15042 results:

1891. Cambodia: Journalists barred from reporting on harassment of union members  

Several journalists have been blocked from covering the alleged sexual harassment and detainment of members of the Labor Rights Supported Union of Khmer Employees of NagaWorld (LRSU) by Cambodian police in Phnom Penh. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the continued suppression of independent media by Cambodian authorities. According to Radio Free Asia, journalists were blocked from covering the transportation of striking LSRU workers to a quarantine facility in Phnom Penh on February 24, with police officers spraying the journalists’ equipment with hand sanitiser.   The journalists were subsequently banned from reporting on incidents of sexual assault by…  
1892. Haití: un periodista fue asesinado y otros dos resultaron heridos  

Maxihen Lazzare recibió un disparo cuando un grupo armado de la policía abrió fuego contra lxs manifestantes durante una movilización organizada por trabajadorxs de fábricas en reclamo por el aumento del salario mínimo. Otros dos periodistas también resultaron heridos. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas repudia este nuevo asesinato, y exige junto a la Association des Journalistes Haïtiens (AJH) una urgente investigación para identificar a los responsables. El fotoperiodista Maxihen Lazzare murió ayer luego de recibir un disparo en el pecho mientras realizaba la cobertura de las movilizaciones organizadas por trabajadorxs haitianxs en reclamo del aumento del salario mínimo. Según…  
1893. Ukraine: Journalists security and ethical reporting must be guaranteed, say IFJ/EFJ  

Following reports of a series of explosions throughout Ukraine, intensified fighting on the front lines and Russian troops advancing into Ukraine, the IFJ/EFJ have issued an urgent safety advisory for all journalists in Ukraine following the Russian government's decision to launch a so-called "special military operation" on 24 February. As reports of a series of explosions throughout Ukraine, intensified fighting on the front lines and Russian troops advancing in to Ukraine hit the news the federations offered their solidarity to their affiliates the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine (IMTUU) and the National Union of Journalists (NUJU), backing their call for…  
1894. IFJ Media Safety Advisory for Journalists Covering Armed Conflict in Ukraine  

The International and European Federations of Journalists today expressed their grave concerns over the safety of journalists covering the war in Ukraine, following air attacks by the Russian air force on cities in Ukraine, bombing in the east and reports of troops’ movements in other parts near the country’s northen border. The two Federations are working closely with their affiliates in Ukraine , Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine (IMTUU) and the National Union of Journalists (NUJU), to provide safety tips for journalists who will be covering the fighting from the front line, while travelling to and from war zones as well as in news rooms. The conflict which has broken out in…  
1895. Myanmar: Detainments escalate as press freedom continues to decline under Myanmar’s military junta  

Attacks to press freedom and democracy continue to escalate in Myanmar, with two prominent writers and a student activist sentenced under an amendment to the Myanmar’s Penal code. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemn the junta’s continued censorship and quashing of critical reportage and calls on the international community to do more to protect the livelihoods and safety of journalists in Myanmar. On February 22, Maung Tha Cho and Htin Lin Oo, two anti-junta writers, were sentenced to two and three years in prison respectively under Section 505(a) of the Myanmar Penal Code. Section 5050(A), an amendment introduced by the military junta, criminalises the…  
1896. China: Foreign journalist group ‘dismayed’ at reporting conditions during Beijing Olympics  

A foreign journalist group has said that China tightened restrictions on reporters during the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing, contrary to international Olympic regulations. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls for global attention to the Chinese authorities’ persistent attempts to stifle press freedom. On February 21, the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of China (FCCC) issued a statement saying it was “dismayed that the conditions for independent reporting in China continue to fall short of international standards during the Winter Olympic Games.” According to the Beijing-based group, the government’s interference with reporting by foreign journalists occurred regularly…  
1897. Maxihen Lazzare  

The photojournalist for the digital media outlet Roi Des Infos died yesterday after being shot in the chest while covering the demonstrations organised by Haitian workers demanding an increase in the minimum wage. According to witnesses, he and at least two other journalists were wounded when an armed group, in police uniforms and vehicles, opened fire on them and the protesters amidst a violent repression during which until yesterday security forces had only used rubber bullets and tear gas. Maxihen was carrying the card of his news organisation at the time of the icident. Journalists' safety, Haiti, IFJ, Impunity  
1898. Colombia: el periodista Julián Martínez sufrió un intento de asesinato  

Durante la noche de ayer, al menos tres agresores que se movilizaban en un taxi intentaron acceder a la camioneta blindada en la que se movilizaba el periodista junto a su escolta de la Unidad Nacional de Protección. Si bien todavía se está documentando el caso, la Federación Internacional de Periodistas se mantiene en alerta y exige que la investigación se centre en determinar si el ataque estuvo motivado por la labor periodística de Martínez, quien se encuentra bajo constante hostigamiento tras investigar la trama de espionaje del ya extinto Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad. Julián Martínez, que actualmente se desempeña como periodista en La Nueva Prensa, denunció en su cuenta…  
1899. México: asesinan a una presentadora de televisión  

