15060 results:

7001. Greek media on strike today  

Greek media will be on strike from 6:00 am on Thursday until 6:00 am on Friday, following the call for a general strike scheduled by the country’s public and private sector unions, including the Panhellenic Federation of Journalists’ Unions (an EFJ affiliate), on Thursday 12 November. The strike for journalists covers all print media (newspapers and magazines), public broadcaster ERT and all private TV, radio and internet media, Athens-Macedonian News Agency, Secretariat General of Information and Communication and all Press Offices. The Journalists’ Union of the Athens Daily Newspapers (JUADN-ESIEA), a member of the IFJ/EFJ, has issued the following press release calling on…  
7002. IFJ welcomes release of Egyptian journalist and urges the authorities to respect press freedom  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has welcomed the release on Tuesday 10 November of Egyptian investigative journalist Hossam Bahgat, who was arrested last Sunday for allegedly distributing false information. The IFJ also urged the authorities to respect press freedom and stop harassing journalists following the attacks suffered by at least four other journalists in the last weeks, according to the Egyptian Journalists’ Syndicate (EJS). Hossam Bahgat (37), a contributor to the independent news website Mada Masr and one of the country’s foremost investigative journalists, was released Tuesday morning after his arrest on Sunday 8 November, Mada Masr staff told…  
7004. Abducted Pakistani journalist released after 15 hours  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses concerns over the abduction and 15-hour-long captivity of a journalist in Quetta, Balochistan of Pakistan on Tuesday, November 10, 2015. The IFJ demands an immediate investigation into the abduction to find and punish the culprits. Afzal Mughal, who works for Urdu-language newspaper The Daily Mashriq and also for Online International News Agency, was abducted from his home by at least eight masked assailants on early hours of Tuesday, November 10. According to reports, Mughal was tortured and then thrown in a vehicle and driven to an unknown location. For fifteen hours, his captors questioned him about his family, professional…  
7005. EVENT ALERT: IFJ and FNJ launch Without a Trace  

Every time a journalist is abducted or disappears without a trace, the impact on press freedom can be devastating. There is no doubt that the insecurity and fear created by a disappearance ripples through the entire media community, which sadly too often is the strategy of those responsible. Compounded with the failure of states to adequately prosecute and find those responsible, it also supports and creates a climate of impunity for such atrocities. On November 16, the IFJ and the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in collaboration with IFEX will launch the IFJ missing journalist list, Without a Trace: Missing media workers in the Asia Pacific. The list documents the cases of the ten…  
7006. FENAJ y FIP realizan en San Pablo seminario “Los Sindicatos y el Periodismo en la sociedad contemporánea”  

Los días 6 y 7 de noviembre Federação Nacional dos Jornalistas (FENAJ) y el Sindicato dos Jornalistas Profissionais no Estado de São Paulo (SJSP) celebraron con la participación y auspicio de la Federación International de Periodistas (FIP) el segundo seminario sindical de negociación colectiva en Brasil. Esta actividad forma parte del proyecto regional financiado por Union to Union (UTU) destinado a fortalecer las capacidades de los sindicatos en materia de negociación y organización. Durante las jornadas de discusión y debate, que contó con la asistencia de sindicatos de todas las regiones de Brasil, se trabajó en capacitar a los dirigentes sindicales para avanzar hacia la construcción…  
7007. IFJ Blog: South Asia's battle with impunity  

On November 2, the world marked the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) launched the Global and the Asia-Pacific regional campaigns that will see activities and events to raise awareness on the dire situation of impunity and press for justice for journalists across the globe throughout November. The IFJ campaigns will conclude on November 23, the anniversary of the Ampatuan Massacre in the Philippines in which at least 32 journalists were killed. For a long time the South Asia region has been the worst region in the world in terms of impunity for crimes against journalists. Despite all eight countries in the…  
7008. Fears for media freedom after State of Emergency declared in the Maldives  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA) in expressing serious concern over the state of press freedom following the declaration of a state of emergency in the Maldives on Wednesday, November 4. The IFJ and the MJA urge the Maldivian government to guarantee a free environment for media operations; and refrain from harassing media and journalists during the 30-day state of emergency. On November 6, the Maldivian police raided Sangu TV, a private television station, in connection with a YouTube video allegedly threatening President Abdulla Yameen and removed every computer hard disc and the company’s archive system,…  
7009. IFJ backs Iraqi affiliate’s legal action against closure of media houses in the Kurdistan region  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today backed its Iraqi Kurdistan affiliate, the Kurdistan Journalists Syndicate (KJS), and its legal action against the security forces in Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRG), following the shutting down of two TV stations last October without a court order. The KJS said it took legal action against the closure of two TV stations, NRT in Erbil city and KNN in Dohouk last 10 October. The union accused the security forces of failing to “perform their legal obligation under Journalism Law No 35 applied in KRG”, leaving no other option other than asking to courts to intervene. In addition to the measure to close stations, several media offices…  
7010. George Abanga  

