15060 results:

5671. US: IFJ slams President Donald Trump over violence against journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today strongly condemned the attacks of the President of the United States Donald Trump against US media company CNN, following a video the President published yesterday on Twitter. The video shows President Trump beating up a person with the CNN logo on his face. The 28-second video was originally shot in 2007 during a World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) broadcast. On Sunday morning, Trump tweeted a manipulated version with the CNN logo on the face of the beaten man, WWE founder Vince McMahon, using the hashtags #FraudNewsCNN and #FNN as Trump accuses the TV channel of "fake news". Several media groups and even some…  
5672. IFJ and press freedom groups demand immediate release of Liu Xiaobo  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), Freedom House and Reporters Without Borders (RSF) have written to the President of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping, to demand the immediate release of dissident Liu Xiaobo, and permission for he and his wife to travel overseas for urgent medical treatment. On May 23, Liu, who is currently serving an 11 year sentence for ‘inciting subversion of state power’, was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer. His diagnosis was not reported until June 26, when it was announced that he had been granted medical parole and hospitalised in Shenyang. However, due to his critical condition, his medical is yet to operate or start his chemotherapy…  
5673. HK media censored and controlled during Presidential visit  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticises the actions by authorities against the media during the visit of President Xi Jinping to mark the 20th anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong. On June 30, the Programme Staff Union of the Radio, Television of Hong Kong (RTHK) reported that a popular satire program ‘Hardliner’ was removed from the original program schedule by the Hong Kong Television Broadcasting (TVB). According to an Apple Daily report, the RTHK spokesperson said that RTHK had received a stop notice from TVB, ordering them to stop the airing of the program, using breaking news as the reason. When RTHK questions TVB about the re-scheduling, TVB…  
5674. México: la FIP exige a Peña Nieto que cumpla sus promesas de proteger a los periodistas  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) ha enviado hoy una carta al presidente de la República de México, Enrique Peña Nieto, pidiéndole que cumpla las medidas que prometió tras el asesinato el 15 de mayo del periodista y experto en narcotráfico, Javier Valdez. México es actualmente el país más mortífero del mundo para los periodistas, con ocho asesinatos registrados por la FIP. El envío de dicha carta forma parte del lanzamiento de una campaña de solidaridad internacional de la FIP, que representa a 600.000 periodistas en el mundo, con sus compañeras y compañeros del país norteamericano. A mediados de mayo y ante el revuelo internacional que se produjo como consecuencia…  
5675. Gender equality in the media on the European Parliament’s agenda  

On Monday 26 June, the Committee for Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) of the European Parliament organised a hearing on gender equality in the media in the European Union. The main goal was to provide information to feed an upcoming own-initiative report to be published later on this year. The rapporteur is Czech MEP Michaela Šojdrová. Lenka Vochocová representing the department of Media Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Prague, Donatella Martini, the director of Donnein Quota and Martine Simonis, General Secretary at the Belgian Association of Journalists (AJP), an IFJ/EFJ affiliate,  held a discussion on the challenges facing women at different positions in the…  
5676. IFJ in the News this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  Read some of the news highlights from Friday 23th June to Friday 30th June: 1. Under attack. Press freedom in the Caribbean threatened - official warns,  by Marlon Madden, Barbados Today  2. Europe tour of NHRC team from today, by Mohammed Osman, The Peninsula 3. Warning over attacks on media, by Antoinette Connell, Nation News 4. Journalists in S Asia not safe, The Financial Express 5. Journalists Increasingly Unsafe in the Indian Subcontinent, by Nava Thakuria, Telesur TV 6. Creation of Journalists Trade…  
5677. Pakistani journalist arrested for social media posts in Balochistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses serious concern over the arrest of a young journalist in Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan on June 25 for criticising the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) on social media. The IFJ demands immediate release of the journalist and dropping of all charges. Zafarullah Achakzai, 21-year-old chief reporter of Qudrat daily, was arrested by the paramilitary Frontiers Corps under the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act 2016 and handed over to the Federal Investigation Agency. The journalist was produced in the court of the Judicial Magistrate, who remanded him for six days in custody. Zafarullah’s father Naimatullah Achakzai, who owns and…  
5678. Bahrain: IFJ condemns closure of Al Wasat newspaper and calls on the Bahraini government to stop intimidating independent journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned the refusal of Bahraini government to lift a ban on Al Wasat newspaper which led to its closure this week.  The Federation, which represents 180 journalists unions and associations globally, also called on “the Bahraini government to stop its policy of curtailing diversity in Bahraini media and intimidating independent journalists”. The Bahraini Journalists Association (BJA) expressed its deepest regret over the decision of Al Wasat newspaper to suspend its activities and its solidarity with all those whose contracts have been terminated. Earlier this month the IFJ demanded that the Bahraini authorities…  
5679. Myanmar journalists detained by the military  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Myanmar Journalists Association (MJA) in strongly criticizing the arrest and detention of three journalists by the army in Myanmar’s northeastern Shan state on Monday, June 26, 2017. The IFJ and MJA call for the immediate release of the journalists. On Monday, three journalists, Aye Naing and Pyae Phone from the Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) and Thein Zaw from the Irrawaddy, were arrested by the Myanmar Army after they covered a drug-burning event organized by the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) in Shan state. According to reports, the event was held as part of the U.N.’s International Day Against Drug…  
5680. México: cruento asesinato de periodista en Michoacán  