La conductora Michell Pérez Tadeo había sido denunciada como desaparecida el pasado viernes por su familia. Su cuerpo fue hallado ayer al sur de la Ciudad de México. Con este caso, el número de trabajadorxs de prensa asesinadxs en lo que va del 2022 asciende a seis, cantidad a la que se le suma además el crimen de un ex trabajador de los medios de comunicación. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas junto al Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa exige que la investigación por este nuevo asesinato no descarte ninguna hipótesis y se contemple la actividad de Michell como reportera como motivación para su crimen. La presentadora de noticias deportivas de 29 años, conocida por…  
1900. Northern Cyprus: President of journalists' union faces serious criminal charges for his reporting  

Ali Kişmir, the President of the Cyprus Turkish Journalists' Union, Basin-Sen, an International/European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) affiliate, faces a 10-year prison sentence for an article published a year and a half ago. The IFJ and EFJ call for the charges against him to be dropped. Ali Kişmir, a columnist for the newspaper Özgür Gazete Kıbrıs, faces up to 10 years in prison for "insulting and mocking the security forces" in an opinion piece he wrote over a year ago. Kişmir is expected to appear in court on Monday 28 February on charges of violating article 26 of the Military Crime and Penalty Law. The police informed him about the charges against him on 22…  
1901. Pakistan: New Cyber Law ordinance rejected by Pakistani media stakeholders  

Pakistani media stakeholders have widely condemned the presidential ordinance amending the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) laws, which they claim will stifle the flow of information in the country and limit free, independent, and responsible media. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), demand that the ordinance be repealed immediately. The Joint Action Committee (JAC) of media stakeholders, comprising representatives of media organisations All Pakistan Newspapers Society (APNS), Council of Pakistan Newspapers Editors (CPNE), Pakistan Broadcasters Association (PBA), Pakistan Federal Union of…  
1902. Turkey: Journalist Güngör Arslan killed in a gun attack, suspect arrested  

Güngör Arslan, owner, editor-in-chief and columnist of the daily Ses Kocaeli, was killed in a gun attack in front of his newspaper's editorial office on February 19. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) and its Turkish affiliates condemn this brutal killing and call for justice. Güngör Arslan was shot by an assailant in the chest and in the right leg outside his office in the city of Izmit. He was rushed to a hospital where he died of gunshot wounds. Kokaeli region governor, Seddar Yavuz, said the authorities had arrested a suspect in connection with the journalist's killing and recovered the weapon believed to have been used in the attack. According to…  
1903. México: se cumplen dos años del inicio de la huelga de Notimex  

El reclamo iniciado por lxs trabajadores de la Agencia de Noticias del Estado Mexicano en febrero de 2020 por el despido de más de 200 trabajadorxs de prensa se extiende hasta hoy, debido a la falta de compromiso político para resolver el conflicto. Hoy se cumplen 24 meses de confrontación, durante los cuales la dirección de Notimex, encabezada por Sanjuana Martínez, impulsó campañas de desprestigio contra el Sindicato Único de Trabajadorxs de Notimex y su dirigencia, judicializó las demandas de lxs despedidxs e ignoró todos los fallos favorables que daban la razón a lxs trabajadorxs de la agencia. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas, junto al Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la…  
1904. Yemeni government must do all it can to save the lives of four journalists on death row  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) sent on February 21, 2022, a letter to the President of the Republic of Yemen, Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, urging him and his government to do everything possible to save the lives of four Yemeni journalists on death row for simply doing their job. Abdulakhleq Amran, Akram Al-Waleedi, Hareth Humaid and Tawifq Al-Mansoori were arrested together with five other journalists in July 2015 at the Palace of Dreams Hotel in Sanaa, where their media had moved to access communications and utilities. The State Security Court in Sanaa, under the control of Ansar Allah/the Houthi Movement, has sentenced them to death. The IFJ and the Yemeni Journalists…  
1905. Sri Lanka: High profile journalist attacked by armed gunmen  

The residence of prominent television journalist, Chamuditha Samarawickrema, was attacked by four unidentified assailants in the Piliyandala district of Colombo on February 14. The International Federation of the Journalists (IFJ) and its Sri Lanka affiliates, the Federation of Media Employee’s Trade Unions (FMETU), the Free Media Movement (FMM), and the Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association (SLWJA), urge the Sri Lankan authorities to expedite their investigation and bring justice to the perpetrators. The assailants reportedly stormed the Cambridge Court housing complex, where Samarawickrema and his family were staying, at around 2:00 am and began throwing stones and feces at the…  
1906. Güngör Arslan  

Owner, editor-in-chief and columnist of the daily Ses Kocaeli, was killed in a gun attack in front of his newspaper's office. According to media reports, Güngör Arslan was shot by an assailant in the chest and in the right leg outside his office in the city of Izmit. He was rushed to a hospital where he died of gunshot wounds. Kokaeli region governor, Seddar Yavuz, said the authorities had arrested a suspect in connection with the journalist's killing and recovered the weapon believed to have been used in the attack. According to media reports, the suspect said in his first statement that "two people had instigated him to commit the crime." Güngör Arslan was regularly…  
1907. Sudan: Supreme court revokes dismissal of 79 public media workers  

