15041 results:

491. Poland: IFJ and EFJ condemn continued political interference in public broadcasting  

The International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) condemn the repeated interference of political parties from all sides in the management of public broadcasting in Poland. On 23 December, Polish President Andrzej Duda, an ally of Poland's former ruling populists, said he would veto state media subsidies proposed in a budget-related bill as part of a row over the government's reform of state media. The veto will escalate a growing stand-off between Duda and the new pro-EU government of Prime Minister Donald Tusk. The IFJ and EFJ call on political decision-makers to refrain from direct political intervention at TVP. Reforms to ensure the pluralism and independence of the…  
492. Mohammad Saidi (Khalifa), Mohammad Abdul Khaleq Al Ghuf, Huthaifa Lulu  

On 24 December, Mohammad Saidi (Khalifa), the director of Al Aqsa TV, was killed by an Israeli airstrike on his home in the Nuseirat refugee camp in Gaza. On the same day, Mohammad Abdul Khaleq Al Ghuf, a photojournalist working for Al Rai news agency, lost his life while covering the events in Gaza, according to PJS.  In parallel, the body of broadcast engineer Huthaifa Lulu, who had previously worked for Prisoners Radio and Al Quds TV, was found in the rubble. PJS reported that  an Israeli airstrike hit his home, killing the media worker together with his family.  IFJ, impunity, union, Gaza, Palestine, Palestinian, journalist, killing, safety,  
493. Hilary Nosa Odia  

On 24 December, Hilary Nosa Odia, a broadcast journalist working for the Independent Television and Radio (ITV)  was shot and killed by suspected assailants around 2nd East Circular,  in Benin City, the capital of Edo State. Hilary Nosa Odia, journalist, Nigeria, Africa, impunity, safety, IFJ, union,  
494. Ahmad Jamal Madhoun  

On 23 December, Ahmad Jamal Madhoun, deputy director of of Al Rai news agency, who previously worked as an editor for Al Aqsa radio, was killed by an Israeli airstrike in the north of Gaza. Ahmad Jamal Madhoun, Palestine, Palestinian, journalist, Gaza, impunity, IFJ, union,  
495. Guatemala: dos periodistas fueron asesinados en distintos ataques armados  

Gleymer Renan Villeda y César Augusto Leiva Pimentel fueron asesinados a balazos en las localidades de Izabal y Jutiapa. En ambos casos fueron emboscados en sus vehículos particulares por desconocidxs. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas demanda a las autoridades investigaciones urgentes que consideren la profesión de ambos periodistas como posible móvil para los crímenes. El comunicador Gleymer Renan Villeda, del portal “Impacto Izaba”, fue atacado a balazos cuando conducía un vehículo en la localidad de Izabal el jueves 21 de diciembre. Ese mismo día, horas antes, dos hombres en motocicleta emboscaron a César Augusto Leiva Pimentel cuando éste se dirigía a su trabajo en Radio…  
496. México: asesinan a un periodista y a su esposa en San Cristóbal de las Casas  

Mateo González Jiménez, director de la radio Maranatha, fue asesinado a balazos el sábado 16 de diciembre junto a su esposa Rocío López Peréz, en su domicilio en Chamula, municipio de San Cristóbal de las Casas de la provincia de Chiapas. La Fiscalía General del Estado inició una investigación por homicidio calificado. El Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de Prensa (SNRP) emitió un comunicado demandando a las autoridades de los tres poderes del Estado acciones que terminen con la impunidad y violencia contra la prensa. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas acompaña el reclamo del SNRP, repudia estos hechos violentos y exhorta a las autoridades a investigar el caso considerando la labor…  
497. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from December 16th 2023 to December 22nd 2023. Al Jazeera Journalist Whose Family Was Killed in Airstrike Is Wounded in Gaza. Another Has Died - Time Why Gaza war is most deadly conflict for journalists in recent history - France 24 English Deputy General Secretary Tim Dawson - Interview - Al Jazeera  ‘A wonderful human’: Al Jazeera colleagues remember Samer Abudaqa | Israel-Palestine conflict News - Al Jazeera  Is Israel deliberately…  
498. Mohammad Nasser Abu Hweidy  

On 22 December, Mohammad Nasser Abu Hweidy, a photojournalist working for Al Istiqlal newspaper, was killed while covering events in Al Shoja’ia, a neighborhood district of the city of Gaza.  Palestine, Palestinian, killing, journalist, Gaza, Israel, impunity, IFJ, union, safety  
499. Gleymer Renan Villeda, César Augusto Leiva Pimentel  

