15063 results:

12461. European Journalists Welcome French Plan to Strengthen Right to Protect Sources  

The European Federation of Journalists today welcomed the proposal by the French Minister of Justice Pascal Clément to strengthen the right of journalists to protect their sources in France by writing this protection into the country’s 125 year old press law. “Looked at from afar, one might say that the law says too much about what the press can or cannot do in France,” said Arne König, EFJ Chair, “But this addition to the legislation will give added protection to journalists who are protecting their sources and that’s an important step in the right direction.” Pascal Clément, made his announcement at a meeting organised by…  
12465. Guinea-Bissau: Syndicat des journalistes et techniciens de la communication sociale (SINJOTECS)  

Av. Unidade Africana BP 833 - Bissau Tel: +245 20 67 17 President and Contact: Mamadu Candé Status: Full Member  
12466. IFJ Appalled by Recent Spate of Violence Against Pakistani Media Workers, and Murder of Abducted Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned growing violence against media workers in Pakistan after a series of incidents across the country, including the murder of abducted senior journalist Hayatullah Khan. In the southern province of Sindh alone there have been six separate acts of violence against journalists in the last month, according to an IFJ affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) “This recent spate of ruthless and senseless attacks against media workers is appalling, and demonstrates a decline in press freedom in Pakistan,” said IFJ president, Christopher Warren. The PFUJ, along with the All Pakistan Newspapers…  
12470. Unlawful trial of trustees and staffers of an independent radio station postponed in Zimbabwe  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today appealed to the Harare Magistrates Court to drop the arbitrary charges against the ten trustees and staffers of the Radio Station, Voice of the People (VOP). “They appear before the Court to answer charges relating to their alleged breech of broadcasting laws in Zimbabwe” said a source to IFJ. The VOP seven trustees and three staffers are indeed accused of possession and operation of transmission equipment without a licence. The VOP is however, a legally registered communications trust and broadcasts in Zimbabwe on shortwave from transmitters stationed outside the country. This situation is due to the repressive…  
12471. Detail  

Today the IFJ expressed concern over self-censorship at the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) after the broadcast of a documentary on President Mbeki was suddenly cancelled. “This appears to be interference by the management of a public broadcaster in editorial affairs”, said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “The judgement calls about programmes of this nature have to be made by journalists – not politically-influenced managers. The public have been denied the opportunity to see an independent and professional portrait of their President and denied the opportunity to make their own minds up about its value.” The SABC decided not to broadcast a documentary on South African…  
12474. Sale of Norwegian Media Group Raises EFJ Fears Over Threat to Editorial Quality  

The European Federation of Journalist, which represents more than 260.000 across Europe, today expressed fears that the announcement of the sale of the Norwegian media company Orkla Media might compromise the editorial independence and quality of the group's titles. The EFJ has called upon Orkla ASA , the a major Norwegian industrial conglomerate, which has decided to sell out its media activities organised in the group Orkla Media to ensure that any new owner maintains the commitment to independent journalism which has helped build the company's repuration in Norway and in otehr European countries where the company has media interests. “We want to be assured that the media…  
12477. Gender Equity Seminar, Delhi, 20-21 May 2006  

EU-India Project: Building Paths to Equality in Journalism Gender Equity Seminar, Delhi, 20-21 May 2006 IFJ coordinator report Pamela Morinière This two-day seminar was based on the IFJ gender equality training modules. It included interactive sessions which helped participants contribute and put together an action plan for campaigning on gender equality. Participants included 16 women journalists and 3 AINEF-BNEU union leaders , as well as two representatives from the IFJ, an expert from DJV and 3 BNEU project staff. Working documents distributed to participants included handouts for each session, power point presentation, IFJ 2001 survey on women in media, IFJ 2002…  
12478. IFJ Welcomes Liberation of Benchicou, Demands Lifting of Jail Threats and Seeks “Fresh Start” for Press Freedom in Algeria  

The International Federation of Journalists today welcomed the imminent release of Algerian journalist, Mohamed Benchicou who has been in prison for two years for his critical commentaries of the local government and called now for the threat of jail to be lifted from over 20 more. Benchicou, the managing editor of the daily newspaper Le Matin, is due to be released tomorrow from the El Harrach prison after he was detained on 14 June 2004. “We are delighted that Mohamed is finally to be released but even as we applaud this good news, we remain extremely worried over the fate of at least 20 other journalists who are still facing jail,” said Aidan White, IFJ General…  
12479. Journalists Protest at “Political” Detention of TV Reporters Covering Cyprus Beach Festival  