The Supreme Court of Sudan has overturned the dismissal of 79 journalists and employees of the Public Authority for Radio and Television, the Sudanese public broadcaster. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Sudanese Journalists Union (SJU) welcome the 17 February ruling that gives jobs back to dozens of journalists who were unfairly dismissed. On 10 December 2020, 79 journalists of the state National Authority of Radio and TV were dismissed due to alleged loyalty to the regime of former president Omar Al-Bashir and administrative irregularities in their hiring process. Many of the fired media workers claimed that the decision had no basis…  
1908. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 11 and 18 February, 2022. English: Hong Kong: IFJ Flags Concerns About Grave Situation Of Media Personnel In The Country - Republic World Mesopotamia Agency Zeynep Durgut released after global campaign for her freedom - Morning Star Russian court in Crimea hands journalist Vladislav Yesypenko six years in prison - IFEX Joint open letter calls on Indian authorities to free Kashmiri journalist Fahad Shah - Reporters Without…  
1909. Pakistan: Senior Pakistani journalist arrested after police raid  

Senior journalist Mohsin Jamil Baig was arrested by Islamabad Police under the Anti-Terrorism Act on February 16 after a raid on his residence by Pakistan’s Federal Investigation Agency (FIA). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), urge the authorities to immediately drop the charges against Baig and condemn the rising attacks on journalists in Pakistan. The journalist’s residence was stormed by the FIA at 9:30 am due to an alleged cybercrime complaint lodged by Federal Minister for Communications Murad Saeed. Baig, who is the owner and editor of newspaper Daily Jinnah and Online News Agency, was later…  
1910. IFJ and battleface launch international travel plan for IFJ members reporting overseas  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world's largest organisation of journalists and Travel Insurance provider battleface, today announced the re-launch of international travel plan for IFJ members to include medical expense benefits caused by or resulting from Covid-19*. The renewed cover includes: 24/7 Travel and Emergency Assistance services  Emergency Medical Evacuation, Repatriation and Medical Expenses up to €2,000,000 Personal Accident Expenses up to €500,000 Equipment Cover for up to €10,000 The IFJ collaboration with battleface will provide IFJ members with cost effective international travel plan with the flexibility for members to…  
1911. Ukraine: RFE/RL journalist Vladislav Yesypenko sentenced to six years in prison on fabricated charges  

On February 16, 2022, the Russian court of the Simferopol district (Crimea) sentenced journalist Vladislav Yesypenko of Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty to six years in prison. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined their affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), in denouncing the events and calling for the journalist's immediate release. After a closed trial, the Simferopol District Court found Vladislav Yesypenko guilty of trumped-up charges, including possession and transportation of explosives. Despite the prosecution's request for an 11-year prison sentence, the final verdict was a total of six…  
1912. Brussels to host biggest jailer of journalists in Africa  

Africa's biggest jailer of journalists, Egypt’s president Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, will visit Brussels to attend the European Union – Africa summit on 17 and 18 February 2022. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on EU leaders and the Belgian Prime Minister to speak out against Al-Sisi’s repression of journalists and media in Egypt. According to IFJ statistics, there are currently 27 journalists and media workers in Egyptian prisons for simply doing their job, making the country the biggest jailer of journalists and repressor of media freedom in the region. The Egyptian government also usually holds jailed journalists in poor conditions and denies…  
1913. Brasil: asesinaron a un comunicador popular en Fortaleza  

La noche del lunes 7 de febrero, Givanildo Oliveira, administrador del canal virtual de noticias Pirambu News, fue atacado por una persona que le disparó en repetidas ocasiones hasta matarlo. El Sindicato de Periodistas de Ceará repudió el crimen y exigió a las autoridades que se investigue si el mismo estuvo relacionado con la actividad que Oliveira llevaba adelante como comunicador popular. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas apoya estas demandas y reclama justicia para Givanildo. El comunicador popular Givanildo Oliveira fue asesinado de múltiples disparos por un individuo que lo interceptó en la calle cerca de su hogar. El viernes siguiente, la policía arrestó a un joven de 20…  
1914. Somalia: 2021 saw growing threat to media freedom   

Media freedom and safety came under systematic attack in 2021, with the killing of two journalists and the arrest of 34 media workers, a shocking new report by the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) has revealed. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) echoes its Somali affiliate's urgent call on the authorities to stop undermining media freedom and to take action to end impunity for crimes against media workers. In its annual report on the state of media freedom in Somalia "Trail of Violence: Somali journalists bear the brunt of impunity", NUSOJ documented all the attacks and efforts to silence independent media including politically…  
1915. Jordan: Al-Rai newspaper journalists protest over unpaid salaries  

UPDATED 14.02.22 Protesting Al-Rai journalists ejected the newspaper’s Director General from his office on 6 February in a protest over months of unpaid salaries. The paper’s called the police on 7 February to help him force his way through the protesting journalists. Six Al-rai workers were fired on 9 February but the decision was revoked on 14 February. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) stands in solidarity with the journalists and demands the employer pays their salaries and respects their social and professional rights. Al-Rai newspaper is the largest daily newspaper in Jordan and the Jordanian Social Security Investment Fund (SSIF) holds the majority of its shares. The…  
1916. Afghanistan: Is journalism mission impossible?  