El 21 de diciembre, el comunicador Gleymer Renan Villeda, del portal “Impacto Izaba”, fue atacado a balazos cuando conducía un vehículo en la localidad de Izabal. Ese mismo día, horas antes, dos hombres en motocicleta emboscaron a César Augusto Leiva Pimentel cuando éste se dirigía a su trabajo en Radio La Red y lo asesinaron con armas de fuego.  Gleymer Renan Villeda, César Augusto Leiva Pimentel, Guatemala, Latin America, FIP, IFJ, impunity, safety journalist, killing  
500. Francisco Ramírez Amador  

El comunicador social Francisco Ramírez Amador fue asesinado de tres impactos de bala el jueves 21 de diciembre a pesar de contar con custodia policial desde mayo de éste año, tras sobrevivir a un atentado. Según fuentes oficiales, Ramírez aguardaba la confirmación de asilo político para abandonar el país y se encontraba bajo elMecanismo Nacional de Protección de Defensores de Derechos Humanos, Periodistas, Comunicadores Sociales y Operadores de Justicia. En el ataque también resultó herido el policía a cargo de su custodia. impunity, Honduras, Latin America, killing, journalist, safety, IFJ, FIP, Francisco Ramírez Amador  
501. Argentina: el presidente Javier Milei decretó medidas que avasallan los derechos laborales  

Durante la noche de ayer, el mandatario argentino impuso por decreto y sin aval legislativo más de 300 modificaciones y derogaciones de leyes para desregular el mercado. Estas medidas flexibilizan las relaciones laborales a niveles inéditos en los 40 años de democracia, atacando no solo el marco regulatorio del trabajo sino el derecho a huelga de numerosos sectores, incluídos los medios de comunicación. Además, mediante este Decreto de Necesidad y Urgencia, convierte a todos los medios públicos en sociedades anónimas como antesala a la privatización. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas rechaza este ataque a los derechos de lxs trabajadorxs y acompaña a la Federación Argentina de…  
502. Northern Cyprus: Basin Sen union leader faces heavy jail charges for criticising Turkish politics  

Ali Kişmir, president of the Cyprus Turkish Journalists' Union (Basin-Sen) will face on 28 December a trial for an opinion article he published on social media back in 2020 in which he criticised the politics of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Accused of "insulting and mocking" the security forces, he faces up to ten years in prison. The International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) stand with Kişmir and urge the authorities of Northern Cyprus to withdraw charges against him. In 2020, Kişmir published an opinion piece on social media, criticising some characteristics of the North Cypriot regime. Three years after the publication of the article he could spend…  
503. #IFJBlog: White Paper Protest: One Year on  

A year after a blank white paper became a powerful symbol of protest against censorship in China, Irene Wang assesses the impact of this brave act of resistance. November 26 marks the first anniversary of the White Paper Protest, also known as the A4 Revolution, sparked by a protest against the deadly consequences of a fire. On November 24, 2022, a fire broke out in a residential block in Urumqi, Xinjiang. The city had been under strict restrictions to contain the COVID-19 pandemic since early August 2022. Many gates in the community were locked to control access to entry and exit in the residential area, hindering rescue operations and blocking residents from escaping. State media…  
504. Maldives: Parliament passes two landmark bills on labour rights  

On December 18, the parliament of Maldives passed the Industrial Relations (IR) Bill and the Occupation Safety and Health (OSH) Bill, a significant achievement for workers and unions following over a decade of activism. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA), in welcoming the passing of the bills, and calling on President Muizzu to ratify the bills as soon as possible. The bills were first introduced in March by Maldivian Democratic Party Member of Parliament Ibrahim Shareef, who submitted the Industrial Relations Bill to establish a legal framework safeguarding the constitutional rights of workers in the Maldives.…  
505. Media Mirror: Unveiling Public Trust in the Maldivian Media  

Commissioned by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA), this report explores citizen trust in the Maldivian media and key influences on media stability such as social media, politics and misinformation. Read the report here. Maldives, Trust, Media, Trust in media, IFJ, MJA, Internews, EU,  
506. Maldives: IFJ research on levels of Maldivian public trust in media  

A new report commissioned by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA) explores citizen trust in the Maldivian media and key influences on media stability such as social media, politics and misinformation. As the country’s new government emerges following the September presidential election, the IFJ and MJA urge President Mohamed Muizzu and all Maldives’ political leaders to respect and support a sustainable, independent media that is less vulnerable to business and political interference. The report, ‘Unveiling Public Trust in the Maldivian Media’, is the first of its kind produced in the country and presents the findings…  
507. Cameroun : L'USYPAC et la FIJ ont organisé un atelier régional sur le renforcement du pouvoir syndical pour les droits démocratiques, la liberté des médias et le travail décent  

