15060 results:

5531. Newsletter: a word from our president / un mot de notre president / una palabra de nuestro presidente  

A word from IFJ President Philippe Leruth: French and Spanish versions below. A word from IFJ President Philippe Leruth:  French and Spanish versions below. Freedom is indivisable "The diplomatic crisis between Qatar and its neighbours has been marked by demands for the closure of the Al-Jazeera network, accused by Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates and Bahrain of supporting terrorism. The IFJ denounced these demands, pointing out that this is an attack on freedom of the press and media pluralism. We also reminded the network that internally, its journalists should be able to express themselves freely and be afforded the right to freedom of association. "In…  
5532. Cambodian journalists threatened with arrest  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the threats made to Cambodian journalists by the Information Ministry on Friday, September 15, 2017. The IFJ calls for the Cambodian Government to end its attack on the independent media. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the threats made to Cambodian journalists by the Information Ministry on Friday, September 15, 2017. The IFJ calls for the Cambodian Government to end its attack on the independent media. On Friday, Ouk Kimseng, an information ministry spokesperson, gave a speech, during which he said that while the government would not restrict Radio Free Asia (RFA) from continuing to broadcast from its…  
5533. More Hong Kong journalists blocked from entering Macau  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) in strongly criticising the move by the Macau Government to deny entry to Hong Kong journalists in the past month. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) in strongly criticising the move by the Macau Government to deny entry to Hong Kong journalists in the past month. According to a statement issued by HKJA on September 18, more than 10 Hong Kong journalists have been denied entry to Macau by immigration officers in the past week. Each of the journalists was travelling to the Special Administrative…  
5534. Illegal breach of Taiwan journalists’ records  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ) strongly criticise the breach by a government officer in illegal accessing journalists’ communication records.  According to an announcement by Control Yuan, the monitoring body of the Taiwan Government on September 13, an officer of the Department of Government Employee Ethics (EED), under supervision of the Ministry of Justice, had illegal access a journalist’s communication records. The officer was investigating the Taiwan Dome Complex case when the breach was made. The Control Yuan said that as “when disciplinary officers could not distinguish that nature of their…  
5535. Loup Bureau libre, il faut continuer à soutenir les journalistes en Turquie  

La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de la profession, son groupe régional européen (FEJ) et leurs affiliés français (SNJ, SNJ-CGT et CFDT-Journalistes) se félicitent de la libération de Loup Bureau détenu depuis le 26 juillet dernier après son interpellation à la frontière entre l'Irak et la Turquie. Encore une fois une forte mobilisation -du collectif de soutien, des autorités françaises, des associations et des syndicats- a permis que ce journaliste de 27 ans qui travaille notamment pour les chaînes TV5 Monde, Arte et le site Slate, sorte de prison, après plus de 50 jours d'enfermement Loup Bureau, arrêté avec des images d'un reportage…  
5536. Iran: two journalists imprisoned since August  

Two Iranian journalists have been imprisoned since August on charges of “acting against national security”. The IFJ joined its affiliate the Association of Iranian Journalists (AoIJ) in condemning their arrest and imprisonment by the Iranian authorities, and called for their immediate release. Two Iranian journalists have been imprisoned since August on charges of “acting against national security”. The IFJ joined its affiliate the Association of Iranian Journalists (AoIJ) in condemning their arrest and imprisonment by the Iranian authorities, and called for their immediate release.  Agents from the Judiciary Intelligence Agency arrested 34 year old deputy editor of Etemad…  
5537. Indonesian journalist reported to police for alleged defamation  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) strongly criticise the report made to police of alleged defamation, regarding a journalists’ Facebook post. The IFJ call for the investigation to be dropped immediately. On September 6, Relawan Perjuangan (Repdem) (Volunteers for the Struggle), a volunteer group, filed a report to the East Java Cyber Crime Division regarding a Facebook post written by respected journalist Dandhy Dwi Laksono. Dandhy’s post, according to Repdem, compared Indonesia’s fifth president, Megawati Sukarnoputri to Myanmar’s Aung San Suu Kyi, in the way that their parties had handled Papua and Rohingya issues.…  
5538. Bangladesh detains Myanmar photojournalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned over the detainment in Bangladesh of two Myanmar photojournalists on charges “impersonation” and providing “false information” and calls on the Bangladeshi authorities for their immediate release and dropping of all charges. The IFJ joins Myanmar Journalists’ Association (MJA) in also calling for the full engagement of Myanmar’s Ministry of Information and Ministry of Foreign Affairs in negotiating their earliest release. Award-winning photojournalist Min Zayar Oo and his assistant, Hkun Lat, who work for German magazine GEO, were accused of entering Bangladesh on tourist visas instead of journalist visas, and reporting…  
5539. Spain: Judge Baltasar Garzon defending the arrested Swedish-Turkish journalist  

The International and European Federation of Journalists, (IFJ) and (EFJ), welcome the decision of Baltasar Garzón, a former member of Spain’s National High Court (Audiencia Nacional), to take a pro bono defense of the Swedish-Turkish journalist Hamza Yalçin. The reporter is currently detained in Barcelona and pending extradition by an Interpol order issued by Turkey. The International Baltasar Garzón Foundation (Fibgar) represents Hamza Yalçin through the ILOCAD law firm, runned by the magistrate, who considers that the detention violates the journalist’s rights. Hamza Yalçin, 59, a journalist citizen of Sweden, is being held in custody in Spain after being arrested on 3 August at…  
5540. Carlos William Juárez  

