15058 results:

3641. World Intellectual Property Day 2020: Celebrating the EU Copyright Reform for a Fairer Digital World  

Friday 17 April marked one year since the adoption by the European Union (EU) of the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. World Intellectual Property Day (April 26) is another occasion for the International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) and their affiliates in Europe and around the world, to celebrate this major achievement and the gains made since. We are marking this occasion by releasing an interview with three copyright experts, on the Directive’s new neighbouring right for press publications, and its key benefits for our sector and members. The Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market was enacted in a context of major crisis for…  
3642. India: Online abuse hurled at associate editor, Tongam Rina  

Tongam Rina, the associate editor of The Arunachal Times has been the target of online trolling, and threats of physical violence in several online posts. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) condemn the online harassment and call on the authorities to investigate the case. Rina was subjected to a plethora of online abuse, hate speech and threatened with physical violence for her article published on April 18, entitled ‘Wildlife hunting on spike, say forest officials’ published in The Arunachal Times. The article reported on the rise of wildlife hunting during the lockdown, noting the State Forest Department has identified…  
3643. Hong Kong: Media industry urged to take proactive steps to avoid industry cuts  

Hong Kong’s media industry must urgently adapt to the unprecedented circumstances as a result of Covid-19 and an overall decline in turnover to avoid massive job losses that would decimate the industry. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) call on Hong Kong’s media to take proactive steps to support media workers and avoid layoffs or unpaid leave. Following an internal email from the South China Morning Post, reporting its turnover in the first quarter fell by as much as 50 per cent year-on-year, the HKJA expressed concern media organisations “will implement cost-saving measures, including layoffs”. Before the…  
3644. Víctor Fernando Álvarez Chávez  

The dismembered remains of the editor-in-chief of Punto x Punto Noticias, a local news website in Mexico, were found in the Renacimiento district of Acapulco city, according to the statement of the UNESCO of 23 April attributable to its Director General Audrey Azoulay . Chávez had been missing since 2 April, the statement added. Source: UNESCO Journalists' safety, Mexico, IFJ, Impunity  
3645. Ecuador: FENAPE trabaja para defender a los periodistas ecuatorianos durante la pandemia del COVID-19  

La Federación Nacional de Periodistas del Ecuador (FENAPE) está llevando a cabo diversas acciones de apoyo y asesoramiento a periodistas afectados/as por la crisis del COVID-19. En primer lugar, la FENAPE está llevando un registro de periodistas y trabajadores de la comunicación fallecidos por coronavirus. Hasta el 17 de abril de 2020, FENAPE ha registrado 16 periodistas víctimas del Covid-19. Por otro lado, y ante la precaria situación económica de muchos/as periodistas, el sindicato ha gestionado ante el Ministerio de Inclusión Social, MIES, que se incluya el beneficio del bono de 60 dólares, otorgado por el gobierno a periodistas de las provincias de Los Ríos, Chimborazo y El Oro.…  
3646. Germany: Unions demand Coronavirus aid for self-employed workers  

The United Services Union (Ver.di) and the International Federation of Journalists have backed calls for measures to cushion the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on freelance journalists and media workers in Germany. Finance Ministers from the country's federal states have proposed that the German government provide 1,000 euros to every self-employed worker, including journalists and media professionals, for three months. Ver.di chairman Frank Werneke, along with the leaders of the unions of the German Federation of Trade Unions (DGB), took part in talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel in March seeking financial help for freelancers.  Following the talks, the German and some federal…  
3647. Iran: Veteran journalist sentenced to 5-year jail  

Kayvan Samimi, editor in Chief of Iran Farda magazine, has been sentenced in absentia to five years in prison. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Association of Iranian journalists in condemning this illegal decision and urges the Iranian Government to immediately drop the charges. On 20 April 2020, Kayvan Samimi, was sentenced in absentia by the Iran Revolutionary Court following his arrest on 1 May 2019 during a peaceful demonstration on International Workers' Day in Tehran. The journalist has expressed his concerns about the Court decision through a private Telegram channel. According to Iranian media the charges against Samimi include…  
3648. Croatia: Unions raise the alarm about the COVID-19 impact on journalism  

The Trade Union of Croatian Journalists (TUCJ) and the Croatian Journalists Association (CJA) urged the government “to save journalism” by taking financial compensation measures for the media sector. If nothing is done, mass layoffs will occur and several media will shutdown, the union warned. The International and European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined their affiliate in urgently requesting a media recovery plan. The government didn’t include the media sector in its financial relief packages to relief the economic impact on companies and workers caused by the pandemic and the earthquake. “Job losses and pay cuts have already begun. They could eventually lead…  
3649. Sajid Hussain Baloch  

The body of the editor-in-chief of Balochian Times, a news website in Pakistan, was found in the Swedish city of Uppsala near the river Fyris. He had had missing since 2 March. Media reports said that Hussain’s friends reported his disappearance to the Swedish police after they stopped receiving phone calls from him. “Initially, police refused to register the case saying it is normal in Sweden for someone to go in isolation. We insisted that it was not normal for us. Then they registered the case,"  said Taj Baloch, a friend of Hussain's to Al Jazeera. Sadij Hussain fled Pakistan in 2012 after receiving death threats, having his home raided, family interrogated and put…  
3650. France: “Pigiste” journalists have not been forgotten!  