L’Union des syndicats de professionnels d’Afrique Centrale (USYPAC), le Syndicat national des journalistes du Cameroun (SNJC) en partenariat avec la Fédération International des Journalistes (FIJ), a organisé a Douala un atelier régional le 16 et 17 décembre 2023, dans le cadre du projet Union to Union (UTU) 2023 sous le thème : Renforcement du pouvoir syndical pour les droits démocratiques, la liberté des médias et le travail décent. L’atelier régional auquel prenait part les dirigeants syndicaux du Congo Brazzaville, du Tchad, Démocratique, de la République du Congo (DRC), du Kenya et du Cameroun avait pour objectifs, le partage d’expérience sur l’Egalite des sexes et la sécurité dans…  
508. Abdallah Alwan  

On 18 December, media worker Abdallah Alwan, who contributed to Al Jazeera owned platform Midan, among other media, was killed in an Israeli airstrike on his home in Jabalia refugee camp, northern Gaza Strip, Al Jazeera Arabic reported. Abdallah Alwan, Gaza, Midan, Palestine, Palestinian, impunity, safety, IFJ, union, killing, journalist,  
509. Hong Kong: Jimmy Lai’s sedition trial begins  

Apple Daily founder Jimmy Lai's long-awaited national security trial will commence on December 18, after three postponements, with the Hong Kong media magnate facing charges of ‘sedition’ and ‘collusion with foreign forces’. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Hong Kong authorities to end the protracted legal persecution of Lai, withdraw all charges against him immediately, and respect the right of independent media and journalists in Hong Kong to freedom of expression. After three postponements from the originally scheduled trial date of December 1, 2022, the national security trial of Apple Daily’s long-targeted founder and media tycoon Jimmy Lai will begin on…  
510. Haneen Ali Al-Qashtan  

On 17 December, journalist Haneen Ali Al-Qashtan, who worked for Sawt Al Watan Radio, was killed along with members of her family in an Israeli bombardment on the Nuseirat refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, PJS reported.  Haneen Ali Al-Qashtan, Gaza, Palestine, Palestinian, impunity, killing, IFJ, union, journalist, safety  
511. Assem Kamal Moussa  

On 16 December, journalist Assem Kamal Moussa, who worked for the Palestine Now network, was killed in an Israeli airstrike that hit his home in the southern city of Khan Yunis, according to PJS and media.  Gaza, Palestine, Palestinian, impunity, killing, journalist, journalism, IFJ, safety, PJS  
512. Journalistes tués à Gaza: c’est l’information qu’on assassine  

La FIJ et ses organisations syndicales en France appellent à une manifestation dimanche 17 décembre, place de la République à Paris à 14 h 00 pour réclamer un cessez-le-feu immédiat à Gaza. "Il est plus qu’urgent d’assurer une protection effective pour tous les journalistes dans la bande de Gaza, mais aussi en Cisjordanie et à la frontière avec le Liban, ainsi que leur liberté de circulation. Il en va du droit à l’information au Proche-Orient, mais aussi en France et dans toute l’Europe." Depuis le 7 octobre, au moins 64 journalistes, travailleuses et travailleurs des médias palestiniens ont été tués par l’armée israélienne. “Il y a aussi en Palestine une guerre contre le journalisme…  
513. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from December 9th 2023 to December 15th 2023. English  Almost 100 journalists killed and 400 imprisoned in 2023, says report - The Guardian Journalists in Gaza need your help. Here’s how - WAN-IFRA - WAN-IFRA International Federation of Journalists on impact of Israel-Hamas war on media workers - AP Archive Gaza conflict accounts for majority of 94 journalists killed so far this year - Irish Examiner Ninety-four Journalists killed in 2023, says…  
514. Samer Abu Daqqa  

On 15 December, PJS and Al Jazeera confirmed the killing of cameraman Samer Abu Daqqa, who worked for Al Jazeera Arabic. He was killed by a drone strike while covering the aftermath of Israeli attacks on a  school in Khan Yunis, southern Gaza Strip. In the same attack, Al Jazeera bureau chief in Gaza, Wael Al-Dahdouh, was wounded.  impunity, safety, IFJ, Al Jazeera, Samer Abu Daqqa, Palesitne, Palestiniam, Gaza, union, killing,  
515. Afghanistan: Media rights violations rise as journalists detained and sentenced  