The journalist of Canal 22 Tegucigalpita was shot by unidentified gunmen in the province of Cortés, north of Honduras while he was with a friend who was also injured. The victims were taken to Puerto Cortés hospital where the journalist later died of his wounds.  
5541. Montenegro: Journalist Vladimir Otasevic received death threat  

A Montenegrin journalist working for Dan newspaper, Vladimir Otasevic, reported that the Prime Minister’s brother, Velizar Markovic, had threatened his safety during a phone call on Monday 11 September. In the conversation, Otasevic was asking for a phone number of the Prime Minister’s other brother when Markovic insulted and verbally threatened him, saying that he shouldn’t be surprised if someone ends up dead at the end. An audio recording of the conversation was released by Dan on Tuesday. The International and European Federations of Journalists (EFJ) today strongly condemned the death threats and backed its affiliate in Montenegro, the Trade Union Media of Montenegro (SMCG), in…  
5542. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  Read some of the news highlights from Friday 8th September to Friday 15th September. 1) Iranian journalist loses eye 'after cancer was left untreated in jail'. By Saeed Kamgali Dehghan, The Guardian  2 IFJ condemns continued detention of Kashmiri photojournalist. Pakistan Observer 3) Journalists’ Group Condemns Continued Detention of Kashmiri Photojournalist By NIA. The Wire 4) Int'l press body calls for release of Yemeni journalis. Kuwait News Agency 5) Mugabe out in the cold as Europe cuts…  
5543. Honduras: segundo periodista asesinado en 2017  

El periodista Carlos William Flores fue asesinado por desconocidos durante la tarde de este miércoles 13 de septiembre en el departamento de Cortés, al norte de Honduras. El comunicador, que se desempeñaba en un programa de noticias del Canal 22 de Tegucigalpita, se encontraba en compañía de una mujer cuando varios desconocidos comenzaron a dispararles. Ambos fueron trasladados al hospital de Puerto Cortés, donde el periodista finalmente falleció. Se trata del segundo reportero asesinado este año en Honduras, un país atravesado por la violencia social y política del crimen organizado. El primer episodio se había producido en enero, y tuvo como víctima a Igor Padilla (cuyo…  
5544. Perú: FIP pide sentencia justa sobre el crimen del periodista Bustíos Saavedra  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) reclama a las autoridades del Poder Judicial peruano que, considerando todos los elementos probatorios, fallen a derecho en causa contra responsable del asesinato de Hugo Bustíos Saavedra, caso que ha devenido emblemático en la lucha del periodismo contra la impunidad en el país sudamericano. Hugo Bustíos Saavedra fue asesinado el 24 de noviembre de 1988 mientras desarrollaba su labor informativa en el marco del conflicto armado que asoló a Perú en las décadas de los 80 y 90 del siglo pasado. Según indican testigos, el reportero fue atacado a disparos por militares de la Base Contrasubversiva de Castrompampa, en Huanta, Ayacucho. Desde…  
5545. Media diversity and jobs under threat in Australia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) in strongly criticizing proposed legislation that will change media ownership rules in Australia. The IFJ and MEAA continue to press for meaningful reform to genuinely encourage and promote a diverse and robust media landscape. Today, September 14, legislation is due to be passed by the Australian Parliament that will remove the two-out-of-three ownership rule and will ultimately see a loss of diversity in the Australian media. Through the changes, companies will be able to own television, newspapers and radio stations in the same market, as well as end the…  
5546. Free speech blocked: Two WeChat users arrested  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticises the arrest and sentencing of two WeChat users for content they shared on the social media platform. According to Sing Tao¸ Huang Shike, 49, was charged by Ili Kazakh police in Xinjiang in August 2016 for sharing messages on WeChat about Islamic ceremonies and messages from the Quran. A local court found him guilty of seriously disturbing normal religious activities and disturbing social order, and sentenced him to two years in jail. In March 2017, Huang appealed his conviction, but it was refused by the local court. In a judgement from March 10, the appeal court agreed that Huang’s act did not amount to disturbing…  
5547. Somalia: a journalist dies of wounds following a suicide bombing  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), along with its affiliate National Union of Somali Journalists, mourn the death of journalist Abdullahi Osman Moallim of Jubaland TV who today succumbed to serious head wounds sustained from suicide blast occurred on 10 September.  Abdullahi Osman Moallim today died at Recep Tayyip Erdogan Hospital (formerly known Digfeer hospital) in Mogadishu. Moallim has been in hospital’s intensive care unit (ICU) since Monday 11 September when he was admitted to the hospital. The suicide bombing on Sunday in the central Somalian town of Beledweyne killed at least 6 more people and wounded over 15 others, including 2…  
5548. Journalist threatened over news on fraud in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in condemning the threat issued to a journalist in Kathmandu, Nepal on September 11, 2017. The IFJ demands immediate action from Nepali authorities against the person issuing the threat. Umesh Paudel, a journalist with Naya Patrika daily, was threatened over a phone call by GP Paudel regarding news about a fraud business of crypto-currency. Paudel is one of the two journalists who reported ‘Gravity Currency’ as fraud business and named GP Paudel as the head of the business. After publication of the news, GP Paudel called on the journalist’s mobile and told him: “I know police officers all…  
5549. Philippines police chief orders withholding of reports from media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in demanding that Philippines National Police chief Ronald dela Rosa rescind his order to withhold reports from the media. The IFJ calls on President Duterte to guarantee the rights of the media in the Philippines. PNP chief dela Rosa issued an illegal order that police commanders withhold spot reports from the media. Spot reports are public documents that are available to everyone, not just the media, following an incident. They support transperancy and accountability within the PNP. Dela Rosa has said that press releases will be issued in lieu of spot…  
5550. Continued detention of Kashmiri photojournalist by investigative agency  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses serious concern over the detainment of Kamran Yusuf, a freelance photojournalist, in Kashmir, India on September 4. The IFJ demands immediate release of the photojournalist. Yusuf, a 23-year-old native of Pulwama in South Kashmir who contributed photographs to several local newspapers including Greater Kashmir, was arrested by the National Investigation Authority (NIA) on September 4 on grounds of instigating stone pelting at security personnel and was transferred to New Delhi for interrogation the next day. He was sent to custody for 10 days and is yet to be formally charged. The Kashmir Editors Guild (KEG) expressed ‘serious…  
5551. Group chat admin detained without reason in China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticises the arrest of a WeChat group chat moderator by police on September 6. Liu Pengfei, an administrator for a WeChat group chat sharing information from Huanqiu Shibao, an overseas registered Chinese website, was detained by police on the evening of September 6. According to several reports, approximately 30 non-uniformed police detained Liu and searched his apartment, confiscating five mobile phones, a computer and several documents. Authorities have not given any reason or a search warrant to his family. Liu is a double doctoral student from Beijing University and Tsing Hua University. He has previously worked for…  
5552. Pre-trial detention extended for Cumhuriyet journalists despite clear demonstrations  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) condemn the court’s decision to maintain the six Cumhuriyet journalists and media workers in pre-trial detention, after a 13-hour long hearing at Silivri prison, on 11 September 2017. The court ordered their detention despite clear demonstration by the defendants’ lawyers that the accusations of “without being a member of that organisation, spreading propaganda on behalf of an illegal terrorist organisation” were completely baseless. An international delegation including the IFJ-EFJ, IPI, PEN International, Norsk PEN, PEN Vlaanderen, RSF, foreign consulate representatives, foreign press correspondents and MEP Rebecca…  
5553. Azerbaijan: IFJ/EFJ welcome release of Mehman Aliyev and Alexander Lapshin  

