15062 results:

13513. IFJ Congress Condemns New Moves to Deprive French and Belgian Journalists of Their Authors’ Rights  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemned the new threats on journalists’ authors’ rights protection in France and in Belgium, at its XXV Congress meeting in Athens from 25 to 30 May 2004. The IFJ denounces in particular a recent campaign of printed press publishers in Belgium aimed at grabbing journalists’ authors’ rights by introducing a presumption of transfer on their behalf in the authors’ rights law. In France, the bill implementing the European directive on copyright and related rights in the information society unfavourably amends current provisions of the intellectual property code. The code currently stipulates that the existence of an employment contract…  
13515. Reprieve for Association of Tunisian Journalists After IFJ Expulsion Threat Sparks Reform  

The World Congress of the International Federation of Journalists, the largest representative body of journalists’ groups world-wide, has voted to lift a threat to expel its member organisation in Tunisia after it pledged to improve its record on defence of press freedom and journalists’ rights. But the Association of Tunisian Journalists (AJT) will remain suspended for the time being as IFJ leaders await the outcome of promised changes in the coming months. The Executive Committee of the IFJ voted in March to expel the AJT after it presented Tunisian President Zen El Abidine Ben Ali with a press freedom award last year, causing consternation throughout the global press freedom…  
13517. Eastern African Journalists Join Hands at IFJ World Congress in Athens  

EASTERN AFRICA JOURNALISTS’ ASSOCIATION (EAJA) ATHENS DECLARATION May 28, 2004 PREAMBLE We, the undersigned being unions of journalists’ officials/representatives from Uganda, Tanzania and Somalia who assembled at the Divani Caravel Hotel in Athens City on 28th of May 2004 during the International Federation of Journalists {IFJ} World Congress, resolved to strengthen the existing Eastern Africa Journalists Association (EAJA) and undertake the following resolutions:- 1. To encourage journalists’ exchange of information at regional level across the Eastern Africa Region and engage in pressing professional problems. 2. To organize forums for Journalists to share…  
13522. IFJ Votes To Strengthen Journalism and Solidarity in the Middle East  

The International Federation of Journalists today agreed to forge fresh links between journalists’ groups throughout the Middle East to promote co-operation in defence of journalists’ social and professional rights. The world congress of the IFJ, meeting in Athens, which for the first time included delegates from Iran, Iraqi Kurdistan as well as a number of new Arab affiliates, agreed to reinforce its work with the movement of Arab journalists. Following the adoption of a joint declaration between the Federation of Arab Journalists and the IFJ in Rabat last year, the IFJ organized a joint mission to Iraq earlier this year and developed an extensive programme of support for a…  
13524. IFJ Condemns Israeli ‘Paranoia Over Vanunu’ and Demands Release of Detained UK Reporter  

Delegates at the International Federation of Journalists Congress meeting in Athens today backed a strong IFJ condemnation over the detention by Israeli security police of a British journalist who broke the story of Israel’s nuclear weapons capacity in an interview with Mordechai Vanunu 20 years ago. “This action smacks of continuing paranoia over an old story and a man who has served many years in jail for revealing a secret that the world has a right to know,” said Aidan White IFJ General Secretary commenting on the detention of Peter Hounam, now working on a project for the BBC, who broke the Vanunu story in the Sunday Times. Vanunu was later kidnapped by Israeli police in Rome,…  
13525. World Journalists Call for Unity to Challenge “Ruthless” Media Owners  

The International Federation of Journalists today, during the opening day of its 25th World Congress, launched a new call for global solidarity among journalists to challenge the power of a “ruthless and unprincipled” class of media employers who dominates the world’s media landscape. “Journalism in the world is in a dramatic phase of transition and change”, said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary in his report to Congress. “The unions have to adjust to new forms of work and building solidarity in this environment is of major urgency. This is the only way to defeat the ruthless and unprincipled breed of owners who have lost all sense of decency and respect for the mission of…  
13526. Media and Sport: Time for Fair Play and Journalism that Makes the Public Winners  

The International Federation of Journalists today opened the XXV World Congress with a Sports and Media Global Conference in Athens, eighty days before the return of the Olympics to its birthplace. The event – “Media and Journalists – Winners of Losers in Global Sports?” – brought into the spotlight questions over public interest in a modern world dominated by advertising, sporting super-heroes, and commercial imperatives. “Sports journalists must break lose from the ‘insider mentality’ that compromises the professional scrutiny of an industry that is increasingly a powerful force in peoples lives,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “The globalization of sport has created…  
13527. World Journalists Call for Unity to Challenge “Ruthless” Media Owners  