The European Federation of Journalists, Europe’s largest journalists’ group, today condemned the action of Turkish-Cypriot police who arrested and detained for several hours three Greek Cypriot journalists of the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation who were arrested while covering a beach festival in Famagusta. This action by the police force of the occupied northern part of the island had outraged journalists because the beach festival is normally a non-political event in which traditionally people from both communities gather together for an evening of song and dance which is far removed from the tension created by the continuing division of the island. “This was a…  
12481. Unions Across the Globe Join Campaign to Support Journalists in Iraq  

Member unions of the International Federation of Journalists from Japan to Cyprus are signing up to the global campaign to highlight the crisis facing journalists in Iraq where the unprecedented scale of killings of journalists has prompted calls for international action to curb the violence against media. The IFJ member union Nipporo in Tokyo, which represents staff at the country’s public broadcaster NHK, has donated 5,000 Euro to the international humanitarian appeal for aid to the families of Iraqi media victims. At the same time dozens of IFJ affiliates across the world have been signing up to the International Committee for the Defence of Iraqi Journalists which plans…  
12482. Detail  

Delegates of 21 public broadcasters worldwide and its related organizations in 18 countries, jointly attended at the Second Public Broadcasters Global Media Summit in Taipei on May 8. This Summit, as biggest one of the side events belongs to International Public Television (INPUT) Screening Conference, was initiated by U.S. Independent Television Service (ITVS) in 2005, now gained its further promotion in Asia, coordinated through Taiwan Public Television Service (PTS). The topic for Second Summit dealt with multiculturalism. According to the core concern of public television, cultural diversity has become the common characteristic of modern societies through the increase of global…  
12483. Detail  

The International Federation of Journalists has released a research report entitled The Changing Nature of Work: A global survey and case study of atypical work in the media industry, which surveyed 41 journalist member organisations across 38 countries, and which raises fresh concerns over the effect on media quality as the work of journalists is changing. IFJ General Secretary Aidan White, launching the report at the 95th International Labour Organisation Conference in Geneva, said that atypical workers — freelancers, casuals, short-term workers on rolling contracts and temporary workers — make up around 30% of the membership of IFJ affiliates and this rising trend was setting new…  
12486. CESO-FIP Condemns Wave of Agressions Against Journalists in Colombia  

(Barranquilla, Piendamó, Neiva, Santa Marta, Barrancabermeja, Bogota, June 7) Three journalists in Barranquilla were threatened with fake bomb packages. This episode is part of a series of acts of intolerance against press freedom in less than a month and has raised serious questions about safety of the press in Colombia. Two reporters from alternative media were captured, material was stolen from two journalists, the water service was suspended to a colleague, an indigenous radio station was destroyed by the police, a colleague is now a refugee in another country and shocking statements against journalists were made by politicians in different parts of Colombia. On June 3,…  
12487. European and Global Journalists Back “Critical Strike” by 1,500 Broadcast Staff in Norway  

The International Federation of Journalists today called on journalists across the world to give their backing to a strike at the Norwegian public broadcaster NRK where 1,500 journalists have walked out in a dispute that unions say gets to the heart of a crisis of confidence within journalism. “This strike is a critical action in which all journalists have a stake,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “All around the world managements are trying to weaken unions and their bargaining rights at a time when media should be investing more in confident high-quality journalism. Our Norwegian colleagues have said enough is enough and they need our support.” The IFJ says the public…  
12488. European and Global Journalists Back “Critical Strike” by 1,500 Broadcast Staff in Norway  

The International Federation of Journalists today called on journalists across the world to give their backing to a strike at the Norwegian public broadcaster NRK where 1,500 journalists have walked out in a dispute that unions say gets to the heart of a crisis of confidence within journalism. “This strike is a critical action in which all journalists have a stake,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “All around the world managements are trying to weaken unions and their bargaining rights at a time when media should be investing more in confident high-quality journalism. Our Norwegian colleagues have said enough is enough and they need our support.” The…  
12498. Bosnia and Herzegovina: Association "BH Journalists"  