The 40-year-old reporter for Success FM, a community Radio Station at Goaso in the Asunafo North Municipality of Brong-Ahafo, shot dead at Kwapong in the Asunafo South District by an unknown person(s). Local sources said that the journalist aka King George, who was a local correspondent for Hello FM in Kumasi and Peace FM in Accra, was returning on his motorbike from Sankore after investigating issues relating to some missing cocoa fertilizers in the area when he was shot in the arm by his assailant(s). The Regional Police Command, when contacted by the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in Sunyani confirmed the story and stated that information reaching their outfit indicated that the late…  
7011. Anthony Bellanger, appointed new IFJ General Secretary  

Anthony Bellanger, a French national and trade unionist, was appointed as the new General Secretary of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) by the Federation’s Executive Committee at its meeting of 24  - 25 October in Brussels. He succeeds Beth Costa of Brazil who held the post since 2011. Anthony Bellanger, 42, was IFJ Deputy General Secretary since 2 September 2014. He holds a PhD in history and had spent most of his career as journalist in the French print media and was involved in trade unionism with the Syndicat national des journalistes (SNJ) which he led as First General Secretary from 2011 – 2014. " It is both an honour and pride for a journalist and…  
7012. IFJ, EFJ and TGS demand an end to oppression of journalists in post-election Turkey  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) and their affiliate the Journalists Union of Turkey (TGS) reviewed the implications for journalists and trade union rights following the victory of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in the re-run of Turkey’s national elections this weekend, during a press briefing at the Brussels Press Club Europe, 5 November 2015. Anthony Bellanger IFJ General Secretary said that “Before Sunday’s elections, to be a journalist in Turkey wasn’t easy but now it will be even more difficult. Turkey was the biggest prison for journalists in Europe with around 20 journalists still held in prisons to date. Journalists should…  
7013. IFJ Asia-Pacific End Impunity Campaign Bulletin: Week 1  

Welcome to the bulletin for the first week of IFJ Asia-Pacific’s End Impunity Campaign. On November 2, International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, the IFJ launched its annual #EndImpunity campaign. Week 1 of the campaign focused on calling the governments of India, Pakistan and the Philippines to account through a letter campaign, demanding that action be taken to end impunity for attacks against journalists. We encourage our regional affiliates and supporters to join in by sending their own letters, urging the leaders of their countries to genuinely commit to ending impunity and delivering justice to victims and their families. Templates are available here. Along…  
7014. ​IFJ Launches Solidarity Fund for Journalists in Yemen  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has launched a Solidarity Fund to provide financial aid and humanitarian assistance to Yemeni colleagues and their families, who are in desperate need for help. The decision follows the action plan agreed at a meeting on "International Partnership for Yemen- Supporting Journalism and Freedom of Expression on the Front Lines" hosted and co-organised by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD) and the International Media Support (IMS) last 26 October in Brussels. Read more  
7015. FAJ Condemns the Arrest and Intimidation of Three Journalists in Zimbabwe  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the Africa Group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today condemned the arrest of three journalists from  The Sunday Mail in Harare, Zimbabwe last Monday, 2 November, 2015.The arrest was conducted by the police on this UN Day Against Impunity for Crime Against Journalists.   “The arrest of the three journalists by the police is a sheer demonstration of intimidation and disregard to the freedom of expression and of the press by the Zimbabwean authorities.”said Maria Luisa Rogerio, FAJ Interim President. “Since poaching is illegal, and detrimental to wild life conservation, the authorities should have made good…  
7016. L'adoption d'un nouveau code pénal au Togo menace la liberté de la presse  

 La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) et son affilié, l'Union des journalistes indépendants du Togo (UJIT), s'inquiètent de l'adoption par le parlement togolais le 2 novembre d'un nouveau code pénal liberticide pour la presse.  Dans son article 497 le nouveau code pénal indique que "la publication, la diffusion ou la reproduction par quelque moyen que ce soit de nouvelles fausses, de pièces fabriquées, falsifiées ou mensongèrement attribuées à des tiers lorsque, faite de mauvaise foi, elle trouble la paix publique, ou est susceptible de la troubler est punie d’une peine d’emprisonnement de 6 mois à 2 ans et d’une amende de 500.000 à 2 millions de F.CFA…  
7017. IFJ and Sudanese union run two training workshops in Khartoum  

The Sudanese Journalists Union (SJU), in cooperation with the IFJ, has organised two training workshops on human rights' journalism and journalists' safety in the capital, Khartoum, on 2-3 November. 40 journalists attended both training workshops. The first one was run by the Sudanese journalists and trainer Abdullah Khairallah, a graduate from the IFJ's Training of Trainers programme on human rights journalism. This is the third training run by Khairallah in Sudan. The training included training sessions on reporting on women, children, corruption, workers' rights and migrant workers. The safety training, was run by the Sudanese journalists and trainer Aboud Khalifah, a graduate form…  
7018. Zaman Mehsud  

