15063 results:

9031. Journalists in Sri Lanka Meet with U.N. Human Rights Head, Call for Action on Media Freedom  

  Media Release: Sri Lanka                                                                                   30 August 2013         Journalists in Sri Lanka, represented by a coalition of seven different organisations, yesterday met with the delegation of the…  
9032. Investigators Must Rescind Order Seeking News Sources in India’s Manipur State  

  Media Release: India                                  August 29 2013             Police investigators inquiring into the source of a picture published in a daily in the north-eastern Indian state of Manipur in 2010 are intruding into press freedom, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) warned.   Reports from the All Manipur Working Journalists’ Union (AMWJU), a unit of the IFJ-affiliated Indian Journalists’ Union (IJU) indicate that the…  
9033. SWAT team raids radio station  

Media Release: Philippines 29 August 2013 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in condemning the raid in the central provincial capital of Iloilo City by the local police force’s Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) squad on radio station Aksyon Radyo early Sunday morning. The NUJP reports that the Iloilo City chief of police Ruperto Floro described the tactics employed by his men as “standard operating procedure”. The raid, which was captured on CCTV, demonstrates that Filipino security forces are improperly trained in their human rights responsibilities and lack…  
9034. Journalists in Sri Lanka Petition National Human Rights Commission  

  Media Release: Sri Lanka                                                                                   28 August 2013             The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) extends its support to affiliates and…  
9035. Mainland journalist is criminally charged after exposing corruption  

Media Release: China                                          August 28, 2013 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the decision by the Chinese police to charge a journalist with disturbing public order after he exposed a Government official suspected of involvement in a corruption case. Liu Hu, a journalist with the Guangdong-based newspaper New Express, wrote about the case on the internet using his real name. Liu was reportedly detained on…  
9036. Richard Kho, Bonifacio Loreto  

The two columnists for the Aksyon Ngayon newspaper were killed in a drive-by shooting incident, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ). Two unidentified assailants on motorcycles shot at close range Richard and Bonifacio as they stood outside a convenience store in the Quezon City neighborhood of Manila, said CPJ quoting news reports. Authorities said the journalists died from multiple gunshot wounds and that police recovered several .45 caliber and 9-millimeter shells from the crime scene, the reports added. Kho's daughter, Richelle, told local radio station Radyo Inquirer 990 AM that her father's murder could have been related to his reporting,…  
9037. Journalists’ Home Raided by Armed Intruders in Sri Lanka  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins partners and affiliates, the Free Media Movement (FMM) and the Sri Lanka Working Journalists’ Association (SLWJA) in strongly condemning the armed raid on a journalist couple in Colombo just before dawn on August 24. FMM and SLWJA report that a group of masked men, armed with knives and what seemed to be hand grenades, forced their way into the home of Mandana Ismail Abeywickrema and Romesh Abeywickrema. The men ransacked the house, took away valuable items including jewelry and, curiously, closely examined files and documents belonging to the couple. Mandana is associate editor of the Sunday Leader, and her husband…  
9038. Armed home invasion of Sri Lankan journalist couple  

Media Release: Sri Lanka                                                                                   August 26 2013          The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins partners and affiliates, the Free Media Movement (FMM) and the Sri Lanka…  
9039. ​ Prison Sentence Given to Manning "Harsh" and "Unjust" says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today joined the chorus of civil liberties groups, press freedom organisations and unions in criticising the 35-year prison sentence given to Chelsea Manning as "harsh", "unjust" and "unfair". Chelsea, who recently announced she had changed her name from Bradley and will undergo hormone therapy, was sentenced by a military court for passing on classified military documents to WikiLeaks. "This is a clear signal to whistleblowers about the price they will pay for leaking governments' secrets in their attempt to inform their citizens about what is been done in their names. Not only will they lose their job but also their…  
9040. IFJ Condemns Gang-rape of Photojournalist in India’s Mumbai City  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is shocked and horrified to learn of the gang-rape of a photojournalist in the western Indian metropolis of Mumbai on 22 August. According to media reports, the 22-year old photojournalist, an intern with a Mumbai magazine, had gone on assignment to the busy Mahalaxmi area on the evening of 22 August. She was accompanied by a male colleague. While shooting in and around the compound of an abandoned textile mill in the area, the two were accosted by five persons who accused them of trespass. Media reports indicate that three among the five then proceeded to brutally assault the woman photojournalist, while two others…  
9041. IFJ/EFJ Call for Anti-Terrorism Law Review after Attacks on Freedom of British Media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have joined their affiliate, the National Union of Journalists (UK and Ireland), in condemning the detention of David Miranda and the destruction of documents held by the Guardian, stating that these incidents are new attacks on media freedom and a gross misuse of the law. Miranda, the partner of Glenn Greenwald, the Guardian journalist reporting on the mass surveillance programmes by the United Sates National Security Agency (NSA), was held by British police at Heathrow airport for nine hours on Sunday, 18 August, under schedule 7 of the UK's anti-terror laws. Schedule 7…  
9042. Adolphous Okonkwo, Olatunde Ojenike, Afayat Odunsi  