Los restos de Salvador Adame Pardo, quien permanecía desaparecido desde que fuera raptado el 18 de mayo en Nueva Italia, aparecieron calcinados el 14 de junio en Barranca del Diablo, Michoacán. Pruebas de ADN revelaron la identidad del comunicador, según informaron ayer las autoridades. Tal como lo informara la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) en un pronunciamiento, Adame Pardo, periodista y propietario del canal 4TV del municipio de Múgica, fue raptado por desconocidos el 18 de mayo en Nueva Italia, hecho que despertó grandes preocupaciones por el clima de violencia que viven los y las comunicadoras en México, al punto que distintos actores del sector se manifestaron para…  
5681. Journalism, an increasingly precarious profession in Europe  

Multitasking in a 24-hour rush, selling articles for five or ten euros and the increase of burnouts is a reality for too many journalists nowadays. This decline in working conditions is also the main topic of the latest issue of HesaMag, titled "Journalism, an increasingly precarious profession". The publication was launched by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) in collaboration with the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) at the Press Club Brussels Europe, on 26 June. The launch was part of a discussion on freelance journalism, safety and journalists’ job satisfaction, moderated by Willy De Backer, Head of Communication and Publications at the ETUI. The two…  
5682. Salvador Adame  

The body of the director of the local television station 6TV, who had been missing after being abducted on 18 May in the city of Nueva Italia was found in the western state of Michoacán. Media reports quoted state officials as saying that Adame’s burnt remains had been located near Nuevo Italia and identified with DNA testing. Adame reportedly covered local politics but avoided reporting on the criminal activities of the drug barons. He and his wife were detained by the local police in 2016 for covering a protest outside city hall, according to media reports.  
5683. China: Veteran dissident in hospital, media remains silent  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) raises serious concerns for the welfare of well-known Chinese dissident and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, Liu Xiaobo. The IFJ calls on the Chinese government to immediately release Liu and grant him permission to travel overseas for medical treatment. Liu Xiaobo, 61, was sentenced to 11 years in prison in 2009 after he was convicted of ‘inciting the subversion of state power’ after he co-authored a pro-democracy petition and manifesto, known as Charter 08. On June 26, news surfaced that Liu had been diagnosed with terminal liver cancer in late May. He was granted medical parole and is in the First Hospital of China Medical University…  
5684. Three Mainland online portals shut down  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticises the decision by the Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT) in China to shut down three popular video and audio streaming services. According to state-owned Xiahua, on June 22, the SAPPRFT ordered the shutdown of three popular video and audio streaming services, claiming that ‘mainly politically-related programs were aired’. The three portals included social media platform Sina/Weibo, news portal lfeng.com and AcFun, an online video site. The Xiahua report said that SAPPRFT accused the platforms of airing ‘many politically-related programs that do not conform with state rules and…  
5685. Hong Kong: Next Media Group encouraging staff to go freelance  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Next Media Union of Hong Kong to raise serious concerns about the latest move by Next Media Group, encouraging staff to become self-employed. On June 23, 2017, the Next Media Union met with Cheung Kim Hung, the CEO of Publishing at Next Digital Limited and the publisher of Apple Daily, during which Cheung said that they were now encouraging staff in the design and layout department to become self-employed. The union expressed serious concerns about the latest move by Cheung. A member of the Union told the IFJ that the new proposal had been presented in mid-June, which the company aimed at staff in a number of departments…  
5686. Mainland journalists warned not to ask questions  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) raises concerns about reporting by Mainland media on recent administrative changes. The IFJ voices concerns about the ability of the media in China to freely report, without government intimidation. On June 20, 2017, the International Table Tennis Federation of China (ITTFC) decided to remove Liu Guoliang as head coach of the national team, and appoint the vice chairperson of the Federation to the role. Mainland media reported on the changes, yet did not report of why the changes had been made. Liu is a well-respected member of the national team, and led the team to several international wins. In the following days, several messages on…  
5687. Tortura e inconsciencia colectiva  

Con motivo del Día Internacional en Apoyo a las Víctimas de la Tortura de las Naciones Unidas, el 26 de junio, la FIP publica un artículo de opinión de la periodista colombiana Claudia Julieta Duque, que enfrenta un proceso judicial en contra de sus torturadores, antiguos funcionarios del gobierno.  Publicamos el texto íntegro a continuación, titulado ¨Tortura e inconsciencia colectiva¨. ¨El 26 de junio de 1987 entró en vigor la Convención Internacional contra la Tortura como una proclama contundente en favor de la conciencia colectiva y en contra de las atrocidades de dos guerras mundiales, las dictaduras del Cono Sur, África y Asia, y la realidad de millones de personas -la…  
5688. Veronique Robert  

