announcer charged over bribe comments  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Pacific Media Watch in raising concern over the arrest and subsequent charging of a Port Moresby-based radio announcer. The IFJ has called for the journalist to be given right to representation and a fair investigation into the allegations. The 30-year-old broadcaster has been charged with “broadcasting misleading information” about a joint police operation between Australian Federal Police and Royal PNG Constabulary police. NCD Metropolitan police commander, Andy Bawa, alleged that the broadcaster made on-air jokes about bribing police officers in addition to his other comments about the operations. Mr Bawa said that such…  
8215. IFJ / EFJ Concerned for Safety of Russian Journalist Missing in Ukraine  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have expressed their concern for the safety of Russian journalist, Andrei Stenin, following reports that he has been detained in eastern Ukraine. According to media reports, Stenin, who works for Russia’s state-run news agency, RIA Novosti, which is part of the Rossiya Segodnya holding, has gone missing in eastern Ukraine where he was working on a photo assignment. Editors from the agency say they have been unable to reach him since 5 August. He is believed to have been with pro-Russian separatists before his disappearance. RIA Novosti has cited an unidentified source in Donetsk as…  
8216. IFJ condemns arrest of French journalists in West Papua  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned the arrest and subsequent charging of two French Journalists in the eastern province of West Papua and called for their immediate release. On Friday, August 8, the two journalists Thomas Dandois and Valentine Bourrat were arrested in the city of Wawena, along with three separatists from the Free Papua Movement (OPM), who were reported to be assisting them on a story. The pair work for the Franco-German television channel Arte and were reported to be making a documentary about the separatist movement in Indonesia’s most-eastern province. West Papua, which has a long-running separatist movement, is a sensitive region in…  
8217. IFJ Press Freedom in China Campaign Bulletin: August 2014  

Welcome to IFJ Asia-Pacific’s monthly Press Freedom in China Campaign e-bulletin. The next bulletin will be sent in mid-September 2014, and contributions are most welcome. To contribute news or information, email [email protected]. To visit the IFJ’s China Campaign page, go to www.ifj.org.  Click here to download the Traditional Chinese version. Click here to download the Simplified Chinese version. 1)      New rules jeopardise journalists’ right to work 2)      Xinjiang Province authorities hold back news of deadly riot for three days 3)      IIham Tohti’s defence lawyer subjected to intense political…  
8218. IFJ calls for further consultation on new Bangladesh broadcast policy  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF), the Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists (BFUJ) and the Dhaka Union of Journalists (DUJ) in cautiously welcoming the Bangladesh government’s initiative to introduce a new broadcast policy for the country’s media. But the IFJ and the Bangladesh unions, have also  expressed concern over some of the provisions of the National Broadcast Policy 2014 that will be potentially restrictive to media freedom in Bangladesh. The IFJ has also joined the three unions in calling for the development of an independent broadcast commission to support further discussions with stakeholders in…  
8219. IFJ Family Deeply Saddened by Loss of Nadir Benseba  