The three journalists , members of the IFJ affiliate in Nigeria, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) were killed in a road accident. Adolphous Okonkwo, of the Voice of Nigeria (VON), Olatunde Ojenike of Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) and chairman of Radio Nigeria Ibadan Network Centre Chapel, as well as Afayat Odunsi of the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA), were killed in a road accident. According to NUJ, Adolphous Okonkwo, of the Voice of Nigeria (VON), Olatunde Ojenike of Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) and chairman of Radio Nigeria Ibadan Network Centre Chapel, as well as Afayat Odunsi of the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA), were part…  
9043. Tamer Abdel Raouf  

The regional bureau chief of Egypt's daily Al Ahram was shot by soldiers at an army check point shortly after the start of the curfew in Damanhur in the Nile delta province of Buheira. Another journalist, Hamed Al Barbari, a reporter for the daily Al Gumhuria, who was travelling with him in the car, was also shot in the hand and leg and has beeen hospitalised. "It is shocking that trigger-happy security forces shoot to kill without any attempt to establish the identity of the journalists. This seems to be a case of shoot first and ask questions later, which is unacceptable," said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. "If journalists and media personnel, who are officially exempt form…  
9044. Ahmed Sharif Ahmed  

According to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) an IFJ affiliate, Ahmed Sharif Ahmed, a senior technician of the government owned Radio Mogadishu was killed on 17 August in the morning at his home in the district of Shibis, north Mogadishu, by three men armed with pistols. Killers escaped from the scene. “We call on authorities to investigate this murder and bring perpetrators to book. Somalia must not be a country where journalists and media practitioners are constantly targeted. Security of journalists and media workers must be guaranteed and press freedom promoted,” said Gabriel Baglo, IFJ Africa Director. NUSOJ said the motive and culprits of the murder…  
9045. Ahmed Abdel Gawad, Mick Deane, Mosab El-Shami  

Four journalists were killed as Egyptian security forces moved in to break up the pro- Morsi sit-ins in Cairo. Ahmed Abdel Gawad, reporter for Al Akhbar newspaper and for Canal Misr 25, was killed while covering the crackdown at Rabaah al-Adawiya mosque. Sky News cameraman Mick Deane was shot while covering the violence and died soon after he was treated for his injuries. Photographer Mosab El-Shami for Rassd news website (RNN) was also shot dead near the mosque. Habiba Ahmed Abd Elaziz, who worked for the UAE-based Xpress newspaper, died from gunshot wounds but her newspaper confirmed she was not on any official assignment but had gone home on annual leave. ‘‘We are…  
9046. As Crisis of Corporate Media Mounts, IFJ Calls for New Deal for India’s Journalists  

  Media Release: India                                                                                        August 23 2013            The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and partners in the South Asia Media…  
9047. IFJ and SAMSN Condemn Attack on Pakistan Newspaper Office  

Media Release: Pakistan                                                                               August 22, 2013 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and partners in the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) join colleagues in the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in…  
9048. IFJ Condemns Killing of Egyptian Journalist in Damanhur  

The International Federation of Journalists has condemned the killing on Monday night, 19 August, of Egyptian daily Al Ahram''s bureau regional chief, Tamer Abdel Raouf, shot by soldiers shortly after the beginning of the curfew at an army check point in Damanhur in the Nile delta province of Buheira.Another journalist, Hamed Al Barbari, a reporter for the daily Al Gumhuria, who was travelling with him in the car, was also shot in the hand and leg and has beeen hospitalised."It is shocking that trigger-happy security forces shoot to kill without any attempt to establish the identity of the journalists. This seems to be a case of shoot first and ask…  
9049. New IFJ Newsletter Available Now Online  