The female journalist, who was wounded in the same landmine blast that killed two colleagues Stephan Villeneuve and their fixer and Iraqi Kurdish reporter Bakhtiyar Addad in the Iraqi city of Mosul last week, died of her injuries. According to the AFP quoting France Televisions where both Ms Robert and Mr Villeneuve worked, she had been operated on in Iraq and then flown back for treatment in France overnight Thursday to Friday but died of her wounds.  
5689. Colombia: El agente de inteligencia que quiere hablar sobre la tortura a Claudia Julieta Duque  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) publica un nuevo informe sobre el caso de la periodista colombiana Claudia Julieta Duque. El informe "Enrique Ariza: el agente de inteligencia que quiere hablar sobre la tortura a Claudia Julieta Duque", que está firmado por nuestro enviado especial a Bogotá Marvin David del Cid y cuenta con el patrocinio de nuestro afiliado español FSC-CCOO, está disponible aquí. Leer más publicaciones sobre el caso: Colombia: el juicio contra dos torturadores de Claudia Julieta Duque entra en su etapa final (15.06.2016) La investigación que le cambió la vida a la periodista Claudia Julieta Duque (05.05.2017) La justicia colombiana…  
5690. Karnataka state assembly jails two editors for defamation  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the state legislative assembly speaker’s approval to jail two editors for a year in Karnataka state, south-western India on June 21. The IFJ demands immediate withdrawal of the order. The Speaker of Karnataka legislative assembly K B Koliwad authorised the one-year imprisonment and a fine of Rs 10,000 (USD 200) of Ravi Belagere, editor of weekly tabloid Hai Bangalore, and Anil Raj, editor of a local tabloid Yelahanka Voice for publishing reports criticising the members of legislative assembly (MLAs). Belagere was punished for the article published in September 2014 about Koliwad’s attempt to get into state cabinet. Koliwad…  
5691. Two Media Staff Killed in Road Blast outside Mosul  

Media reports said that a roadside explosion in the Iraqi city of Mosul killed Kurdish journalist Bakhtiyar Addad who was working as a fixer for French journalists, Stephan Villeneuve, Véronique Robert and Samuel Forey. Stephan Villeneuve, a video journalist who had covered a number of conflicts across the world, was fatally wounded and died from his wounds at a hospital on a UN military base. He was in Mosul to film a piece on the battle of Mosul for French news programme Envoye Special, aired on public television channel France 2. His colleagues were injured in the blast. The journalists were accompanying Iraqi special forces during the battle to reconquer Mosul from the…  
5692. Qatar: Saudi led coalition lists the closure of Al Jazeera among conditions to end crisis  

*UPDATE: The Norwegian Union of Journalists, an IFJ/EFJ affiliate, on 29 June sent a letter to Saudi Arabia ambassador protesting over threats against Al-Jazeera. Saudi Arabia led coalition today sent an ultimatum to Qatar with 13 demands to be met within the next 10 days in order to end Qatar crisis, including the closure of Al Jazeera and other news outlets funded by Qatar. Reports said that, following the decision early June of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Yemen and Egypt of cutting ties with Qatar, Kuwait has today presented a list of 13 demands to this country as part of its mediation in the talks. Among the demands, the coalition is…  
5693. IFJ Seeks two Key Experts for Public Broadcast Reform in Western Balkans Tender  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is leading a consortium preparing a proposal to the European commission Tender for Technical Assistance to Public Service Media in the Western Balkans. As part of the bid we are looking for two key experts to manage the programme for 30 months starting November 2017. The candidates must be prepared to be located in one of the beneficiary countries. - KE1 : Team leader (550 days) - KE2 : Senior Broadcast Management Expert, Deputy Team Leader (440 days) Interested candidates are asked to send their CV using the attached model. The CV should be restricted to three pages, be edited to clearly demonstrate how it matches the Expert…  
5694. IFJ in the News this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  Read some of the news highlights from Friday 16th June to Friday 23th June: 1. Journalist federation condemns block of Palestinian news sites, Middle East Monitor 2. Al Jazeera’s Twitter account temporarily shut down in Qatar as part of 'organised campaign' against the network, by Jessica Goodfellow, The Drum News 3. IFJ- EFJ say concerned over arrested journalist’s health, urging medical care, Turkey Purge 4. IFJ: Saudi, UAE using journalists as political football, Al Jazeera 5. Censorship and chilling effect will not…  
5695. Internet, cable TV shut down due to political unrest in Darjeeling  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses concern over the internet shutdown and ban on the cable televisions in Darjeeling, the hilly region of West Bengal in India. The IFJ demands that the internet and cable television should immediately be restored. On June 18, the West Bengal state government blocked all internet services in a bid to prevent people from mass gathering as Darjeeling remained tense due to political protests by the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM). The ban came after a report that GJM leadership were using social media platforms to devise strategy and communication for the demonstrations. The ban was initially for 48 hours but the administration on June…  
5696. Paraguay: empresa discrimina a periodistas bajo convenio colectivo  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) se solidariza con los trabajadores y trabajadoras del medio Última Hora, quienes se ven excluidos de beneficios por su encuadramiento en el Convenio Colectivo de Trabajo (CCT). Desde hace varios años los y las periodistas del periódico Última Hora se ven excluidos del reparto igualitario de utilidades y del acceso a un seguro médico privado, dos beneficios con los que cuentan los otros 14.000 empleados/as del Grupo Vierci, propietario del medio. Este hecho de discriminación ha motivado una reacción por parte del Sindicato de Periodistas del Paraguay (SPP), organización afiliada a la FIP, que desde comienzos de este mes ha llevando…  
5697. Television journalists assaulted by university guards in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the assaults on television journalists in two separate incidents in Faisalabad and Islamabad, Pakistan. The IFJ demands immediate action against those involved in the assaults. On June 21, six cameramen and reporters of different TV channels were injured when the security guards of the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad thrashed them. Yousaf Cheema of Samaa TV was covering news related to the expulsion of students for social media posts when the security guards snatched the camera, thrashed the crew and damaged their vehicle. Journalists from NewsOne, Dunya News, Channel 24, and ARY TV channels reached at the site when they…  
5698. Media crackdown continues: journalists charged with defamation in Myanmar  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Myanmar Journalist Association (MJA) in strongly criticizing the charges of criminal defamation against three journalists. The IFJ and MJA called for the all charges of criminal defamation against journalists across Myanmar to be immediately withdrawn. On June 15, three Magwe-based journalists were charged with criminal defamation under Article 66(d) of Myanmar’s Telecommunications Act. The three journalists, U Tin Shwe, editor-in-charge of local media outlet MGY News and Yatha Sone Journal, and reporters Ma Pu Pwint Nay Chi and Ma Zar Za San of the same outlet, were charged after U Htay Lwin, administrator of Mel…  
5699. México: periodistas denuncian espionaje gubernamental  