Dr Zaman Mehsud , who worked for the Daily Umat and ran his own twitter news channel 'Gomel News', was travelling from his home town of Gomel, and heading towards Tank City in north-western Pakistan, when he was attacked by unidentified gunmen. He was shot five times and rushed to the District Headquarters Hospital but he was died from his injuries shortly after arriving. According to Reuters, the Taliban claimed responsibility for the murder, stating that they targeted Mehsud for his writings against them.  
7019. Turkey: two journalists jailed for "incitement to armed uprising"  

Turkish journalists Cevheri Güven and Murat Çapan, working for the weekly review Nokta, have been jailed and accused by a court in Instanbul of "inciting an armed uprising against the government" last Tuesday 3 November. Güven is the editor in chief of the publication and Çapan, the managing editor in charge. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) have together submitted this case to the Council of Europe (CoE)’s platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety for journalists. Read the full article in French. Even if everyone else is mute NOKTA will not remain silent! pic.twitter.com/R5i37DsvEb — NOKTA…  
7020. Senior journalist gunned down in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in strongly condemning the killing of senior tribal journalist in the Tank district of Khyber  Pahktunkhwa province in Pakistan on Tuesday, November 3. The IFJ and PFUJ demands immediate response from the state to take prompt action against the murderers and prosecute them for the killing.   Yesterday, on November 3, Dr Zaman Mehsud, 38, was travelling from his home town of  Gomel, and heading towards Tank City in north-western Pakistan, when he was attacked by unidentified gunmen. He was shot five times and rushed to the District Headquarters Hospital but he died…  
7021. TV journalists detained, physically assaulted in the Maldives  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA) in strongly criticizing the attack and detention of two journalists and a television executive in the capital Male on November 2. The IFJ calls on the Maldivian authorities to put an end to the harassment of the media and journalists, and allow them to exercise their duties freely without fear of attack. On Monday November 2, the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, Rajje TV journalists Mohamed Wisam and Leevan Ali Nasir, along with Rajje TV executive Fiyaz Moosa were  arrested. They were detained overnight in Male before being released by the…  
7022. Council of Europe Commissioner visits IFJ and EFJ for talks over surveillance threat to press freedom in Europe  

The Council of Europe (CoE) Commissioner for Human rights Nils Muižnieks visited the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its European organisation the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) on 3 November in Brussels to exchange on the threat of surveillance laws to press freedom in Europe. Commissioner Muižnieks, accompanied by Deputy Director Giancarlo Cardinale and Stefano Montanari, met with the EFJ Secretary General Ricardo Gutiérrez , IFJ Press Officer Pamela Morinière together with Human Rights and Safety Head Ernest Sagaga. The Commissioner said he has been assessing the impact of surveillance laws on journalism in Europe and wanted to consult the two…  
7023. British journalists sentenced for visa violations in Indonesia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the sentencing on November 3 of two British journalists in Batam in north-western Indonesia for violating the country’s immigration law. The IFJ demands the Indonesian government immediately repeal the charges and sentences handed down and release the two journalists immediately to enable them to return home. The journalists have been detained for more than five months. On May 29, Becky Prosser and Neil Bonner, two British journalists working for UK production company, Wall to Wall, were arrested by local police along with nine Indonesians as they filmed a piracy documentary for National Geographic. The journalists and their local…  
7024. Court injunction halts media reporting on Hong Kong University  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) and the other independent media unions in strongly criticizing the injunction placed upon local media reporting on a public interest case. The IFJ joins HKJA is demanding an explanation from Hong Kong University for filing the injunction.             On 30 October, Hong Kong University (HKU) filed a temporary injunction order to the High Court of Hong Kong to forbid all media and “persons unknown” to publish or report confidential information about the HKU Council’s meetings. In the released information, the temporary injunction order also…  
7025. Jose Bernardo  

The radio broadcaster for local station dwIZ and columnist for the tabloid newspaper Bandera Pilipino was gunned down outside a restaurant in Quezon City. Bernardo was shot twice in the head and died at the scene. As well as being a broadcaster and columnist, Bernardo was the public information officer of the Northern Police District Tri-Media Organization (NPD-TMO), a group of media workers covering the northern Metro Manila police beat. According to witnesses, the assailant appeared to be waiting for Bernardo when he pulled out a handgun and shot him. The gunman boarded a waiting motorcycle and fled.  
7026. IFJ-SNJT workshop on collective agreement held in Tunisia  