The first edition of the IFJ's new Newsletter is now available for you to read in English, French and Spanish. The Newsletter contains the latest news, events and updates from the IFJ centrally and its regions across the world. It will be issued every two months.   Got a smartphone? Scan the QR code and read the Focus while you are on the move! To subscribe to the IFJ Newsletter, simply click HERE.ENGLISH FRENCH SPANISH  
9050. IFJ Condemns the Murder of a Media Worker in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today has condemned the murder of a media worker in Somalia. According to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) an IFJ affiliate, Ahmed Sharif Ahmed, a senior technician of the government owned Radio Mogadishu was killed on 17 August in the morning at his home in the district of Shibis, north Mogadishu, by three men armed with pistols. Killers escaped from the scene. “We call on authorities to investigate this murder and bring perpetrators to book. Somalia must not be a country where journalists and media practitioners are constantly targeted. Security of journalists and media workers must be guaranteed and…  
9051. IFJ urges All Chinese Journalists Association to defend media rights  

Media Release: China                                          August 15, 2013   The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is frustrated to learn that three journalists in China have been detained by police, prevented from reporting on the misdeeds of some Government officials, or put under pressure to leave their jobs.   Chen Baocheng, a journalist with the Caixin media group, was allegedly detained by police in Pingdu, Shandong Province, on August 10 on the…  
9052. Cable TV Broadcasts Blocked as Protests Engulf Darjeeling in West Bengal State  

  Media Release: India                                                                                        August 12 2013                      The International Federation of…  
9053. IFJ and SAMSN Mourn Passing of I.H. Rashid, Veteran Leader of Pakistan Journalists  

Media Release: Pakistan                                                                               August 9, 2013 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and partners in the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) join colleagues in the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in…  
9054. IFJ/EFJ Saddened by Death of Russian Journalist from Severe Beating  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its European group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) are deeply saddened by the death of Russian journalist Mikhail Beketov on Monday 8 April. The former editor of the independent newspaper Khimkinskaya Pravda died of heart failure in a Moscow hospital after choking on food. In November 2008, Beketov was beaten up and left out in the cold to die. He lost three fingers and part of his leg and suffered long term brain damage. Mr Beketov's death this week was a direct consequence of the injuries he sustained in that assault. "I am deeply saddened, but also angry to hear of the death of Mikhail Beketov. Our…  
9055. IFJ/EFJ Condemn Murder of Journalist in Russia’s North Caucasus  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its European group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), have strongly condemned the murder of prominent journalist Akhmednabi Akmednabiyev in Dagestan, in Russia's North Caucasus, early yesterday morning, Tuesday 9 July. According to media reports, Akmednabiyev was in his car, just 50 meters from his home, at 7am when the unknown attackers began shooting, killing him at the scene. The attackers then fled the scene in their car. "We express our deep sadness following the murder of our colleague, the highly respected and prominent journalist Akhmednabi Akmednabiyev," said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. "This…  
9056. Ergenekon: A Trial Against Democracy and Freedom of Expression  

This is the account of EFJ Observer, Patrick Kamenka, who attended the Ergenekon trial in Turkey's Silivri Jail, just outside Istanbul, on Monday: Heavy sentences were pronounced against 21 Turkish journalists (one of them received a life sentence) involved in the Ergenekon case by a court which met inside Silivri's jail (60 km west of Istanbul) compound on Monday 5 August.Tuncay Özkan, former owner of BizTV, was sentenced to heavy life imprisonment and Mutafa Balbay, journalist with the Cumhuriyet opposition newspaper and an MP (elected in jail) was condemned to 34 years and eight months. Yalçin Kücük was sentenced to 22 years and six months. These three…  
9057. IFJ and FAJ Mourn Three Journalists Killed in Accident in Nigeria  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its African regional group, the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), today mourn three journalists who were killed in an accident in Nigeria, and have expressed their deepest sympathies to the ten other survivors.   According to IFJ and FAJ affiliate, the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), members of the Nigeria Union of Journalists from Lagos and Oyo States were involved in a motor accident on Friday, August 2. The delegation left Abuja earlier on August 2 after a meeting at the NUJ National Secretariat and their car had an accident between Ile Ife and Ilesha in Osun State (south west). All the victims in…  
9058. IFJ demands Hong Kong Police protect media  