French “pigiste” journalists - journalists paid a monthly retainer and additional fees for each job - have won new protections thanks to the work of the country's unions. After several weeks of negotiations between the French government and IFJ-affiliated journalists' unions (SNJ, SNJ-CGT, CFDT-Journalistes), a decree to financially support those who lose part of their work was published on Friday, April 17. The decree sets out the conditions in each company for pigistes - often the most isolated and precarious workers - to receive assistance. A joint statement was signed by around 30 French organisations, unions, collectives and associations of journalists, including the IFJ.  
3651. New Zealand: Government announces aid package for journalists  

Media in New Zealand is to receive up to NZ$50m in support to help cover journalists’ salaries, avoid job losses and sustain ailing media during the coronavirus pandemic. Media advertising has been severely hit by the pandemic and media companies have already accessed the government’s wage subsidy scheme, which covers a portion of salaries for a 12-week period for workers in struggling industries. But now an additional dedicated package for media has been announced, recognizing the vital need for quality media during the crisis, becoming just the third sector in the country to receive specialist support. The measures include: $20.5m to completely cut TV and Radio transmission…  
3652. Greece: TV and radio campaign spot in support of journalists  

The Journalists’ Union of the Athens Daily Newspapers (JUADN) has launched a TV and radio campaign spot in support of journalists, media pluralism and credible news and information during the pandemic. The 36-second broadcast has been aired by all national tv stations and will continue to be seen and heard for the next month with the permission of the Greek National Broadcasting Board. The broadcast focuses on the work of journalists to provide credible information during the pandemic, ending with a plea to “trust them, buy newspapers and magazines, get informed by credible media” The campaign comes as Greek media have laid off workers. In some sports newspapers 90% of staff have had…  
3653. India: Jammu and Kashmir police question three Kashmiri journalists  

Police in Srinagar filed separate First Information Reports (FIR) against Kashmiri photojournalist Masrat Zahra and journalist Gowhar Geelani and questioned special correspondent Peerzada Ashiq. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate Indian Journalists Union (IJU) urge the authorities to stop intimidating journalists and drop all charges Masrat Zahra, a freelance photojournalist working with a number of different news outlets including Al Jazeera, The Washington Post and The Caravan was summoned by Jammu and Kashmir Cyber Police in Srinagar on April 18. The FIR states Zahra was charged under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) after authorities…  
3654. Chechnya: award-winning journalist threatened by Governor over COVID19 reporting  

Chechen Governor Ramzan Kadyrov has threatened Russian journalist Elena Milashina for reporting about a shortage of protective equipment amongst doctors and the mass arrests of people violating government rules on self-isolation. The International and the European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) join their affiliate the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) in expressing solidarity with Elena Milashina and calling on the Chechen leader to let journalists report freely during the COVID19 pandemic. On 12 April, Elena Milashina, an award- winning -investigative journalist for Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta, published an article describing how the Chechen…  
3655. Bangladesh: Politician charges media under Digital Security Act  

A politician has accused media workers who shared a story on the alleged misappropriation of Covid-19 relief rice in Bangladesh of breaching the Digital Security Act. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses grave concern over the misuse of the Digital Security Act and urge authorities to review their decision. Mominul Islam Bhashani, president of Baliadangi upazila Swechchhasebak League, an associate body of the ruling Awami League, filed the case against Toufique Imrose Khalidi, editor in chief of bdnews24.com, Mohiuddin Sarker, Jagonews24.com acting editor for publishing allegedly unfounded news defaming him and his political party, the Awami League. Two…  
3656. Nepal: FNJ provides key support to journalists and media during the pandemic  

Nepal has been under a countrywide lockdown since March 24 but for most journalists 'working from home' is not a privilege available to them. Since the pandemic outbreak, the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) has focused on two fronts: the safety and security of journalists, both physical and professional; and mitigating false information and rumors. One of our first responses was to issue a guideline; on the dos and don'ts for reporting the pandemic adapted from WHO guides, with additional local context. FNJ’s central committee decided to play an essential role in terms of the responsibilities of the media sector and to actively monitor the situation for journalists and provide…  
3657. Somalia: Journalist arrested for reporting rape  

UPDATE 23.04.2020 Voice of America (VOA) reporter Mukhtar Mohamed Atosh was arrested by police on 20 April in Baidoa for reporting on the death of a 14-year-old girl after she was raped. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), have strongly condemned the unfounded arrest and urge Somali authorities to release the journalist immediately. According to NUSOJ, on the day of Mohamed's arrest, Southwest Authorities had asked the Administration of Baidoa Hospital not to provide local journalists with any information about the young girl and deny the child’s death at the hospital. Dozens of police officers raided…  
3658. Hanumanthu  

Hanumanthu, an employee of Public TV, was killed in a road accident on his way back to Bangalore from Ramanagara jail, where he was reporting on a story relating to the Covid-19 pandemic. Journalists' safety, India, IFJ, Impunity  
3659. Pakistan: Jang and Geo staff face unpaid salary crisis  