In another spate of crackdowns on Afghan media workers, journalist Abdul Rahim Mohammadi was reportedly detained by the Taliban’s General Directorate of Intelligence in Kabul on December 4, while on December 10, Radio Nasim manager Sultan Ali Javadi was sentenced to one year in prison in a Taliban court in Nili, Daikundi. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Afghan Independent Journalists Union (AIJU), condemn the journalists’ detention and call on the Taliban to take swift action to cease the increasing number media violations and immediately release all media workers still in custody. On December 4, Mohammadi, a journalist with Kabul’s independent…  
516. Myanmar: Two journalists detained by military  

Two Dawei Watch affiliated journalists, Aung San Oo and Myo Myint Oo, have been arrested at their residences in the city of Myeik in southern Myanmar on December 13 by the country’s military junta. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Myanmar Journalists Network (MJN), condemn the arrest of the journalists and call for their immediate release. Around midnight on December 13, Myeik-based journalists Aung San Oo and Myo Myint Oo from online news portal the Tanintharyi Weekly Journal, published by regional media agency Dawei Watch, were arrested at their homes members of Myanmar’s military. An arrest warrant has yet to be produced and no official reason for…  
517. Pakistan: Women journalists launch national campaign calling for change  

On the eve of Pakistan’s press club elections starting this month, a growing network of women journalists is pushing for much needed reforms within the media industry to represent them more equitably. A new campaign launched today by the Women’s Media Forum Pakistan (WMFP) is calling first on press clubs, unions, and media news outlets to genuinely commit to a ‘change agenda’ at all levels. The “Pakistan’s Media Needs Women” campaign launched off the back of comprehensive national mapping work by the WMFP in recent months looking at the balance of representation in various media outlets. Of an industry that employs an estimated 15,000 journalists and media workers, between 5 to 30 per cent…  
518. Joao Chamusse  

The co- proprietor and editor of the online daily newspaper, Ponto Por Ponto was found dead by his neighbours on 14 December. According to local reports, his neighbours had him screamed for help during the night. He was found with a head wound ‘with a machete and a gardening hoe found where he laid death. Joao Chamusse was ‘known for his criticism of poor governance and corruption under the Fremilo led administration. impunity, Joao Chamusse, Mozambique, Africa, journalist, union, killing, IFJ,  
519. Algérie: un journaliste condamné à deux ans de prison  

MIS À JOUR 14.12.2023. Le journaliste algérien Mustapha Bendjama a été condamné ce 29 août à deux ans de prison pour avoir publié des informations considérées comme "classifiées". La Fédération internationale des journalistes dénonce un acharnement absurde envers un journaliste qui effectue son travail dignement et exige sa libération immédiate. Le tribunal de Constantine a condamné Mustapha Bendjama pour avoir publié des informations " dont le contenu est classé partiellement ou intégralement secret, sur un réseau électronique ou d'autres moyens technologiques de médias". Il était détenu depuis le 8 février 2023 pour des faits différents. Benjdama est le rédacteur en chef du journal…  
520. Congratulations to winners of 2023 ILO Global Media Competition on Labour Migration  

The International Labour Organization (ILO) has announced the four winners of its 2023 Global Media Competition on Labour Migration . The results were published to mark this year’s International Migrants Day (18 December). The Competition aims to promote quality reporting on labour migration issues, including forced labour, because balanced and ethical reporting play an important role in addressing stereotypes and misconception, as well as highlighting the positive contribution migrant workers make in their origin and destination countries. More than 400 entries from 85 countries were received and reviewed by an independent panel of five judges  , using criteria including…  
521. Russia: Russian-American journalist detained  

[UPDATED 04.04.2024] On 18 October, Prague-based journalist Alsu Kurmasheva working for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty was detained by Kazan Authorities in Russia on charges of ‘failing to register herself as a foreign agent’. The International and the European Federations of Journalists strongly condemn the detention of an innocent journalist and demand Russian authorities release her immediately. The Russian-American journalist Alsu Kurmasheva, who lives in Prague, Czech Republic’s capital, arrived in Russia on 20 May for a family emergency. On her way back to Prague, she was temporarily held at Kazan airport on 2 June, and both her US and Russian passports were confiscated. Russian…  
522. Abdul Karim Odeh  