Media Release: Hong Kong August 6, 2013    The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns a series of attacks and the blocking of photographers by unidentified people while they were carrying out their duties on August 4, 2013.   On August 4, at least five people verbally attacked, blocked and pushed photographers to the ground when they were recording a scuffle at Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Lo Kwok-Fai, of Next Magazine, a subsidiary of Next Media Group, was pushed to the ground by unidentified men three times when he was trying to film the scuffle, which occurred between hundreds of supporters of an outspoken teacher and her detractors. Lo…  
9059. View the 'Safety Advice' Section on the IFJ's New Safety Website  

The new IFJ Safety Website has a host of resources, information and tools to promote the safety of journalists and prepare them for working in difficult locations. One of these resources is the ‘Safety Advice' section of the website.   This section, which will be regularly updated, contains advice on safety for journalists who need to work or travel to regions affected by conflicts, political instability and outbreak of diseases as well as natural disasters. To view the ‘Safety Advice' section of the new website please click HERE    For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 17 The IFJ represents more than 600.000 journalists in 134…  
9060. Journalists Harassed and Attacked as Army Cracks Down on Peaceful Protesters  

Media Release: Sri Lanka                                                                                    6 August 2013              The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its partners and affiliates in Sri Lanka, the Free Media…  
9061. IFJ Launches Portal Dedicated to Campaign for Media Protection  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today launched a website dedicated to the safety and protection of media. The website will provide a one stop portal for all IFJ activities to promote the safety of journalists and to combat the impunity for violence targeting media. "With the continued onslaught on journalists in trouble spots around the globe, hundreds of reporters, editors and their support staff face persecution, intimidation, torture and even death simply for doing their job," said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. "The International Federation of Journalists now plays a unique role in safeguarding the lives of journalists everywhere.…  
9062. China forces shut down 107 websites  

  Media Release: China                                                  August 2, 2013   The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned that 107 websites have been forced to shut down by the State Internet Information Office of China. The closures have occurred since a crackdown was launched by the newly formed department General Administration of Press and Publication, Broadcasting, Film and Television on May…  
9063. IFJ Launches Safety Portal Dedicated to Campaign for Media Protection  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today launched a website dedicated to the safety and protection of media. The website will provide a one stop portal for all IFJ activities to promote the safety of journalists and to combat the impunity for violence targeting media. “With the continued onslaught on journalists in trouble spots around the globe, hundreds of reporters, editors and their support staff face persecution, intimidation, torture and even death simply for doing their job,” said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. “The International Federation of Journalists now plays a unique role in safeguarding the lives of journalists everywhere.…  
9064. IFJ Urges All Factions in Egypt to Protect Safety of Journalists Following Solidarity Mission  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called for all factions involved in the Egyptian crisis to take immediate steps to ensure the safety and protection of journalists. The call follows media reports that Egyptian photographer Ahmed Assem el-Senousy was killed in Cairo yesterday morning, Monday 8 July. According to reports, el-Senousy, 26, was shot by a sniper while covering clashes between security forces and pro-Morsi protestors at the Republican Guards' headquarters. The Egyptian Journalists Syndicate (EJS) has expressed its sadness at the loss of a colleague and condemned those people who "disregard the safety of journalists who are doing their…  
9065. Journalists at South Asia Meet Call for Gender Fairness and Equity  