After years of industrial conflict, Jang and Geo employees continue to work without pay. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) call on Jang and Geo Group’s administration to immediately reinstate workers and pay all outstanding salaries. According to PFUJ, Jang and Geo Group has terminated about 3,000 media workers and journalists as part of a “downsizing” since 2014. At present, the company has not paid salaries for more than four months   The situation is worsened by the arrest of Jang and Geo Group’s editor-in-chief, Mir Shakilur Rahman for allegedly illegally obtaining government land more than 34 years…  
3660. Philippines: Magazine website targeted by digital attack  

The Philippines Graphic website was hacked by unidentified parties on Saturday, April 18. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemn the digital attack and call on authorities to investigate the hacking. The website for the magazine, The Philippines Graphic posted on its Facebook page on April 18 that their website was hacked and directing readers to pornographic sites. The newsroom asked readers to refrain from using the website. The website was restored by April 20. On the alert published by IFJ’s affiliate, the National Union of the Journalists of the Philippines on Saturday, April 18, Joel Pablo Salud, the editor in chief of The Philippines Graphic magazine, said…  
3661. Twenty-four rights-groups call on Turkey to release all those arbitrarily detained, now at risk of Covid-19  

In the early hours of Tuesday 14 April, the Turkish Parliament passed a law which will lead to the release of up to 90,000 prisoners. However, it excludes scores of journalists, human rights defenders, politicians, lawyers and others arbitrarily detained pending trial or serving sentences following unfair trials under Turkey’s overly broad anti-terrorism laws which facilitate incarceration for exercise of free speech. While we welcome any measures taken to alleviate overcrowding in Turkey’s prisons, the new measures unjustifiably exclude tens of thousands who are imprisoned for the peaceful exercise of their rights.  ARTICLE 19, Punto24 and the 22 undersigned organisations call on the…  
3662. Hong Kong: Next Digital founder arrested on illegal assembly charge  

Jimmy Lai, media tycoon and the founder of Next Digital, was arrested by Hong Kong authorities on April 18 and charged for his role in the unlawful assembly during the Hong Kong protests in late 2019. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urge authorities to drop all charges against Jimmy Lai. Jimmy Lai was arrested at his house and taken to Central District police station in relation to the demonstrations last year on August 18, 2019 and October 1, 2019. Between August and October 2019, regular protests were held against the now removed proposal to allow authorities to extradite people from Hong Kong to mainland China. Thirteen other pro-democracy figures, arrested by police…  
3663. Australia: Facebook and Google to pay for media content  

The Australian government announced new legislation to force digital news aggregators, Facebook and Google to compensate media organisations for their content. The International Federation of Journalist (IFJ) and its affiliate the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) welcome the development and will continue monitoring the drafting of the legislation. Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg said the government would introduce legislation for a mandatory code on digital platforms requiring digital aggregators to negotiate with news outlets for the use of their content. According to MEAA, since 2017, the union has made repeated calls to the Australian government to reform the legislation to…  
3664. France. Décret pigistes : une étape est franchie, passons à la suivante  

La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de la profession avec 600.000 membres répartis dans 146 pays, félicite ses trois affiliés français (SNJ, SNJ-CGT, CFDT-Journalistes), qui ont négocié avec le gouvernement les détails d'un décret sur le chômage partiel des journalistes pigistes. Voici le contenu du communiqué commun aux syndicats de journalistes représentatifs, aux collectifs et aux associations de journalistes :  "Le décret sur le chômage partiel des journalistes pigistes vient d'être publié. Il énonce clairement les conditions d'accès aux mesures gouvernementales dans chaque entreprise : avoir trois bulletins…  
3665. IFJ in the news !  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 10 and 17 April, 2020 English Iranian medical schools sue journalists over coronavirus coverage (CPJ) IFJ criticises pay cuts for Timorese journalists in ‘frontline’ virus work (ASIA PACIFIC REPORT) FAJ calls for heightened protection for frontline journalists and improvement of their conditions of work amid COVID-19 tragedy (RELIEFWEB) International journalists group tells govt to review ‘unclear’ directive against online media…  
3666. Yemen: IFJ letter to UN General Secretary condemns death sentence against 4 journalists  

After a Houthi Court in Yemen sentenced four journalists to death on charges of treason and spying for foreign states, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) have written to the UN Secretary-General urging him to support moves to protect their lives and demand the release of all journalists jailed in Yemen. The co-signed letter, sent on 16 April, comes after a Houthi Court in  Sanaa, sentenced journalists Abdelkhaleq Omran, Akram Al Walidi, Harith Hamid, and Tawfiq Al Mansouri to dealth for treason and espionage on 11 April. They were arrested together with five other journalists in July 2015 at the Palace of Dreams…  
3667. Nepal: Media rights violations go unabated amid the lockdown  

The Covid-19 lockdown in Nepal has seen a drastic increase in media rights violations with journalists harassed, underpaid and out of work. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates, the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) and the Nepal Press Union (NPU) urge media houses and the government to address the severe escalation of media rights violations immediately. According to a preliminary FNJ media rights monitoring report, since the imposition of a lockdown on March 24, three journalists have received threats, two reprimanded, and six journalists barred from reporting. Additionally, journalists have been laid off, with others forced to take leave without…  
3668. China: Documentary filmmaker arrested over subversion charges  