On 13 December, PJS confirmed the killing of journalist and former Al-Mayadeen correspondent Abdul Karim Odeh, who lost his life in an Israeli airstrike on the Nuseriat refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, media reported. IFJ, union, Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, impunity, safety, Abdul Karim Odeh, Al-Mayadeen,  
523. EU: Seven member states want to legalise spying on journalists through EMFA  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) in strongly condemning the request by seven governments to legalise spying on journalists through the European Media Freedom Act. The IFJ and EFJ call on the European Parliament and the European Commission to reject this illiberal and repressive request. The negotiations on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) are coming to an end. On 15 December, the last trilogue will only deal with Article 4 of EMFA and the deployment of spyware against journalists. In the meantime, Investigate Europe, Disclose and Follow The Money revealed documents, showing that seven…  
524. Narmeen Qawwas  

On 11 December, PJS confirmed the death of Narmeen Qawwas, an intern at Russia Today (RT), killed in an Israeli airstrike that hit the family home in Gaza.  Gaza, Palestine, Palestinian, journalist, journalism, impunity, killing, safety, IFJ, PJS, union,  
525. Mongolia: Editor arrested and website targeted for reporting in the public interest  

Journalist Naran Unurtsetseg, the editor-in-chief of the Mongolian news website Zarig.mn, was arrested on December 4 on charges of contempt of court and spreading false information. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Mongolian affiliate, the Confederation of Mongolian Journalists (CMJ), call for the immediate release of the journalist and criticise efforts to silence and block the online publication. Unurtsetseg’s arrest on December 4 was witnessed by Mongolian media workers in the editorial office of Zarig.mn in Ulaanbaatar, the capitol city of Mongolia. The editor was allegedly charged with contempt of court and “spreading false information” under Article 13.14 of…  
526. Duaa Jabbour  

On 9 December, freelance journalist Duaa Jabbour, who worked for the local media website Eyes Media Network, was killed together with her family in an Israeli airstrike that hit her home in the southern city of Khan Yunis, PJS and media reported.  Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, Duaa Jabbour, journalist, PJS, IFJ, impunity, killing, journalism, Israel, war, safety,  
527. Ala Atallah, Mohamed Abu Samra  

On 9 December, journalist Ala Atallah was killed together with nine members of her family in an Israeli airstrike on the Al-Daraj neighbourhood in Gaza City, PJS and Roya News reported. On the same day, photojournalist Mohamed Abu Samra lost his life as a result of Israeli bombardment in southern Gaza Strip, according to PJS.  Mohamed Abu Samra, Ala Atallah, impunity, safety, Gaza, Palestine, Palestinian, killing, journalist, photojournalist, union, IFJ,  
528. #IFJBlog: International Criminal Court holds key to curb killing of journalists in Israel-Hamas war  

The IFJ is hopeful ICC will investigate killing of Al Jazeera journalist by Israeli Defence Force. By Tim Dawson, IFJ Deputy General Secretary. (Also published in the Press Gazette on 07.08.23) Yesterday morning, I signed off the International Federation of Journalists’ ‘killed list’ – our annual tally of journalists who have lost their lives while doing their jobs. We have published this index for 30 years, highlighting the terrible risks that reporters and camera operators take to bring home the news. For months, it seemed as though 2023 would be a good year – perhaps even a record low. Then, on Saturday 7 October, Hamas insurgents murdered four Israeli…  
529. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from December 2nd 2023 to December 8th 2023. English  Global journalist group says Israel-Hamas conflict is a war beyond compare for media deaths | AP News - AP News  Journalists' rights group counts 94 media workers killed worldwide, most at an alarming rate in Gaza | AP News - AP News International Criminal Court holds key to curb killing of journalists in Israel-Hamas war - Press Gazette - Press Gazette Journalist Watchdog Says Number Of…  
530. EU: Europe must demand that the ICC investigate the killings of journalists  

The unprecedented death toll among journalists in Gaza must be considered by the International Criminal Court, was the message of the President of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate on a mission to Brussels, Belgium from 4 – 7 December. Nasser Abu Baker was joined by the International Federation of Journalists and PJS European branch to demand that European institutions pressure the ICC to add the Gaza killings to their caseload. Following IFJ General Secretary's mission to Palestine (20-24 November 2023), the President of the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) and IFJ Vice President Nasser Abu Baker went to Brussels from 4 to 7 December to press for political change in the face of…  
531. Ninety-four journalists killed in 2023, says IFJ   

The International Federation of Journalists records that 94 journalists and media workers, including 9 women, have been killed in 2023. Since 7 October, more than one journalist a day has lost their lives during the war in Gaza, a scale and pace of loss of media professionals’ lives without precedent.  Publishing ahead of International Human Rights Day, on the 10th December, the IFJ insists that far greater action is required from the international community to safeguard journalists’ lives and hold to account their attackers. This year, like 2022, was marked by the deaths of journalists in war. In 2023  Palestinian journalists in the Gaza Strip have been the victims of…  
532. Bangladesh: Journalists assaulted by former MP  