  Media Release: SAMSN 1 August 2013   The eleventh annual meeting of the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) at Kathmandu, welcomes the integration of gender issues into the SAMSN agenda through the initiative of gender roundtables in several countries of the region. These round-tables have culminated in the first gender networking conference of SAMSN and the adoption of a gender charter in Kathmandu, Nepal.   SAMSN seeks to be the common voice of journalists from South Asia. It represents all regional affiliates of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) in coalition with journalists' organisations and press freedom partners working for a…  
9066. FMM Activist Seetha Ranjanee Awarded for Press Freedom Work  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has extended it congratulations to Seetha Ranjanee, senior journalist and press freedom activist, who has been honoured with the Sepala Gunasena Award for Press Freedom.For many years Seetha Ranjanee has been associated with IFJ's affiliate in Sri Lanka, the Free Media Movement (FMM). She has served several terms in the key positions of Convenor and Secretary of the FMM. At the moment she is a member of the executive committee of the FMM, as well as the Sri Lanka Journalists' Association, another affiliate of the IFJ. Ranjanee was honoured as part of the annual Journalism Awards for Excellence, organised jointly by the Editors'…  
9067. Employees Sue for Dues as Indian Publisher Shuts Down Three Magazines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins partners and affiliates in India in expressing concern at the recent decision by the Outlook group to shut down three magazines it was publishing as part of a franchise arrangement with global media concerns.In a statement released on Friday, Outlook Publishing (India) Ltd (OPIL), announced that it would be terminating its franchise agreements in India with People, Geo and Marie Claire, all of which would cease publication after issues in press were printed and delivered.   The IFJ learns that the editorial staff at these publications had no prior warning of the management decision.The Outlook decision comes just days…  
9068. IFJ Calls On South Sudan To Release Two Ugandan Journalists Detained In The Country  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the authorities in South Sudan to release two Ugandan journalists, detained in the country. According to Uganda Journalists Union (UJU) an IFJ affiliate, journalist Justin Dralaze, a correspondent for Reuters and journalist Hilary Ayesiga were reportedly picked up by security officials on Saturday, 27 July from the streets of Juba before being detained in a military establishment.   “We call on authorities in South Sudan to release the journalists immediately and unconditionally, in the interest of press freedom, good governance and the rule of law,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ…  
9069. Alberto Lopez Bello  

The journalist, who covered the police beat in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, was found dead reportedly with gunshot wounds. It was unclear whether Alberto Lopez Bello was attacked in retaliation for his work for El Imparcial, a newspaper in the city of Oaxaca, the state capital. The paper published a brief statement on Wednesday demanding a thorough investigation and saying that the killing “demonstrates the vulnerability to which communicators are exposed in their daily work of providing truthful and timely information to the citizenry.” The Oaxacan state government said that Lopez's body was found along with the corpse of another man in Trinidad de Viguera, a city…  
9070. Mohammed Darrar Jammo  

The pro-Syrian government journalist, was killed in the coastal town of Sarafand, southern Lebanon and a stronghold of Hezbollah where he was living with his Lebanese wife. Reports said that Jammo, a well-known staunch supporter of Syrian President Assad, was gunned down with automatic rifles shot at close range in his apartment. His killers escaped. Source: AP  
9071. IFJ Condemns Closure of Gaza News Agencies  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today condemned the closure of two news organisations in Gaza, stating that the right to freedom of expression must be upheld. According to media reports, the Ma'an news agency and Al-Arabiya TV bureaus in Gaza were closed yesterday, Thursday 25 July, by the Hamas attorney general, with a Hamas official stating that Al-Aribiya's office had been closed "for distributing false news regarding the smear campaign against Hamas and Gaza about what's happening in Egypt." Regarding the closure of Ma'an's office, media reports have also quoted a Hamas official as saying that the agency "deliberately publishes false…  
9072. Journalists at South Asia Meet Call for a New Deal on Wages and Working Conditions  

Media Release: SAMSN 25 July 2013 The  eleventh annual meeting of the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) at Kathmandu, between July 21 and 23, takes serious note of the continuing crisis of livelihoods for journalists and media workers in all eight countries of South Asia. SAMSN seeks to be the common voice of journalists from South Asia. It represents all regional affiliates of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) in coalition with journalists' organisations and press freedom partners working for a free and fair media founded on sound and ethical journalism. The eleventh SAMSN meeting observes that despite statutory…  
9073. Journalists at South Asia Meet Reaffirm Commitment to Press Freedom and Social Justice  

Media Release: SAMSN 25 July 2013   Journalists and media practitioners from all eight countries of South Asia met at Kathmandu between July 21 and 23 for the eleventh annual meeting of the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN). The meeting took note of the continuing deterioration in press freedom in the region and resolved that as the key platform for collective union action in South Asia, SAMSN would continue its campaign of advocacy on the many challenges faced by journalists in the region.   SAMSN seeks to be the common voice of journalists from South Asia. It represents all regional affiliates of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) in…  
9074. Freedom of Turkish Journalists Congress a ‘Magnificent Show of Solidarity’, say IFJ/EFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today hailed the second congress of the Campaign for Freedom of Turkish Journalists held yesterday in Istanbul as a magnificent show of solidarity between Turkish journalists and press freedom and civil rights organisations in opposition to the crackdown by the Turkish government on journalists.The congress, organised by the Journalists' Freedom Platform including two IFJ affiliates in Turkey - the Turkish Journalists' Syndicate (TGS) and the Progressive Journalists' Association - in conjunction with a wide platform of concerned groups brought together representatives of international…  
9075. TURKEY: EFJ Outraged by Latest Dismissal of Critical Journalist  