The IFJ organised in collaboration with the SNJT a two-day workshop on collective agreements for members of the Syndicat National des Journalistes Tunisiens (SNJT)'s executive committee and branch leaders on 2-3 November. 14 participants including 8 women journalists attended the workshop. The workshop was moderated by the international negotiation trainer Arne Konig and focused on the following points: - Reasons for a collective agreement (CA) - Current situation on CA for SNJT - Preparing for a CA - Counseling with members and local and regional branches. - Setting goals for negotiations. - Preparing information systems for members, employers, other unions, the public…  
7027. FAJ Calls on African Union and Governments to End Impunity for Journalists’ Killers in Africa  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the Africa Group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today marked the UN Day against impunity for crime targeting journalists by calling on the African Union and African Governments to end impunity for killings and violent assaults on journalists in Africa.   FAJ says that there are many African countries where impunity for violence continues to cast a shadow over journalism. They include Somalia which recorded yesterday 1 November the latest deadly terror attack by Al-Shabaab terrorist group in Mogadishu in which 15 people, including journalist Mustaf Abdi Nur, 27 who worked for Shabelle Media Network and freelanced…  
7028. FAJ Calls on African Union and Governments to End Impunity for Journalists’ Killers in Africa  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the Africa Group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today marked the UN Day against impunity for crime targeting journalists by calling on the African Union and African Governments to end impunity for killings and violent assaults on journalists in Africa.   FAJ says that there are many African countries where impunity for violence continues to cast a shadow over journalism. They include Somalia which recorded yesterday 1 November the latest deadly terror attack by Al-Shabaab terrorist group in Mogadishu in which 15 people, including journalist Mustaf Abdi Nur, 27 who worked for Shabelle Media Network and freelanced…  
7029. IFJ Urges Cooperation and Targeted Economic Leverage to End Impunity for Violence in Journalism  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today urged United Nations Member States to commit to seeking and extending judicial cooperation in investigating and prosecuting killings of journalists. The IFJ, which launched its annual campaign against impunity for crime targeting journalists, also called on financial institutions and aid donors to make respect for press freedom and media protection among key criteria for development aid to countries with high levels of violence in journalism. The IFJ’s call was made on the second commemoration of the UN Day against impunity for crime targeting journalists. To mark the day, the Federation held a media event today at…  
7030. Mustaf Abdi Nur  

The freelance cameraman was among the 2 people killed in the Somali capital on Sunday after Shebab gunmen used a vehicle packed with explosives to blast their way inside a hotel, police said. Nur, also known as Shafana, was killed in the second blast at the Sahafi hotel after he arrived to cover the first explosion. Another photojournalist , Feisal, working for Reuters was injured. The Al-Qaeda-linked Shebab claimed responsibility for the dawn attack at the Sahafi hotel, which is popular with members of parliament, government employees and businessmen.  
7031. IFJ urges cooperation among UN Member States and targeted economic leverage to end impunity for violence in journalism  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today urged United Nations Member States to commit to seeking and extending judicial cooperation in investigating and prosecuting killings of journalists. The IFJ, which has launched its annual campaign against impunity for crime targeting journalists, also called on financial institutions and aid donors to make respect for press freedom and media protection among key criteria for development aid to countries with high levels of violence in journalism.  The IFJ’s call was made on the second commemoration of the UN Day against impunity for crime targeting journalists. To mark the day, the…  
7032. Filipino broadcaster shot dead in Quezon City  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in deploring the brutal murder of a radio broadcaster in Quezon City on October 31. The IFJ and NUJP today demanded immediate action from President Benigno Aquino III as the world marks the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists and calls for an adequate response to the ongoing targeted killing of media workers in the Philippines. On Saturday October 31, radio broadcaster for local station dwIZ and columnist for the tabloid newspaper Bandera Pilipino, Jose Bernardo, was gunned down outside a restaurant in Quezon City. Bernardo was shot…  
7033. IFJ Asia-Pacific launches End Impunity campaign, calls for action on journalist attacks  

Today, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) Asia-Pacific, in coordination with its affiliates launches the three-week End Impunity Campaign for attacks against media workers. In the Asia-Pacific in 2014, 39 journalists lost their lives in the line of duty – accounting for nearly a third of all journalists killed around the world. In 2015, 26 journalists and media workers have already been killed, including seven in the Philippines according to the IFJ’s killed list. The campaign launches today November 2, the UN International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, and will run until November 23, the 6th anniversary of the Ampatuan Massacre in the Philippines.…  
7034. Secular publisher hacked to death in Bangladesh by religious group  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) deplores the brutal murder of a secular publisher in the Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka on Saturday October 31. The IFJ demands immediate action by the Bangladeshi government to end the culture of impunity that is rife across the country and ensure freedom of expression in Bangladesh. On Saturday, Faisal Arefin Dipan, who ran the publishing company Jadriti Prokashony, was brutally hacked to death in his office in Shahbagh in Dhaka. Dipan was declared dead upon arrival to Dhaka Medical College Hospital, after he was discovered by his father who went to his son’s office after hearing of another attack in the city. Dipan, 43, was the publisher…  
7035. SAVE THE DATE! 2 November -End impunity, Brussels  