El lunes 19 de junio un grupo de periodistas y defensores de derechos humanos denunciaron ante la Procuraduría General de la República a las autoridades estatales por espionaje ilegal. A través de un informe, los/as denunciantes revelaron que durante 2015 y 2016 se produjeron 88 intentos de infección de sus equipos celulares a través de un malware denominado Pegasus. Dos de dichos intentos tuvieron éxito y el robo de información se llevó a cabo. El suceso reviste una gravedad inusitada ya que junto a la violación de la privacidad, facilita la persecución de uno de los sectores más afectados por la violencia imperante en México: los/as periodistas y defensores/as de derechos humanos. Si…  
5700. México: periodistas denuncian espionaje gubernamental  

El lunes 19 de junio un grupo de periodistas y defensores de derechos humanos denunciaron ante la Procuraduría General de la República a las autoridades estatales por espionaje ilegal. A través de un informe, los/as denunciantes revelaron que durante 2015 y 2016 se produjeron 88 intentos de infección de sus equipos celulares a través de un malware denominado Pegasus. Dos de dichos intentos tuvieron éxito y el robo de información se llevó a cabo. El suceso reviste una gravedad inusitada ya que junto a la violación de la privacidad, se facilita la persecución de uno de los sectores más afectados por la violencia imperante en México: los/as periodistas y defensores/as de derechos…  
5701. Growing intolerance threatens press freedom in India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses concern over recent incidents of intolerance targeting journalists and undermining freedom of expression in New Delhi, India. The IFJ demands that the Indian government step up to provide a safe environment for journalists and the media to exercise their rights. On June 19, ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson Nupur Sharma filed a police complaint against journalist Rana Ayyub over a tweet that Sharma claimed to be ‘defamatory, hate-filled and derogatory’. Ayyub, the author of Gujarat Files:Anatomy of a Cover Up, a book about the 2002 Gujarat riots, that implicates BJP top leaders for the riots, had tweeted a comment…  
5702. Media blocked in lead up to handover anniversary in Hong Kong  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) in strongly criticising the decision by the Hong Kong government to deny access to online media outlets to upcoming handover celebrations and the collection of journalist data. July 1, 2017 marks the 20th anniversary of the transfer of Hong Kong from Britain to China. Many events have been planned, and it is widely expected that Chinese President Xi Jinping will be in attendance at official events in Hong Kong. Although no official statements or confirmations of President Xi’s travel have been made, the Information Service Department have demanded that all media outlets who…  
5703. Filipino photojournalist threatened over conflict reporting  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in expressing serious concerns over the continuous threats made to a Filipino photojournalist in the past week. The IFJ and NUJP call on blogger RJ Nieto to withdraw the allegations against the photojournalist. Jes Aznar, a photojournalist who publishes with the New York Times and other international agencies has been receiving threats for over the past week. The threats started as accusations were made against Aznar in the blog Thinking Pinoy, which is published by RJ Nieto.  The article by Neito claimed that Aznar was live-streaming military activities…  
5704. Tunisie: La FIJ demande un dialogue sur l’indépendance du service public de l’audiovisuel  

Le limogeage par le gouvernement tunisien du PDG de la Télévision nationale tunisienne, Elyes Gharbi, le 16 juin dernier s’inscrit dans une tradition de contrôle autoritaire des médias d’état, rappelle la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ). Elle se joint à son affilié le Syndicat National des Journalistes Tunisiens (SNJT) pour demander un dialogue sur l’indépendance et l’avenir de l’audiovisuel public.  Depuis 2011, les gouvernements tunisiens successifs se sont attachés à interférer dans la gestion de l’audiovisuel public, tant au niveau du management que de la ligne éditoriale, en violation de la législation tunisienne et de la constitution du pays. Dans un communiqué…  
5705. OSCE: States must urgently appoint new Representative on Freedom of the Media  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) join a coalition of freedom of expression organisations and journalists’ organisations urging OSCE Participating States to urgently appoint a new Representative on Freedom of the Media. The Representative on Freedom of the Media is an independent OSCE Institution, holding a unique mandate to protect and promote media freedom in all 57 OSCE participating States. The former mandate holder, Dunja Mijatović, left Office on 10 March 2017. There has been no announcement of her successor since. Continued failure to appoint a successor will weaken protections for freedom of the media across the OSCE region, at a time…  
5706. Turkey: IFJ/EFJ monitor first criminal trial against journalists over attempted coup  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) yesterday sent an observer to Istanbul to monitor the first trial against journalists accused of participating in the 15 failed coup of last July. The trial, which may shed light on how the courts will approach numerous cases concerning the right to freedom of expression and the right to a fair trial under the state of emergency, has amplified international concerns over press freedom in Turkey. Raffaele Lorusso, General Secretary of the affiliate Federazione Nazionale della Stampa Italiana (FNSI) and an IFJ Executive Committee member, yesterday attended the trial of six journalists  Mehmet and Ahmet Altan,…  
5707. France: Non à l'expulsion d'un journaliste Somalien  