The International and European Federations of Journalists welcome the release of two Azerbaijani journalists, Mehman Aliyev and Alexander Lapshin, on the 11th of September 2017. Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev pardoned Russian travel blogger Alexander Lapshing on Monday 11 September. He was arrested in Minsk in December 2016 and extradited to Azerbaijan, after the Supreme Court in Belarus decided to send him to Baku despite objections from Moscow. Lapshin was accused of illegally visiting Nagorno-Karabakh, the disputed territory between Azerbaijan and Armenia, and calling for independence of the region. The second journalist, Mehman Aliyev, editor-in-chief of the Turan news…  
5554. Russia: prominent journalist Yulia Latynina flees Russia after attacks  

Prominent Russian journalist and political commentator Yulia Latynina has fled Russia after a series of attacks led her to fear for her life. The Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) has appealed to the Russian government to investigate the attacks.  The International and European Federation of Journalists joined its affiliate the RUJ in condemning the attacks on Yulia Katynina and called on the Russian government to bring the perpetrators to justice. This latest attack is part of a string of attempts to intimidate and silence the journalist. In July 2017, Latynina’s home was sprayed with an unknown chemical, causing breathing problems for several children and elderly people…  
5555. Yemen: imprisoned journalist denied medical care  

Journalist Yahya Abdulraqeeb al-Jubeihi is suffering from serious health problems after being denied access to proper medical care in prison.  The IFJ has joined its affiliate the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) in condemning his treatment and called on his captors to release him immediately so he can be properly treated. The IFJ and YJS also call for the immediate release of all imprisoned journalists in Yemen.   Al-Jubeihi’s family visited the journalist in detention and informed the YJS that he is bedridden and in poor health. The family told the union that the prison authorities did not afford him adequate health care or allow him to be transferred to a hospital to…  
5556. South Asian Media Solidarity Forges Ahead  

South Asian journalist unions and associations affiliated to the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) resolved to build strong, united, democratic, independent, representative and self-sustaining unions ensuring meaningful representation of female journalists and youth in decision-making and leadership positions during a meeting in Kathmandu on September 8-10. Journalist leaders and representatives of unions from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka convened for a meeting ‘Credibility, Safety and Equity: An Agenda for Change in South Asia’s Media’ supported by the…  
5557. Iraq: local journalist’s house shot at in east Baghdad  