How would you keep reporting when government officials threaten you regularly? How would you run your news program when it’s almost impossible to access public information? Would you publish your story when you face arbitrary detention or repression for it? No need to wonder, that’s the life of Afghan media workers under the Taliban regime. Has Afghanistan become a news desert?  The answer is largely, yes. The lack of access to public information and the growing censorship of the Taliban regime on Afghan media workers are stifling journalists’ ability to work and turning the country into a news desert in which both Afghans and international audiences have very limited access to…  
1917. Papua New Guinea: EMTV suspends veteran journalist for alleged defamation  

Sincha Dimara, one of Papua New Guinea’s longest-serving journalists and Head of News and Current Affairs at EMTV, was suspended for three weeks without pay, following allegations of insubordination and defamation of EMTV's parent company, Media Niugini Limited (MNL). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns Dimara’s suspension and urges MNL to immediately reinstate her. [UPDATE 12 March 2022]: Sincha Dimara has been fired by EMTV after a three-week long suspension. Dimara, one of the news station's longest serving journalists, was suspended on February 9 for alleged 'insubordination'. Following the news of her suspension, 24 of Dimara's…  
1918. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 4 and 11 February 2021. ENGLISH Jordanian journalist protests enter 10th day - Arab News 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics Guidance for Journalists - Asian American Journalist Association Detained Australian journalist Cheng Lei has been given special permission to watch the Beijing Winter Olympics - SkyNews Pant wins key global post to defend press freedom - The Annapurna Express Afghan journalists face increasing…  
1919. México: asesinan en Oaxaca al periodista Heber López Vázquez  

El comunicador de 39 años falleció tras recibir al menos cinco tiros mientras se encontraba en su estudio de grabación con su hijo. Con este crimen, ya son cinco lxs reporterxs en ejercicio muertxs en lo que va del año, período en el que también se registró el asesinato del hijo de un periodista, que también se había dedicado a la profesión hasta 2019. El preocupante ritmo con el que se suceden estos hechos debería ser motivo suficiente para que las autoridades mexicanas en todos los niveles de gobierno apliquen medidas urgentes de protección y prevención con carácter de urgentes. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas exige que así se haga, y que se instrumenten los medios necesarios…  
1920. México: capturaron a los presuntos autores materiales del asesinato de Lourdes Maldonado  

Según confirmó la Secretaría de Seguridad y Protección Ciudadana (SSPC) en una conferencia de prensa, durante la madrugada del miércoles fueron detenidas tres personas que serían las responsables del asesinato de la periodista Lourdes Maldonado, ocurrido en Tijuana el 23 de enero. Si bien las autoridades dicen no poder confirmar aun que el motivo del crimen de Maldonado esté vinculado con su actividad como comunicadora, desde la Federación Internacional de Periodistas alertamos que esta variable no puede ser descartada y exigimos que se continúe la investigación teniendo en cuenta el protocolo para crímenes contra la libertad de expresión. La noticia fue dada a conocer por Rosa Icela…  
1921. Heber López Vázquez  

The 39-year-old director of Noticias Web de Oaxaca died after being shot at least five times while he was with his son in his recording studio located in the town of Salina Cruz in the state of Oaxaca. According to media reports, minutes after the attack, the police identified the alleged perpetrators and pursued them until they were apprehended. While it was immediately known whether Vázquez had previously received threats against him, reports to this effect by some media outlets were investigated by the authorities. Journalists' safety, Mexico, IFJ, Impunity  
1922. Heber López Vázquez  

The 39-year-old Director of Noticias Web de Oaxaca was killed after being shot at least five times while he was in his recording studio with his son in the town of Salina Cruz in the state of Oaxaca. The police arrested suspects in connection the killing of López Vázquez, with some reports claiming he had received death threats. Journalists' safety, Mexico, IFJ, Impunity  
1923. Lights Out: Is this the End of Press Freedom in Hong Kong?  

The International Federation of Journalists remains gravely concerned at the rapid collapse of Hong Kong’s free media since the National Security Law’s enactment in 2020 and ongoing threats to the safety and well-being of journalists. In a new report, the IFJ calls on governments globally to support journalists attempting to leave Hong Kong and seek refuge to continue their professional journalism work. Read the report here. IFJ, HONG KONG, RTHK, Apple Daily, National Security Law, NSL, China, Beijing, Olympics, press freedom, New York Times, journalists, media, Fair Game, Lights Out, end for hong kong's media,  
1924. Hong Kong: IFJ report documents dire status of Hong Kong’s media  

The International Federation of Journalists remains gravely concerned at the rapid collapse of Hong Kong’s free media since the National Security Law’s enactment in 2020 and ongoing threats to the safety and well-being of journalists. In a new report released today, the IFJ calls on governments globally to support journalists attempting to leave Hong Kong and seek refuge to continue their professional journalism work. In its latest report, the IFJ documents the detainment and jailing of journalists after inadvertently crossing invisible “red lines” set out under the new National Security Law. News outlets including Apple Daily have been forced to close down or move offshore since the law’s…  
1925. Asia Pacific tops IFJ’s Killed List as deadliest region for journalists  

21 journalists and media workers lost their lives during 2021 in the Asia Pacific region, accounting for almost half of all journalist killings worldwide, the International Federation of Journalists’ annual Killed List has found. The IFJ condemns the continued violence against journalists across the Asia Pacific and calls for action to address impunity and safeguard press freedom. The IFJ recorded the deaths of 47 journalists and media workers during 2021, catalogued in the IFJ’s annual list of killed journalists published on February 9. 365 journalists are currently detained, 162 of which are in the Asia Pacific region.  Of the 21 killings, nine were in Afghanistan, one in…  
1926. Evariste Djai – Loramdji  