Mohamed Bashir Haji, journaliste somalien, actuellement dans un centre d’accueil à Brest en France, est menacé d'expulsion. La FIJ et ses affiliés SNJ, SNJ-CGT et CFDT se mobilisent pour qu'il puisse rester en France. Lire la lettre jointe des affiliés de la FIJ.  Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter la FIJ au + 32 2 235 22 16 La FIJ représente plus de 600 000 journalistes dans 140 pays Retrouvez la FIJ sur Twitter et Facebook Abonnez-vous aux infos de la FIJ  
5708. Stephan Villeneuve , Bakhtiyar Addad  

Media reports said that a roadside explosion in the Iraqi city of Mosul killed Kurdish journalist Bakhtiyar Addad who was working as a fixer for French journalists, Stephan Villeneuve, Véronique Robert and Samuel Forey. Stephan Villeneuve, a video journalist who had covered a number of conflicts across the world, was fatally wounded and died from his wounds at a hospital on a UN military base. He was in Mosul to film a piece on the battle of Mosul for French news programme Envoye Special, aired on public television channel France 2. His colleagues were injured in the blast. The journalists were accompanying Iraqi special forces during the battle to reconquer Mosul from the Islamic…  
5709. Irak: un journaliste français et un journaliste kurde tués, deux journalistes français blessés  

La Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ) exprime ses condoléances profondes aux familles du journaliste français Stephan Villeneuve et du journaliste kurde irakien Bakhtiyar Haddad tués hier par l’explosion d’une mine à Mossoul. Les trois journalistes français Stephan Villeneuve, Véronique Robert et Samuel Forey, accompagnés par le journaliste kurde irakien Bakhtiyar Haddad, couvraient la bataille de Mossoul dans le nord de l’Iraq, dans le cadre d’un reportage pour l’émission de télévision «Envoyé spécial» sur la chaine française France 2. Alors qu’ils suivaientt l’avancée des forces spéciales irakiennes dans leur bataille contre le groupe d’Etat islamique (EI), le groupe de…  
5710. Palestine: IFJ condemns blocking of websites and arrests of journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS), in condemning the clamp down on media following the decision of the Palestinian Authority to block 12 Palestinian news websites and to arrest several journalists. Palestinian authorities ordered on 16 June the blocking of twelve web sites, including the sites of the Palestinian Information Center, the Shehab News Agency, the Voice of Fatah and others. All web sites concerned by the measure are critics of the Palestinian government. According to Ma'an News Agency, Palestinian authorities insisted that the web sites were not blocked because of their political…  
5711. Journalists arrested, charged criminally for news report in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) condemn the arrest and 28-hour-detention of two journalists under false charges in Bhimdatt Municipality, Kanchanpur, western Nepal on June 17. The IFJ demands a probe into the incident and action against officials for framing false charges on journalists. Editor Khem Bhandari and executive editor Ganesh Bhatt of Manaskhanda daily were arrested on Saturday, June 17 for publication of a news report and charged under the Public Crime and Punishment Act. The news in question is a report about the police arrest of two females whom the newspaper claimed to be innocent.  Police released…  
5712. Haití: FIP y AJH realizan una reunión sobre el fortalecimiento organizacional  

La Association des Journalistes Haïtiens (AJH) celebró, con la participación de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), una reunión nacional de trabajo en Puerto Príncipe el 18 de julio sobre sus desafíos y necesidades para plantear estrategias de fortalecimiento. Esta actividad forma parte del proyecto regional financiado por Union to Union (UTU) destinado a consolidar las capacidades de los sindicatos en materia de comunicación, reclutamiento y organización. Durante la jornada, que contó con la asistencia de organizaciones de Puerto Príncipe, Gonaïves, Nippes y Jacmel, los y las dirigentes de la AJH avanzaron en discusiones a partir del diagnóstico realizado…  
5713. IFJ, SAMSN call for end to internet shutdowns  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) express serious concern over the growing trend of internet shutdowns in South Asia and call on governments to stop internet shutdowns. Internet shutdowns is an act against citizen’s freedom of expression and right to information; it greatly affects press freedom by restricting independent media’s capacity to report and disseminate news. At the successful conclusion of the #JournosAgainstShutdowns: Campaign Against Internet Shutdowns in South Asia from May 29 to June 16, the IFJ and SAMSN call for greater vigilance in monitoring and documenting internet shutdowns by journalists, media and…  
5714. Australian journalist shot covering conflict in the Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in calling on all journalists covering the conflict in Marawi in the southern Philippines to take extreme caution. The IFJ and NUJP call on the security forces in Marawi to ensure the safety of journalists covering the conflict. On Thursday, June 15, Australian journalist Adam Harvey was injured as he covered the conflict on the southern island of Mindanao in the Philippines. Harvey, who works for the ABC, was shot in the neck by as he covered the conflict between military forces and Islamist rebels who seized the city four weeks ago. Harvey was shot inside the…  
5715. IFJ and EFJ call for urgent medical care for Turkish journalist Tuncer Çetinkaya  