The International Federation of Journalists today, during the opening day of its 25th World Congress, launched a new call for global solidarity among journalists to challenge the power of a “ruthless and unprincipled” class of media employers who dominates the world’s media landscape. “Journalism in the world is in a dramatic phase of transition and change”, said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary in his report to Congress. “The unions have to adjust to new forms of work and building solidarity in this environment is of major urgency. This is the only way to defeat the ruthless and unprincipled breed of owners who have lost all sense of decency and respect for the mission of…  
13528. Declaration of "PSB after Hutton" Conference  

Back to main page of the Conference This international conference of politicians, trade union leaders, broadcasters, journalists, and practitioners, held by the National Union of Journalists in Great Britain and Ireland under the auspices of the IFJ’s global campaign Public Broadcasting for All, comes at a crucial time for the industry and the workforce in Great Britain. It is taking place in the shadow of increasingly aggressive demands from private media corporations to diminish the social model of public broadcasting and attempts to consign public media to the margins of minority broadcasting. Noting that attacks against the BBC in the light of the Hutton Report are having an…  
13529. IFJ Annouces Finalists of Journalism for Tolerance Prize in South Asia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today announced the finalists for the IFJ Journalism for Tolerance Prize in South Asia in three categories: print (English), print (Language) and broadcast. The finalists were selected from exactly one hundred entries submitted to the Prize in South Asia and were judged by senior journalists from around the region at a jury meeting held in Lahore, Pakistan. The South Asia Jury members are: Minhaj Barna, Former Press Minister, Pakistan's Permanent Mission at the United Nations, Former President PFUJ and APNEC, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Suman Chattopadhyaya, Executive Editor, Ananda Bazaar Patrika, Kolkata, India. HK Dua,…  
13533. "Gubbio Chart" on freedom of information in Italy  

Information freedom and right to information Committee (Gubbio, 2004, May 21st ) Europe and Information: Gubbio chart (unanimously approved) 1) Strongly reaffirm the Rights. Information freedom, freedom of research, freedom of communication, freedom of cultural expression are irrepressible civil Rights for all the citizens of the European Union. These rights cannot be limited in any way, because it would mean not only a lesion to the principles that are the heart of every national Constitution (recognized also by art. 11 of the Fundamental Rights Chart of the European Union signed in Nizza), but also a lesion to the freedom of services’ circulation. Every form of…  
13534. Journalists Challenge Ukraine Prime Minister Over Gongadze and “Catalogue of Concerns” Facing Press  

The IFJ today confronted Ukraine Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych on a visit to Brussels with a “catalogue of concerns” over problems facing journalists and threats to press freedom that should be eliminated before the country could be taken seriously as a democratic partner with the European Union. Yanukovych, who is expected to be a leading candidate in coming Presidential elections, was asked about five unexplained deaths of journalists in recent years and some 40 incidents of intimidation against journalists and independent media in the past year alone, as well as recent steps to limit independent radio stations getting access to mainstream airwaves. The continuing failure…  
13535. IFJ Condemns Intimidation of the Media in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned the harrassment of the media in Somalia, following the continued detention and possible three-year prison sentence of the editor-in-chief of a leading independent publication. On 21 April, Abdishakur Yusuf Ali, editor-in-chief of the War-Ogaal newspaper was arrested by the Puntland autonomous administration in the North-Eastern region of Somalia. Abdishakur was accused of publishing false information in a report about the sale of humanitarian aid suppplies by the Puntland Finance Minister to the United Arab Emirates. If convicted Abdishakur faces three years imprisionment. "This is an attack by the Puntland administration on…  
13538. Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union  

Introduction IFJ project work has been heavily focused on South East Europe, former Yugoslavia and the neighbouring Balkan countries through the Media For Democracy in South East Europe programme. Further activities have taken place in other Central and East European countries with a recent focus on the Ukraine and the Southern Caucasus. In Kyrgyzstan a pilot project established the first independent journalists union in Central Asia and significantly raised the IFJ’s profile in the region. All activities have been overseen from Brussels by the Director of the IFJ Project Division Oliver Money-Kyrle and closely co-ordinated with the European Federation of Journalists. Media…  
13542. IFJ Warns Of “Cruel Deception” If Indonesian Hostage Deal Breaks Down  

The International Federation of Journalists today made a final appeal to the leaders of armed separatists in Indonesia to make good on a promise to release hostages, including a journalist, as last-minutes obstacles threatened plans to free up to 100 captives. In a letter sent today to Tengku Hasan di Tiro, the President of the Sumatra National Liberation Front (GAM), the IFJ said any failure by GAM to deliver on a promise to free Fery Santoro, a broadcast journalist held for 10 months, would be “a cruel deception” that would expose GAM to criticism within the international community. “The journalists of Indonesia and around the world have taken seriously GAM’s word to release the…  
13547. New Press Law Signals A Victory for Press Freedom in Luxembourg  

