15063 results:

12181. Correction-Killing in Santander de Quilichao, Colombia  

The Center of Solidarity of the International Federation of Journalists (CESO-FIP) is issuing a correction to its alert of 8 December, which condemned the 3 December murder of Silvio Muñoz. We wish to clarify that Muñoz was in fact murdered under unknown circumstances, but he was not working regularly as a journalist in recent years but rather just as a commentator during election campaign periods. Years ago, he directed the program Open Mic and at that time he received death threats that forced him to flee temporarily Santander de Quilichao, leaving behind journalism and his media carreer forever. The alert's description Muñoz as a journalist was based on…  
12184. Safety Restrictions Ordered against TeleSur Correspondent in Colombia  

The specialized third prosecutor of Barranquilla, ordered last Thursday, safety restrictions against journalist Freddy Muñoz Altamiranda, TeleSur correspondent in Colombia, detained on November 19 under charges of alleged rebellion and terrorism. The journalist’s defense attorney assured this decision was made based on inconsistent testimonies of professional whistleblowers that have been part of the Colombian military intelligence for more than four years. Freddy Muñoz was captured in El Dorado airport in the city of Bogotá, when he was returning to Caracas after receiving a training funded by a Venezuela state owned TV channel. Despite multiple requests…  
12186. HIV/AIDS Global Media Guide 2006  

HIV/AIDS GLOBAL MEDIA GUIDE 2006 Philippines HIV/AIDS Guide in English Philippines HIV/AIDS Guide in Tagalog Africa HIV/AIDS Guide in English Africa HIV/AIDS Guide in French India HIV/AIDS Guide in Tamil Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Cambodia HIV/AIDS Guide in Khmer   
12189. Final Conference 9-10 December, New Delhi  

  EU-India: Building Path to Gender Equality in JournalismFinal Conference, 9 - 10 December, 2006   Day 1: Project Results and Adoption of a Charter on Gender Equality 9.00 : Welcome Address: Madan Phadnis, President, AINEF 9.10 : Gender equality in Indian Journalism: Project and Survey results: Parul Sharma 9:30 : Kerstin Lindberg, European Commission 9.40 : EU-India Project developments and follow up: Aidan White, IFJ 10.00 : Gender Equality: how can journalist unions make a difference: Sabina Inderjit, IFJ Executive committee Member 10.10 : Gender equality, ILO strategy in India, Reiko Tsushima  (ILO) 10.20 : A media…  
12194. IFJ Calls for End of Intimidation Campaign Against Independent Journalism in Burundi  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the government of Burundi to put an end to the repression of journalists after the government has stepped up its campaign of intimidation against journalists who have issued critical reports of an attempted coup in the country. Three journalists have been jailed and four others summoned by the prosecutor in the capital city of Bujumbura in less than two weeks in relation to reporting they did about an attempted coup in the country. Corneille Nibaruta, director of radio station Bonesha Fm, was summoned to the prosecutor’s office on 1 December but never arrived there. He has since gone missing, colleagues said.…  
12197. IFJ Calls for the Release of Journalist Held in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called for the immediate and unconditional release of the journalist Abdiaziz Mohamud Guled, who is being held by the authorities in the semi-autonomous state of Puntland, Somalia on claims he aired reports allegedly supporting the Islamic Courts. Guled, a stringer for the Mogadishu-based radio station Simba, was arrested in the north-eastern town of Bossasso on 1 December by the Puntland Intelligence Service. The reasons for his arrest have not been announced but, according to sources, he is being detained because of his report on radio Simba on 1 December that a demonstration to support the Islamic Courts would be organised…  
12198. EFJ Adoptes the 'Vilnius Package'  

