15063 results:

10151. IFJ Condemns Kidnapping of Journalist in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the kidnapping of Mohamed Ali Mohamud, publicly known “Madka”, a radio journalist who was snatched by Al-Shabaab forces at his home in Northern Mogadishu.“We are very concerned for the safety of our colleague, particularly as he is likely to face a sham trial without any representation nor regard to due process,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa Office.   According to sources relayed by the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), Al-Shabaab militias raided the home of the journalist two months ago and kidnapped him, accusing him of spying for “enemies of…  
10152. IFJ Condemns Assault on Journalists in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned in the strongest terms the attack on Abdirisaq Adan Qoslaye and Adnan Mohamed Ali, journalists of Radio Shabelle who were beaten up by soldiers and officials of the Somali Transitional Federal Government (TFG) on Monday 10 January in Mogadishu.   “This is shameful attack on media by the very authorities which are supposed to protect journalists,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office. “It is unacceptable behavior which must not go unpunished.”   According to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), an IFJ affiliate, on 10 January, the two journalists were covering a…  
10153. IFJ Demands Inquiry As Another Journalist Killed In Balochistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in demanding an immediate investigation into the death of Ilyas Nazar, who was found dead in Pidarak, Balochistan, in Pakistan’s south-west, on January 5.   Nazar, a journalist with the Baloch-language magazine Darwanth, was reportedly abducted on the night of December 28 while travelling from Balochistan’s capital, Quetta, to his home in Turbat in the south of the province. His body was found alongside that of Baloch Students’ Organisation-Azad (BSO Azad) central executive committee member Qambar Chakar, who had disappeared from his…  
10154. EFJ Tells Barroso: Defend Free Speech and Media Rights in Hungary  

As leading European Union (EU) officials prepare for a mission to Hungary, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today urged President Manuel Barroso and his team to analyse and change the country's controversial new media law which the Federation claims is a breach of European law and violates principles enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The EFJ says the EU must examine the law and its implementation, not just regarding technical criteria as covered by the Audiovisual Services Directive, but how it fits with the Fundamental Rights Charter. "We are convinced that it will be necessary to launch an infringement procedure against Hungary under Article 6 of…  
10155. IFJ Welcomes New Wage Award for India's Journalists and Calls for Full Compliance  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the submission of the reports of the two boards constituted under India's Working Journalists Act for fixation of wages for journalists and other newspaper employees. Justice G.R. Majithia, chairperson of both boards, accompanied by other members, submitted the two final reports to the Indian Government's Ministry of Labour on December 31. Unions that have studied the boards' recommendations report that they involve an increase of between 2.5 and 3 times in the basic wages earned by journalists and other newspaper workers. If current basic wage, dearness allowance and interim relief earlier granted by the wage boards were…  
10156. IFJ Welcomes New Wage Award for India's Journalists and Calls for Full Compliance  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the submission of the reports of the two boards constituted under India's Working Journalists Act for fixation of wages for journalists and other newspaper employees.Justice G.R. Majithia, chairperson of both boards, accompanied by other members, submitted the two final reports to the Indian Government's Ministry of Labour on December 31.Unions that have studied the boards' recommendations report that they involve an increase of between 2.5 and 3 times in the basic wages earned by journalists and other newspaper workers. If current basic wage, dearness allowance and interim relief earlier granted by the wage boards were to be…  
10157. IFJ Demands Full Details for Arrest of Journalist in India's Maharashtra State  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on police in India's Maharashtra state to provide all details of the circumstances surrounding the arrest of journalist Sudhir Dhawle, in the state's eastern district of Wardha on January 2. According to IFJ sources in Maharashtra, Dhawle had visited the neighbouring district of Gondia to attend a convention on Adivasi and Dalit literature (i.e., the literature of India's indigenous communities and those traditionally disadvantaged under the country's caste system) on January 1. He was on his way back home in the state capital of Mumbai, when he was arrested at the Wardha railway station. Dhawle has been booked under…  
10158. EFJ Hails Victory for Authors’ Rights following Court’s Ruling in Morel Case against AFP  