2 November 2015 will mark the second commemoration of the killing in Kidal, Mali, of  Ghislaine Dupont et de Claude Verlon, RFI reporters. To date, the criminal investigation launched by French and Malian authorities has yet to identify the killers and bring them to justice.   According to IFJ statistics 118 journalists lost their lives when carrying out their duties in 2014. Today only one out of 10 killings in the media is investigated. The situation for non-fatal attacks on journalists is even worst. Governments fail in their duty to hunt down the harassers, the attackers, the killers of media workers.   Impunity not only endangers journalists, it imperils democracy…  
7036. IFJ and EFJ condemn UK police for using anti-terror laws to seize journalist’ laptop  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) joined their member union in the United Kingdom and Ireland, the National of Journalists (NUJ), to condemn the use by the UK police of special powers under the Terrorism Act 2000 to seize the laptop of a BBC journalist and have access to his sources. Detectives served an order obtained from a judge on the BBC and a Newsnight reporter, Secunder Kermani, who has produced extensive reports on jihadis born in Britain. It is understood that the police wanted to read communications between Kermani and a man who had publicly identified himself as a member of the Islamic State. IFJ president Jim Boumelha…  
7037. SPP y FIP realizan taller de negociación colectiva en Paraguay  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) auspició, en el marco del proyecto regional financiado por Union to Union, un Taller llevado a cabo por el Sindicato de Periodistas del Paraguay (SPP) entre 22 y 23 de octubre. Las jornadas de capacitación y debate del taller tuvieron como principal objetivo informar a los afiliados y delegados de base sobre los términos de los convenios colectivos de trabajo vigentes en los medios, junto con la discusión y análisis de un proyecto de Contrato Colectivo para Radios y TV. Participaron también de la actividad representantes de los sindicatos SINTRATEL y SOGP, como parte de un espacio de discusión sobre las problemáticas del trabajador de…  
7038. zuliana  

<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/143842336" width="500" height="375" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="https://vimeo.com/143842336">Zuliana Mexico IFJ #endimpunity 2015 campaign</a> from <a href="https://vimeo.com/user3649713">IFJ Vimeo Channel</a> on <a href="https://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>  
7039. Second Indian journalist killed this month  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the murder of an Indian journalist in Bihar in northern India on October 24. The IFJ demand immediate action from the Indian government to end the attacks and violence against the country’s media community and to end the growing culture of impunity. On Saturday, October 24, Mithilesh Pandey, a 40-year-old reporter with Dainik Jagran, an online Hindi newspaper, was killed in his home. According to police reports, Pandey was killed when three masked intruders stormed his house and opened fire as his slept. An investigation has been launched. Pandey’s family said that prior to his murder he had been receiving death threats and had…  
7040. IFJ launches Strengthening Media in the Pacific report  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today launches  Strengthening Media in the Pacific – an insight into the media landscape and working conditions for media workers in Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. The report is a culmination of research and media consultation in the Pacific’s media in 2014 and 2015 and highlights the challenges and success stories from the region as the media continues to rapidly develop and grow. IFJ Asia-Pacific director, Jane Worthington, said: “This research gives us an up-to-date picture of the media landscape in the Pacific and how the industry is adapting in a transforming media environment and how it is attempting to…  
7041. IFJ Slams Turkey over Raid on Media House in Istanbul  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today joined its affiliate, the Journalists’ Union of Turkey (TGS, in Turkish), in condemning the police raid of Kanaltürk and Bugün TV, part of pro-opposition media holding Koza-Ipek, this morning in Istanbul. Police moved in after a court in Ankara on Monday ordered the seizure of Koza-Ipek, accusing the company of “terror propaganda.” The conglomerate is linked to the US-exiled cleric Ferthullah Gullen, a one-time ally of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has turned the government’s prominent critic, reports said. According to media reports, the riot police forced their way into the Istanbul headquarters of…  
7042. IFJ welcomes release of Iranian journalist and repeats its appeal for freedom of association in Iran  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the release of journalist and Association of Iranian journalists (AoIJ)'s board member Aliezra Rajaee on 26 October. The Federation calls on Iranian authorities to reopen the offices of its affiliate in Iran. Alireza Rajaee, a journalist working for former Iranian newspaper Khordad , was held in prison since April 2011 on charges of acting against national security. “ We congratulate Alireza, his family and his union on his release,” said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. “Iranian judicial system must take all necessary steps to release the rest of imprisoned journalists who are held without fair trial. We…  
7043. IFJ and EFJ slam Turkish government over latest media clampdown ahead the elections  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) today joined their affiliate, the Journalists’ Union of Turkey (TGS, in Turkish), in condemning the police raid of Kanaltürk and Bugün TV, part of pro-opposition media holding Koza-Ipek, this morning in Istanbul. Police moved in after a court in Ankara on Monday ordered the seizure of Koza-Ipek, accusing the company of “terror propaganda.” The conglomerate is linked to the US-exiled cleric Ferthullah Gullen, a one-time ally of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has turned the government’s prominent critic, reports said. According to media reports, the riot police forced their way into the…  
7044. IFJ welcomes action plan on media safety from the international gathering on Yemen  