Kralja Tvrkta 5/V 71000 Sarajevo Tel: +38 7332 17302 Fax: +38 7332 23818 Email: [email protected] Contact: Borka Rudic (Secretary General)  President: Amela Rebac Status: Full Member  
12499. IFJ Criticises “Political Interference” as Cartoons Rows Put Journalists in Jail in Iran and Jordan  

The International Federation of Journalists today protested over political interference in media which has led to new attacks on press freedom and the jailing of journalists in Iran and Jordan. On 30 May, the Iranian government's official national newspaper, Iran, published by the Iranian news agency, IRNA, was banned and two of its journalists imprisoned for publishing a cartoon by Azeri artist Mana Neyestani that ignited clashes between police and demonstrators in the northwestern city of Tabriz. Four other journalists have also been detained. At the same time, earlier in the week two newspaper editors, Jihad Momani, former editor of the tabloid weekly Shihane, and Hisham…  
12505. IFJ Condemns the Inhumane Assault on a Journalist by Militias in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) vigorously condemns the inhumane assault on Maryan Mohamud Qalanjo, a female journalist with the radio station, Radio Shabelle by armed militias loyal to the Speaker of the Somali parliament, Sharif Hasan Shaykh Adan, on 1st June in Baidoa (South-West Somalia). “Maryan was removed from her hotel room forcibly and was hit several times and taken to Baidoa police station”, declared the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ). The journalist was violently hit with butts of guns by militias of the Rahanweyn Resistance Army (RRA), who have power over the south-western regions of Bakool and Bay because of interviews she…  
12506. Detail  

The International Federation of Journalists has released a research report entitled The Changing Nature of Work: A global survey and case study of atypical work in the media industry, which surveyed 41 journalist member organisations across 38 countries, and which raises fresh concerns over the effect on media quality as the work of journalists is changing. IFJ General Secretary Aidan White, launching the report at the 95th International Labour Organisation Conference in Geneva, said that atypical workers — freelancers, casuals, short-term workers on rolling contracts and temporary workers — make up around 30% of the membership of IFJ affiliates and this rising trend was setting new…  
12508. Survey and Case Study of Atypical Work in the Media Industry  

The International Federation of Journalists has released a research report entitled The Changing Nature of Work: A global survey and case study of atypical work in the media industry, which surveyed 41 journalist member organisations across 38 countries, and which raises fresh concerns over the effect on media quality as the work of journalists is changing. IFJ General Secretary Aidan White, launching the report at the 95th International Labour Organisation Conference in Geneva, said that atypical workers — freelancers, casuals, short-term workers on rolling contracts and temporary workers — make up around 30% of the membership of IFJ affiliates and this rising trend was…  
12514. Grave repression of the media in The Gambia: Four journalists imprisoned, two escape, online newspaper hacked  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is worried about the alarming attacks on the media in The Gambia. Three journalists Pa Modou Faal of the national television GRTS, Musa Sheriff of Gambia News & Report Magazine and Malick Mboob, Communication Officer of Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital were arrested last Friday by the Gambia security forces. Lamin Cham, the BBC stringer in the Gambia was equally arrested today by security forces. The journalists were arrested along with a dozen of people whose names are reproduced on a list of alleged "informants” of the online newspaper very critical to the government, Freedom Newspaper, based in the United States. A press…  
12516. EURONEWS - May 2006  

Euronews is the monthly bulletin of the European Federation of Journalists, produced in the Secretariat in Brussels. Download PDF File here For more information, please contact: Renate Schroeder and Marc Gruber – European Directors [email protected]   [email protected]   European Federation of Journalists International Press Centre Residence Palace Bloc C, second floor Rue de la Loi, 155 1040 Brussels Tel: 32-2-235.22.15 Fax: 32-2-235.22.19  
12520. IFJ Condemns Killings of Journalists as Bomb Blast Deaths Takes Iraq Media Toll to 127  

The killing of two British journalists working for the American television network CBS in Iraq, which brings the total of media staff killed in the conflict since 2003 to 127, reinforces the concern of that there is no safe place for media covering the conflict says the International Federation of Journalists. The number of media people killed in 2006 so far is now 22. ‘This was a tragic example of how journalists embedded with occupation forces face the same perilous conditions that have affected many local reporters,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “Our thoughts tonight are with the friends and families of the victims and we must redouble our efforts to…  
12521. Action Plan on Gender Equality Adopted  