The  journalist who reported for Lotiko Radio, a community radio, was shot in the head and killed in the village of Sandana about 600 kilometers south east of the Capital, N’Djemena while covering a conflict between local headers and farmers. He was among 11 people who were killed that day. According to the Union des Journalistes Tchadiens, (UJT) Djai- Loramdji was targeted and killed because of his reporting. Journalists' safety, Chad, IFJ, Impunity  
1927. IFJ Killed List Report 2021  

The International Federation of Journalists has today published the most comprehensive report on journalists and media staff killed in work-related incidents around the world during 2021. The annual report, in its 31th edition, details the circumstances of the 47 killings which occurred during targeted attacks, bombings and cross–fire incidents as well as 2 accidental killings. This is the fifth lowest death toll since the IFJ began publishing annual reports on journalists’ killings in 1990 and brings the total to 2725 journalists and media workers who lost their lives to violence in the world since then. 2021 registered 18 fewer killings than in the previous year (65). Despite this…  
1928. IFJ Killed List Report - 2021  

The International Federation of Journalists has today published the most comprehensive report on journalists and media staff killed in work-related incidents around the world during 2021. The annual report, in its 31th edition, details the circumstances of the 47 killings which occurred during targeted attacks, bombings and cross–fire incidents as well as 2 accidental killings. This is the fifth lowest death toll since the IFJ began publishing annual reports on journalists’ killings in 1990 and brings the total to 2725 journalists and media workers who lost their lives to violence in the world since then. 2021 registered 18 fewer killings than in the previous year (65). Click here to…  
1929. India: The Kashmir Walla editor arrested under sedition law  

Fahad Shah, founder and editor of local news portal The Kashmir Walla, has been detained under India’s sedition and anti-terror laws for allegedly sharing ‘anti-national content’ on social media. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliate, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU), urge authorities to drop all charges against Shah and ensure his immediate release. On February 4, Shah was summoned by Pulwama district police as part of an investigation into a series of news reports The Kashmir Walla published about a police raid in south Kashmir’s Pulwama district on January 29, 2020. Shah also faced police inquiry into a report of a gunfight in Naira village…  
1930. Syria: Suspension of Rudaw Media Network 's licence  

The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria has suspended Rudaw Media Network’s license and blocked its financial aid, claiming it is spreading hatred and misinformation. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has strongly condemned the 5 February suspension and urged the administration to reconsider a decision that seriously undermines media freedom and the right of Syrian citizens to information. According to Rebaz Ali, the Senior Producer of Rudaw Media Network, the authorities claimed the network was spreading hatred and disinformation just days after Rudaw reporters were attacked in Qamishli, northeast Syria , while…  
1931. India: Odisha journalist killed in IED explosion  

Rohit Biswal, a reporter based in Odisha, was killed by an improvised explosive device (IED) allegedly planted by Maoist insurgents on February 5. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliate, the National Union of Journalists, India (NUJ-I), condemn the continued violence against journalists in India and urge the Indian authorities to expedite their investigation and bring the perpetrators to justice. Biswal, a resident of Madanpur-Rampur town in the Kalahandi district, had travelled to the Damba Karlakhunta area to investigate reports of posters placed by members of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), asking locals to boycott the upcoming three-tier…  
1932. The Heaviest Price  

The IFJ’s annual Killed List highlights the bloody trajectory of the Asia Pacific region as conflicts escalate, from Afghanistan to Myanmar, and journalist continue to pay the ultimate price for their work, writes Jane Worthington. Around the world, Covid’s cloak on movement and life may have ushered in the lowest rates of journalist killings globally since IFJ began its annual record of the media death toll in 1993, but that was not to be the case for Afghanistan. After 20 years of conflict, the country continued a bloody trajectory of targeting and terrorising media workers in 2021. In all, nine journalists were lost – a figure that sadly mirrored the country’s annual death toll for media…  
1933. China: Journalist interrupted by authorities during live report on Beijing Olympics  

A Dutch reporter was interrupted by Chinese security officials while reporting live on the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses concern over the incident and urges the Beijing and Olympic authorities to ensure journalists’ right to reporting. On February 4, Sjoerd den Daas, a reporter of the Dutch public broadcaster, Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (NOS), was forcefully dragged off-camera by several security officials in the middle of a live broadcast of the Games’ opening ceremony in Beijing. Another security officer attempted to block the camera using his hand, as the reporter continued speaking to it, leaving the broadcaster later…  
1934. México: asesinan al hijo de un periodista en Tijuana  

Marco Ernesto Islas Flores fue atacado con armas de fuego en la puerta de su casa en la madrugada del domingo 6 de febrero. El crimen fue confirmado en redes sociales por su padre, el periodista Marco Antonio Islas Parra. Horas después, un sospechoso fue aprehendido por las autoridades cerca del lugar del asesinato. A pesar de que Marco Ernesto no era actualmente trabajador de prensa, es indispensable que la investigación por su muerte tenga en cuenta la labor periodística de su padre y de su tío, Víctor Islas. También se deben contemplar sus antecedentes como editor de un sitio de noticias locales. Solo de esta manera se puede garantizar que su crimen no quede impune. Marco Ernesto Islas…  
1935. Profile: Who are the four Yemeni journalists sentenced to death for their reporting?  