Three journalists were allegedly attacked, threatened, and had their equipment damaged by former Member of Parliament (MP) Mostafizur Rahman and staff members of the ruling Awami League in Chittagong on November 30. The IFJ condemns the attack, and calls on Bangladesh’s senior political leadership to ensure that press freedom is upheld during the country’s upcoming elections. On November 30, Chittagong Bureau of Independent Television journalist Rakib Uddin and two other journalists were allegedly attacked, with their equipment damaged. The attack occurred in front of the Chittagong deputy commissioner's office after Rakib asked Rahman if he had broken Bangladesh’s electoral code of conduct…  
533. El Salvador: empresario intenta silenciar a la prensa con millonaria demanda  

El empresario Yakov Fauster, titular de empresas de seguridad, demandó a El Diario de Hoy y al periodista Jorge Beltrán Luna por U$10 millones, en represalia porque el medio publicó una cita a una investigación del periódico mexicano El Proceso, donde se vinculaba al empresario con una presunta ex socia, procesada por lavado de dinero y otros delitos. La judicialización de la labor informativa provocó la reacción de la Asociación de Periodistas de El Salvador (APES) que puso a disposición patrocinio legal. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas acompaña las acciones de APES y alerta sobre ésta práctica que busca silenciar la tarea de la prensa , vulnerando el derecho a la información de…  
534. Indonesia: ITE Law revision retains threat to freedom of expression  

Indonesian authorities passed the second amendment to the Electronic Information and Transactions Law (ITE Law) on December 5, failing to address freedom of expression concerns raised by press groups and legal experts. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia in urging the Indonesian government to urgently revise the Electronic Information and Transactions Law (ITE Law). First enacted in 2008, the ITE Law was designed to safeguard rights for individuals navigating online spaces, electronic transactions, intellectual property rights, and other business or consumer affairs. However, despite an amendment in…  
538. Projects  

IFJ Asia & Pacific - Projects  
539. Asia & Pacific  

Asia-Pacific Office IFJ Asia-Pacific Experts Editorial Guidance Kate Bice & Laxmi Murthy Legal Issues Jim Nolan South East Asia Phil Thornton IFJ Asia-Pacific Intern Irene Wang  
540. #IFJBlog: On Rules-Based Order  

The imposition of the 2020 National Security Law and a rise in authoritarianism have fundamentally changed Hong Kong’s legal and human rights landscapes. In her acceptance speech for the Council of European Bars and Law Societies (CCBE)’s 2023 Human Rights Prize, imprisoned Hong Kong lawyer Chow Hang-Tung writes on the relationship between free expression, power, and the international rule of law. There is a certain irony in a prisoner of law receiving a prize given by lawyers. Something must have gone very wrong when one who pledged to serve the law receives recognition instead of allegedly breaking the law. So perhaps this is a good opportunity to reflect on the lawyer’s relationship…  
541. Shaima Jazzar  

On 4 December, WAFA news agency confirmed the death of freelance journalist Shaima Jazzar, who worked for Al Hayat newspaper and Majedat Rafah network, was killed together with nine members of her family in an Israeli bombing that hit her home in the southern city of Rafah. Gaza, Palestine, Palestinian, impunity, journalism, journalist, IFJ, union, PJS, killing,  
542. DRC: SNPP, IFJ hold workshop on media, trade unions and labour rights  

Le Syndicat National des Professionnels de la Presse (SNPP) in collaboration with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) under the Union to Union (UTU) Project 2023, ‘Building Union Power for Democratic Rights, Media Freedom and Decent Work’ held a two- day workshop on the Media, Trade Unions and Labour Rights in the capital, Kinshasa from the 29 – 30 November. The workshop brought together 20 journalists from various media houses including online journalists. The Legal Adviser of SNPP, Reagan Kaputa, said that Congolese journalists and media workers are affected by the 2002 Labour Code and the 2023 Press Act in relation to their work.  While speaking on the issue of…  
543. Hassan Farajallah  

On 3 December, PJS confirmed the killing of Al Quds TV executive Hassan Farajallah, who was killed in an Israeli bombardment in the Gaza Strip. impunity, IFJ, safety, union, Hassan Farajallah, Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, IFJ, PJS  
544. Palestine: ICC chief prosecutor meets Palestinian journalists’ leaders in Ramallah  