A one-day international meeting, hosted by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and co-organised in cooperation with the Global Forum for Media Development and International Media Support on 26 October at the Press Club Brussels Europe, agreed on an action plan to address the horrific situation facing journalists in Yemen. The meeting brought together media freedom and development organisations and observed by UNESCO, UNDP, UN Resident Coordinator’s Office and the EU Delegation to Yemen. The gathering sought to raise awareness of the increasing media safety crisis and to collaborate on providing coordinated support to Yemeni journalists. Ten of them have been killed in…  
7045. International Partnership Meeting Agrees on Action Plan for Media Protection in Yemen  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) hosted and co-organised yesterday a one-day international partnership meeting on Yemen at the Brussels Press Club. The meeting brought together many stakeholders on press freedom and freedom of expression in Yemen and was attended by EU and UN officials as observers. At the end of the meeting, an action plan for the promotion of safe journalism and the safety of journalists in Yemen was agreed, including the launch of a Solidarity Fund. Read more  
7046. Brussels: International Partnership for Yemen: final statement  

Below is a final statement summarising the outcome of the meeting and actions agreed by the different international stakeholders to take in Yemen. The meeting was hosted and co-organised by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD) and International Media Support (IMS) this morning at the Press Club Brussels Europe. International Partnership for Yemen Supporting Journalism and Freedom of Expression on the Front Lines Monday 26th October - Press Club Brussels Europe Preamble Journalists unions, media development groups, the UN offices and intergovernmental groups met to discuss the…  
7047. Journalists threatened and news website hacked in the Maldives  

The International Federation of Journalists strongly criticizes the hacking of Maldivian news website, Addu Live, and the threats made against its journalists. The IFJ calls on the Maldivian government to condemn the threats and ensure the safety and security of the journalists. On October 15, Addu Live, a news website operating out of the southern Maldives, Addu City, was hacked while the offices received threatening phone calls. The threatening calls, which Addu Live allege come from acquitted suspects from the criminal courts, often demand the outlet take down reports on corruption of judges and articles critical of the government. Hassan Zaheen said that the website was hacked after…  
7048. Banned religious group threatens female journalists in Bangladesh  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) deplores the recent threat issued by the religious group, Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT), against female journalists in Bangladesh. The IFJ calls on the Bangladeshi government to ensure the safety and security of the country’s media, particularly women, and end the continued threats made against press freedom and freedom of expression. According to the Dhaka Tribune, on October 19 ABT sent a letter to local media saying that all media outlets should “release their women from their jobs” claiming it is against Islamic law for women to work in the media. The letter also reiterated the threats made in a hit list issued by ABT last month, naming…  
7049. Chinese media withhold reports of diplomat murders  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticizes the reporting by Mainland Chinese media following the shooting of three Chinese diplomats in the Philippines on October 20. The IFJ urges the Chinese government to investigate the reporting and ensures the end to censoring of media reports.   On October 20, Song Rongjua, the consul general at China’s consulate in Cebu, the deputy consul, Sun Shen and finance officer, Li Hui, were all shot while eating lunch at a local restaurant. Sun and Li were killed in the attack after been shot in the neck. Song remains in hospital recovering from a bullet wound to the neck. Song, Sun and Li were dining with six other people at…  
7050. MEAA concerned by media restrictions on asylum seeker policy  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) in raising strong concerns about the media restrictions that surround Australia’s asylum seeker policy and its offshore immigration detention centres. The IFJ and MEAA call on the Australian government to end the restrictions on media access and access to information. Since the launch of the government’s militarised Operation Sovereign Borders in September 2013, the media’s access to detention centres in Australia has been severely restricted, as well as at the two offshore centres on Manus Island in Papua New Guinea, and in the Republic of Nauru. There have been an…  
7051. Press freedom groups express solidarity with journalists in Turkey  

The International and European Federations of Journalists, their Turkish affiliate TGS and seven other international press freedom organisations yesterday adopted a Declaration in Istanbul expressing solidarity with journalists in Turkey.  The Declaration followed an international mission led by the International Press Institute (IPI) from 19 to 21 October, with the participation of the IFJ and the EFJ. Following the mission, both Federations alerted about the heavy pressures that journalists are suffering, especially within media controlled by rulling party AKP and during the pre-electoral period, and called for more actions to…  
7052. IFJ co-organises a meeting in Brussels to support freedom of expression in Yemen  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), together with other global organisations, will co-organise and host the ‘International partnership for Yemen supporting journalism and freedom of expression on the front line’. The event will take place next 26th October in the Press Club Brussels Europe and it will be also co-organised by Unesco, Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD) and the IMS (International Media Support). Jim Boumelha, President of the IFJ, and Marwan Dammaj, General Secretary of the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) which is an IFJ’s affiliate, will be among the speakers, together with representatives of the EU embassy for Yemen and the Yemen Ministry of…  
7053. End Impunity for Violence in Journalism: Launch of 2015 Global Campaign  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today launched its annual global campaign to hold world governments and de facto governments accountable for impunity records for crimes targeting journalists. The campaign will run from 2 November, the UN Day against impunity for crime targeting journalists, to 23 November 2015. The UN Day to end impunity for crimes against journalists was adopted on 18 December 2013 to be mark 2 November, the anniversary of the killings of two RFI reporters, Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon, murdered in Kidal, Mali in 2013. It comes ahead of 23 November which commemorates the 2009 Maguindanao massacre in the Philippines when at least…  
7054. Montenegro: Violence against journalists is unacceptable  