  The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today welcomed the decision by the US court to reject Agence France-Presse's (AFP) license claim over iconic photographs of the Haiti earthquake in 2009 taken by the Haitian photographer Daniel Morel.   The EFJ says the Morel case is a victory for authors’ rights. “This is an encouraging sign in the battle to defend authors’ rights,” said Arne König, EFJ President. “Hopefully, the Morel case will set the legal precedence to prevent the unauthorised use of creators’ works in future.”   The legal dispute between Morel and AFP began on 13 January 2009 when Morel…  
10159. EFJ Hails Victory for Authors’ Rights following Court’s Ruling in Morel Case against AFP  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today welcomed the decision by the US court to reject Agence France-Presse's (AFP) license claim over iconic photographs of the Haiti earthquake in 2009 taken by the Haitian photographer Daniel Morel. The EFJ says the Morel case is a victory for authors’ rights. “This is an encouraging sign in the battle to defend authors’ rights,” said Arne König, EFJ President. “Hopefully, the Morel case will set the legal precedence to prevent the unauthorised use of creators’ works in future.” The legal dispute between Morel and AFP began on 13 January 2009 when Morel uploaded his photographs of the Haiti earthquake on the social networking website,…  
10160. Pakistan: Media Under Attack  

Pakistan was ranked in 2010 as the most dangerous country in the world in which to work as a journalist.   Of the 16 media personnel killed there during 2010, eight were murdered while eight were killed in cross-fire incidents. The killings continue.   Local authorities have not prosecuted perpetrators in any single case of the murder of a Pakistani journalist. Only in the internationally high-profile case of American Daniel Pearl has a conviction been secured.   IFJ Asia-Pacific works closely with the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists to campaign for safety and protection, improved working conditions for media personnel, and press freedom in Pakistan.…  
10161. IFJ Condemns Death Threats against Journalists in India's Chhattisgarh State  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is shocked at the explicit death threats made to three journalists based in the southern district of Dantewada in India's Chhattisgarh state, by a vigilante group believed to be part of a covert operation to combat a long-running Maoist insurgency. IFJ sources report that an unsigned letter issued in the name of the Adivasi Swabhimaani Manch (which loosely translates as "Forum for Advancement of the Indigenous Communities") was circulated on December 11, which sharply attacks the Maoist insurgents for the havoc they have caused to civic life in Chhattisgarh. The letter warmly commends a police official who took charge in the…  
10162. IFJ Condemns Attack on Journalists' Union Office in Indonesia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is appalled at the attack on the office of its affiliate organisation in Indonesia, the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) by cadre of a youth organization in the city of Palu in the Central Sulawesi province on December 30. The attack which was reportedly in retaliation for an item published by AJI in the online news portal run by its local office left Mohammad Sharfin, local correspondent of national broadcaster TV One, with serious injuries on his cheek. Iwan Lapasere, chairman of the AJI's local branch and correspondent for a TV broadcaster based in the national capital of Jakarta, was also brutally assaulted and…  
10163. JOINT STATEMENT: Journalists' Leaders Call for an End to Post-Election Violence and the Restoration of Media Freedom in Ivory Coast  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) and the West African Journalists Association (WAJA) expressed concerns today over the political crisis in the West African country of Ivory Coast which has serious impact on the Ivorian people, particularly journalists and the media. According to agency reports, the distribution and publication of newspapers in Ivory Coast have been blocked. Newspapers ideologically allied with the opposition leader, now internationally recognised Ivorian President Alassane Ouattara, are not allowed to publish. Two reporters working for Le Mandat newspaper were briefly arrested, at least 8 foreign…  
10164. EFJ Focus, December 2010  

EFJ Focus is a monthly bulletin of the European Federation of Journalists, produced by the Secretariat in Brussels. The newsletter is available in English, French and German. Further Information: Tel: 32-2-235.22.15/02 Fax: 32-2-235.22.19 E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]  
10165. EFJ Warns Hungary Over Threats to Media as Parliament Votes on New Law  

The European Federation of Journalists today joined with Members of the European Parliament in opposing a new media bill currently at the Hungarian Parliament which aims to create a governing body for the country's media in a process that journalists claim will undermine press freedom."This law draws the media under the power of a body whose authority and legitimacy are questionable. Its powers over the whole spectrum of the Hungarian media represent a serious threat to the fundamental human right of the freedom of expression," said EFJ General Secretary Aidan White. "Moreover it foresees heavy fines for media which do not respect certain 'principles' dictated by the political…  
10166. 24 Hours Warning Strike in Greek Media  