The whole IFJ family was deeply saddened at the news of the untimely death of our colleague and friend Nadir Benseba this summer. Nadir, who worked as the IFJ Algeria co-ordinator from 2005 to 2009, died in a car accident on 8 August in Algiers. Nadir was a hugely popular figure among Algerian journalists and the government laid on several coaches to enable hundreds of his colleagues and friends to attend his funeral. Nadir had been a leading figure in the Syndicate National des Journalistes and had run the IFJ Solidarity Centre for Algerian journalists with enormous energy and dedication. During this time he organized numerous campaigns and protests on behalf of persecuted…  
8220. China shackles instant messaging on news  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has queried the aim of the Chinese authority to restrain peopale’s rights to use instant messaging services (IMS) to disseminate news. The State Internet Information Office of China passed a new set of rules on August 7 requiring all IMS users to provide their real name to register an account and sign agreements with service providers to abide “Seven Bottom Lines”. Effectively, this means users will have to abide by laws and regulations, which uphold the socialist system and national interests among other things. The rules further restrain people’s right to use the public platform to post pieces of news reports. The spokesperson of the…  
8221. Gang thugs text murder threats to 15 journalists in the Maldives  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA) strongly condemns death threats issued to 15 journalists on August 2 directly attributed to their journalistic activities. According to the MJA, 15 journalists received murder threats via text message, warning them against reporting on gangs in the wake of street violence, which has seen at least one death and nine people injured. “[We] will kill you if you keep writing inappropriate articles about gangs in the media,” the message from an unlisted number read, according to Minivan News. Those receiving death threats are journalists from Haveeru, Raajje TV, Maldives Broadcasting…  
8222. IFJ welcomes presidential promises on jailed Burmese journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has welcomed a breakthrough in relations between the Myanmar government and its media, following a meeting between Burma’s Interim Press Council and President Thein Sein. The meeting, held at Thein Sein’s presidential ranch, on August 1 was arranged at the request of Myanmar’s Interim Press Council following growing concern over the government’s jailing of journalists. The meeting was prompted by the recent sentencing on July 10 of four journalists and the CEO of the Yangon-based Unity weekly news and current affairs magazine to ten years’ hard labour for publishing reports claiming the existence of a chemical weapons factory linked to…  
8223. Noor Ahmad Noori  

The journalist for Bust Radio and correspondet for The New York Times in Helmand province was kidnapped, severely beaten and hanged, according to the Afghanistan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA). His body was later found dumped in the Karte Lagan area. The AIJA blamed the drug mafia for the killing which they denounced as “a blatant violation of the security of independent journalists in Afghanistan who are trying their best to bring up-to-date news and information to the general public.”  
8224. Sardar Ahammad  

The AFP correspondent in Kabul was shot dead along his wife and daughter when gunmen attacked the Serena Hotel where the family was having dinner. His son was also seriously injured in the attack. The Afghanistan Independent Journalist Association (AIJA), an IFJ affiliate, condemned the killing of Sardar, describing it as ‘a direct armed attack on free journalism in the country which surely does not have any justification.’ The union said that Sardar had told the gunmen that he was an Afghan journalist before they killed him. Source: AFP/AIJA  
8225. Mohammad Nasim Turak  

According to the Afghanistan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA), an IFJ affiliate, Mohammad Nasim Turak was killed by an unknown assailant in Kandi Rijaee village, in the Alingar district of the eastern Laghman province. The AIJA says the journalist was fatally stabbed and his body was left outside the village where he was killed. It strongly condemned what it calls a "dreadful incident" and called on local officials to find the murderers and prove their commitment to freedom of speech.  
8226. Bangladesh Journalist attacked with harpoon at home  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF) in condemning the attack on journalist Nasrul Anwar on August 2. Anwar, a staff reporter for the Bangla-language daily Kaler Kantho, was attacked by an unidentified person at his home in Bazitpur, in the Kishoregunj district of Dhaka. According to his family members, the man entered the residence during the early morning and hit Nasrul with a harpoon causing serious injury to his right arm.   He was rushed to Bazitpur Zahurul Islam Medical College and Hospital in critical condition.   Nasrul said: "This attack was an attempt to murder me. The miscreant tried to hit…  
8227. IFJ expresses concern for Afghanistan’s media after spate of threats and attacks  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Afghanistan Independent Journalist Association (AIJA) in expressing concern over a series of recent threats and intimidations issued at journalists and called on the Afghanistan government to do more to ensure media workers are safe to conduct their duties. On August 2, the head of police in Nangrahar province of Eastern Afghanistan threatened a TV reporter for asking him critical questions. The official also deleted recordings of the interview from the camera of a reporter from Ariana TV. In a separate incident, on July 27, police officials in the North Eastern province of Takhar intimidated a journalist while he…  
8228. Campaign for Sri Lankan journalist Sunil Jayasekara  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) join the Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association (SLWJA) in strongly condemning the death threats issued to Sunil Jayasekara, the convener of Free Media Movement (FMM) over recent days. The IFJ has also questioned the role of government agencies in sabotaging a media workshop in Colombo during the weekend and called on the Sri Lankan government to probe these serious threats against Mr Jayasekera as an utmost priority or risk further regional and international condemnation on its human rights record. With the help of IFEX, of which FMM is also a member of, there is an ongoing twitter…  
8229. China Deprives Uyghur Prisoner Right to Legal Counsel  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned that undue political pressure has been applied to a defence lawyer to make her withdraw from defending a Uyghur scholar accused of separatism. IIham Tohti, a prominent Uyghur scholar based in Beijing, was officially charged with separatism on July 30 after six months in detention. He was accused of using his website, Uyghur Online, to disseminate separatist ideas, incite racial hatred and advocate for independence for Xinjiang province. However, the authorities has not provided any evidence to support the claim. Tohti was detained in Beijing and taken to Urumqi, Xinjiang, on January 15, 2014, but was not allowed to speak with…  
8230. Gunmen Attack Journalist in Afghanistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate Afghanistan Independent Journalist Association (AIJA) condemn the attack on journalist Azizullah Hamdard on the night of August 2 in capital Kabul. According to reports, two unidentified men fired shots from a pistol at Hamdard, a reporter with Pajhwok News agency, and fled away leaving him with injuries in his left arm. He was admitted to Kabul Emergency Hospital for treatment after he was turned back by two other hospitals, as police didn’t arrived despite being informed. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack, but Hamdard linked the attack to his journalism related activities since he had reported on frauds…  
8231. Adballah Fadel Mortaja  

The Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate (PJS), an IFJ affiliate, said that Mortaja who worked as a journalist for Al-Aqsa TV was killed by artillery shelling while covering news of Shojaeyah battles.  
8232. Palestinian Journalists Hold Protest Rally in Ramallah to Condemn Journalists' Killings in Gaza  

The IFJ affiliate in Palestine, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS), today organised a rally to express its outrage and condemnation at the killings of journalists during the Israeli strikes in Gaza. The protest rally was held outside the United Nations Offices in the Palestinian city of Ramallah to show solidarity with journalists, express their anger at the killings of their colleagues and demand that Israeli forces end attacks against media in Gaza and are held accountable for these atrocities. Read more on www.ifj.org  
8233. 13 Journalists Killed in Gaza: Palestinian Protest Rally Demands End Attacks  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS), to express its outrage and condemnation at the 13 media workers who have to date been killed in the Gaza region. At noon today the PJS held a protest rally outside the United Nations Offices in the Palestinian city of Ramallah to show solidarity with journalists, express their anger at the killing of their colleagues, and demand that Israeli forces end attacks against media in Gaza and are held accountable for these atrocities. Hundreds of journalists, media workers, civil service representatives and members of the public gathered at the protest where a procession…  
8234. Matthew Power  

Freelance journalist and travel writer Matthew Power, 39, died Monday while reporting in Uganda. He was working with British explorer Levison Wood, who was attempting to walk the length of the Nile, according to Men's Journal, for which Power was covering the story. "On Monday 10 March 2014, Matt fell ill, lost consciousness, and died a few hours later," the outlet notes. Heatstroke is believed to be the cause of death. A contributing editor to Harper's Magazine, Power had also written stories for Outside, Wired, GQ, The New York Times, National Geographic, The Atavist, Slate and others. Source: INSI  
8235. Agustín Ignacio Mina, Daniel Eduardo Diambrosio  

The 19-year-old journalist was killed in northwestern Argentina while on assignment covering the Rally Dakar Sudamérica auto race. Mina died after the vehicle in which he was travelling careened off a curve on a dangerous section of the road. A technician working with Mina, Daniel Eduardo Diambrosio, was also killed. Two other passengers, Peruvian photographer Rodrigo de Quesada and his Argentinian colleague Martín Delgado survived. The Rally’s organisers stated that the journalists were not accredited to cover the full race. Source: INSI  
8236. Sean M. Kelly  