Abdulakhleq Amran, Akram Al-Waleedi, Hareth Humaid and Tawifq Al-Mansoori were arrested together with five other journalists in July 2015 at the Palace of Dreams Hotel in Sanaa, where their media had moved to access communications and utilities. The State Security Court in Sanaa, under the control of Ansar Allah/the Houthi Movement, has sentenced them to death. World journalists’ community urges you to stand up for journalists in Yemen Abdulakhleq Amran was born in 1983, he’s married with two children. Having graduated in Journalism from the University of Sanaa, he works for Al-Islah Online website. He was arrested in Bahr al-Ahlam Hotel in Sana'a while there using the internet and…  
1936. Yemen: Help us save the lives of four journalists on death row for their reporting  

Four Yemeni journalists have been detained by the Ansar Allah in Sana’a, Yemen, since 2015, and are now on the death row after being condemned for their work as journalists. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) are launching an emergency call to members and the global journalism community to join the campaign to put pressure on the Houthi authorities to release our colleagues and save their lives. Abdul Khaleq Amran, Tawfiq Al-Mansouri, Harith Hamid, and Akram Al-Walidi  -read their profiles here- were arrested together with five other journalists on 9 June 2015 at the Hotel Dream Castle in Sana’a. Their…  
1937. Givanildo Oliveira  

The popular commentator, also known as Gigi, on Pirambu news, a private news channel, was shot dead by a gunman who attacked him in a street near his home and opened fire on him several times. The authorities the 20-year old suspect in connection with the killing. According to local sources, the authorities believed that the killing was linked to the victim’s publications, including his article shortly before the attack about the arrest of a leader of a criminal organisation. Journalists' safety, Brazil, IFJ, Impunity  
1938. Rohit Biswal  

The reporter based in Odisha, was killed by an improvised explosive device (IED) allegedly planted by Maoist insurgents. Biswal, a resident of Madanpur-Rampur town in the Kalahandi district, had travelled to the Damba Karlakhunta area to investigate reports of posters placed by members of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), asking locals to boycott the upcoming three-tier Panchayat election.  According to Odisha police, the journalist was killed instantly when the IED, allegedly placed to injure police personnel, detonated after Biswal took photographs and approached the posters. Journalists' safety, India, IFJ, Impunity  
1939. Right to information must be protected as authorities move against media in escalating crisis in Europe  

The Russian authorities have moved to shut down Deutsche Welle’s Moscow office, ban the station from broadcasting in the country and cancel the press accreditation of its staff. The move comes following a decision by the German media regulator to uphold a ban on Russian media RT DE’s broadcasts in Germany amid claims it did not have a locally issued licence. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) have urged authorities not to use media as a political football and to uphold the right to information. The dispute first broke out on February 2 when RT was banned by the German media regulator ZAK from airing its programs in its German-language channel in Germany. The…  
1940. IFJ in the news  

Every week, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between January 31 and February 4 2022. English Journalist shot dead outside Lahore Press Club (Tribune) Open letter from the IFJ to the President of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach (BollyInside) 27 int’l rights, press groups call for release of jailed TV journalist Sedef Kabaş  (Stockholm Center for Freedom) IOC warned against "inappropriate" Peng Shuai meeting during Beijing 2022 (Inside The Games) MAN…  
1941. Afghanistan: Taliban arrest Ariana News Journalists  

A group identifying as Taliban militants arrested Ariana News journalists Aslam Hijab and Waris Hasrat on January 31. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Afghanistan affiliate, the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) condemn the Taliban’s persecution of Afghan media workers and call for the journalists’ immediate release. According to the AIJA’s chief executive Hujatullah Mujadidi, Taliban militants first detained journalist Aslam Hijab at the entrance of the Ariana News headquarters in District 3 of Kabul. Waris Hasrat, another journalist at the television station, was detained after he inquired about the reason for Hijab’s detention. Members of the…  
1942. México: un periodista sufrió un intento de asesinato  

Un hombre intentó dispararle a Netzahualcóyotl Cordero García, director general del portal CGNoticias, pero su arma se encasquilló y al intentar destrabarla, el periodista se defendió y con la ayuda de vecinos que habían acudido a socorrerlo logró desarmarlo y retenerlo hasta que se hicieron presentes las autoridades. Este caso se suma a otro intento de asesinato que sufrió el comunicador José Ignacio Santiago Martínez el 26 de enero. La violencia contra lxs trabajadorxs de prensa ya se cobró cuatro vidas en el primer mes del año y estos ataques confirman que la escalada en las agresiones está lejos de ser controlada. La Federación Internacional de periodistas reitera su preocupación por…  
1943. New report reveals catastrophic scale of media collapse in Afghanistan  

Hundreds of media in Afghanistan have been forced to close due to economic collapse, threats and draconian reporting restrictions since the Taliban came to power, according to a major new survey. Thousands of journalists and media professionals, especially women, have lost their jobs. The survey, conducted by IFJ-affiliate Afghanistan National Journalists Union (ANJU) across 33 provinces, shows 318 media have closed since 15 August 2021. Just 305 of the 623 media which were active before the Taliban took control are still operating. The crisis has hit newspapers the hardest with just 20 out of 114 continuing to publish. 51 TV stations, 132 radio stations and 49 online media have ceased…  
1944. Turkey: strike at BBC ends in victory  