Protesting against the abolition of collective labour agreements, the violation of labour and pension rights, and layoffs of unprecedented proportions, Greece's journalists and media workers took part in a 24-hour nationwide general strike, bringing news coverage to a halt.En masse the journalists' unions, along with other unions representing media workers under the auspices of the Panhellenic Federation of Journalists Unions (POESY), demanded the signing of collective agreements in both private and public media, the safeguarding of jobs and the maintenance of quality journalism."The course of labour matters for journalists in Greece is a source of grave concern for all European…  
10167. Pakistan Authorities Must Act to Stop Balochistan Murders  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) demands an immediate investigation into the death of Mohammad Khan Sasoli, who was shot dead in Khuzdar, Balochistan province, in Pakistan’s south-west, on December 14.   Sasoli, a correspondent with Daily Balochistan Times and DawnNews TV, and president of the Khuzdar Press Club, is the sixth journalist to be reported killed in Balochistan this year, among a total death toll in Pakistan of 15 journalists and media workers. Four journalists have been killed in Pakistan in the past 10 days.   The Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), an IFJ affiliate, reports that Sasoli was shot by two unidentified…  
10168. PNG State Broadcaster Suspends Senior Editor  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned that Papua New Guinea’s public broadcaster is bowing to political pressures, after it suspended a senior news editor this week.   Amid deepening political controversy in the Pacific Island nation, Dora Masseung, executive news director of the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC), was suspended on full pay on December 14. Government officials had reportedly alleged the broadcaster was biased in its reporting on current political activities.   The suspension came one day after Michael Somare stepped aside as Prime Minister while a tribunal assesses allegations that he failed to lodge several…  
10169. IFJ letter of support for Nazanin Khosrovani  

To Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran Sadeq Larijani, Head of the Judiciary of Iran…  
10170. IFJ letter of support for Nazanin Khosrovani  

ToMahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of IranSadeq Larijani, Head of the Judiciary of…  
10171. Australian Journalists Condemn Attacks on WikiLeaks  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes a statement issued by Australia’s senior editors and news directors on December 13 in support of whistleblower website WikiLeaks.   The letter, initiated by Australia’s professional journalism organisation the Walkley Foundation, the sister organisation of IFJ affiliate the Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance, comes in response to Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s claims that WikiLeaks was breaking the law by publishing a cache of 250,000 leaked US diplomatic cables.   WikiLeaks spokesman and editor-in-chief Julian Assange is an Australian citizen, prompting Gillard and other…  
10172. EFJ Calls for Strong Authors’ Rights Protection in the Digital World for all Journalists  

Fifty representatives of journalists’ unions convened in Thessaloniki, Greece, on 11-12th December at a seminar on Authors’ rights in the digital age - a fair deal for journalists. Participants condemned the increase of rights-grabbing contracts in the media industry and the difficulty to retain their rights when their works are used and reused on different platforms of the same media or different titles of the same media group. ‘The lack of consideration for our colleagues’rights to receive a fair remuneration for the reuse of their works, especially when their work in being used online, is alarming,’ said Arne Konig, EFJ president. ‘If journalism is to remain a public good, additional…  
10173. Speakers' Profiles and Presentations  

Moschos Voitsidis has been working as a newspaper and radio journalist for 32 years and is currently a columnist for the city's largest daily Agelioforos. He is a twice-elected member of the Steering Committee of the European Federation of Journalists and is on his second term as the President of the Journalists' Union of Macedonia and Thrace Daily Newspapers. He is also a qualified attorney in Greece. He speaks English, German, Serbo-Croatian and Spanish  Arne König has been working as a journalist for the print and broadcasting media since mid-70s.  He has dedicated his professional life reporting on human rights and media issues. König is now a…  
10174. IFJ Condemns Escalation of Violence against Journalists in Ukraine  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the escalation of violence against media after a series of attacks against journalists by protection officers of both Ukrainian President and Prime Ministers in recent months. Other journalists have also bee victims of similar assaults by lower ranking officials."We condemn this mindless violence against journalists who are only doing their job," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "The authorities must respect our colleagues' right to safety and ensure their security services stop attacking journalists." According to the Kyev Independent Media Trade Union (KMTU), an IFJ affiliate, there have been a number of…  
10176. Journalists Injured in Attack on Political Leader in Sri Lanka  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is outraged to learn of an attack on journalists at the Bandaranaike International Airport at Katunayake near Colombo on December 7.   According to information received from IFJ affiliate the Sri Lanka Working Journalist Association (SLWJA), two journalists – Shanta Wijesuriya of the news portal Lanka-e-News and Prema Lal of Sirasa TV – were injured in the attack, whose principal target was the leader of the New Left Front, Wickramabahu Karunaratne, as he returned from an overseas trip.   Attackers were heard accusing Karunaratne of treason for having spoken of Sri Lanka’s recent human rights…  
10177. IFJ Mourns Two Journalists Killed In Pakistan Attack  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is alarmed at spiralling violence across Pakistan which sees media personnel killed while reporting from the country’s lesser-known conflict zones, with news of two television journalists killed in a suicide bombing in the country’s north-west tribal area on December 6.   Abdul Wahab, of Express News, and Pervez Khan, of WAQT TV, were among 50 people at a government building in Ghalanai, Mohmand Agency, in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas in the country’s north-west who were killed in the double blast. The purported leader of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan claimed responsibility,…  
10178. New reference tool for women human rights defenders  