The 53-year-old journalist died after his vehicle collided with a dump truck near Cushing in Oklahoma. According to the Oklahoma State Medical Examiner's Office, Kelly suffered head injured and internal bleeding. His family was reported as saying that Kelly, the general manager of KUSH Radio in Cushing and an evening anchor for KWEM-TV 31, was driving on the two-lane State Highway 33 about 2 miles west of Cushing on his way to report live on grassfires when the crash occurred. The Oklahoma Highway Patrol said that an eastbound dump truck attempted to pass him when Kelly began to make a left turn and the dump truck struck Kelly's Chevrolet in the driver's door, the…  
8237. Geolino Lopes Xavier  

The presenter for N3 TV was shot dead in Teixeira de Freitas, north east of Bahía state. Lopes was driving a car owned by the TV station and had just dropped off a colleague, Djalma Ferreira, at her home when he was fatally shot by two men in another car. Lopes, who was co-manager of N3 TV , also anchored the news programme called A Tarde. Source: INSI  
8238. IFJ / EFJ Call on Russian Authorities to Investigate Death of Journalist Timur Kuashev  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have called on Russian authorities to carry out an immediate and thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of journalist Timur Kuashev. According to IFJ affiliate, the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ), Kuashev, 26, a special correspondent for Russia’s Dosh Magazine and editor of the Caucasian Knot web portal, went missing on July 31 and was found dead in the suburbs of Nalchik, in the Kabardino-Balkaria republic, located in the North Caucasus. The cause of his death is still unclear, but the RUJ says that those close to him suspect he was murdered. His body…  
8239. Alex Akinwale  

The journalist who worked for the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA), was among four people killed in a road accident involving the convoy of the Deputy Governor of Ondo State, Alhaji Ali Olanusi. The crash happened in Ondo State on the Akure-Ondo road when the vehicle of the deputy governor hit another car and the driver lost control, colliding with the NTA van in which Akinwale was travelling.  
8240. Rizal Syahputra  

The deputy editor of Zonasumut.com, an online media outlet based in Medan, north Sumatra, Indonesia, was among 14 people killed in the eruption of Mount Sinabung volcano, according to the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI), an IFJ affiliate.  
8241. Timur Kuashev  

The correspondent of Dosh, a magazione which covers mainly the Russian Caucasus went missing from his home on 31 July and his body discovered the following day in a suburb of Nalchik, the capital of the autonomous Kabardino-Balkar Republic in the Russian Caucasus, according to reports. Kuashev covered abuses carried out by the security forces in the course of anti-terrorism operations. He had received threats for years and wrote about them in an open letter he published in April 2013, saying he was concerned for his life. He had also reported received death threats from users of the LiveJournal blog platform. “As a provocateur, aren’t you afraid of being swept…  
8242. AP photojournalist’s killer sentenced to death in Afghanistan  

Photo credit: The Associated Press The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate Afghanistan Independent Journalist Association (AIJA) have welcomed the verdict against the killer of AP photojournalist Anja Niedrignhaus as a blow to impunity to Afghanistan and the entrenched pattern of violence directed at both international and local media working within its borders. On July 22, former Afghan police unit commander, Naqibullah, was found guilty of murder and treason in a court in Kabul. He was sentenced to death for Niedrignhaus’ murder and given four years in prison for injuring Gannon. The ruling followed a three-month investigation of the April…  
8243. Pedro Palma  

Reports said Palma was shot dead by two unidentified men on a motorcycle outside his home in Miguel Pereira, a suburb to the south of Rio de Janeiro, and died at the scene. He was the owner of the local weekly newspaper Panorama Regional, which was circulated in several nearby municipalities. The paper had frequently alleged corruption in the local government and a friend of Palma's told the daily O Globo that the publisher had received threats but had not taken them seriously. Source: CPJ  
8244. Mohamed Helmy  