The European Federation of Journalists, the regional group of the International Federation of Journalists, today welcomed the adoption of a new press law by the Luxembourg Parliament as “a victory for press freedom.” The new law, which replaces a 135 year-old legislation and was discussed for the last five to six years in the Grand Duchy, sets essential guarantees for press freedom. Among other things, the right to quote and protection of sources according to recommendations set by the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg have finally been established. “This alone constitutes a major step forward. It is a sign that finally protection of sources is…  
13548. IFJ Calls Brazilian Move To Expel US Journalist “Petulant Over-reaction”  

The International Federation of Journalists today asked the Brazilian government to reconsider its threat to cancel the visa of an American journalist who wrote a controversial report suggesting that President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has a drink problem. The report by Larry Rohter, a veteran correspondent who is married to a Brazilian woman, in the New York Times has cause controversy, but the IFJ says that the problem should be resolved through professional dialogue, not expulsion from the country. “That would be harsh and would amount to petulant over-reaction,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “This is an issue which concerns the honour of the President and can properly…  
13549. IFJ Says May 13th Release of Hostage Journalist is “Moment of Truth” For Indonesian Rebels  

The international Federation of Journalists today said that a promise to free Indonesian journalist Fery Santoro, who has been held hostage for almost 10 months in the war-torn region of Aceh in Sumatra, represents a “moment of truth” for separatist rebels. In an open letter to Tengku Hasan di Tiro the President of the Acheh/Sumatra National Liberation Front (GAM) issued in Jakarta today, the IFJ says that the GAM promise to release Fery on May 13th, without prior conditions, “represents a moment of truth over GAM’s declared commitment to democracy and human rights.” “His freedom is in your hands and those of GAM officials in Aceh. We urge you and your colleagues to act immediately…  
13551. Statement by AGJPB - Protection of Sources: Progress for Journalists’ Rights But AGJPB Looks For Greater Legal Guarantees  

The Belgium Chamber has voted in favour of a draft law on protection of sources, which constitutes real progress for journalists' rights in Belgium. However, the Belgian Association of Journalists, AGJPB strongly objects to an amendment accepted by the parliamentarians that includes an exception surrounding anti-terrorism laws. The association hopes that this exception will be deleted, especially to make it possible for journalists to work on issues related to terrorism without fear of having to reveal their sources. The AGJPB welcomes the decision to remove an exception regarding the 'security of the state', which was contained in the previous text. It likewise appreciates the…  
13552. IFJ Journalism for Tolerance Prize: Announcement of Finalists in South East Asia  

The IFJ today announced the six finalists for the IFJ Journalism for Tolerance Prize in South East Asia. The finalists have been chosen from the 128 entries submitted to the Prize in South East Asia and were judged by a well respected Jury from around the region. The South East Asia Jury members are: Mr. K.P. Waran, chief news editor, The New Strait Times (Malaysia), Ms. Georgina Encanto, professor, UP College of Mass Communication (Philippines), Mr. Lor Chandara, senior reporter, The Cambodia Daily (Cambodia), Mr. Dwi Setyo Irawanto, senior journalist, Alliance of Independent Journalists (Indonesia), Mr. Sek Barisoth, journalism trainer, Cambodian Communication Institute…  
13556. Euronews April 2004 auf Deutsch  

Bulletin der Europäischen Journalisten Föderation European Federation of Journalists INHALT EJF Nachrichten Medienkonzentration Urheberrechts-Nachrichten Europa-Politik Briefing Veröffentlichungen/Websites Kalender EJF NACHRICHTEN EJF General Meeting in Thessaloniki: Zurück zu den Grundsätzen UNTER dem Motto “Gewerkschaftsaufbau und Solidarität” trafen sich Vertreter von Mitgliedsorganisationen aus rund 30 europäischen Ländern am 16. und 17. April in Thessaloniki (Nord-Griechenland), um die künftigen Ziele der EJF zu definieren. Die Delegierten stimmten einer leichten Erhöhung der Mitgliedsbeiträge zu, um die Arbeit des Sekretariats abzusichern und die Aktivitäten in Europa…  
13564. World Press Freedom Day Unites Journalists Across Former Yugoslavia in ‘Five minutes of Roaring Silence’  