The association for womens' rights in development (AWID) has compiled a useful reference tool for women human rights defenders.The compilation lists research materials dealing with the security and protection of defenders, resources that women activists can consult concerning their wellbeing and self-care, manuals dealing with how to document and monitor violations of women's rights, as well as manuals on the rights and mechanisms available to women human rights defenders at risk. The list also references materials that address specific themes particularly relevant to women defenders, such as sexual orientation, religious fundamentalisms and conflict.   read  
10179. IFJ Condemns United States "Desperate and Dangerous" Backlash over WikiLeaks  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the political backlash being mounted against the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks and accused the United States of attacking free speech after it put pressure on the website's host server to shut down the site yesterday. The website's host Amazon.com blocked access to WikiLeaks after United States officials condemned the torrent of revelations about political, business and diplomatic affairs that has given people around the world unprecedented access to detailed information from United States sources, much of it embarrassing to leading public figures. "It is unacceptable to try to deny people the right to know,"…  
10180. New reference tool for women human rights defenders  

The association for womens' rights in development (AWID) has compiled a useful reference tool for women human rights defenders.The compilation lists research materials dealing with the security and protection of defenders, resources that women activists can consult concerning their wellbeing and self-care, manuals dealing with how to document and monitor violations of women's rights, as well as manuals on the rights and mechanisms available to women human rights defenders at risk. The list also references materials that address specific themes particularly relevant to women defenders, such as sexual orientation, religious fundamentalisms and conflict read  
10181. IFJ and EFJ Back Fecolper's Call for Media Law Reform in Colombia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists ( EFJ) today backed the petition to the Constitutional Court in Colombia by the Federation of Colombian Journalists (Fecolper) in a bid to strengthen press freedom in the country. In a letter sent to Fecolper for inclusion in the submissions to the Colombian constitutional court in support of the appeal to decriminalize defamation, the IFJ and EFJ note the clear and direct threat to press freedom when media are forced to practice self- censorship over cases involving the powerful and wealthy."The threat of prison has a clear chilling effect on the media and stifles…  
10182. IFJ Demands Arrests For Latest Shooting In The Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has new information regarding a reported shooting of radio commentator Randy T. Makiputin in Valencia City in the country’s south on November 26. New information reveals that the alleged shooting did not occur. In fact, Makiputin’s injuries were reportedly sustained in a motorcycle accident.   Valencia City Police investigating the incident earlier confirmed Makiputin’s claims that he had been shot by unidentified men on motorcycles. Police now say they are uncertain about the cause of his injuries, with two eyewitnesses – aged 13 and 16 – making sworn statements alleging the broadcaster…  
10183. New IFJ Report on Collective Action for Press Freedom In South Asia  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today released a report titled Freedom in Solidarity: Media Working for Peace in South Asia, which presents the results of a 18-month process working with affiliates to assess capacity to respond collectively in crises involving media freedom.     The report presents the outcome of this process of evaluation of past efforts in the defence of press freedom in situations of conflict in five countries of South Asia: Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Situations analysed cover the wide range of conflict situations encountered by media practitioners in these countries and their efforts to…  
10184. Report Highlights Poor Working Conditions In Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) welcome the renewed focus on journalists’ wages and working conditions in Nepal, while registering deep concern at the picture that emerges from a recent report of the statutory Committee for the Fixation of Minimum Wages.   The Committee, formed under Nepal’s Working Journalists’ Act (WJA) has pointed out, in a report submitted on November 24, that 37 percent of the country’s journalists are paid below the prescribed minimum wage, while 45 percent of journalists are working without letters of appointment. Among the media houses surveyed, 48…  
10185. Greece: 24 Hours Strike in Media  