Prominent Iraqi journalist Hiba Hussain reported that her house in east Baghdad was shot at by a group of unidentified armed men on Friday 8 September. No occupants were injured.  The IFJ and its affiliate the IJS condemned the attack and called on the Iraqi authorities to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation to bring those responsible to justice.   Hiba Hussain, an editor at Iraqi National News Agency (NINA) and vice president of the Iraqi Journalist Syndicate’s (IJS) youth section said that a number of bullet holes had penetrated her front door, windows and various walls of the house and that her car windows had been smashed on Friday night around 1:30am.…  
5558. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  Read some of the news highlights from Friday 1st September to Friday 8th September. 1) Gauri Lankesh murder: India becoming deadly for journalists? By Praveen Shekhar, IndiaToday.  2) IFJ urges Nepal to discourage false lawsuits aimed at silencing media. Republica 3) Iran Journalist Loses Right Side of His Face Thanks to Medical Neglect by Regime. Iran Focus 4) IFJ expresses serious concern over defamation lawsuit against Nagarik. Republica 5) I know who is behind my death. By Hamid Mir,…  
5559. Iran: journalist loses eye and part of face after being refused cancer treatment in prison  

Association of Iranian Journalists board member and political prisoner Alireza Rajaee has lost his right eye and part of his face due to a cancer that was left untreated during his time in prison between 2011 and 2015. The IFJ has condemned Rajaee’s treatment by the Iranian authorities and holds the judicial system responsible for the complications that have arisen due to the lack of treatment. The IFJ has also demanded the Iranian government take responsibility for the proper treatment of current jailed journalists, including Ehsan Mazandarni.  According to Iranian news reports, Alireza Rajaee was sentenced to 4 years jail in Evin Prison in 2011 for “acting against national…  
5560. México: asesinan undécimo periodista en 2017  

Juan Carlos Hernández Ríos fue asesinado a tiros durante la noche del martes 5 de septiembre en Guanajato. Hernández Ríos, fotoperiodista de 29 años y colaborador del portal La Bandera Noticias, fue emboscado por dos hombres armados en el ingreso a su domicilio y murió camino al hospital de Yuriria, Guanajato. Este homicidio, el undécimo en el año, sucede en el marco de una creciente ola de violencia contra el periodismo mexicano. Durante 2017 la cantidad de agresiones contra la prensa han superado holgadamente las ya preocupantes cifras verificadas en 2016. El portal donde se desempeñaba el reportero había denunciado reiteradas amenazas por parte del gobierno municipal, y en las…  
5561. Canada: Arnold Amber – IFJ mourns loss of true champion of working journalists’ rights  

“Working journalists have lost a true champion and the IFJ has lost a dear friend”, IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger said to mark the death of Arnold Amber, the former head of IFJ affiliate The Newspaper Guild, Canada. His union honoured his memory as a “proud, passionate union leader, respected journalist, and fierce defender of free expression” following his death on Labour Day in a Toronto hospital with family at his bedside. He was 77. Amber was director of TNG Canada from the time it was created in 1995 until he retired in 2011, and oversaw its evolution into CWA Canada. A former Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) journalist, he was also a committed and tireless…  
5562. Venezuela: aparece muerto periodista desaparecido  

El 1 de septiembre fue hallado el cuerpo sin vida del periodista Yolman Miguel Briceño Padrino, que había desaparecido una semana antes en el estado de Aragua, Venezuela. Briceño, de 41 años, se desempeñaba en la radio Anamar 103.1 FM y anteriormente en el diario El Clarín. El reportero era buscado por familiares y colegas desde el 24 de agosto, día de su desaparición. Finalmente, su cuerpo fue encontrado sin vida en el sector El castaño del municipio Ribas, en Aragua, el viernes 1 de septiembre. Si bien la información que ha circulado hasta el momento es escasa, las autoridades han revelado que hay dos detenidos por el asesinato y que se trataría de miembros de la Guardia Nacional…  
5563. Gauri Lankesh  