Chen Jiaping, a Beijing-based documentary filmmaker, was arrested by Chinese authorities and charged for allegedly subverting the state after covering a story on a Chinese activist. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on the Chinese authorities to respect the media’s right to report and call for his release. On March 5, Jiaping was arrested by police in Beijing on charges related to his unreleased film featuring Chinese civil rights activist Xu Zhiyong. A letter written by Jiaping’s wife on April 12, said Jiaping was detained in a "surveillance residence" in Beijing’s Haidian Public Security Bureau for “criminal incitement to subvert state power” after shooting the…  
3669. Indonesia: Media companies cut salaries in the midst of Covid-19  

News outlets in Jakarta and in provinces across Indonesia have started to cut the salaries of the media workers amid the Covid-19 outbreak. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia to call on media proprietors to look at other options and to consider employee salary cuts as the last resort. Payments to employees at the Jakarta-based Viva Networks media group have been delayed, with some staff receiving the delayed payments in two installments. The company which owns a number of online media including Viva.co.id and VIVAnews.com, started deferring salaries before the coronavirus outbreak. AJI has…  
3670. Burundi: Media freedom at stake ahead of presidential elections  

A series of attacks against journalists in Burundi have raised concerns over increased threats to media freedom in the country. The International Federation of journalists joins its affiliate the Burundian Union of Journalists in calling on the government to take steps to reinforce media freedom ahead of presidential elections. On 9 april, a journalist at independent radio station Isanganiro and his driver were abused by the members of the youth wing of the ruling party before deflating the tires of their vehicle. The journalist was investigating an attack on an official of an opposition party, the National Council for Liberty (CNL), in a village south of Bujumbura, Burundi's capital. On…  
3671. India: Multiple media outlets lay off staff and cut pay during Covid-19  

Faced with economic challenges due to the Covid-19 crisis, multiple media outlets in India have resorted to staff layoffs, extended leave without pay and pay cuts. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates the Indian Journalists’ Union (IJU) and the National Union of Journalists- India condemn this approach, urging media proprietors to reconsider these decisions. IFJ has documented that News Nations Network laid off 15 staff in the English-language digital team on April 10 without notice of termination. The Times of India also sacked all its employees in the Sunday Magazine team - including nine employees from the Times of India, six from Times Life…  
3672. India: Thousands protest against treatment of The Wire editor  

Around 3,500 jurists, academicians, actors, artists, writers have protested against the Uttar Pradesh (UP) government for filing criminal charges under a First Information Report (FIR) against The Wire editor Siddharth Varadarajan. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) urge the UP government to scrap all criminal proceedings against the editor. In a joint statement, people from different walks of life including former Supreme Court judge Madan B Lokur, former Madras High Court judge K Chandru and former Patna High Court judge Anjana Prakash protested against the Uttar Pradesh Government’s move on April 14. The FIR was filed…  
3673. Timor Leste: Media workers face salary cuts during Covid-19 pandemic  

Journalists in Timor Leste face pay cuts amid the Covid-19 outbreak. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Timor Leste Press Union (TLPU) call on media companies to reconsider this decision and protect the rights of journalists, who are on the front line in the fight against Covid-19. The President of Timor Leste Francisco Guterres Lu Olo declared a national emergency on Friday, March 27. Since Monday, April 1, all activities in the capital city of Dili have been significantly reduced in an effort to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Several printed media outlets have reportedly cut workers’ salaries, as media companies face a steep decline in revenue. The…  
3674. Segundo Relevamiento COVID-19: despidos, suspensiones y seguridad de periodistas en América Latina  

En esta nueva entrega, observamos que se repiten los casos de despidos y recortes y que algunas fuerzas de seguridad ponen en peligro la vida de lxs trabajadores de prensa. También destacamos iniciativas de solidaridad entre trabajadores y el caso de la justicia estadual brasileña, que impidió que una cadena rebajara salarios. Desde la FIP rechazamos los reiterados episodios de despidos y el accionar recurrente por parte de algunas empresas de medios que no cumplen con los requisitos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud e incluso de gobiernos locales de acatar el distanciamiento social y aplicar teletrabajo. Como Federación que agrupa a más de 600.000 trabajadores de prensa en todo el…  
3675. Unions say life-saving news needs support  

With jobs being axed, titles closed, newsrooms reduced to skeletal staffs and journalists left unpaid and unprotected unions are leading demands for urgent action to save our industry, an essential service. This issue we focus on the efforts of one US union to protect journalists and journalism. In an unprecedented move, the US NewsGuild-CWA has called on federal, state, provincial, and local governments to provide public funds to sustain news operations. The union claims the 9-point plan is critical to prevent a feared extinction of large parts of the US news industry, particularly local news providers. They have also demanded that media companies stop axing jobs, furloughing staff…  
3676. Covid-19 ravages Kenya’s media industry  