Greece's journalists and media workers are holding a 24-hour nationwide strike declared by their trade unions in protest against the abolition of collective labor agreements, the violation of labor and pension insurance rights, and massive layoffs.The country's journalists' unions, along with other unions representing media workers under the auspices of the Panhellenic Federation of Journalists Unions (POESY), are demanding the signing of collective agreements and the safeguarding of media jobs. The Journalists' Union of Macedonia and Thrace Daily Newspapers (ESIEMTH) underlined that the mass layoffs that have already taken place - or are being threatened to take place - in the…  
10186. “Fairer and Better Way” in Irish Crisis Also for Journalists  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), renewed its support for Irish journalists in their fight against the austerity measures imposed by the government and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in the country."We have closely followed this long struggle by our Irish colleagues who joined the demonstrations in the recent days" said EFJ President  Arne König. "There is grave concern at the government's austerity measures and especially by the political consensus which is being challenged by the trade union movement. We are convinced that there is a fairer, better way to handle the crisis…  
10188. IFJ Gender Newsletter November 2010  

Click HERE to download the latest gender newsletter.  
10189. IFJ Gender Newsletter November 2010  

Click HERE to download the latest gender newsletter.  
10190. Ampatuan Town Massacre: The Lessons We Can Never Forget  

Nestor Burgos Jr Chairperson National Union of Journalists of the Philippines   Dear Nestor,   Re: Message to Congress of the NUJP   On behalf of the International Federation of Journalists I am pleased to send you and all the colleagues of the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines a message of solidarity and goodwill on the occasion of your Congress.   Scarcely a day has passed since the terrible events of 23rd November last year when we have not thought of the implications of the tragedy in Maguindanao province. The massacre has left an indelible scar on the face of journalism and has been deeply felt by journalists around the world.…  
10191. Forty-four IFEX members call for concrete measures to end violence against outspoken women journalists and activists  

23rd November 2010 SOURCE: International Federation of Journalists, Cartoonists Rights Network International, Centro de Reportes Informativos sobre Guatemala, Norwegian PEN, Pacific Freedom Forum (IFJ/IFEX) - 23 November 2010 - On the occasion of International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, 44 IFEX members, including members of the IFEX Gender Working Group, call attention to the situation of women in the free expression community who are subject to targeted attacks because of their gender: Ms. Michelle BacheletUnder-Secretary-General for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) c/o UN Headquarters First Avenue at 46th StreetNew York, NY 10017…  
10192. IFJ Outraged By Murder Of Journalist In Balochistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) demands an immediate investigation into the murder of journalist Abdul Hameed Hayatan in Balochistan, including a full inquiry into allegations of involvement of Pakistani security agencies.   The body of Hayatan, 25, was found in the village of Hiroonk, near Turbat, in Pakistan’s southwest, on November 18.   Known also as Lala Hameed Baloch, Hayatan was found dead in a canal alongside his friend, Hamid Ismail, after they disappeared from their home town of Gwadar, in Balochistan’s west, on October 25, according to the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ).   Hayatan had been shot in the…  
10193. Unions and Media Support Organisations Demand Urgent Action In Philippines  

International freedom of expression groups, media support and development organisations and journalists’ unions are calling on the Philippines Government to take urgent and concrete steps to respond and act on human rights abuses that continue to plague journalists and media workers operating in the country. Twenty-eight organisations meeting this week to discuss international partnerships joined colleagues in the Philippines in remembering victims of the Ampatuan Town Massacre, in Maguindanao, Mindanao one year ago today. The massacre, which saw 58 people including 32 journalists and media workers brutally murdered, is known as the world’s single biggest atrocity…  
10194. EFJ Calls for Bulgarian Journalists to Lead Debate over Future of Media  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) this week called for a national debate in Bulgaria on the future of journalism as a public good in a bid to confront the growing threat of monopolisation and political manipulation of the country's media. Speaking at a conference on threats to press freedom in Sofia yesterday Aidan White, EFJ General Secretary, said that the crisis in journalism, which has seen job losses and attacks on standards across all media, could only be tackled by a new public debate led by journalists and involving editors, owners and civil society. "It's time for a new approach," he told the meeting attended by journalists and…  
10195. IFJ Demands Philippines Congress Resolve Media Safety Crisis  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on the Philippines President, Benigno Aquino III, to ensure the country’s Congress takes strong action to protect journalists and media workers, who continue to fear for their safety almost one year since the massacre of 58 people, 32 of them journalists and media workers, in the country’s south.   “While acknowledging that President Aquino has held office for just six months, the IFJ is outraged that violence against journalists and media workers in the Philippines continues unchecked,” IFJ President Jim Boumelha said.   “Too little is being done by authorities and power-holders…  
10196. Journalist Abducted And Assaulted In Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is appalled to learn of the abduction and assault of Sushil Dhungana, publisher of the Ghodaghodi weekly in Nepal’s far-western district of Kailali on November 15.   According to the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), an IFJ affiliate, Dhungana was snatched while on his way from one district town to another by five persons on motorcycles. Dhungana was taken to an isolated spot in a community forest and his fingers slit with a blade. He was held for three hours and told by his captors that he was paying for what he had written.   Dhungana had published a news item on November 14 titled "Smuggling and…  
10197. IFJ Slams Arrest of Journalists’ Leader in Zimbabwe  