The police in Montenegro violently broke peaceful protests and two journalists were subsequently detained on Saturday 17 October. Drazen Zivkovic, a journalist working for the daily newspaper Dan and Gojko Raičević, the chief editor of an online news portal IN4S, were detained after being obstructed from filming the police action against politicians from the opposition parties. Press photographers who came to the site of obstruction were also pushed by police and banned to report from the scene. “The Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (SMCG) strongly condemns the actions of the police towards journalists and photographers during and after the action of the police and municipal services…  
7055. IFJ calls for investigation into former BBC journalist’s death in Turkey  

UPDATE (21/10/2015) - Based on an extensive review of the information provided by Turkish authorities, the family of Jacky Sutton and IWPR have reached the preliminary conclusion that no other parties were involved in her death. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today backed the call of its affiliates in the United Kingdom & Ireland and Australia, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) and the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) respectively, for an independent investigation in the death of ex-BBC journalist and director of Institute of War and Peace Reporting in Iraq, Jacky Sutton, who was found dead last Saturday at Istanbul’s airport. …  
7056. Chinese reporter held on ‘state secret’ charges  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the detention and charges against a Chinese journalists for ‘obtaining a state secret’ on October 9. The IFJ demand the immediate release of the journalist and provide information into his arrest. On October 8, Liu Wei, the deputy assignment editor of the investigative news reporting team of  Guangzhou-based Southern Metropolis Daily, was detained by Pingxiang police, in Changdu in Sinchuan province. On October 9, Liu’s arrest notice, which was sent to his family to inform them of his detention, said that he was suspected of illegally obtaining a ‘state secret’, although no details of the specific secret were revealed. On…  
7057. Killers of journalists Pablo Medina and Antonia Almada remain free  

In the first anniversary of the killings of Paraguayan journalists Pablo Medina and Antonia Almada, marked last 16 October, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Latin American affiliate Sindicato de Periodistas del Paraguay (SPP) and calls for an immediate investigation to find the mastermind and killers of the reporters. Read the full article in Spanish. Join our #endimpunity campaign here. For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 16 The IFJ represents more than 600,000 journalists in 139 countries Follow the IFJ on Twitter and Facebook  
7058. Maldivian journalists threatened outside president’s residence  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA) in condemning threats made to several journalists on Thursday, October 15 in the capital Male. The IFJ demand an immediate investigation into the threats and those responsible to be brought to justice. According to reports, a group of young men threatened several journalists who had camped outside President Abdulla Yameen’s residence waiting to film the departure of Criminal Court Chief Judge Abdulla Mohamed. Two of the journalists told opposition-aligned Raajje TV’s Wisam Mohamed that they would kill them if they filmed Judge Mohamed’s departure from the president’s residence.…  
7059. IFJ Warns against Threat of Fake Press ID to Journalists’ safety in West Bank  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) raised their concerns over press safety following the attack against Israeli soldiers on 16 October by a Palestinian posing as a journalist with fake press identification. The incident occurred as a young Palestinian man mingled on Friday 16 October with journalists covering a clash between Palestinian civilians and Israeli troops in the city of Hebron in the West Bank. Wearing a flash jacket and a T-shirt with a fake "press" logo, he approached a soldier and stabbed him before being shot dead. PJS confirmed that the killed young man was not a journalist and did not…  
7060. IFJ warns against fake press identification threatening press safety in the West Bank  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) raised their concerns over press safety following the attack against Israeli soldiers on 16 October by a Palestinian posing as a journalist with fake press identification.     The incident occurred as a young Palestinian man mingled on Friday 16 October with journalists covering a clash between Palestinian civilians and Israeli troops in the city of Hebron in the West Bank. Wearing a flash jacket and a T-shirt with a fake "press" logo, he approached a soldier and stabbed him before being shot dead.  PJS confirmed that the killed young man was not a…  
7061. International emergency press freedom mission visits Turkey ahead of election  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) are taking part this week in an emergency mission in Turkey in solidarity with journalists, media workers and the Journalists Union of Turkey (TGS). Journalists are facing more repression than ever due to the forthcoming elections of 1 November. “More than ever after the horrifying bombing on 10 October in Ankara killing more than 100 people and on the eve of the new elections, the international community needs to show strong and effective support to journalists and unionists fighting to defend freedom of expression against brutal censorship, violences, insults, repression,…  
7062. Burundi Security Forces Kill Cameraman and Family  