Karim Khan, chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), met with Nasser Abu Baker, president of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) in Ramallah on 2 December 2023. Abu Baker, who is also vice president of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), briefed Khan about the situation for journalists and media workers in Gaza and the West Bank, and reminded him of the two complaints to the ICC lodged by the IFJ and PJS in April 2022 and in September 2022. The PJS welcomed the ICC investigation into the situation in Palestine but deplored the scant resources and staff for this investigation as compared to others, a factor that has contributed to the slow progress…  
545. Marwan Al-Sawaf  

On 1 December, photojournalist Marwan Al-Sawaf, Muntaser Al-Sawaf's brother, who worked for Alef Media, was killed in an Israeli airstrike that hit the family home in Gaza City, according to media reports.  Gaza, Palestine, Palestinian, impunity, killing, journalist, journalism, IFJ, PJS, union,  
546. Abdallah Darwish, Muntaser Al-Sawaf, Adham Hassouna  

On 1 December, PJS and media confirmed the death of photojournalist Abdallah Darwish, who worked for Al Aqsa TV and was killed in an Israeli raid in the Gaza Strip. Later during the day, photographer Muntaser Al-Sawaf, who worked for the Turkish news agency Anadolu, was killed in an  airstrike on Gaza City, Anadolu Agency reported.  On the same day, freelance journalist Adham Hassouna was killed in an Israeli airstrike on Gaza city.  impunity, safety, IFJ, union, Abdallah Darwish, Gaza, Palestine, Palestinian, killing, journalist,  
547. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from November 25th 2023 to December 1st 2023. English  Is press freedom stifled by the travel restrictions faced by African journalists? - Equal Times - Equal Times  Israel Is Waging War Against Journalists - Tribune Journalists killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza remembered in Brussels - Anadolu Ajansı IFJ discusses filing complaint to ICC over Israeli crimes against Palestinian journalists - The Malaysian Reserve  Journs, victims’…  
548. Hong Kong: Journalist missing during trip to China  

Hong Kong-based senior journalist Minnie Chan has been reportedly unreachable for one month since travelling to Beijing in late October to cover an international security forum, raising serious concerns about her safety. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Chinese authorities to swiftly investigate Chan’s whereabouts and ensure she is permitted to return to Hong Kong safely. Chan Man Li, also known as Minnie Chan, a senior reporter for Hong Kong’s largest English-language newspaper, the South China Morning Post (SCMP), travelled to Beijing to cover the Xiangshan Forum, a three-day international security event that ended on October 31. According to Japanese news…  
549. México: se registraron dos ataques armados contra periodistas en un mismo día  

Cuatro periodistas de distintos medios, que compartían un vehículo durante la cobertura de la noticia del asesinato de un transportista, fueron atacados a balazos por hombres en motocicleta en la ciudad Chilpancingo de los Bravo, estado de Guerrero. En Apatzingán, Michoacán, el periodista Maynor Ramón Ramírez Arroyo fue baleado por presuntos sicarios cuando se encontraba en las inmediaciones de su domicilio. El Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa (SNRP) exigió en un comunicado a los tres niveles de gobierno que se investiguen a fondo éstos hechos. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas adhiere a ésta demanda y llama a las autoridades a actuar con celeridad y eficiencia en el…  
550. New Zealand: Deputy PM’s comments a threat to press freedom  

Journalists and media workers have criticised comments made by newly-elected Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters, who claimed that a 2020 government media funding initiative constituted ‘bribery’. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, E tū, in strongly disputing the Deputy Prime Minister’s comments, and urging Peters and other politicians to uphold New Zealand’s proud tradition of press freedom. Newly elected Deputy PM Winston Peters has repeatedly accused reporters of receiving bribes and engaging in corrupt practices. Peters’ remarks relate to the participation of several media outlets, public broadcasters, and media initiatives in the Public Interest…  
551. Palestine: IFJ stands with Palestinian journalists in Ramallah  

From 21 to 24 November 2023, the General Secretary of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) undertook a mission to Palestine to support journalists – members of its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate (PJS), particularly those in Gaza. The situation on the ground is deeply concerning , but the journalists are holding their heads high and carrying out their mission to inform despite the situation. At least 58 journalists have been killed since 7 October [29 November], the date of the deadly Hamas attack, followed by the Israeli army's bloody response in the Gaza Strip. Never in recent history has the profession experienced such a massacre in such a short space of…  
552. Israel: Communications Minister threatens to sanction ‘Haaretz’ for its Gaza war coverage  