The International Federation of Journalists ( IFJ)  has condemned the arrest and detention by police in Zimbabwe of Dumisani Sibanda, the President of the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists.   The IFJ has called for his immediate release and says the action is the latest in a series of hostile incidents that are putting the country’s journalists increasingly at risk.   Sibanda, Bulawayo Bureau chief of The Standard, is being questioned over a story involving the police force. The action follows condemnation two weeks ago by the IFJ of the arrests and harassment of Nkosana Dlamini and Anderson Manyere, both freelance journalists, and the beating up of another…  
10198. Blaming The Messenger: Media Under Pressure in Jammu and Kashmir  

Since large-scale civil unrest began in the Kashmir valley – the largest of the three regions of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir – in June this year, the difficulties faced by journalists have rapidly escalated. Along with an easing in overall levels of violence, overt threats faced by journalists have probably declined since September 2010, but restraints on the media’s daily functioning continue. Newspapers have been closed for an estimated total of 30 days since protests intensified in Kashmir in mid-June 2010, with local journalists confined to their homes and others assaulted.   Government advertising is allocated quite transparently to…  
10199. International Award For Sri Lankan Journalist  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the awarding of an anti-corruption prize to Sri Lankan journalist and press freedom activist Poddala Jayantha, who was forced into exile after a brutal attack in June 2009.   Jayantha received corruption watchdog Transparency International’s Integrity Award on November 12 in recognition of his fearless reporting on corruption in Sri Lanka, in a climate where critical investigative journalism has been stymied by government oppression and partisan violence. In one report for Silumina, Jayantha exposed an alleged LKR 3.6 billion (USD 37 million) case of tax fraud.   The journalist has also…  
10200. EFJ Guidelines for Fair Creative Competitions  

Faced with the increasing challenges in the protection of journalists' authors' rights, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) developed a set of guidelines for unions and journalists to better secure these rights.   The Guidelines for Fair Creative Competitions adopted by the EFJ Steering Committee on 21 October 2010 address the problem of copyright-grabbing contracts imposed by competition organisers. The Guidelines lay down a set of fundamental rules to protect the authors' rights of contestants, including their moral rights and the rights to fair payment for the use of their works.    Protect your authors' rights, download the Guidelines HERE.   For more…  
10201. EFJ Guidelines for Fair Creative Competitions  