    The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), together with its affiliate in Turkey, the Türkiye Gazeteciler Sendikasi (TGS) has today expressed its outrage at the dismissal of senior Turkish journalist, Yavuz Baydar, from the daily newspaper Sabah.    “It is a scandal that such a long-standing experienced journalist has been dismissed for taking a critical stance against the government,” said EFJ Vice-President Nadezda Azhgikhina, in Istanbul to attend the Second Freedom for Journalists Congress, organised by the Turkish Journalists' Freedom Platform with the TGS as its term chair. Held on the 105th anniversary of the abolition of official…  
9076. IFJ/EFJ Condemn Continued Detention of Tomislav Kezarovski  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its European group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), have condemned the continued imprisonment of Macedonian journalist Tomislav Kezarovski after he was yesterday, Wednesday 24 July, remanded in custody for a further 30 days. According to IFJ and EFJ affiliate, the Trade Union of Macedonian Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM), Kezarovski appeared in court in Macedonia's capital city Skopje where the ruling was taken to extend his detention. The journalist, who has already been held in custody for the last two months, is believed to be on hunger strike in protest at the decision. "We are deeply concerned at…  
9077. Release of Yemeni Journalist is a Victory for Press Freedom, says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today  welcomed the release of Yemeni journalist Abdulelah Haider Shaye, stating that it is a victory for press freedom and thanking the Yemen Journalists Syndicate (YJS) for its hard work and commitment in securing his freedom. According to the YJS, Shaye was released by the President of Yemen, Adb Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, yesterday evening, Tuesday 23 July, after serving three years of a five year prison sentence. He had been pardoned by former Yemeni President, Ali Adballah Saleh, but was being kept behind bars at the behest of the US administration for alleged links with al Qaida. "We welcome this great news that…  
9078. Resolutions from IFJ World Congress Available Online  

On 4 - 7 June 2013, the IFJ held its World Congress in Dublin, Ireland, and adopted a number of resolutions. You can now view both the Urgent and Non-Urgent Motions on our website by clicking here  
9079. Akhmednabi Akmednabiyev  

The deputy chief editor of Novoye Delo ( New Business) newspaper was killed by gunmen in Dagestan, Russia’s North Caucus . According to media reports, Akmednabiyev was in his car, just 50 meters from his home, when the unknown attackers began shooting, killing him at the scene. The attackers then fled the scene in their car.Media reports say that Akhmednabiyev had written articles criticising local authorities and insurgent groups. He is said to have received repeated death threats and in January of this year he survived an attempt on his life when attackers also fired shots at his car.The killing comes just weeks after the IFJ and its Russian affiliate, the Russian Federation of…  
9080. IFJ Condemns Murder of Prominent TV Journalist in Honduras  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has strongly condemned the murder of well-known TV journalist Anibal Barrow whose remains were found in northern Honduras this week. According to media reports, Honduran authorities on Wednesday, 10 July, confirmed that the remains discovered in a neighbourhood in the city of Villanueva are those of Anibal Barrow, a highly respected journalist in the country. Barrow, 58, a popular morning news anchor on Globo TV, one of Honduras's largest broadcasters, was abducted by armed men in San Pedro Sula on June 24."We express our shock and deep sadness at the loss of our highly respected colleague Anibal Barrow," said…  
9081. IFJ Gender Newsletter July 2013  

The IFJ Gender Newsletter is out now, CLICK to read.  
9082. Police continue to harass photographer  