BEST practice in national recruitment campaigns and in negotiation strategies, gender and freelance mainstreaming as well as the European Commission Green Paper on Labour Law were the main themes discussed at the “Let’s Organise” seminar, organised by the EFJ with the support of the European Commission and in cooperation with the Lithuanian Union of Journalist in Vilnius on 1-2 December. At the outset an EFJ survey on recruitment and bargaining based on 22 responses by EFJ member unions was presented to give an overview about union membership criteria, membership profiles, recruitment campaigns and collective agreements. A heated debate followed on the question whether…  
12200. The IFJ Calls for Action as New Killings Add to Crisis of Latin American Journalism  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the Mexican government to step up its actions to protect journalists after reports that a missing journalist had been found dead in Veracruz only days after another journalist was killed in the region’s other media hotspot, Colombia. “These latest killings one again push Latin America into the ranks of the world’s most dangerous regions for journalists,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “Only the Middle East and Iraq are worse in a year that is proving to be another deadly chapter in the story of journalists under fire.” According to press reports, the body of Adolfo Sanchez…  
12202. IFJ launches five language media guides for reporting HIV and AIDS  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today launched five language versions of its media guide - in English, French, Tamil, Khmer and Tagalog - designed to improve media reporting of HIV/AIDS. The five versions of the media guide, prepared by the IFJ and its local affiliates in Africa and Asia, address frequently asked questions on the basics about HIV and AIDS; issues specific to media such as questions of media identification of people living with HIV and appropriate terminology; and in depth information on the causes, transmissions, effects and treatment of HIV and AIDS. “The IFJ is committed to improving media reporting of HIV and AIDS, and we hope these local…  
12208. IFJ Condemns Extension of Media Censure in Chad  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the six-month extension of media control in Chad that is making independent reporting on the country’s rebellion and violence impossible and called on the government to rescind the law immediately. Under the new rule, Chadian media face “preliminary censure” of private newspapers and radio stations are prohibited from broadcasting programs that could “harm public order, the national unity, the integrity of the territory and the respect of the republican institutions.” “We condemn this serious violation of press freedom,” said Gabriel Baglo, director of the IFJ Africa Office.…  
12209. IFJ Condemns Closure and “Scandalous” Jail Term for Editor in Yemen Cartoons Case  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned a judge’s decision to sentence a newspaper editor in Yemen to a one-year jail term in the continuing row over publication of cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed. The judge also closed the newspaper for six months. “This sentence is harsh, disproportionate and scandalous,” said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ. “The case has had little to do with respect for religious sensitivity, but everything to do with an assault on the free press and journalistic independence.” White said that the case against Kamal al-Olufi, editor of the Al-Rai Al-A’am weekly, who was sentenced…  
12211. Justice Denied: Chinese Courts Confirm Ching Cheong's Conviction  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is outraged by the rejection of Ching Cheong's appeal by the Beijing Higher People's Court this morning. On top of confirming the original five-year prison term, Ching is reportedly deprived of political rights for a year and his personal property worth 300,000 yuan (approximately 38,000 USD) was confiscated. "The case of Ching is a litmus test for press freedom in China, which the Chinese authorities have dismally failed," IFJ President Christopher Warren said. "Natural justice has been denied to Ching today for the sake of sending a clear message to journalists reporting on China: do not cross the state," said Warren.…  
12216. A Hindsat Correspondent Beaten by Salwa Judum in India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned the attacks on Hindsat journalist, Afzal Khan, in Bhopalpatnam, Chhattisgarh on November 15 by the anti-Maoist group, Salwa Judum, including public humiliation, threats against the journalist and his family, and physical assault. On November 15, at a public meeting in a high school in Bhopalpatnam, the leaders of Salwa Judum over the loudspeaker called Khan, his brother Jansatta journalist, Zar Khan, and other journalists, to the stage and reportedly threatened them by accusing them of providing logistical support to stop Salwa Judum entering the area. Later that day, Khan was summoned to meet Salwa Judum leaders and…  
12217. Telesur correspondent detained in Colombia on alleged rebellion and terrorism charges  