Action Plan on Gender Equality Adopted The seminar on Gender Equality held in New Delhi on May 20-21 2006, as part of the project, EU-India, Building Paths to Equality in Journalism, saw the adoption of a broad-ranging Action Plan. The Action Plan aims to tackle issues such as sexual harassment, lack of facilities for women employees, lack of avenues for promotion, discrimination and stereotypes at the workplace. Working groups set up at the seminar will follow up the adoption of the Action Plan by all AINEF affiliated unions. A follow up of the action plan will be presented at the National Conference in December. To see the detailed Action Plan click here.  
12522. 42nd Journalist Killed Under Philippines President Macapagal-Arroyo  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has backed its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists in the Philippines, and said, “enough is enough” after yesterday a radio journalist became the 42nd media worker to be killed under President Macapagal-Arroyo’s rule, the 79th since 1986, and the fifth just this year. Palawan broadcaster Fernando "Dong" Batul was murdered on May 22, 2006 on his way to anchor his regular Bastonero program on DYPR in Puerto Princesa. “Enough is enough. The Philippines’ government must take strong action to punish those responsible and instill protections for media workers,” IFJ president Christopher Warren…  
12524. IFJ Welcomes Annulment of Nepal’s Controversial Media Ordinance But Troubled by Continued Violations of Press Freedom  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has welcomed the annulment of the controversial media ordinance, yet after another week of press freedom violations in Nepal is calling for the new government to make a firmer commitment to the protection of journalists’ safety and rights. “The annulment of the media ordinance offers hope for all journalists and media organisations in Nepal. But while this is an important step in the right direction for press freedom in Nepal, there is still a long way to go,” IFJ president Christopher Warren said. “The attacks on media workers over the past week highlights that it will take a lot more than the annulment of…  
12525. IFJ Welcomes Sri Lankan LTTE Assurances on Media Freedom  

The head of the political wing of Liberation Tigers for Tamil Eelam (LTTE), S.P. Tamilselvam, has condemned recent warnings to Tamil journalists to resign from state controlled media, during a meeting with journalists representing the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the Free Media Movement, the Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association, Federation of Media Employees Trade Unions, Sri Lanka Tamil Media Alliance, and the Sri Lanka Muslim Media Forum. The group of journalists met Tamilselven on May 16, 2006, to protest the warnings, which had been posted on websites by the organisation Ravana Battalion in response to recent attacks on Tamil media workers. Tamilselvem…  
12526. IFJ Welcomes Sri Lankan LTTE Assurances on Media Freedom  

The head of the political wing of Liberation Tigers for Tamil Eelam (LTTE), S.P. Tamilselvam, has condemned recent warnings to Tamil journalists to resign from state controlled media, during a meeting with journalists representing the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the Free Media Movement, the Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association, Federation of Media Employees Trade Unions, Sri Lanka Tamil Media Alliance, and the Sri Lanka Muslim Media Forum. The group of journalists met Tamilselven on May 16, 2006, to protest the warnings, which had been posted on websites by the organisation Ravana Battalion in response to recent attacks on Tamil media workers. Tamilselvem…  
12528. An Open Letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations: WHA Accreditation for Taiwanese Journalists  

His Excellency Mr. Kofi Annan Secretary General of the United Nations United Nations Organisation New York, NY10017 - USA Fax: +1 212 963 2155 / 963 7055 Via email: [email protected] and [email protected] cc. Mr. LEE Jong-wook, Director General, WHO Mr Koichiro Matsuura, Director General, UNESCO Dear Mr Annan, The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation of journalists representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, is deeply concerned over the rejection of accreditation for Taiwanese journalists to cover the 59th annual World Health Assembly in Geneva, for the third year in a row. The IFJ is concerned the World Health Organisation’s…  
12530. Phone Taps in United States and Newsroom Spying in Germany “Confirm Civil Liberty Threats” Says IFJ  

Systematic spying on journalists by security officials in both the US and Germany reveal how the global “war on terrorism” is becoming a catastrophe for civil liberties and press freedom says the International Federation of Journalists. Yesterday, ABC News posted a blog about a senior federal law enforcement official telling the broadcaster that the US government is tracking the phone numbers called by their reporters in an effort to root out confidential sources. It has not yet been confirmed whether these actions are directly linked to the exposure last week of how the National Security Agency (NSA) database in America is tracking the phone calls of hundreds of millions…  
Search results 12461 until 12530 of 15063