Media Release: China July 10, 2013 The International Federation of Journalists welcomes the release of photographer Du Bin by Beijing police after he was detained for more than a month. Du, 41, a former New York Times photographer, was detained by Fengtai district police on May 31. He was released on July 8 but the police imposed a restriction on his movement for a period of one year. “I have to report to them if I change my telephone number or residential address,” Du added. “I can’t leave China because all my travelling documents, my identity card, my credit card and even my bank account card are detained by police.” Early in his…  
9083. IFJ Condemns Arrest of Student Journalist in Zimbabwe  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the arrest and detention of Leopold Munhende, a student journalist with the Masvingo Mirror, by the Masvingo Police on Tuesday, 9 July 2013.  Munhende was arrested while taking pictures of long queues of people trying to register as voters.   “The authorities in Zimbabwe should desist from any act of intimidation and harassment of journalists as this is a very crucial period in the nation’s political history,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa office.” “During this period it is the right of every citizen to seek and receive information as concerns their right to…  
9084. IFJ/EFJ Condemn Murder of Journalist in Russia’s North Caucasus  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its European group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), have strongly condemned the murder of prominent journalist Akhmednabi Akmednabiyev in Dagestan, in Russia's North Caucasus, early yesterday morning, Tuesday 9 July. According to media reports, Akmednabiyev was in his car, just 50 meters from his home, at 7am when the unknown attackers began shooting, killing him at the scene. The attackers then fled the scene in their car. "We express our deep sadness following the murder of our colleague, the highly respected and prominent journalist Akhmednabi Akmednabiyev," said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. "This is the…  
9086. National Union of Journalists India elects new office bearers  

National Union of Journalists India elects new office bearers   The International Federation of Journalists congratulates the newly elected office bearers of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ [I]). The elected positions were announced at the 17th Biennial Conference of NUJ (I), held at Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh on June 15, 16 & 17, 2013. The Honourable Vice President of India Shri M. Hamid Ansari inaugurated the Biennial Conference.   President:                          Mr Uppala Lakshman   Vice-presidents:    …  
9087. IFJ and FAJ Condemn the Over-Criminalising Media Bill in The Gambia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Africa group, the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), today strongly condemned the recent amendments made to the 2009 Information and Communication Act in The Gambia, relating to “internet offences” which was passed into law by the National Assembly on Wednesday, 3 July, 2013. Any person convicted under this law is liable to “a fine of three (3) million Dalasis (about 100,000 USD) or imprisonment for   15 years or to both the fine and imprisonment”.  According to the Information and Communication Amendment Act (2013) “A person commits an offence if he or she uses the internet to – spread false news against…  
9088. IFJ Urges All Factions in Egypt to Protect Safety of Journalists Following Solidarity Mission  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called for all factions involved in the Egyptian crisis to take immediate steps to ensure the safety and protection of journalists. The call follows media reports that Egyptian photographer Ahmed Assem el-Senousy was killed in Cairo yesterday morning, Monday 8 July. According to reports, el-Senousy, 26, was shot by a sniper while covering clashes between security forces and pro-Morsi protestors at the Republican Guards' headquarters.The Egyptian Journalists Syndicate (EJS) has expressed its sadness at the loss of a colleague and condemned those people who "disregard the safety of journalists who are doing their job." "We all…  
9089. Ahmed Assem el-Senousy  

The photographer (26) was shot dead by a sniper while covering clashes between security forces and pro-Morsi protestors at the Republican Guards’ headquarters in Cairo.  
9090. Australia discussing fair use exception  

"The Australian Law Reform Commission has released a discussion paper recommending sweeping changes to the copyright regime including replacing existing exceptions in the Copyright Act with a "fair use" exception and removing existing statutory licences", reports the Media Enternatinment and Arts Alliance, an IFJ affiliate. MEAA explains that the introduction of fair use in copyright law would have the following negative implications for journalists :·repeal of the statutory licences would likely result in reduced licence fees collected by Copyright Agency, including for journalists;·new ‘free' exceptions will also reduce opportunities for licensing solutions to…  
9091. Australia discussing fair use exception  

"The Australian Law Reform Commission has released a discussion paper recommending sweeping changes to the copyright regime including replacing existing exceptions in the Copyright Act with a "fair use" exception and removing existing statutory licences", reports the Media Enternatinment and Arts Alliance, an IFJ affiliate. MEAA explains that the introduction of fair use in copyright law would have the following negative implications for journalists :·repeal of the statutory licences would likely result in reduced licence fees collected by Copyright Agency, including for journalists;·new ‘free' exceptions will also reduce opportunities for licensing solutions to…  
9092. IFJ urges Hong Kong Government to defend press freedom  