(Bogotá, Colombia) Freddy Muñoz Altamiranda, Venezuela Telesur channel correspondent in Colombia was detained by Security Administration Department (DAS) agents in El Dorado airport in the city of Bogotá, last Sunday, November 19 and charged with rebellion and terrorism.     The Colombian journalist, 35, was about to return to Caracas after attending a training course on audiovisual narrative organized by the state TV station, when immigration authorities informed him he was arrested by the order of prosecutor 5 of Barranquilla who had issued an arrest warrant on November 10. According to what Muñoz was told, he had been investigated during…  
12221. IFJ Calls For the Protection of Journalists’ Rights in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is appalled by the lack of respect for press freedom in Nepal after a spate of attacks on journalists. According to an IFJ affiliate, the Federation of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ), there have been more than 30 incidents involving journalists in the last six months – mainly in rural areas - at the hands of the army, Maoists and police. “Since Nepalese parliament reconvened in April, some important headway has been made for media freedoms in Nepal. However, journalists continue to be targeted and more must be done to ensure the rights and safety of media workers are protected,” IFJ President Christopher Warren said.…  
12222. IFJ Condemns Death Threats Against a Shakthi TV Journalist in Sri Lanka  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned for the safety of the head of Tamil-language Shakthi TV, J. Sri Ranga, after police reportedly informed the MTV/MBC network on November 12 that Ranga's life was in grave danger. According to an IFJ affiliate, the Free Media Movement (FMM), the threats came shortly after the channel broadcast a talk show on the assassination of a Tamil National Alliance parliamentarian. "Against the backdrop of eroding press freedom and the rising number of journalist murders and assaults in Sri Lanka, this death threat must be taken seriously," IFJ President Christopher Warren said. According to the FMM, this is not the first…  
12225. IFJ Calls for Action by Mexico after Killings of Three Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists is calling on the Mexican government to offer better protection of media workers after newspaper editor José Manuel Nava Sánchez was found stabbed to death in his apartment in Mexico City. He is the third journalist who has been killed in Mexico in the last 21 days. The IFJ is calling for a full investigation into his death. Nava Sánchez, 53, was the the former editor of the Mexican newspaper Excélsior. He was found dead on Thursday by his cleaning lady in his living room. There were no signs of a break-in or robbery, according to the preliminary investigation. On November 10, Misael Tamayo Hernandez,…  
12227. Trial of radio presenters highlights need for greater media diversity in Hong Kong  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called for greater media diversity in Hong Kong in the lead up to the November 17 trial for pro-democracy radio presenters, Tsang Kin-Shing and Chan Miu-Tak of Citizen’s Radio, who face up to two years of jail and fines of up to 50,000 Hong Kong dollars (approximately 8,400 AUD) for unauthorised possession of broadcasting equipment. According to IFJ affiliate, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA), Citizen’s Radio’s application for an FM broadcasting license in 2005 had been deliberately delayed, and when the station proceeded to broadcast a trial service on Metro Finance’s FM wave band and on the…  
12230. IFJ Condemns Danish Trial and Testifies in Support of Journalists Over Iraq Report  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) in testimony at the trial of three Danish journalists who face the threat of jail over articles exposing doubts over government claims of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq said it was “astonishing” that the case had come to court. “These reports were professional, legitimate pieces of quality journalism on a matter of the highest public interest,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “It is astonishing that the journalists have been charged and brought to court.” He was speaking at the trial of Niels Lunde, Editor of Berlingske Tidende newspaper, and reporters Michael Bjerre and Jesper…  
12232. EFJ's Response to the Public consultation on content online in the single market  