The 55-year-old respected prominent journalist and an outspoken critic of Hindu nationalists was shot dead outside her home in Rajarajeshwarinagar in northern Bengaluru, Karnataka, as she returned from work. Three unidentified gunmen on a motorbike fired at least four shots at her as she entered through the gate of her home. Lankesh died at the scene after receiving gunshots to the head and chest. The gunmen fled the scene. Local officials have said they suspected she had been under surveillance from the gunmen. Her death has been widely,with Karnataka state's chief minister Siddaramaiah calling it an "assassination on democracy". The journalist, known as Gauri, worked for…  
5564. Fearless and outspoken Indian journalist Gauri Lankesh shot dead in Karnataka  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (India) in condemning the brutal killing of journalist Gauri Lankesh in Bengaluru, India on September 5. The IFJ demands urgent action from the government to tackle the worsening situation for freedom of expression in Karntaka state and calls on authorities to use every means to track down and arrest the perpetrators. Lankesh, 55, a respected veteran journalist and outspoken critic of Hindu nationalists, was shot dead outside her home in Rajarajeshwarinagar in northern Bengaluru, Karnataka, as she returned from work. Three unidentified gunmen on a motorbike fired at least four shots…  
5565. Media must promote China’s Communist Party  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) raises serious questions about the latest ‘opinions’ from the Chinese authorities on the role of the media. On September 4, the State Administrative Press Publication Radio Film and Television of China, along with four other departments, issues an ‘opinion’ notice to all media outlets, demanding that they allocate resources and time to promote the Communist Party and China. In addition, the notice said that they to insist on upholding the values of socialism and allocate time during prime time to air programs on progressive reforms in China. According to Section 6 of the notice, the authorities have specified that all websites can only…  
5566. Defamation lawsuit filed over reports of corruption in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) and the Nepal Press Union (NPU) in expressing serious concern over the defamation lawsuit intended to silence a daily newspaper in Kathmandu. The IFJ believes the court will issue an exemplary verdict protecting the press freedom.  Gopal Khadka, the Managing Director of state-owned Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) filed a defamation case against Nagarik daily, claiming Rs 800 million (US$ 780,000) in damages on August 17, 2017. The Kathmandu District Court official served a notice to the daily’s directors Binod Raj Gyawali and Shova Gyawali, editor-in-chief Guna Raj Luintel…  
5567. Chinese activist detained without reason  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) criticises the detention of a human rights activist by police in Zhuhai on September 1, 2017. Zhen Jianghua, the executive director of ATGFW.org was detained, along with his girlfriend by Zhuhai police. Zhan’s apartment was allegedly ransacked by police on two occasions, both times police did not provide warrants for the search. Computers, phones and documentation of the Human Rights Campaign in China (HRC China) were taken in the raids. Zhan’s girlfriend was released after six hours.  ATGFW.org provides tools, skills and news about the Great Firewall of China. Zhan had also been acting as a representative of HRC China, which was…  
5568. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  Read some of the news highlights from Friday 25th August to Friday 1st September. 1) International Federation of Journalists looks into Russian reporter’s detention in Ukraine. Tass 2) Journalism watchdogs lambaste Macau for denying entry to Hong Kong journalists reporting on typhoon. By Karen Cheung, Hong Kong Free Press 3) Alert Over Refusal to Accredit Russian Reporters on Council of Europe's Website. Sputnik International 4) Loup Bureau est maintenant détenu en Turquie depuis un mois. France…  
5569. Togo: Journalists, editors face insults and death threats  

The IFJ has condemned death threats and insults sent to journalists and editors in Togo as a result of reports and comments on the country’s political situation. Amie Ekpe of the bimonthly L’Equipe Sportive and the President of the Togolese Media Observatory (OTM), Credo Tetteh, editor of the Weekly Le Medium, Eli Goka, a journalist at Radio Metropolys and journalist Firim Teko–Agbo were targeted during the latest attacks on media freedom in the country. According to a joint press statement issued by IFJ affiliate, the Union of Independent Journalists of Togo (UJIT), alongside the Togolese Media Observatory (OTM), the National Council of Press Patrons (CONAPP) and the Union of Free…  
5570. Ukraine: Russian journalist deported and banned from country  

Russian journalist Anna Kurbatova was deported from Ukraine to Russia on Wednesday 30 August and barred from returning for 3 years, accused of spreading anti-Ukrainian propaganda. The IFJ and EFJ join their affiliate the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) in condemning the deportation of Kurbatova and call on the Ukrainian authorities to lift the ban. "Russian propagandist Anna Kurbatova, whose forcible expulsion has been decided, has crossed the Ukrainian-Russian border", said Ukrainian Secret Service (SBU)  spokesperson Olena Hitlayanska. "She has been banned from entering our state for three years". According to Russian news agencies, Kurbatova has been…  
5571. Yemen: journalist in desperate need of medical care following abduction  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate (YJS), in condemning the abduction of a local journalist and in urging his captors to immediately release him so he can get vital medical care.  Reports said that local freelance journalist Abdel Rahim Mohsen, who suffers from severe diabetes, was kidnapped by armed men dressed in civilian clothing on the morning of Tuesday 22 August while on his way to the hospital in Al-Raheda near Taiz for treatment for his deteriorating condition. His family told the YJS that they received news the journalist had fallen into a coma as a result of his diabetes. Mohsen was stopped at…  
5572. Sijad Najim Ojail  

The Iraqi cameraman for Karbala TV was killed in an identified explosive device in the town of Tal Afar, the last fiefdom of the so-called Islamic State in the Nineveh province. The cameraman was embedded with Iraqi troops who were fighting the militants in Tal Afar.  
5573. Macau: Two arrest for spreading rumours on WeChat  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) criticises the arrest of two people in Macau for allegedly spreading unverified messages on WeChat following Typhoon Hato. According to several reports from Macau media, two siblings aged 73 and 68 were arrested by the Macau Judiciary Police for spreading unverified information through WeChat, a Chinese-based communication platform. The police alleged that the pair had disseminated unverified information about the Macau Government blocking a carpark, in which five people were died. No media had reported on the incident, but police alleged that the pair sent the message to at least six WeChat groups and 30 individuals. According to police,…  
5574. Freedom of expression targeted with internet crackdown in China  