On 23 November, Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi proposed a government resolution to halt any state advertisement, subscriptions or other commercial connection with the progressive Israeli newspaper ‘Haaretz’ citing “defeatist and false propaganda during wartime”. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the government to review its decision and lift restrictions on press freedom in the country. The IFJ is concerned at the Israeli Government's apparent drift into restricting press freedom and undermining media pluralism and the public’s right to know. The proposal is the first to be made against an Israeli media, following the approval of emergency regulations on…  
553. Union Building: Youth recruitment in the digital economy  

Union Building: Youth recruitment in the digital economy As Europe’s media environment changes, work becomes more precarious and traditional media face challenges while digital media are on the rise. This project will help strengthen journalists unions to be able to adapt to the changing economic structures of the media and information sector and confront the challenges and take the opportunities arising from the changes. Journalists unions must be able to engage with and help shape the newsroom and conditions of the future to ensure journalism can survive and flourish in the digital economy.  In particular this project will enable journalists unions to: Recognize the…  
554. Palestine: Give now to keep Gaza’s cameras rolling  

Palestinian journalists’ leader, Nasser Abu Baker has launched an emotional appeal to help Gaza’s journalists and media workers. “We are in desperate need to support our colleagues in Gaza, most of whom have lost their homes, many of whom have lost family. They need your solidarity and help to continue reporting on the atrocities endured day and night by the people of Gaza.” Baker is president of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS), a union to which approximately 80 percent of Palestinian journalists belong. Since 7 October, the PJS Vice President, Tahseen al-Astall, who is based in Gaza, has been distributing aid to the 1,000 journalists who are currently reporting from the…  
555. Bangladesh: Journalist assaulted while covering political clash  

Journalist Md Nahid Hasan was assaulted by a group of 20 to 25 people while covering a clash involving members of a youth and student organisation associated with the ruling Bangladesh Awami League on November 20. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the attack against the journalist and calls on authorities to hold those responsible to account and ensure the safety of working journalists. On the evening of November 20, Hasan, a reporter for the digital news outlet Jagonews24.com, was attacked while covering a political clash allegedly involving members of the Bangladesh Awami Jubo League and the Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL), the youth and student wing of the ruling…  
556. Maysoun Odeh Gangat, Co-Founder of Nisaa FM  

Nisaa FM is a women's radio station based in Ramallah founded 14 years ago with the mission of empowering women through the media. Co-Founder Maysoun Odeh Gangat shares the radio station's mission to "to support young female journalists in Gaza to keep their voices coming out, to reflect their stories that should impact the heart of every human being."   Latest updates on the War in Gaza on our Campaign Page.  ifj, gender, Nisaa FM, Palestine, women's radio, Orange the world,  
557. Nader Al Nazli  

On 25 November, the body of Nader Al-Nazli, who worked as a technician for Palestine TV, was found under the rubble, one week after his house was bombed.  Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, impunity, journalist, safety, killing, IFJ, Nader Al-Nazli, union,  
558. México: secuestraron a tres periodistas en Taxco  

Lxs periodistas Marco Antonio Toledo Jaimes, Alberto Sánchez Juárez y Silvia Nayssa Arce Avilés, y dos familiares, permanecen desaparecidxs desde hace varios días del municipio de Taxco de Alarcón, en el estado de Guerrero. El Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa (SNRP) exige a las autoridades de todos los estratos la pronta localización con vida de lxs trabajadorxs de prensa y de sus familiares. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas acompaña la demanda de su afiliada y expresa su profunda preocupación por la continuidad de la violencia contra la prensa en México, y reclama a las autoridades redoblar los esfuerzos tanto en castigar la violencia contra la prensa con eficacia y…  
559. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from November 18th 2023 to November 24th 2023. English  General Supervisor of Official Media briefs IFJ Secretary-General on Israeli crimes against Palestinian journalists - WAFA Agency  Palestinian civil society briefs IFJ General Secretary on situation of journalists detained in Israel - WAFA Agency Journalists are dying at an alarming rate as Israel bombards Gaza and southern Lebanon - CBC  FAJ stands in solidarity with Palestinian…  
560. “Online abuse is not part of the job,” says IFJ  

“Online harassment is not part of the job,” said IFJ Executive committee and Canadian union UNIFOR member Jennifer Moreau as she concluded her training for the International Federation of Journalists’ webinar on Fighting gender-based online abuse on 24 November. Ahead of International Day for the elimination of violence against women, the IFJ has called on affiliates to adopt clear strategies to eradicate online abuse and support their female members when they are targeted. The IFJ webinar held on 24 November was a response to this call and an opportunity for IFJ trade union representatives to upgrade their skills on how to intervene when members face online abuse. According to the IFJ,…  
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