A dozen employees at the BBC Istanbul bureau, supported by the Journalists’ Union of Turkey (TGS), have finally seen their demands met on 28 January 2022, after a historic 15-day strike. The EFJ congratulates its unions for its long awaited victory. The journalists got an annual pay rise of 32%, private individual and family health insurance, a daily 60TL lunch voucher and 1,200TL support for glasses and contact lenses.  The labour action was prompted by the skyrocketing inflation rate in the country (nearly 36%) and no adequate access to health care since the Covid-19 pandemic, after a five-month negotiation process with the BBC that was not successful.   The strike,…  
1945. Fair Game: The Endangered Media Space for Foreign Correspondents Inside China 2022  

China risks damaging its own international image by restricting reporting by resident foreign correspondents, a new report by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has found. Fair Games, the 2022 IFJ China Report, is released today as the 2022 Winter Olympics get under way in Beijing, revealing how China limits reporting at home while trying to sway global coverage in its favour. The report reveals barriers to speaking directly to ordinary Chinese citizens and an increasing reliance on sources living outside China, whose views may be more negative, make it harder for the foreign media to tell China’s story in the most comprehensive and nuanced way.  
1946. China: FAIR GAME – IFJ expresses concern on endangered international media inside China  

China risks damaging its own international image by restricting reporting by resident foreign correspondents, a new report by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has found. Fair Game, the 2022 IFJ China Report, is released today as the 2022 Winter Olympics get under way in Beijing, revealing how China limits reporting at home while trying to sway global coverage in its favour. The report reveals barriers to speaking directly to ordinary Chinese citizens and an increasing reliance on sources living outside China, whose views may be more negative, make it harder for the foreign media to tell China’s story in the most comprehensive and nuanced way. In China, resident foreign…  
1947. Roberto Toledo  

The 55-year-old journalist for the news website Monitor Michoacán was gunned down as he left his office in Zitácuaro and died hours later in a local hospital, accordong to website’s director of that outlet, Armando Linares, who also stated that they had been receiving threats for several months. Roberto Toledo, who had worked for Monitor Michoacán for three years in the city of Zitácuaro where he investigated corruption at the local level, was shot eight times. In the recorded message that he shared on the site's Facebook page, Linares stated: "Today the threats are finally fulfilled and one of our colleagues lost his life at the hands of three people. that they shot him in a mean way, in…  
1948. México: asesinaron al periodista Roberto Toledo en Michoacán  

El comunicador del sitio web Monitor Michoacán fue baleado a la salida de su oficina en Zitácuaro y falleció horas después en un hospital local, según confirmó el director de ese medio, quien también afirmó que estaban recibiendo amenazas desde hacía varios meses. Con este crimen, sucedido ayer por la tarde, el primer mes del año lleva un promedio de un periodista asesinado por semana. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas exige soluciones urgentes para la escalada de violencia que se registra en México, que en menos de 30 días se cobró la vida de cuatro trabajadorxs de prensa. Roberto Toledo, abogado y periodista del portal Monitor Michoacán de 55 años, murió ayer cuando salía de su…  
1949. Sri Lanka: Journalists commemorate Black January  

Sri Lankan media collectives have called on the nation’s government to take sincere action to end impunity for crimes against journalists, in an annual ‘Black January’ commemoration on January 28. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses solidarity with its Sri Lankan affiliates, the Free Media Movement (FMM), the Federation of Media Employees Trade Union (FMETU), and the Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association (SLWJA), and urges the Sri Lankan government to investigate the numerous killings and disappearances of media workers. A collective of Sri Lankan media and press freedom organisations conducted a protest in front of Fort Railway Station in Colombo on…  
1950. China: Correspondents in China face intimidation amid declining press freedom  

A report issued by a Beijing-based foreign journalist group flagged declining press freedom in China, as correspondents continue to face intimidation, harassment and threats of legal action. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on Chinese authorities to respect freedom of the press and ensure the greatest access by the media to the upcoming Winter Olympic Games in Beijing. Nearly all foreign journalists polled said that reporting conditions did not meet what they considered to be international standards, according to a survey conducted by the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of China (FCCC) issued on January 31, 2022. “The Chinese state continues to find new ways to…  
1951. Myanmar: Press freedom in strife one year on from military coup  

The situation of press freedom in Myanmar continues to worsen one year on from the beginning of the military coup on February 1, 2021, with 46 journalists and media workers detained, one killing and crushing restrictions on the nation’s media. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the junta’s continued censorship and quashing of critical reportage and calls on the international community to do more to protect the livelihoods and safety of journalists in Myanmar. According to Reporting ASEAN, at least 120 journalists and media workers have been arrested since the beginning of the military coup, with 46 currently detained as of January 26. 40 of the arrested…  
1952. Open letter from the IFJ to the President of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach  

The IOC must ensure access to information and guarantee the rights of journalists during the Olympic Winter Games in China. We are writing to you on behalf of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world’s largest professional organisation of media professionals, representing over 600.000 members in over 140 countries, to express our serious concerns over the working conditions of journalists covering the Winter Olympic Games organised in Beijing and the threats to their privacy and security. IFJ’s concerns are based on the Chinese government’s long track record of media freedom violations in recent decades and its status as world’s biggest jailer of journalists as…  
1953. China: Writer Yang Maodong arrested over subversion  