The International Federation of Journalists criticises the latest guidelines from the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) on comment sections of media outlets that were released on August 25, 2017. According to the new CAC guidelines, people are not prevented from expressing their opinions in the comment sections of news articles and reports. In addition, all users must use their full name before they register to post comments and internet providers must now monitor and vet all posts before they go online. Any comments or opinions that refer to the unification of China, disseminate rumours and false information, or refer to ending Socialism must be immediately deleted.  The…  
5575. Upcoming elections see clampdown on independent voices in Cambodia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the South East Asia Journalist Unions (SEAJU) in strongly criticizing the government-led attack on press freedom in Cambodia in recent weeks. The IFJ and SEAJU call on the Cambodian Government to end its attack on the media and guarantee press freedom. On August 5, 2017 a letter addressed to the Cambodia Daily appeared on the Facebook page of the government-affiliated Fresh News, claiming that the Daily owed the government USD 6.3 million; including USD 2.4 million in unpaid taxes; almost USD 1 million in ‘additional taxes’ and another USD 3 million in interest.  The letter gave the Daily until September 4 to accept or dispute…  
5576. Colombia: FIP lamenta asesinato de periodista en Palmira  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), lamenta la pérdida del comunicador Elmer Agudelo Vidales, asesinado este domingo al mediodía en Palmira. Agudelo Vidales, reportero gráfico y corresponsal de los diarios El País y Q Hubo, fue atacado por un sicario este domingo 27 de agosto a horas del mediodía en el barrio El Sembrador de Palmira. Horas más tarde falleció en una clínica local. La policía de la zona atribuyó el hecho a un conflicto personal, previamente denunciado ante la Fiscalía General de la Nación. La Federación Colombiana de Periodistas (FECOLPER), afiliada a la FIP, ha instado a las autoridades a no descartar el móvil profesional como causante del homicidio. La…  
5577. Venezuela: alerta por cierre de medios en 2017  

Según el Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa (SNTP), organización afiliada de la FIP, este año han cerrado 49 medios de comunicación en Venezuela. El SNTP ha indicado en las últimas horas que 46 emisoras radiales y 3 canales de televisión han cerrado en Venezuela durante 2017. El sindicato venezolano hizo trascender esta información luego de que, durante la última semana, la Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (Conatel) revocara las concesiones de las emisoras 92.9 FM y Mágica 99.1 FM y excluyera de la pantalla a RCN Televisión y Caracol TV. En los meses previos, fueron también apartados CNN en Español, NTN24, así como las señales argentinas Todo Noticias e Infobae,…  
5578. South Sudan: American journalist killed covering conflict  

Christopher Allen, a US freelance reporter and photographer was killed in South Sudan on Sunday 27 August. The IFJ condemned the killing and called on both sides of the conflict to ensure the safety of reporters on the ground.  The IFJ also urged journalists to take extreme caution when covering the conflict in South Sudan.   Allen was embedded with rebel fighters in the town of Kaya in Yei River State when he was caught in the middle of clashes with government forces. He was reportedly wearing his jacket marked ‘PRESS’ at the time of his death, according to Al Jazeera.    A spokesperson for the US embassy confirmed his death and has notified his family. Allen’s…  
5579. Christopher Allen  

The American freelance journalist was killed while covering fighting between the South Sudanese army and the rebel in Kaya, near the South Soudan’s border with Uganda, according to media reports. Christopher Allen was said to have been embedded with the rebel forces when he was killed. He had worked for Al Jazeera and Vice News. He also covered the war in Eastern Ukraine. Source: AFP  
5580. La FIJ et la FEJ condamnent l’expulsion d’Ukraine de deux journalistes espagnols  

Les Fédérations internationale et européenne des Journalistes (FIJ et FEJ) condamnent fermement l’expulsion de deux journalistes espagnols par les autorités ukrainiennes, jeudi. Les journalistes freelance espagnols Antonio Pampliega et Manuel Angel Sastre ont été interceptés par les forces de l’ordre ukrainiennes à leur arrivée à l’aéroport de Kiev, le jeudi 24 août 2017. Ils ont été expulsés, le même jour, sous prétexte qu’ils constituaient « une menace pour la sécurité nationale ». Les deux journalistes avaient l’intention de couvrir le conflit armé dans l’est du pays, comme il l’avaient fait lors d’un reportage précédent, en décembre 2014. Les autorités consulaires…  
5581. ‘Godman’s’ frenzied followers attack journalists in India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the National Union of Journalists (India) and the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) in strongly condemning the attacks on journalists and media property in India following a court verdict on August 25. The IFJ demands urgent action from the authorities to ensure security for journalists to carry out their duties and punishment to those attacking journalists. On August 25, after the self-styled ‘godman’ Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh was found guilty by a special Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) court, on charges of rape and sexual assault of two female devotees in 2002, his followers ran amok and attacked media vehicles and journalists in…  
5582. Hong Kong journalists denied entry to Macau after deadly storm  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) is strongly criticising the Macau Government to denying entry to four Hong Kong-based journalists on August 26, 2017. The IFJ calls for an immediate investigation into the incident. On Saturday, August 26, four journalists and a photographer from Apple Daily, HK01 and the South China Morning Post was denied entry to Macau in four separate incidents. Immigration officials in Macau said that they “might have posed a threat to internal security”. The three media outlets immediately expressed concerns over the incident and criticised the Macau Government. The media workers had…  
5583. Foreign journalist blocked from reporting in Xinjiang  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticises the continued targeting of foreign journalists in Xinjiang, China. The IFJ calls on the local government to guarantee the rights of the media, who are simply doing their job. According to the Canadian-based, Globe and Mail, Beijing-based correspondent, Nathan VanderKlippe, was detained by police in Kashgar, Xinjiang for three hours on August 23, 2017. According to VanderKlippe, he was not given any reason for the detention, during which his bag and camera were searched by police, and his laptop was confiscated. After three hours he was released, but was followed by a police car the whole way to his hotel. VanderKlippe…  
5584. Iran: Protest over union rights block  