"Just a month after the first coronavirus case was confirmed in Kenya, three leading media houses have effected between 20 and 30 per cent pay cut for their staff, citing rapid shrinking of revenues". by Erick Oduor, General Secretary of the Kenyan Union of Journalists. The three media houses, Royal Media Services, Standard Group PLC and Radio Africa Group have sounded a warning that the impact of COVID-19 is taking a toll on their revenue, which they claim calls for cost-cutting measures, among them salary cuts, to remain afloat. While this has been contested by the Kenya Union of Journalists (KUJ) which has filed a case in court for unfair labour practices because there were no…  
3677. Cambodia: Parliament approves “state emergency” law amid the pandemic  

Cambodia’s national assembly has approved a state emergency law on Friday, April 10 that will give the government powers to monitor communications, control media and prohibit or limit the distribution of information deemed to trigger public fear and damage national security. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the legislation which will further weaken press freedom and democratic rights in the country. Prime Minister Hun Sen had indicated earlier that emergency powers would be called for to tackle the outbreak. As Hun Sen’s Cambodian People’s Party holds every seat in the National Assembly, the law passed unanimously. Hun Sen strongly defended the new legislation…  
3678. Malaysia: Authorities implement ‘stern action’ against online media  

Authorities in Malaysia have been instructed to take action against online media publishing inaccurate and misleading news. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) express concern over the government’s unclear directive and lack of transparency during the global pandemic. On April 11, the National Security Council briefed the police and Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to take ‘stern action’ against online media that misreport the news. Ismail Sabri Yaakob, the defence minister said, “We have been reading a lot of news in online media portals that publish incorrect and untrue news, especially when it comes to official statements from the government.” Ismail said,…  
3679. Jordan: Two media executives arrested following broadcasting of virus complaints  

Jordanian authorities arrested the general director and the owner of Roya TV, the country's main private television station , following the airing of a video showing workers complaining about access to money to buy food during the COVID-19 pandemic. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the use of emergency laws to stifle the media and urges the Jordanian authorities to release the two journalists. Roya TV general director, Mohamad al-khaldi, and owner Fares Sayegh were arrested after broadcasting a program interviewing workers complaining about the lack of money to buy food during the pandemic. In the video, which has been…  
3680. Australia: Regional media offered Covid-19 lifeline  

The Australian federal government has announced almost $100-million support package for regional journalism, including tax relief for television and radio stations. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Australian affiliate the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) welcome the announcement, which comes after more than a dozen publications around the country have been forced to close, facing a sharp decline in advertising revenue due to the coronavirus pandemic. The package includes $41 million in tax rebates, offering immediate financial relief to some commercial television and radio broadcasters, and $50 million from a Public Interest News Gathering program.…  
3681. Australia: High Court overturns search warrant on journalist’s home  

The High Court has thrown out the warrant used by the Australian Federal Police officers to search the home of a News Corporation journalist in June last year. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Australian affiliate, the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) in welcoming the decision but warning that the powers that enabled the raid remain. The court found that the warrant used to search the house of Annika Smethurst last year was not correctly issued. The journalist’s home was raided after the Sunday Telegraph published a story Smethurst wrote on the expanded powers of the Australian Signals Directorate.   That same week there was a raid on the ABC,…  
3682. Hong Kong: News outlet accused of breaching one-China principle  

The English news program, Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) was criticised by the Hong Kong government after a reporter asked a World Health Organisation (WHO) official if the global organisation would reconsider Taiwan’s membership. The International Federation of Journalists and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) deeply regret this criticism and urge authorities to respect freedom of speech and expression. On April 2, Hong Kong’s secretary for commerce and economic development, Edward Yau alleged RTHK’s program, “The Pulse” breached the one-China principle and the “Charter of Radio Television Hong Kong” in its interview with a WHO official earlier on March 28.…  
3683. France : Google devra négocier la rémunération due aux éditeurs et auteurs de contenus de presse en vertu du droit voisin  

Les Fédérations internationale et européenne des journalistes (FIJ/FEJ) et leurs affiliés en France, le SNJ, le SNJ-CGT et la CFDT-Journalistes, saluent les mesures prises par l’Autorité de la concurrence en France, ordonnant à Google d’ouvrir des négociations dans les trois mois. Saisie en novembre dernier par les éditeurs et l’Agence France-Presse, l’Autorité de la concurrence a estimé jeudi 9 avril que les pratiques de Google, suite à l’entrée en vigueur de la loi du 24 juillet 2019 sur le droit voisin, portaient une atteinte grave et immédiate au secteur de la presse et étaient susceptibles de constituer un abus de position dominante. Elle ordonne des mesures…  
3684. Somalia: government recognises media as essential service in the Fight Against COVID – 19  

The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) has called on the Federal Government of Somalia on 12 April to classify the media as essential service and open up the operating space for the media during the impending curfew imposed on Mogadishu. In a press conference held in Mogadishu on Sunday, 12 April 2020, Somalia’s Police Commissioner General Abdi Hassan Mohamed (Hajar) said “considering the urgency to minimize the spread of the disease (coronavirus) within the community, the federal government of Somalia announces that a dusk-to-dawn curfew (8 pm-5 am) would be enforced to Mogadishu from the evening April 15, 2020, until further notice”. The police chief further added that “the…  
3685. COVID-19: 60 participants au webinaire de la FIJ sur la sécurité des journalistes  