Tuncer Çetinkaya, a journalist and former regional representative of Zaman newspaper in Antalya, has been detained for 11 months in Turkey and is now held in Antalya prison. He urgently needs medical care. According to his relatives who contacted the IFJ-EFJ, Tuncer Çetinkaya is seriously ill and suffers from autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) which requires regular and specific treatment. His daughter reports that during his first three months in jail,  Çetinkaya  was not allowed to use his drugs or see a doctor. His health situation has steadily worsened and he has already lost 54% of his kidney. He also lost a lot of weight, his daughter…  
5716. IFJ in the News this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  Read some of the news highlights from Friday 9th June to Friday 16th June: 1. Journalist unions condemn detention of Palestinian journalist in Gaza, MA’AN NEWS AGENCY 2. IFJ condemns Hamas detention of Palestine TV correspondent in Gaza, WAFA 3. US Restrictive Bill On Russian Media ‘Act of Censorship’ - Journalists Union, Sputnik news 4. Journalist and editor arrested for defamation in Burma, IFEX 5. India’s Troubled Region Evades Killing Of Journalists – OpEd, by Nava Thakuria, Eurasia review 6. Gender-based violence…  
5717. Gender gap is one of key challenges facing women in the world of work today, says ILO report  

The IFJ has welcomed a major new ILO report calling for action to address gender pay gaps, remove obstacles to women’s career progression and tackle discrimination, violence and harassment at work. 'The World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends for Women 2017' issued by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) on 14 June, 2017, identifies the gender gap as the main challenge for women in the labour market. The report examines gender trends and gaps in the global and regional labour market as well as the main factors driving them.  Based on an analysis of labour force participation and unemployment rates, employment status, as well as gaps in income and sectoral and…  
5718. Stop using journalists as “political footballs” in Qatar crisis, demands IFJ  

The IFJ has called on the authorities in a number of Arab states to stop using journalists as “a political football’ as hundreds of media staff face the axe, families risk being torn apart and TV stations, newspapers and websites risk closure. The call comes as demands to close down Al Jazeera and a blockade of its broadcasts by a number of other countries are having a devastating impact on journalists and their families. Fifty-five journalists from other Gulf states currently working at Al Jazeera in Doha are under pressure to leave or lose their nationality amid a crisis which threatens the future of broadcasters and other media. The crisis comes following threats by Saudi…  
5719. Colombia: el juicio contra dos torturadores de Claudia Julieta Duque entra en su etapa final  

Por Marvin Del Cid, enviado especial a Bogotá En los Juzgados Especializados de la Bogotá, Colombia finalizó el 13 de junio la etapa de presentación de pruebas en el juicio que se sigue en contra de Ronal Rivera Rodríguez y Rodolfo Medina Alemán, presuntos torturadores de la periodista colombiana Claudia Julieta Duque Orrego. Ambos ex integrantes del desaparecido Departamento Administrativo y de Seguridad (DAS), institución vinculada a decenas de violaciones a los Derechos Humanos en Colombia, fueron llamados a juicio desde el año 2015, pero por múltiples retrasos éste no comenzó sino hasta el pasado mes de febrero. Medina Alemán, prófugo de la justicia, fue jefe de…  
5720. SNJ, IFJ Hold Workshop on Reporting Climate Change  

The Syndicato Nacional de Journalistas (SNJ) in Mozambique, in collaboration with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) held a two – day workshop on “Reporting Climate Change" from 7 – 8 June, 2017 in Maputo, Mozambique.  The two day- workshop, which was held under the UTU Project 2017, brought together 20 journalists from all sectors of the media and regions in Mozambique, to build their capacities in reporting climate change in order to enhance the media’s role in the fight against climate change. Speaking at the opening ceremony, the Head of the Climate Change Unit at the Ministry of the environment and Lands, Francisco Sambo, who was also the lead trainer at the…  
5721. Deux journalistes menacés au Mali  

La Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de journalistes (600.000 membres) s’inquiète pour l’intégrité de deux journalistes Aboubacar Dicko et David Dembélé qui reçoivent des menaces de mort et des insultes proférées contre eux par des appels nocturnes et sur les réseaux sociaux.   Selon les rapports de la presse, le 30 mai dernier, les deux journalistes ont publié dans les journaux Dépêches du Mali et Le Monde Afrique  une enquête relative à des comptes de l'épiscopat malien à la banque HSBC en Suisse pour un solde total de 7 milliards de francs CFA. L’enquête mettait en cause Monseigneur Zerbo, en attente d’être nommé cardinal.…  
5722. Deux journalistes menacés au Mali  

La Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de journalistes (600.000 membres) s’inquiète pour l’intégrité de deux journalistes Aboubacar Dicko et David Dembélé qui reçoivent des menaces de mort et des insultes proférées contre eux par des appels nocturnes et sur les réseaux sociaux. Selon les rapports de la presse, le 30 mai dernier, les deux journalistes ont publié dans les journaux Dépêches du Mali et Le Monde Afrique  une enquête relative à des comptes de l'épiscopat malien à la banque HSBC en Suisse pour un solde total de 7 milliards de francs CFA. L’enquête mettait en cause Monseigneur Zerbo, en attente d’être nommé cardinal. A la…  
5723. More restrictive orders issued against the media in China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has strongly criticised the latest restrictive order issued by the Central Propaganda Department on June 13, 2017. The IFJ calls on the Chinese government to take immediate steps to end its attack on press freedom in China. According to reports, on June 13, the Central Propaganda Department issued a restrictive order regarding the reporting on the detention of the Anbang Insurance Group chairperson. On June 13. Wu Xiaohui, the chairperson of Anbang was detained under investigation by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission. Caijing, a Mainland-based outlet, was the first to report on Wu’s detention, and the report was republished by…  
5724. Private company guards assault journalists in Afghanistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) in condemning the assault on two television journalists in Surkhrud district of Nangrahar province in eastern Afghanistan on June 13. The IFJ demands immediate investigation into the incident and punishment to those responsible. Security personnel of a private construction company assaulted Ziar Khan Yaad of TOLO News and Sabawoon Sahil of Maiwand TV for their critical reporting about the ongoing road construction. They were also confined in a room for a few hours and harassed. They were released after mediation by AIJA and other media activists. The journalists were…  
5725. ITUC’s fourth Global Rights Index shows rising violence against workers  

ITUC released its 4ths Global Rights Index on 13 June. It records violations of workers’ rights across 139 countries. The report finds that the ten worst countries for workers are Qatar, the UAE, Egypt, the Philippines, Colombia, Kazakhstan, Republic of Korea, Guatemala, Turkey and Bangladesh. In addition, other countries have seen their ranking rise this year, including Ecuador and Myanmar, Argentina and Brazil. The Middle East and North Africa remain dangerous places for trade unionists in terms of violence, arbitrary arrests and unjustified detention. It was once again the worst region in the world for workers. The reports highlight that the very fact of being a trade unionist in the…  
5726. Ireland: Unions celebrate victory over competition authority  

Irish freelance workers will be allowed the right to collective bargaining. On the evening of 31 May, the Irish Parliament adopted the Labour Party proposed Competition Amendment Bill 2016, which aims to introduce exemptions from competition law for certain self-employed workers. Since a competition ruling was handed down thirteen years ago, agreements negotiated with  artists unions on minimum tariffs  have been considered as breaches of competition  law. To avoid the competition law a union has to prove either that its members are false independent workers (in a subordinate relationship, obliged to follow instructions,  do not share the same business risks as their…  
5727. Palestine: IFJ blames Hamas for journalist’s “outrageous” detention  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today joins its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists´ Syndicate (PJS), in blaming Hamas for the detention of a journalist in Gaza.  The PJS said PBC TV channel correspondent Fouad Jaradah’s detention for five days now without any explanation is an "outrageous"violation of the Palestinian law. On 8 June, members of Hamas´ security forces stormed Jaradah’s house, his wife told the PJS. They asked him to take his computer and mobile with him and to follow them, promising to free him within an hour. Since then, he has been detained without justification or without knowing what he is accused of. "The PJS strongly…  
5728. Ukraine: IFJ/EFJ affiliates seek answers after journalist goes missing in Donetsk  

Update (20/06/2017): Representatives from the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) and the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) expressed today their deep concern for the safety and fate of Donetsk journalist Stanyslav Aseev. They call for Aseev’s immediate release. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) today joined their affiliates, the National Union of Journalists in Ukraine (NUJU) and the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine (IMTUU), in demanding the Ukrainian authorities do all they can to find the journalist Stanyslav Aseev, known as Stanyslav Vasin, who went missing in the occupied part of the Donbass region on 3 June. The Ukrainian…  
5729. Bangladeshi journalists arrested under ICT law  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF) in condemning recent arrests of journalists under the information and communication technology (ICT) law. The IFJ demands immediate release of the journalists. On June 12, Golam Mostafa Rafiq, the editor of the Habiganj Samachar daily was arrested from his office over an allegedly false report published in the newspaper. Rafiq was sent to jail by a court. The report in question stated that the ruling party MP Abdul Majid Khan would not get the party nomination for the next election, and cited a Dhaka-based online news site. A cadre of Khan filed the case under the ICT Act 2006…  
5730. In support of our colleagues in Turkey  

Join the IFJ and EFJ today in Brussels, place de Luxembourg to show your support to the 156 journalists imprisoned in Turkey. Send a postcard to a jailed journalist in Turkey.  
5731. ​ Bakshish Elahi  