Faced with the increasing challenges in the protection of journalists' authors' rights, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) developed a set of guidelines for unions and journalists to better secure these rights. The Guidelines for Fair Creative Competitions adopted by the EFJ Steering Committee on 21 October 2010 address the problem of copyright-grabbing contracts imposed by competition organisers. The Guidelines lay down a set of fundamental rules to protect the authors' rights of contestants, including their moral rights and the rights to fair payment for the use of their works. Protect your authors' rights, download the Guidelines HERE. For more information, please…  
10202. Former Journalist Jailed For Accepting Media Interviews In China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply disturbed to learn that a former journalist has been jailed in China for more than two years for accepting media interviews about the tainted milk scandal that rocked the country.   Zhao Lianhai, a former journalist whose son suffered from kidney stones after consuming tainted milk manufactured by Sanlu, was convicted by a court in Beijing for “disturbing social order”. He was sentenced to two years and six months in jail on November 10.   “Zhao is convicted because he accepted interviews by some non-mainland media outlets on the street outside a restaurant and police station in…  
10203. New Zealand Search And Surveillance Bill Undermines Journalists’ Rights  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned that a proposed law in New Zealand will undermine the long-held right of journalists to protect the confidentiality of sources.   If the Search and Surveillance Bill proceeds in its present form, it will force the country’s journalists to answer police questions or hand over documents such as media sources and notes. Those who refuse will face penalties of up to one year in jail.   The IFJ recognises that the chairman of the New Zealand Parliament’s Justice and Electoral Select Committee, Chester Borrows, acknowledged concerns about the impact of the Bill on journalists, saying it might…  
10204. IFJ Calls for Media Access to Laayoune after Morocco Bans Air Travel  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on Moroccan authorities to lift the ban on foreign journalists who wish to fly to the city of Laayoune, near the Sahrawi camp of Agdaym Izik which was the scene of violent clashes between Moroccan security forces and the Sahrawi protesters yesterday. "The ban is a serious restriction of journalists' movement and needs to be lifted immediately," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "Reporters need access to the area to inform national and international public about events in Laayoune." Media reports say the flight ban affected a group of twelve Spanish and one French journalists who were travelling to the region.…  
10205. IFJ Backs Union Protests against Restrictions on Moroccan Journalists in Spanish City of Melillia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today backed its Moroccan affiliate, the Syndicat national de la presse marocaine(SNPM), which condemned the Spanish officials in the city of Melillia over the treatment of two Moroccan cameramen who were briefly detained on the border, questioned and denied entry in the city along with three journalists travelling with them. "Restricting movement of journalists on duty without a valid reason is a violation of their rights," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "The events in Melillia matter to the Moroccan public and Spanish authorities should avoid unnecessary action which hinders the work of media covering the events in the…  
10206. IFJ Calls for Swift Action in Russia after Murderous Attack on Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned a brutal attack on a leading Russian journalist and has urged the Russian authorities to act quickly to find the attackers and bring them to justice. Moscow journalist Oleg Kashin, an investigative journalist with Kommersant, one of Russia's best-known national dailies, was set upon on the night of 5-6 November. His attackers, waiting outside his apartment block, beat him so severely that his jaw was broken and both legs fractured. After emergency hospital treatment doctors put him in an induced coma for the next few days. "Regrettably, this is not an isolated incident," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "Our…  
10207. European Journalists Support Strikes at BBC  

The European Federation of Journalists today called on journalists across Europe to support journalists at the BBC who have launched a strike campaign to defend pension rights. At the weekend journalists staged a successful 48-hour stoppage across the network, forcing a number of flagship programmes off the air. Now fresh actions are planned as the network seeks to impose a "pay-more, get-less" retirement plan on thousands of its staff."The BBC journalists are showing the way to tackle head-on the media agenda of cuts and down-grading of staff rights," said Aidan White, EFJ General Secretary. "It's a strike campaign that will resonate in all European media houses where journalists…  
10208. IFJ Backs Croatian Newspaper in Strike for Union Rights  

The International Federation of Journalists( IFJ) today backed a strike by journalists at the Croatian daily newspaper Voice of Istria in a crucial battle over workers’ rights and independent journalism in the country.   The IFJ affiliate the Croatian Journalists’ Union, which organises 117 workers at the Glas Istre Novine company, has called a strike tomorrow after nine months of turmoil at the paper which has seen a company buy-out, plans for massive wage cuts, job losses and internal interference in the work of journalists.   “This strike is a result of management ‘slash and burn’ tactics and a refusal to negotiate with the union,” said…  
10209. EFJ Supports Requests For more Guarantees on Protection of Sources in Austria  

The European Federation of Journalist (EFJ), the European group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), today expressed its strong support in an initiative request by its Austrian affiliate, the GPA-djp to the government to strengthen freedom of expression and protection of sources in Austria. With reference to the European Human Rights Convention and its Article 10 (right to freedom of expression) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), the EFJ affiliate gpa-djp today criticised in a letter to the President of the National Council Barbara Prammer and to Federal chanceler Werner Faymann the lack of respect for press freedom and protection of sources in…  
10210. The IFJ and FAJ support local calls for the authorities to conduct awareness campaigns within the police force on the operations of the media  

The International Federation of Journalists and its regional group the Federation of African Journalists have added their voices to protests in Zimbabwe following the arrest and harassment of journalists covering political events in the run up to elections and a major referendum on constitutional issues."Feelings are running high and there is political tension," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary, "but that must not lead to intimidation of journalists who are trying to cover high-profile events in an independent and professional manner."The IFJ comments follow statements by the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists, ZUJ and the Southern Africa Journalists, SAJA, which condemned the…  