En présence de 60 participants issus du Monde arabe et du Moyen Orient, la FIJ a piloté le 9 avril un séminaire en ligne sur la sécurité des journalistes en pleine crise du Coronavirus (Covid19). Organisé par la FIJ, le réseau des formateurs sur la sécurité des journalistes a présenté le 9 avril dernier lors un webinaire qui avait pour thème la sécurité des journalistes, en période de crise sanitaire. Les formateurs ont notamment présenté, dans le cadre du coronavirus, des outils de préventions pour le travail de terrain, ont décrit les dangers des situations de reportage et ont prodigué des conseils pour la pratique de la profession en insistant notamment sur la santé psychologique des…  
3686. Pakistan: Second post-mortem report reveals Aziz Memon murdered  

The second post-mortem report of the slain journalist Aziz Memon indicates that he was murdered. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) condemn the alleged murder and call on the Pakistan government to swiftly investigate on the case to punish the guilty. The second post-mortem report issued by forensic experts Rizwana Khanzada Mohammad Hussain, Dr Ali Muhammad and Professor Muhammad Akber reveals that traces of at least two other’s DNA has been found under the nails of the deceased journalist.The report also states that Memon resisted before being murdered. The body of Kawish Television Network (KTN) TV…  
3687. FAJ calls for heightened protection for frontline journalists and improvement of their conditions of work amid COVID-19 tragedy  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the Pan-African regional organisation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), salutes and extends solidarity on behalf of its affiliates to all African journalists who have been working tirelessly to keep the communities they serve updated and help them make sense of the pandemic that engulfed them. Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) Press statement   13 April, 2020 The Steering Committee of FAJ, which met through a   teleconference on 10 April 2020, expressed grave concerns about the safety and wellbeing of overworked and under-resourced African journalists who as frontline workers, have been carrying…  
3688. México: asesinan al periodista Victor Fernando Álvarez Chávez  

El trabajador de prensa había denunciado amenazas y permanecía desaparecido desde el 8 de abril pasado. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) condena el accionar de la delincuencia organizada y reclama a las autoridades tomar las medidas necesarias para proteger a allegados de la víctima y condenar a los responsables. La FIP condena firmemente el asesinato del periodista mexicano Víctor Fernando Álvarez Chávez, cuyos restos fueron hallados el pasado 8 de abril en el estado de Guerrero, después de que el comunicador fuera primero amenazado y luego desaparecido por un grupo de la delincuencia organizada, según reportó la organización Artículo 19, dedicada a la promoción de los…  
3689. Pakistan: Union secures Punjab Covid-19 relief package  

Journalists union leaders in Pakistan have negotiated a Covid-19 relief package in Punjab which will ensure compensation for those who contract the disease as well as the provision of protective equipment for media workers. The Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) successfully negotiated the agreement with Punjab Information Minister Fayyazul Hassan Chohan.  The measures announced include:  The provincial information ministry will pay a monthly pension of Rs 10,000 if a journalist dies from a coronavirus while the Punjab Government will pay Rs.1 million relief funds to the family of any journalist who dies due to the deadly disease The provincial government will…  
3690. Pakistan: PFUJ urges reversal of decision to close AAP News  

Hundreds of media workers in Pakistan have been left jobless following the sudden closure of AAP news. The IFJ has backed calls by the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) for the decision to be reversed. Business tycoon Malik Riaz, who is estimated to be the 9th richest person in Pakistan with a net worth of over $1bn, took the decision to close Aap News television channel, claiming "unavoidable legal and technical reasons". The PFUJ strongly condemned the closure and threatened nationwide protests unless the ddecision was immeditaely reversed. They also threatened legal action. According to an internal staff email, dated April 11, "the administration has decided that salary of…  
3691. Les trois syndicats de journalistes français écrivent à Julian Assange  

Un an après l'incarcération de Julian Assange au Royaume Uni, les trois syndicats de journalistes français, membres de la FIJ (SNJ, SNJ-CGT, CFDT Journalistes), lui ont envoyé une lettre de solidarité. Cher Julian,   En ces temps de pandémie où des remises en liberté sont massivement accordées à des prisonniers de plusieurs pays du monde, votre libération a été refusée par la juge qui entend vous garder derrière les barreaux afin de poursuivre les audiences sur votre potentielle extradition vers le sol américain. Audiences qui s'inscrivent dans une procédure viciée, empêchant une organisation efficace pour votre défense.   Au nom des trois syndicats de journalistes…  
3692. IFJ in the news !  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 3 and 10 April, 2020 English Media unions and advocates call for urgent end to Kashmir blockade (KASHMIR MEDIA SERVICE) IFJ launches campaign to end ban on 4g internet in IOK (KASHMIR MEDIA SERVICE) 8 months and counting: the world’s longest communications shutdown in kashmir must end (KASHMIR TIMES) The Mysterious Disappearance of a Pakistani Journalist in Sweden (THE DIPLOMAT) Freedom of Information requests, a vital tool for journalists…  
3693. Brazil: President Bolsonaro targeting professional journalists during COVID-19 pandemic  