The freelance photojournalist was killed while covering clashes which marred the third anniversary of the popular uprising in the country which led the ousting of former President Hosni Mubarak. His colleague, Mohammed Fahmy, a photojournalist working for the centre-right Wafd party newspaper, was shot in the face and underwent surgery to rebuild his mouth, according to reports. Source: AP  
8245. French Journalists Call for President Hollande to Take Action  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have given their backing to the “Centenary Appeal” which was launched yesterday, Thursday 31 July, and is calling on the French President François Hollande, to improve his support for French journalists and their profession. Led by IFJ and EFJ’s French affiliates, the SNJ, SNJ-CGT and CFDT-Journalists, the appeal was launched at café du Croissant in Paris, the place where the renowned French journalist and politician, Jean Jaurès, was assassinated 100-years ago. The appeal is calling on the French president to keep his promises concerning the revision of public subsidies to the press,…  
8246. La FEPALC reclama el cese de los ataques en la Franja de Gaza  

La situación en la Franja de Gaza es alarmante. Entre las víctimas de la masacre ejecutada por el gobierno de Israel, además de niños, niñas y mujeres, se encuentran 10 periodistas. La Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe (FEPALC), componente de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) expresa su repudio por estos crímenes y exige el alto al fuego. La vida debe ser defendida ante todo. Para la FEPALC, la brutal operación realizada por el ejército israelí en Gaza es injustificable. Nuestra Federación llama a la comunidad internacional a actuar en defensa de la población civil, severamente afectada por los incesantes ataques.  La FEPALC expresa su…  
8247. IFJ Asia Pacific Bulletin: August 2014  

photo: Media Rights and Monitoring Training, Kathmandu, Nepal July 2014 Welcome to the IFJ Asia-Pacific’s monthly e-bulletin. The next bulletin will be sent on September 1 2014, and contributions from affiliates are most welcome. To contribute, email [email protected] Please distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ifjasiapacificLike us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IFJAsiaPacific In this bulletin:  1. Impunity win for Nepal as court sentences journalist’s murderers 2. SAMSN resolutions from the 13th annual meeting3. Union Leadership and Media Rights Monitoring and…  
8248. Xinjiang authorities shut down internet after deadly riot  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called for an investigation into events in Xinjiang Province, China, following the complete shutdown of the internet in Kashgar, and the blocking of reports of a deadly riot for three days. State-owned news agency Xinhua reported on July 30 that “dozens of Uyghur and Han civilians were killed and injured” early on the morning of July 28. The report said a number of assailants attacked the police station and other government buildings in Elishku Township, Yarkand County. Thirty-one cars were smashed and six vehicles were set alight. According to the BBC and the Radio Free Asia Uyghur service, police shot into the crowd, killing a…  
8249. Hong Kong journalists denounce ousting of senior expat producer  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has warned that the quality of Radio Television Hong Kong’s (RTHK) English language television service has been put at risk by the decision to not renew the contract of its senior executive producer, despite overwhelming support by staff. The move has angered staff and the IFJ has warned the move may also go against existing Hong Kong regulations and has called for his immediate reinstatement. On July 30, RTHK’s English television service programme staff and the RTHK Programme Staff Union issued a rare joint statement against the decision by the Director of Broadcasting, Roy Tang Yun-Kwong, to not renew the contract…  
8250. Journalists’ Death Toll Rises in Gaza as Israeli Offensive Shows no Sign of Ending  

Two more Palestinian journalists, Sameh Al-Aryan and Rami Rayan, were killed while reporting in a market in Gaza yesterday, bringing to at least eight the number of journalists who have now lost their lives since the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza strip began nearly one month ago. To date, the IFJ has confirmed that four journalists were killed in work-related incidents. Read IFJ full statement on www.ifj.org  
8251. Sameh Al-Aryan, Rami Rayan, Mohammed Aldeiri  

The two journalists were killed by Israeli artillery shelling of Shojayah market which also injured seriously another journalists, according to the Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate (PJS), an IFJ affiliate. The trio were reporting from the scene of an initial shelling of the market when they were caught up in a second bombing. Sameh Al-Aryan (26), who worked for the Al-Aqsa TV Channel, died of the wounds he sustained in the attack which also killed 25-year-old photojournalist Rami Rayan who worked for the Palestinian Media Network. Another photojournalist, Hamed Shobaky, who works for the Manara Media Production Company, was severely wounded in the same incident. Mohammed…  
8252. Eighth Journalist Killed in Gaza: Israel Must Answer for Crimes  