The Bureau Chief of K-2 Times, an Urdu daily newspaper in Haripur, was shot dead by unknown motorbike-borne gunmen near his home at Lora Chowk, Haripur district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The gunmen fled the scene after firing five shots at Elahi, one of which hit his head and others his chest and stomach.  
5732. After death threat, Pakistani journalist survives murder attempt  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses serious concern over the attempted murder of journalist Rana Tanveer in Lahore, Pakistan on Friday, June 9. The IFJ demands immediate arrest of the culprits and security for the journalist. Journalist Tanveer, who had reportedly received death threats for writing about religious minorities for Express Tribune newspaper, was run over by a car. Tanveer survived the murder attempt with an injured left leg. He is receiving treatment at a hospital. Tanveer had moved to a safe house after his residence door was painted with a death threat a few days earlier. He had reported the matter but the police did not register a First…  
5733. Sri Lankan minister threatens journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Free Media Movement, Sri Lanka (FMM) in condemning the behavior of a minister towards journalists on June 8 in Kandana, Colombo. The IFJ demands an immediate apology from the minister. John Amaratunga, Minister of Tourism Development and Christian Religious Affairs, threatened journalists when he was asked questions regarding an environmental issue at Muturajawela wetlands and the charge that people were blaming him for the garbage problem in at Bopitiya in Wattala. Furious over the questions, Amaratunga asked the journalists to leave. “Do not report false news. Otherwise, I will beat you all to death,” the minister reportedly…  
5734. Unknown gunmen kill journalist in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the killing of a senior journalist in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in  northwest Pakistan on Sunday, June 11. The IFJ demands the immediate arrest and prosecution of gunmen to ensure justice. Bakshish Elahi, the Bureau Chief of K-2 Times Urdu daily newspaper in Haripur was shot dead by unknown motorbike-borne gunmen near his home at Lora Chowk, Haripur district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The gunmen fled the scene after firing five shots at Elahi, one of which hit his head and others his chest and stomach. Haripur Press Club protested the killing and demanded immediate arrest of the culprits. The Pakistan Federal Union of…  
5735. Libération de Mathias Depardon  

Mise à jour 9 Juin 2017 Le 8 mai 2017, Mathias Depardon, reporter photographe était arrêté à Hasankeyf, en Turquie, lors de la réalisation d'un reportage. Installé depuis cinq ans à Istanbul, il collabore avec des médias occidentaux tels que L’Obs, Le Monde, The New YorkTimes ou encore le magazine National Geographic. Les syndicats français de journalistes (SNJ, SNJ-CGT, CFDT-Journalistes), membres de la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de la profession, et de son groupe régional européen (FEJ), ont demandé des comptes dans une lettre adressée  le 8 juin 2017 à l'Ambassadeur de Turquie en France. Le 9 juin 2017 Mathias Depardon a été…  
5736. IFJ in the News this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  Read some of the news highlights from Friday 2nd June to Friday 9th June: 1. ‘Journalists’ safety an ongoing concern in Pakistan’, The News International 2. Indian Journalists Union condemns raids against NDTV founder Prannoy Roy, by Express News Service, New Indian Express 3. Tibet-bordering Indian region turns safer for journalists, by Nava Thakuria, Tibet Sun 4. Regional platform condemns violence against journalists, b92 5. Emboldened regimes: Crushing Middle East dissent, by Hiba Zayadin, IFEX 6. Timor-Leste…  
5737. Pakistan: inquiétude pour Taha Siddiqui  

La Fédération internationale des Journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de la profession avec 600.000 membres, et ses affiliés français, le SNJ, SNJ-CGT et CFDT-Journalistes,  expriment leurs vives préoccupations pour la sécurité du journaliste pakistanais Taha Siddiqui, victime d’actes d’intimidations et de harcèlement de la part d’une agence dépendant du ministère de l’Intérieur.  Taha Siddiqui est le correspondant de plusieurs médias occidentaux (dont France24, le New York Times, Der Spiegel et Le Guardian). Il a reçu en 2014 le Prix Albert Londres pour un reportage réalisé avec Julien Fouchet et Sylvain Lepetit pour France2. Il est, à ce jour, le seul journaliste…  
5738. La justicia colombiana considera prioritaria la lucha contra la impunidad  

“La justicia colombiana va a dar prioridad a la lucha contra la impunidad, de la cual se siguen beneficiando los asesinos de periodistas”, dijo el Fiscal General de Colombia, Néstor Humberto Martínez Neira, tras una reunión en mayo con el presidente de la Federación Internacional de los Periodistas (FIP), Philippe Leruth, y Adriana Hurtado, presidenta de la Federación Colombiana de Periodistas (Fecolper) que está afiliada a la FIP. La lucha contra la impunidad era el tema de esta entrevista. Al respecto, Philippe Leruth recordó que el 90% de asesinatos de periodistas se quedan impunes en el mundo, y que esta tasa de impunidad es más alta en Colombia. Como posibles explicaciones a esta…  
5739. Journalist and editor arrested for defamation in Myanmar  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticizes the decision by the Myanmar authorities to arrest and detain two journalists for criminal defamation. The IFJ calls for the immediate release on the two journalists and for the charges to be dropped. On June 1, Kyaw Min Swe, the editor of The Voice newspaper, and Ko Kyaw Zwa Naing, pen name Ko Ko Muang, a columnist at The Voice, were arrested by police under Article 66 (d) of Myanmar’s Telecommunications Law for defamation. The two journalists were arrested after charges were filed by the Myanmar military for an article published in March 2017. The article, titled ‘Oath of the Nation of Bullets’ discussed an…  
5740. Prominent Indian TV channel targeted for alleged loan default  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses serious concern over the raids at office of NDTV channel and residences of its promoters in New Delhi and Dehradun, India on June 5. The IFJ urges the concerned authorities to ensure that the investigations into the assets of media and media promoters do not amount to harassment. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) raided the residences of Prannoy Roy, the executive chairperson of NDTV, in New Delhi and Dehradun on June 5 in connection with allegations of Roy and NDTV causing losses to a private bank by defaulting loans. The CBI said it had registered a case and raided four places belonging to Roy and his wife Radhika Roy.…  
Search results 5671 until 5740 of 15060