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and his followers have been accused of continuing to attack journalists in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, in a new report released by the Federação Nacional dos Jornalistas (FENAJ). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) stands in solidarity with FENAJ and condemned the systematic targeting of media workers by the president. In the last 3 months, Bolsonaro has insulted journalists and their work up to 141 times and their work, according to the results of FENAJ's monitoring project published on April 6.  On 22 March, the president said during a TV interview: that “people will know soon…  
3694. Latin America: pandemic, journalists and jobs  

Thirteen journalists have already lost their lives due to COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean at the time of writing this article, a few days before the expected peak week in most countries on the continent. Ecuador (9) and the Dominican Republic (3) have become the deadliest territories with dozens of journalists and media professionals under quarantine. The city of Guayaquil, Ecuador, due to its rate of infection and deaths, is today the "Wuhan" of South America. For journalists, layoffs, lower wages, deferral and/or suspension of payments, is the universal recipe dished out by large media companies facing the pandemic. This has been the route in Chile, Argentina and…  
3695. Cambodia: Journalist arrested for reporting Hun Sen’s advice on Covid-19  

Sovann Rithy, the director of the TVFB news site, was arrested on the evening of Tuesday, April 7 for quoting Prime Minister Hun Sen who advised motorbike taxi drivers to sell their vehicles if the Covid-19 pandemic leaves them in financial ruin. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls the authorities to drop the charge and release the journalist immediately. In a press conference on Tuesday April 7, Hun Sen said: “if motorbike-taxi drivers go bankrupt, sell your motorbikes for spending money. The government does not have the ability to help.” Rithy then quoted the statement on a Facebook post. He was arrested by the Phnom Penh municipal police on the charge of “incitement…  
3696. Indonesia: House to pass controversial Criminal Code  

The House of Representatives is due to pass the revised Criminal Code, which has been widely criticised for violating press freedom and access to information. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia demand the House halt the bill and not use the current health crisis and lockdown as an opportunity to secure the passage of the Criminal Code. On April 2, the House deputy speaker Azis Syamsuddin, who is also a member of the House Commission III which oversees the legal affairs, said that the leaders of the Commission III have requested a week to deliberate the bill before they hand the revisions to the…  
3697. Yemen: The IFJ Calls on authorities in Yemen to release all imprisoned journalists immediately  

The IFJ joined its affiliate in Yemen, the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS), in calling for the release of all 20 journalists currently imprisoned in Yemen. The YJS last week condemned Sanaa’ authorities’ refusal to release journalists Salah Al-Qadi and Abd al-Hafiz al-Samadi, a decision in violation of two recent judicial decisions. A reporter with Suhail TV, Salah Al-Qadi was kidnapped in August 2015 by the Houthi group. He has been illegally detained for four years and a half, tortured and denied family visits, according to local reports. A court decision to release him was made on 9 March. Abd al-Hafiz al-Samadi was abducted in July 2019 from his home in Sanaa by Houthi militia in…  
3698. Indonesia: Police intensify cyber monitoring during the Covid-19 outbreak  

The Indonesian National Police have intensified social media monitoring in efforts to prevent the dissemination of false information and comments that defame the President and government officials during the Covid-19 outbreak. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has backed its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia in objecting to the monitoring order and urge authorities to focus more on tackling the pandemic and ensuring the dissemination of accurate, transparent information. The order, signed by Head of the Criminal Investigation Agency Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo on April 4, stated that the police’s cyber patrol will monitor the spread of…  
3699. Northern Ireland: IFJ condemns paramilitary threat against journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists has strongly condemned a threat of attack against a Belfast-based journalist by a paramilitary group in Northern Ireland. In a statement IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger expressed solidarity with the Irish News journalist and expressed support for the strong position taken by her union, the National Union of Journalists and by her employer.  He said: “We support the NUJ call for the immediate and unconditional lifting of this threat. Journalists must be free to operate without fear of threat or any form of intimidation. The Police Service of Northern Ireland  has confirmed that this threat is being taken seriously and we wish to…  
3700. Governments and employers must do more to protect workers  

Governments and employers need to do more to protect jobs, wages and living standards amid the Covid-19 pandemic according to a new survey published by the International Trade Union Confederation The results back up the findings of IFJ affiliates that while a number of countries have introduced wage or job protection measures they are often inadequate and too often leave behind hundreds of thousands of freelance journalists and media workers. The impact of Covid-19 on jobs and employment has increased as more countries are responding to the pandemic with national lockdown measures including the closure of schools and non-essential business. Europe (75%) has the largest number of…  
3701. Ukraine: Journalists demand action and support from the government  

Journalists in Ukraine are demanding action by government after a catastrophic fall in revenue has led to wage cuts, job losses and staff being forced to take unpaid leave. Media company debts have also spiralled. The shock figures were revealed in a survey carried out by the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU). And now the union is demanding government action to support the media sector and declare journalists key workers to enable them to continue to work during the lockdown. In the survey, 82% of companies reported a loss of revenue due to quarantine rules and the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. 9% of media have suspended all their activities. More than half have…  
3702. South Asia: Media unions and advocates calls for urgent end to Kashmir blockade  