Media Release: Hong Kong                                          July 9, 2013   The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) in condemning the refusal of the Hong Kong Government to categorically support press freedom.   In Dark Clouds on the Horizon, the HKJA’s annual report on the state of Hong Kong’s media, the HKJA found there had been a deterioration in press freedom in Hong Kong…  
9093. IFJ Condemns “Cold-Blooded” Murder of Somali Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today unreservedly condemned the brutal murder of journalist Liban Abdullahi Farah in Somalia.According to IFJ affiliate in Somalia, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), Farah, 25, who had been working for Bossasso-based Somali Broadcasting Corporation (SBC) and London-based Kalsan TV, was killed instantly when three unidentified assailants opened fire on him in the Barahley neighborhood of Galkayo town on Sunday night, 7 July, 2013."We all mourn the tragic death of our colleague Liban Abdullah Farah, a highly respected and experienced journalist who worked for several radio and TV stations in Galkayo and leaves behind a…  
9094. Liban Abdullahi Farah  

Farah, who worked for Bossasso-based Somali Broadcasting Corporation (SBC) and London-based Kalsan TV, was shot dead in Puntland, according to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ).NUSOJ says that the journalist was attacked by unidentified gunmen in Barahley neighborhood of Galkayo town while he was walking home. He was shot six times and was rushed to hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival. Farah became the fifth journalist killed since the start of the year, NUSOJ added.  
9095. FAJ Condemns the High Handed Sentences meted out to two Journalists in Somaliland  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) today condemned in the strongest terms possible the high handed sentences slammed on two journalists by a Hargeisa Court in Somaliland. Journalist Hassan Hussein Abdullahi, also known as Keefkeef, was sentenced to two-years in prison and fined two million Somaliland shilling, while journalist Mohamed Ahmed Jama, received a one year jail sentence and a fine of one million Somaliland shillings.   According to National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), a FAJ affiliate, “Hassan Hussein Abdullahi and Mohamed Ahmed Jama, editor-in-chief and director of Hubaal newspaper respectively, were officially indicted by the Hargeisa regional…  
9096. IFJ Condemns Treatment of Media Staff in Egypt  

The International Federation of Journalists has condemned the closure of media stations in Egypt and demanded the immediate release of any media staff who are being detained.According to Al Jazeera, Egyptian military forces raided the Cairo offices of its Egyptian station, Al Jazeera Mubashir Misr, on Wednesday night, disrupting its live broadcast. Twenty seven members of staff were detained, with most released later. However, the channel says its managing director, Ayman Gaballah, remains in custody. It has also been reported by state news agency MENA that Misr25, the Muslim Brotherhood's television station, was taken off the air hours after President Morsi was ousted by military forces.…  
9097. Salah Eddin Hassan  

Mr Hassan, 38, who worked for the local Shaab Misr newspaper, was killed on 28 June in an explosion that is believed to have been caused by a home-made hand grenade while reporting on a protest against Egyptian President, Mohamed Morsi, in the city’s Al-Shuhada Square. "We mourn the death of our colleague who was senselessly murdered while carrying out his professional duty," said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. “Mr Hassan, who leaves a wife and two children, was a dedicated journalist who was there to observe and report on the protest. Those responsible for his brutal murder must be brought to justice and pay for their crimes."Another 15 people were injured by the explosion. Initial reports…  
9099. Korean Newspaper HankookIIbo Locks Out Journalists  

Media Release: Korea July 4, 2013 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Korean affiliate in strongly condemning the actions of the owner and chairman of Korean daily newspaper HankookIIbo, Chang Jae-ku. On June 15 Chang Jae-ku locked over 180 journalists from the newspaper offices. The conflict between the parties arose on May 29 when many of the newspaper’s editorial journalists lodged a complaint with the Seoul Public Prosecutor’s Office accusing Chang of a “breach of trust” in his management of the newspaper. In response, Chang hired private security guards to prevent the journalists, editorial writers and other employees from…  
9100. Media Asosiesen blong Vanuatu Elects Executive Committee  

Media Release: Vanuatu July 2, 2013 The International Federation of Journalists congratulates the newly elected members of the Media Asosiesen blong Vanuatu (MAV) Executive Committee.  The 8 member Executive Committee was elected at the MAV Annual General Meeting on 30th May, 2013. Evelyne Toa, President (Deputy Editor, Vanuatu Independent/Freelance Journalist) Jane Joshua, Vice President (Journalist, Vanuatu Daily Post) Harold Obed, Secretary (Australian High Commission) Antoine Malsungai, Treasurer (Journalist, Vanuatu Broadcasting and Television Corporation) Ericka Emelee, Vice Secretary (Journalist, FM107/Vanuatu Times) Terence…  
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