The authors' group supports reprographic rights organisations (RRO)' initiatives to facilitate the creation of tailored licensing in the digital era that is mutually beneficial for authors and publishers. However, the authors' group is concerned about recent initiatives by the Copyright Clearance Centre and some RROs to enter into traditional business fields of other established collecting societies and by not collective rights management concepts. This Resolution was Introduced to the Boston AGM October 2010 by the Authors group within IFRRO that met on the  26 October in Boston.Read here  

The authors' group supports reprographic rights organisations (RRO)' initiatives to facilitate the creation of tailored licensing in the digital era that is mutually beneficial for authors and publishers. However, the authors' group is concerned about recent initiatives by the Copyright Clearance Centre and some RROs to enter into traditional business fields of other established collecting societies and by not collective rights management concepts. This Resolution was Introduced to the Boston AGM October 2010 by the Authors group within IFRRO that met on the  26 October in Boston.Read here  
10213. EFJ guidelines for fair creative competitions  

1. Everyone who enters the competition shall be recognised as the author of the work(s) they enter and shall keep their authors' rights in the work(s) they submit (their copyright).2. Authors' moral rights shall be respected: the work(s) shall not be altered and the author shall be credited whenever and wherever the work is used or reproduced.3. The competition organisers shall clearly state in the competition regulations the uses they wish to make of the work(s) submitted. The purposes of these uses shall be limited to promotion of the competition in material the competition organisers publish and agreed uses of the winning work(s) when publishing the results.4. It…  
10214. EFJ Focus, October 2010  

EFJ Focus is a monthly bulletin of the European Federation of Journalists, produced by the Secretariat in Brussels. The newsletter is available in English, French and German. Further Information: Tel: 32-2-235.22.15/02 Fax: 32-2-235.22.19 E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]  
10216. China Security Bureau Confiscates Magazine  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is disturbed to learn that the Beijing Security Bureau has confiscated copies of a free magazine.   Bureau officers confiscated The Holy Mountain, a Christian magazine published by Zhongfu Holy Mountain Institute, in Beijing on October by 27. They gave no explanation.   According to Radio Free Asia, Fan Yafeng, who is in charge of the magazine, said the printing company advised him that security bureau officers raided the printing premises and removed all the magazines.   The action is reminiscent of the confiscation of The Holy Mountain during the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008.   Fan, a well-known…  
10217. Massacre Survivor Reports Intimidation In Southern Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned for the safety of a journalist who narrowly escaped the massacre of at least 57 people in Mindanao in the southern Philippines last November, after he reported being watched and photographed by unidentified men.   The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), an IFJ affiliate, reported that Philippine Daily Inquirer correspondent Aquiles Zonio told colleagues he saw two unidentified men loitering and taking photographs outside his home in General Santos City, Mindanao, for three successive days from October 24.   “The IFJ is deeply worried that any journalist should feel…  
10218. "Bringing Europe's cultural heritage online", EFJ statement  

Public Hearing on:"Bringing Europe's cultural heritage online"European Federation of Journalists Statement, 28th October 2010The EFJ represents 50 journalists unions and associations in 34 countries across Europe.Today we are witnessing a complete change in the way news is produced and how journalists work. The digital environment has offered our colleagues new platforms to publish on and new sources of information (Twitter, Facebook, blogs). This shift has also reinforced concerns faced by the profession about ·        a  drop in ethical standards, ·        a lack of respect and loss…  
10219. "Bringing Europe's cultural heritage online", EFJ statement  

Public Hearing on: "Bringing Europe's cultural heritage online" European Federation of Journalists Statement, 28th October 2010 The EFJ represents 50 journalists unions and associations in 34 countries across Europe. Today we are witnessing a complete change in the way news is produced and how journalists work. The digital environment has offered our colleagues new platforms to publish on and new sources of information (Twitter, Facebook, blogs). This shift has also reinforced concerns faced by the profession about ·        a  drop in ethical standards, ·        a lack of respect and loss…  
10220. Pacific Media Freedom Defenders Join IFJ Meeting In Samoa  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) opened a Media for Democracy and Human Rights in the Pacific regional meeting and training workshop in Apia, Samoa, on Wednesday.   In an opening event at the Millenia Hotel, hosted by the Journalists’ Association of Samoa (JAWS), Samoan Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Lupesoliai Malielegaoi emphasised the value of media responsibility in the pursuit of media freedom in the Pacific.   More than 30 leading media practitioners from the Pacific island states of American Samoa, Cook Islands, Fiji, Niue, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Tonga and Tuvalu are attending the four-day event in Samoa.…  
Search results 10151 until 10220 of 15063