A group of 37 national media unions from South Asia as well as global media advocacy and freedom of expression organisations today called for an end to the ongoing communications blockade in Indian-administered Kashmir. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN), together called for the Indian government to immediately restore all communications to the Kashmir Valley. On April 3, the Jammu and Kashmir government once again extended its ban on 4G high-speed mobile internet services in the region through to April 15. It is the tenth time the ban has been extended since a judgement from India’s Supreme Court on January 10 ruled the…  
3703. COVID19: Las medidas que tomaron los gobiernos latinoamericanos  

Desde la FIP estamos relevando las acciones sanitarias y económicas que se están ordenando en los países de la región: cómo son las cuarentenas, qué respaldos tienen los trabajadores y cuáles son los lugares de mayor riesgo. Desde FIP estamos relevando las medidas excepcionales que están tomando los gobiernos latinoamericanos frente a la pandemia. Si bien hay gobiernos que accionaron temprano y respaldan a lxs trabajadores con medidas que protegen su economía, debemos repudiar a aquellos que no han acatado ni si quiera las medidas estipuladas desde la Organización Mundial de la Salud para el combate del COVID19. Rechazamos toda especulación con la salud de la población en general en pos de…  
3704. COVID-19: IFJ urges European governments not to limit and control press conference questions  

Some European countries have decided to limit and control journalists' questions during government press conferences during the COVID-19 pandemic. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on all governments not to restrain media activity and organise online press conferences in a way which enables journalists to ask questions without prior filtering. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many European countries to find alternative ways to organise press conferences. Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom and France are using online tools to keep the long-standing protocols to hold regular or daily press conferences. However, in the…  
3705. Philippines: Local reporter asked to leave Covid-19 press conference  

Jonathan Jalon, a reporter of eMedia Production Network Inc., was asked by security personnel in the Zamboanga City Hall when he was about to cover a press briefing on March 30 since he did not have the identification card. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) to condemn the eviction and call the authorities to withdraw their accreditation for the press. Local government of Zamboanga City, southern part of the Philippines in Mindanao island, have implemented the accreditation for the press and required journalists to wear the identification card when they cover press briefings. eMedia did apply…  
3706. Pakistan: Government rearrests four acquitted for 2002 murder of Daniel Pearl  

Four men accused of the murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in Pakistan in 2002 were rearrested on April 4, a day after a court controversially overturned their convictions. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) and the US-based National Writers Union (NWU) jointly demand justice for Daniel Pearl, a strong appeal against the four acquittals and urgent adoption of a UN Convention to protect and defend journalists globally. On April 2, the high court of Sindh province acquitted the four, including Briton Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, who was sentenced to death in 2002 for masterminding Pearl’s murder.…  
3707. Iraq bans Reuters following Covid-19 report  

UPDATE 27.04.2020 Iraq’s Communications and Media Commission (CMC) has fined and banned Reuters news agency from operating following a report on the number of coronavirus cases in the country. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned this "blatant violation of media rights" and urged the CMC to lift the ban immedaitely. The CMC took its decision on 3 April after Reuters reported that thousands of people in Iraq had been infected with Covid-19 resulting in many more deaths than the government claimed. According to media reports, the CMC suspended the news agency's right to operate in the country for three months and fined them $20.000 for having “put social security…  
3708. Nepal: Article disappears from Kathmandu Press website  

A Kathmandu Press article highlighting an alleged scam involving high level government employee and the sons of the defence minister and the prime minister’s chief advisor was removed from the Kathmandu Press website without their approval. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates, the Nepal Press Union (NPU) and Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), condemn the illegal removal of the news story and call on the Nepal government to investigate the incident. Shiran Technologies who developed the Kathmandu Press website removed the article on April 1 citing immense pressure from ‘above’. The article, first published on March 31 alleged the prime minister, KP…  
3709. Australia: Government income subsidy must include freelancers and casuals  

The Australian government’s proposed $130 billion “JobKeeper” package falls short of supporting freelancers and non-permanent media workers. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) urge the Australian government to expand the eligibility criteria to cover freelancers and casual employees. Australia's response to the economic consequences of Covid-19, the JobKeeper income subsidy scheme will be voted on in Australia's Parliament on April 8. As the proposal stands, MEAA estimates 1.1 million workers who are engaged on short term contracts or employed casually for less than 12 months will not be eligible for…  
3710. Thailand: Media workers salaries slashed  

Nation Multimedia Group (NMG), one of Thailand’s largest media companies cut employees’ salaries on April 1 citing the Covid-19 business downturn. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns Nation Multimedia Group’s decision and urges the company to prioritise workers. CEO of NGM, Chai Bunnag, announced the company will take unprecedented measures, cutting the salaries of all staff, suspend overtime pay and terminate all payments and compensation unrelated to work or safety. Managers have also been empowered to put staff on unpaid leave. The company has stated workers will lay off employees if necessary. It is unclear how large the salary cuts will be. The CEO added he…  
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