The board of the Association of Tehran Journalists has resigned en-masse in protest at the ongoing refusal of the authorities of allow their registration. The Association has accused the authorities of illegal processes including attempting to impose unelected members to serve on the board. In an open letter addressed to ‘Journalists and Members of the General Assembly of the Association of Tehran Journalists" they claim that despite “all of our efforts, negotiations, correspondence and follow ups" they have been unable to legally register the association after 8 months from the general assembly. They claim the General Directorate of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare of…  
5585. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  Read some of the news highlights from Friday 18th August to Friday 25th August 1) Piden al Parlamento el apoyo para los periodistas reclamados por Turquía. El Diario 2) ¿Por qué sigue detenido en España el periodista turco Yalçin?. By Ana Delgado, El Español. 3) La Audiencia Nacional rechaza dejar en libertad al periodista turco Hamza Yalçin por riesgo de fuga. By Marisa Recuero, El Mundo. 4) La FAPE muestra la consternación de los periodistas por los ataques de Cataluña y pide respeto a las víctimas.…  
5586. Cándido Ríos  

The 55-year-old crime reporter was shot dead by unidentified gunmen in the Mexican state of Veracruz and became the tenth journalist to be killed in the country since the start of the year in work-related incidents. Cándido Ríos, who worked for the Diario de Acayucan, was shot in the south of Veracruz while he was with two other people, including a former police officer. The journalist had received death threats since 2012, mainly from the local administration officials,for his reporting. He was admitted into the protection programme for human rights defenders and journalists, according to the Comisión Estatal para la Atención y Protección de los Periodistas (CEAPP).  
5587. México: asesinado décimo periodista, que estaba bajo protección gubernamental  

El reportero Cándido Ríos fue acribillado el 22 de agosto en Veracruz, México. Se trata del décimo periodista asesinado este año en el país norteamericano por motivos vinculados a la profesión. Cándido Ríos, de 55 años, corresponsal de la sección policial del Diario de Acayucan, fue atacado a tiros por desconocidos cuando se encontraba junto a otras dos personas, una de ellas ex policía, en Covarrubias, al sur de Veracruz. El comunicador, que murió camino del hospital, denunciaba amenazas desde 2012 –muchas de ellas provenientes de las autoridades locales- y se encontraba bajo el resguardo del Mecanismo para la Protección de Defensores de Derechos Humanos y Periodistas, según informó la…  
5588. Resistance amidst continuing pressure on the academia in China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) applauds the China Quarterly, a publication of the Cambridge University Press (CUP) for fearlessly reposting 315 articles that it had earlier been forced to take down by the Chinese authorities. Unfortunately, another prestigious publication and computer science company has been subjected to a similar clampdown.   Last week, the China Quarterly, a Cambridge University Press (CUP) publication, revealed that it had been facing continuous pressure from the Chinese authorities. The editors were forced to block access to 315 articles dating from the contemporary back to the 1960s. Access to a thousand e-books was also similarly blocked. An…  
5589. Chinese police detain poet without rhyme or reason  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned over the detention of a poet on allegations that he was helping to edit an anthology of poems of Liu Xiaobo, the late Nobel Peace Prize awardee. According to several non-Mainland China media reports, Wu Minglang, 49, whose pen-name is ‘Langzi’, was detained in Haizhu District of Guangzhou, Guangdong province on August 18 on the suspicion that he was involved in an "illegal business activity." According to the media, the officer of Haizhu District of State Administration for Press Publication Radio Film and Television (SAPPRFT) ransacked Wu’s apartment on August 8. Wu’s poetry and arts exhibition pamphlets were…  
5590. Swedish Freelance Journalist Kim Wall Found Dead in Denmark  

The headless torso of the 30-year-old Swedish journalist was found on a beach south of Copenhagen on 21 August, ten days after she had gone missing. According to media reports, DNA from the torso matched that from Ms Wall's hairbrush and toothbrush. Ms Wall, a freelance journalist who had written for the Guardian, New York Times and South China Morning Post, disappeared during a trip on a civilian submarine, the Nautilus, with its in inventor Peter Madsen. She had been researching a feature about him and the Nautilus he had built in 2008 with crowdfunding, reports added. After failing to return from the trip, police arrested Peters Madsen who first claimed he had dropped her…  
5591. IFJ/EFJ deeply saddened by death of Swedish journalist Kim Wall  

The International and European Federation of Journalists (EFJ/IFJ) have joined their Swedish affiliate – Swedish Journalists’ Union (SUJ) - in expressing their sadness following the confirmation of freelance Swedish journalist Kim Wall’s death which occurred in Copenhagen, Denmark.   "It is with sadness and dismay that we received the confirmation of our colleague's death. Our thoughts are with Kim Wall's family," said Jonas Nordling, president of the Swedish Union of Journalists (SUJ). EFJ president Mogens Blicher Bjerregård also sent to the Swedish Union of Journalist and Kim Wall's family his deepest sympathy after the confirmation this morning from the Danish…  
5592. Kim Wall  