According to media reports, RTNB cameraman Christophe Nkezabahizi, his wife and two of their children - a 16-year-old girl and a 14-year-old boy- were shot dead by security forces last Tuesday 13 October at close range in their home in the capital, Bujumbura. The union said that the cameraman was targeted for being a media worker. Veteran cameraman Nkezabahizi became the first media professional killed in Burundi, a country which has been in the grip of violence since April , following the controversial decision of President Nkurunziza to run for a third term. Read more here  
7063. IFJ strengthens its Media Safety Programme in the Arab World by graduating eight new trainers in Cairo  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) said on 12 October  that the media safety program in the Middle East and the Arab world reached a new stage by graduating eight participants in the new round of train the trainers sessions organised by the IFJ in collaboration with the Egyptian Journalists Syndicate.   Participants in the training held at the headquarters of the Egyptian Journalists Syndicate were journalists from Egypt, Sudan, Yemen, Iraq and Mauritania. The IFJ pointed out that this session forms part of its "Building a culture of safety for journalists in the Middle East and Arab World" programme  launched in 2011. This program included Safety…  
7064. Forty years on: Balibo victims remembered with scholarship  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) today, commemorate the 40th anniversary of the killing of the Balibo Five in East Timor, with the establishment of a scholarship to develop journalism skills in East Timor. The IFJ supports the establishment of the scholarship to support the strengthening of East Timor’s media. On October 16, 1975, five young journalists working for Australia’s Seven and Nine networks, reporter Greg Shackleton, camera operator Gary Cunningham, sound recordist Tony Stewart (all from Seven), reporter Malcolm Rennie and camera operator Brian Peters (both from Nine), were brutally murdered…  
7065. Christophe Nkezabahizi  

According to media reports, RTNB cameraman Christophe Nkezabahizi, his wife and two of their children - a 16-year-old girl and a 14-year-old boy- were shot dead by security forces last Tuesday 13 October at close range in their home in Ngagara district of the capital, Bujumbura. The union said that the cameraman was targeted for being a media worker. Nkerabahizi became the first media professional killed in the African country in 2015.  
7066. IFJ mourns death of first journalist killed in Burundi in 2015  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today joined its affiliate, Union Burudaise des Journalistes, in condemning the outrageous killing of a cameraman and his family on 13 October amid tensions following the re-election of President Pierre Nkurunziza. The cameraman becomes the first media professional killed in the African country this year. According to media reports, RTNB cameraman Christophe Nkezabahizi, his wife and two of their children - a 16-year-old girl and a 14-year-old boy- were shot dead by security forces last Tuesday 13 October at close range in their home in the capital, Bujumbura. The union said that the cameraman was targeted for being a media worker.…  
7067. IFJ condemns brutal attack in Zhengzhou  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the brutal attack against a veteran journalist in Zhengzhou, in Henan province in east-central China on October 13. The IFJ demand an immediate investigation into the attack and to bring those responsible to justice. According to various media report, Yang Yanfang, the editor-in-chief of Big Elephant Think Tank, a Henan-based think tank which focusing on public opinion and big data, was attacked by four people outside his office building on October 13. After the attack Yang underwent a medical examination which discovered cerebral hemorrhage and skull fractures and he was placed in an induced coma. According to thepaper.cn, an…  
7068. IFJ calls for immediate release of three media workers kidnapped by al-Qaida in Yemen  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today joined its affiliate, the Yemen Journalists´ Syndicate (YJS), in calling for the immediate release of three Yemeni media workers kidnapped by al-Qaeda last 12 October. According to the YJS´s reports, correspondent of Al Azal TV Amir Bou Owaydan, correspondent of Yemen Al Yamw Mohamed Al Makri, and cameraman Akram al-Yamani were kidnapped in Mukalla city, Hadramout region, last Monday 12 October, while covering a protest against the presence of al-Qaeda from the city. The IFJ today backed the YJS in condemning the incident and in demanding the immediate release these colleagues as well as the protection of their lives. …  
7069. What journalists unions, governments and employers must do to defend freedom of association?  

Journalists from across the Balkans and Eastern Europe met in Belgrade (Serbia) from 10 to 11 October to discuss the status of journalism in the region and the campaign for freedom of association to enable journalists to freely organise in unions. They discussed the struggles facing journalists, the precariousness of their employment, the low salaries and poor contracts the hostility of employers to journalists unions and the pervading climate of insecurity and fear. This is a struggle not just for improved conditions for journalists, but for a healthy and vibrant journalists sector that can play its democratic role in serving the public with independent, ethical and…  
7070. Taliban threatens Afghanistan media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the Taliban for threatening to ‘eliminate’ journalists associated with two private TV channels – the Tolo TV and 1TV on October 12, 2015. The IFJ demands an end to the continuing threats made against Afghan journalists which violate press freedom across the country. In a statement issued by the military commission, the Taliban said it ‘does not recognize Tolo TV and 1TV channels as media outlets but designates them as military objectives due to their disrespectful and hostile actions towards Afghanistan’. The Taliban also called the channels propaganda machines that ‘ridicule religious and cultural norms, encourage…  
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