Newsrooms in Croatia, Serbia and Macedonia came to a stand still at 11.55 on May 3rd as journalists listened to statements read out by union and branch leaders recalling the many sacrifices made by journalists and the continuing struggle for their social and professional rights. In Croatia the Trade Union of Croatian Journalists, TUCJ, emphasized the need to defend job security and social rights by supporting the negotiations for a national collective agreement. Their statement emphasized the fear for jobs that each change of government brings to journalists in state run media. TUCJ REPORT The Association of Journalists of Macedonia, AJM, called for the defense of media from attacks…  
13565. Journalists In New Protest as Berlusconi’s Grip on Italian Media Becomes A Stranglehold  

The International Federation of Journalists today accused Italian legislators of sacrificing pluralism and democracy to strengthen Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's hold over the media. “Just a few days before world press freedom day, Italian lawmakers have reinforced the most flagrant abuse of principles guaranteeing media diversity in the western world,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. He was speaking after the Italian Parliament had decided to confirm a new media law which the Italian President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi had vetoed last year. The action confirmed by Italy's cabinet which passed an emergency decree aimed at protecting one of three television channels owned by…  
13567. IFJ Protests Over Death of Freelance Journalist in India  

The International Federation of Journalists has sent a letter of protest to the Prime Minister of India, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, expressing its utmost sadness over the death of freelance journalist Asiya Jeelani in an explosion in Northern Kashmir. The IFJ have protested to the Prime Minister of India in the following letter: 29 April 2004 Prime Minister of India Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee 3, Race Course Road, New Delhi-110001 INDIA CC. L K Advani Deputy Prime Minister VIA FACSIMILE: +91 11 301 9817 Via email: [email protected] Dear Mr Vajpayee, The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation of journalists representing…  
13571. Euronews April 2004  

Euronews is the bimonthly bulletin of the European Federation of Journalists, produced in the Secretariat in Brussels. CONTENT: EFJ News Media Concentration Authors' Rights News European Policy Briefing Publications/Websites Calendar EFJ NEWS EFJ General Meeting in Thessaloniki: Back to Basics UNDER the title of ‘Trade Union Building and Solidarity in an Enlarging Europe’ delegates and participants from about 30 European countries met on April, 16-17 in Thessaloniki (Northern Greece) to discuss future objectives of the Federation. Delegates agreed to a slight increase in membership fees to secure the future running of the secretariat and the continuation of its…  
13572. IFJ Welcomes Israeli Court Ban On “Professional Apartheid” Against Palestinian Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists has welcomed the Israeli High Court of Justice decision yesterday to overturn actions by the Israeli Government press office that discriminate against Palestinian journalists applying for official press cards. Palestinian journalists who hold Israeli work permits must be eligible for Government Press Office press cards, say the judges, although they also warn that the permits would be dependent on the results of a security check. “This is a step towards ending an unacceptable and appalling system of professional apartheid that has been imposed by Israel,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “All Palestinian journalists, even those…  
13573. Journalists Need International Legal Power to Bargain for Authors’ Rights Protection says IFJ  

Journalists, particularly those working freelance, need international legal protection to negotiate and bargain with employers who are increasingly using industrial muscle to snatch control of authors’ rights. “The balance of power in the media industry has swung disastrously against the right of journalists to maintain ownership and control of their work,” says the International Federation of Journalists in a statement today to mark World Copyright Day.The IFJ says authors’ rights are a key to editorial independence, a guarantor of media quality and a powerful weapon in the fight against falling standards in journalism.World Copyright Day, celebrated by the United Nations cultural agency…  
13577. Somalian Journalists Condemn the Arrest of the "Most Jailed Journalist In Puntland Region"  

Statement from the Somali Journalists Network (SOJON) Somali Journalists are condemning the arrest of Abdishakur Yusuf Ali, editor in chief of War-Ogaal newspaper, in Bossaso of Puntland self-declared autonomous regions in the North-East of Somalia. The detention came out when Abdishakur published an information telling that the Puntland minister of finance, Mr. Abdirahman Mohamud Farole, put up for sale an Aid for Puntland administration in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. According to reliable sources, Abdishakur was arrested the day before yesterday, 21st of April 2004, by clan militias loyal to the minister Farole after the Attorney General of Bari region, Mr. Ahmed Taaran,…  
13580. IFJ Protests Against "Brutal" Attack on Journalist in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation of journalists representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, is outraged over the brutal beating of journalist Zulfiqar Ali Khaskheli. Zulfiqar Ali Khaskheli, correspondent for the Sindh Language daily Ibrat was severely beaten after being arrested by the Nawabshah's chief of police for a story reporting gambling operations within the Nawabshah’s Police jurisdiction. The IFJ has called for the suspension for the officers involved and a full inquiry into the incident. The IFJ has protested to the President of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf, in the following letter: 22 April 2004 General Pervez…  
Search results 13511 until 13580 of 15062