Two Palestinian journalists were killed while reporting in a market in Gaza yesterday – an appalling incident which means eights journalists have now lost their lives since the Israeli bombardment of the region began nearly one month ago. According to IFJ affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS), the two journalists were killed in Israeli artillery shelling of Shojayah market yesterday evening, while another journalist was seriously injured. They were reporting on an initial shelling of the market when they were caught up in a second bombardment. Sameh Al-Aryan, 26, who worked for the Al-Aqsa TV Channel, died of the wounds he sustained in the attack, while…  
8254. WAJA Calls for Improved Condition of Service for Journalists  

Representatives and leaders of member unions of the West African Journalists Association (WAJA) have called for renewed commitment to the safety and labor rights of journalists in the sub-region. The call was made during a two-day conference in Cotonou, Benin, from 22 -23 July, 2014 in collaboration with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and supported by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES). The Conference, which brought together about 20 participants, under the theme: “Improving Conditions of Service to Boost Quality Journalism,” highlighted the disparaging wages and the negative impact that it has on the output of journalists. Participants acknowledged with concern that…  
8255. FAJ Calls on Swaziland to Release Jailed Journalist  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) has today condemned the sentencing of the editor of the Nation magazine Bheki Makhubu and human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko to two years imprisonment. “This verdict of two years imprisonment is outrageous and backward,” said Mohammed Garba, President of FAJ. “We call on the Swazi King Mswati III to release the journalist and the lawyer”. The Swaziland High Court last Friday, 25 July 2014, sentenced Bheki Makhubu, writer and editor of the Nation monthly news magazine, and Thulani Maseko, human rights lawyer and writer to two years in prison without an option of a fine. They are accused of contempt of court for criticizing the judiciary and…  
8256. IFJ Hails Iraq Union's Hugely Successful 20th Congress in Baghdad  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has hailed the extraordinary success of its affiliate in Iraq, the Iraqi Journalists’ Union, in holding in Baghdad its 20th congress attended by 1500 delegates and guests, which included representatives of sister unions in Iraq, Iraqi media, leaders of press freedom groups and officials from Arab journalists unions and the Federation of Arab Journalists. “It was a stunning triumph for our union to achieve such a level of unity and solidarity among its members at a time when the whole country is threatened by increasingly rampant violence and even dismemberment” said IFJ president Jim Boumelha who opened the congress on behalf of the…  
8257. Pro-democracy website closed amid claims of commercial pressure and threats  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned about press freedom in Hong Kong after a pro-democracy news website was suddenly closed, with the co-founder admitting he was “afraid”. The IFJ has said it is another case of the ongoing pressure placed on Hong Kong’s media. The site, House News, was established in 2012 by Tony Tsoi Tung-Ho and three others. On July 26, Tsoi posted a closure notice on the front page of the website. He wrote: “Hong Kong has been changed so that it is no longer easy to run a normal media. … The current political atmosphere is extremely disturbing. A number of democracy advocates have been followed, had their past investigated and been…  
8258. Mohammed Smeri  

The Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate (PJS) said that the journalist, who worked for Gaza Now website, was killed in an Israeli war jet bombardment on Deir Albalah town, south of the Gaza Strip while he was covering the fighting.  
8259. Khaled Hamed  

The 25 year-old , who worked for Ray News Agency, and was shot dead while covering Israeli military operations in the Shochaeyah Gaza neighbourhood, according to the IFJ affiliate, Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate.  

This media advisory follows reports of several journalists who have been detained in Russia and eastern Ukraine in recent weeks.. At the same time, Ukrainian journalists are said to have been denied access to Eastern Ukraine by pro-Moscow rebels in Donetsk and Lugansk. They include Yevgeny Agarkov, a reporter for Ukrainian channel 2+2, who was arrested by Russian immigration officials near Voronezh, in southwestern Russia, for not being accredited with the Russian foreign ministry. British journalist Graham Philips, who works for the RT News Station in Russia, was detained by Ukrainian military at Donetsk airport while reporting on the fighting, along with a cameraman for…  
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