EC consultation The European Federation of Journalists is Europe’s largest organization of journalists, representing about 260,000 journalists in over thirty countries. It defends press freedom and social justice through strong, free and independent trade unions of journalists and calls for journalists and photographers to be recognised as authors of the work they create, control further use of their work and receive an equitable remuneration for it. The EFJ welcomes the current initiatives by the European Commission “to stimulate the growth of a true EU single market for online digital content” and the specific emphasis put on authors, artists and creators to be…  
12234. IFJ Condemns Attack on Journalist by Brothers of Togo’s President  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the attack on Yves Kpeto, a journalist for private radio station Nana Fm, who was beaten by brothers of the President of the Republic of Togo on accusations he had criticized their father, the previous president. On Sunday November 5 at around 7 p.m., two brothers of President Faure Gnassingbé, who are also sons of the late President Gnassingbé Eyadema, attacked Kpeto at a party in the Agoényivé district of Lomé. They accused Kpeto and his colleagues of constant criticism of their father and biased coverage of events after his death. This is the latest case of journalist harassment…  
12237. IFJ Condemns Kidnapping Attack on Female Journalist in Cameroon  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the recent attack on Cameroonian radio presenter Agnès Tailé, who was brutally assaulted by unknown men in Douala, and continuing threats against the journalist who has taken over her show. On the night of November 7, 2006, Tailé, who presents the interactive programme A vous la parole (You have the say) on the radio station Sweet Fm, was attacked by three hooded men who abducted her from her home in the Kotto district in Douala at around 3:00 am. The men beat her and abandoned her near a ravine. Tailé’s injuries are not life threatening but because the attackers attempted to strangle…  
12239. IFJ Calls For Action After Jaffna Editors Threatened By Military  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned the news that the Commander of Army 512 Brigade in Jaffna summoned the editors of three Jaffna dailies, the Uthayan, Walampuri, and Yal Thinankkural, on November 6, and warned them not to publish any news critical of the Jaffna military. According to an IFJ affiliate, the Free Media Movement (FMM), the three newspapers had published an interview with the former Jaffna district political leader of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), Mr. Eelamparthi, which was critical of the military presence in Jaffna, and that also dealt with the humanitarian crisis in the Jaffna peninsula. “It is a terrible situation…  
12241. EFJ Says Journalists’ Arrests in Northern Cyprus Undermine Turkey’s Plan to Increase Press Freedom  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), Europe’s largest journalists’ group, today condemned the arrest of two French TV journalists in Northern Cyprus, saying the arrests overshadowed plans by the Turkish authorities to reform press freedom laws. On Sunday, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan announced that he was prepared to amend laws limiting free speech. The same day in Northern Cyprus, however, the Turkish army arrested two French Journalists for allegedly violating the military restricted area by filming in the city of Varosha. After one day of detention, the journalists were freed and fined 300 Cyprus pounds. The Turkish Cypriot journalists’…  
12244. IFJ Commends Union for Plans to Upgrade Journalists’ Labour Standards in Nigeria  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed a plan developed by the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ) to improve labour conditions for journalists in Nigeria. The plan came as the result of a workshop organised by the NUJ held October 30 – 31, which outlined a plan to work toward improving the condition of service for journalists in Nigeria. The workshop gathered NUJ executive members and resource persons from the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the IFJ. “Nigeria is a rich country, media organisations are making a lot of money and still there are journalists in Nigeria who have no contract with their employers, no salaries and no minimum…  
12246. IFJ Shocked by “Sickeningly Brutal” Murder of Senior Journalist in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is appalled by the brutal murder of Mohammad Ismail, a senior journalist and bureau chief of Pakistan Press International (PPI), who was attacked by unknown assailants in Islamabad on November 1. According to an IFJ affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), Ismail’s body was found in the early hours of the morning, with his head completely smashed open, having been struck with a hard and blunt object. “The sickeningly brutal murder of Ismail highlights the worsening safety situation in Pakistan for media workers and the ongoing acts of violence that target journalists,” IFJ President Christopher…  
12248. Missing Pakistani Journalist Returned After Four Months of Torture  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned about the increasing number of journalists kidnapped and tortured in Pakistan, after Kawish journalist Mehruddin Marri, who was abducted on June 27, was released after four months of torture. “While the IFJ welcomes Marri’s release, we are alarmed by the authorities’ continued use of kidnapping and torture as a frightening way of silencing journalists,” IFJ President Christopher Warren said. “The government of Pakistan must intervene immediately to ensure these terrible crimes, and abuse of power by authorities, do not continue,” Warren said. Marri was reportedly released…  
12249. IFJ Demands Investigation as Police are Implicated in Shooting of Reporter in Mexico  

The International Federation of Journalists today called for a full investigation into the killing of Bradly Will, a freelance journalist based in New York who was one of three people killed when gunmen opened fire on protesters during a demonstration in Oaxaca City Mexico. “There are credible reports that out-of-uniform police were responsible for this incident,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “This latest killing needs to be fully investigated, particularly in view of the video evidence that this was an entirely avoidable tragedy.” White said that Latin American union leaders meeting in Caracas today were demanding that a region-wide campaign is…  
12250. EFJ Supports Journalists’ Union in Difficult Talks at Greek Public Broadcaster ERT  

Meeting today in Helsinki, the Steering Committee of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) backed the Journalists’ Union of Macedonia and Thrace Daily Newspapers (ESIEMTH) in their battle for secure positions of dozens of journalists who were hired in precarious conditions in Greek Public Broadcasting (ERT). “Journalists expect a public broadcaster to set standards”, said EFJ Chair Arne König, “and in this extent we hope that ERT will indeed respect social and professional rights of its short term staff, working under false contracts, and provide them with open end work agreements” A strike is foreseen on 1st November. The union is asking for the conversion of short-term…  
Search results 12181 until 12250 of 15063