The Chinese authorities have officially arrested writer and free-speech advocate Yang Maodong, who is better known as Guo Feixiong, and accused him of inciting subversion. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) protests against the arbitrary charge against Yang and calls for his immediate release. On January 12, Yang was formally charged of “inciting subversion of state power” after being placed under detention for 37 days, according to a notice of arrest issued by the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Office. The writer is currently in custody at a detention center in Guangzhou city in Guangdong Province.  The 55-year-old attempted to travel from…  
1954. Brasil: en 2021 se registraron 430 casos de agresiones a la prensa  

Según el relevamiento realizado por la Federação Nacional dos Jornalistas de Brasil (FENAJ), durante el año pasado se registraron dos denuncias más por agresiones contra trabajadorxs de prensa que en el período anterior, rompiendo un nuevo récord. Los datos están contenidos en el Informe sobre Violencia contra Periodistas y Libertad de Prensa en Brasil – 2021, que fue difundido hoy. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas se mantiene en alerta ante la alta cantidad de denuncias que se repiten por segundo año consecutivo y que tienen como principal agresor al presidente Jair Bolsonaro. Durante la mañana de hoy, la FENAJ presentó el Informe sobre Violencia contra Periodistas y Libertad de…  
1955. Pakistan: Capital TV’s crime reporter gunned down  

Journalist Hasnain Shah, a crime reporter for Capital TV, was gunned down by an unidentified armed group in broad daylight. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), condemn the journalist’s murder and urge the Pakistani government to immediately conduct a transparent investigation and achieve justice for this blatant attack. Hasnain Shah, a member of the Lahore Press Club (LPC), was inside his car outside the LPC in Lahore, Punjab, at around 4 pm on January 24, when an unidentified armed group intercepted the vehicle and fatally shot him. The attackers fired many times into Shah’s…  
1956. Afghanistan: Armed Taliban officers prevent journalists’ press conference  

Armed Taliban forces physically prevented a press conference on the crisis situation facing Afghan media workers due to take place on 26 January at the headquarters of IFJ-affiliate, the Afghan National Journalists Union (ANJU). Two of the organisers were detained for several hours. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) stands in solidarity with its Afghan affiliate and urges the Taliban to stop repressive actions against the media and journalists’ unions. The press conference had been organised by the Afghan Journalists Federation (AJF) which brings together 11 media and support organisations, including ANJU. Before it began, Taliban military forces stormed the conference…  
1957. México: se realizaron movilizaciones en todo el país contra los asesinatos de periodistas  

Tras el crimen de la reportera Lourdes Maldonado, ocurrido el domingo 23 de enero, ayer se organizaron movilizaciones en todo México en reclamo por justicia y por el cese de la violencia contra periodistas. Las protestas estuvieron centradas en los tres asesinatos ocurridos en lo que va del año, pero no estuvieron limitadas a esos casos sino a la problemática en general. México es uno de los países más peligrosos para el ejercicio del periodismo, situación que es monitoreada por la Federación Internacional de Periodistas que sostiene, junto al Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa, su exigencia de mayores y mejores medidas de protección y el fin de la impunidad. En los primeros 23…  
1958. Argentina: se cumplieron 25 años del asesinato del fotoperiodista José Luis Cabezas  

El reportero gráfico asesinado el 25 de enero de 1997 fue recordado con homenajes en todo el país, organizados por los sindicatos de prensa locales. La Federación Argentina de Trabajadorxs de Prensa (FATPREN), junto al Sindicato de Prensa de Buenos Aires (SiPreBa), participó del acto en conmemoración que llevó adelante la Asociación de Reporteros Gráficos de la República Argentina (ARGRA) en su sede en la capital. Desde la Federación Internacional de Periodistas reivindicamos la figura de José Luis Cabezas y adherimos a el lema que se sostuvo durante la jornada: “no hay democracia sin justicia, no hay justicia sin verdad, no hay verdad sin memoria”. Ayer en diversas ciudades argentinas se…  
1959. Afghanistan: ‘Our Dark Days Started Again’  

Transcript from a recording of Afghan journalist Makia, who talks of her work and life in Afghanistan, and what the Taliban takeover has meant for the media community in the country. Makia is among the lucky ones to have made an escape, first to Pakistan, and now starting life anew in Canada. This has been excerpted from “In their Own Words: Afghan Women Journalists Speak”, a report by the International Federation of Journalists and the Network of Women in Media, India, supported by Norsk Journalistlag. “I was a child. I watched TV and I watched the news program and I listened to the BBC radio and Voice of America radio with my father because my father listened to BBC and Voice of America…  
1960. México: asesinan a la periodista Lourdes Maldonado  

La comunicadora fue hallada muerta de un disparo dentro de su vehículo en la puerta de su casa en Tijuana, Baja California, Estado en el que también fue asesinado la semana pasada el fotoperiodista Margarito Martínez Esquivel. La reportera había ganado recientemente un litigio contra su ex empleador, director de medios y ex gobernador Jaime Bonilla. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas repudia este nuevo acto de violencia contra trabajadroxs de prensa y exige que se aplique el protocolo homologado para investigar delitos contra la libertad de expresión. La periodista Lourdes Maldonado fue asesinada durante la noche del domingo 23 de enero en la puerta de su hogar, ubicado en el…  
Search results 1891 until 1960 of 15042