The headless torso of the 30-year-old Swedish journalist was found on a beach south of Copenhagen on 21 August, ten days after she had gone missing. According to media reports, DNA from the torso matched that from Ms Wall's hairbrush and toothbrush. Ms Wall, a freelance journalist who had written for the Guardian, New York Times and South China Morning Post, disappeared during a trip on a civilian submarine, the Nautilus, with its in inventor Peter Madsen. She had been researching a feature about him and the Nautilus he had built in 2008 with crowdfunding, reports added. After failing to return from the trip, police arrested Peters Madsen who first claimed he had dropped her…  
5593. Journalists need to make sure they are properly protected  

SPECIAL FEATURE: The last decade has seen journalists becoming more often victims of targeted attacks in urban and conflict zones. Terrorist attacks, industrial incidents, traffic fatalities and violent protests are very common nowadays and reporters frequently travel to these sites to bring the news to the world. Body armour has steadily found its way into the standard gear of journalists. With insurgency, rioting, wars and terrorist attacks growing at an alarming rate, members of the media, who frequently report from points of conflict, are in dire need to find ways to stay safe. While tactical vests have always been a standard part of the equipment of law enforcement and military…  
5594. Unrelenting crackdown on critical voices in China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned about the pressure applied by Chinese authorities which forced a prestigious University publication to block online access to more than 300 articles on its website. According to several non-Mainland media reports, the China Quarterly, a Cambridge University Press (CUP) publication, revealed that it had been subjected to continuous pressure from the Chinese authorities. According to the Hong Kong-based Apple Daily, Tim Pringle, editor of the publication said that more than 300 articles were deleted from the official website on the Mainland after they received a notice from the Chinese authorities. In addition, similar…  
5595. Philippines slaps libel suit to silence broadcast journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), in condemning the libel suit against ABS-CBN’s broadcast journalist Ted Failon and three members of his staff. Ted Failon was indicted following the airing of an episode of ABS-CBN show ’Failon Ngayon’. ABS-CBN reports that former Metropolitan Manila Development Activity (MMDA) Chairman Francisco Tolentino filed a libel case against Failon and three other staff members of the current affairs program. The NUJP said the episode looked into the “allegedly irregular purchase by the MMMDA under Tolentino of secondhand motorcycles for Pope Francis’ visit to Manila…  
5596. México: crece avanzada antisindical en diario La Jornada  

Dos dirigentes del Sindicato de Trabajadores de La Jornada (SITRAJOR) fueron despedidos del periódico y demandados penalmente en el marco de una notable persecusión sindical contra los,as trabajadores,as que defienden la vigencia del convenio colectivo en la empresa. Tal como informara la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) en un comunicado previo, la empresa DEMOS (controlante de La Jornada) intentó, en los últimos meses, desconocer parte de los derechos establecidos en el convenio colectivo imperante en el medio desde hace varias décadas. A raíz de ello, los,as trabajadores,as organizados en el SITRAJOR dieron curso a una medida de fuerza para poner tope a la avanzada…  
5597. Prove crime before punishment, Chinese authorities urged  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls upon the Chinese authorities to present credible evidence that certain websites have violated laws as alleged. According to China Daily, three popular news portals –toutiao.com, NetEase and Phoenix–  were punished by the National Office Against Pornographic and Illegal Publications Office in Beijing on August 17, on grounds of carrying “pornographic” content. In addition to the fine, the channels were suspended for a week in order to “rectify” the content. The National Office stated that it had already cooperated with at least seven other departments including the Police Bureau; the State Administrative Office of Press…  
5598. Cameroon: calls to free Ahmed Abba grow as mystery surrounds appeal hearing  

The IFJ has called for the immediate release of Cameroonian journalist Ahmed Abba whose appeal hearing, which was due to start today, was mysteriously called-off at the last minute.   The Radio France Internationale correspondent in Cameroon, was given a ten-year jail sentence in April for covering the activities of Boko Haram – a jihadi terror group.   The IFJ and international NGOs launched a support committee to help increase pressure on the Cameroonian authorities on the eve of the appeal. But now, Abba’s name has been removed from today’s court lists and mystery surrounds the status of his appeal.   In April a military court in Yaounde sentenced Abba to 10…  
5599. Reveal stance on election postponement, Sri Lankan government urged  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Free Media Movement (FMM), in insisting that the Sri Lankan Government immediately reveal its position on the various statements currently circulating about the postponement of local government and provincial council elections. The last local government and provincial council elections were held in 2011 and 2014 respectively. Two years have passed since the terms of the local government councils have expired but no elections have been announced. A proposal to postpone the elections according to the 20th Amendment to the Constitution has sparked news coverage across all media channels, creating what FMM calls…  
5600. Kenya: journalists assaulted and harassed during election  

The IFJ has condemned the appalling treatment of journalists by police and supporters of political parties both during and following the Kenyan general election of 8 August. A number of journalists were assaulted, harassed, intimidated and prevented from reporting during the election campaign. Journalists have also been targeted by Kenyan authorities for reporting on post-election protests and subsequent house-to-house raids conducted by the Kenyan police. Kenya’s The Star has reported that a number of journalists have been harassed by protestors and had their cameras and equipment stolen or confiscated.  Incumbent president Uhuru Kenyatta was re-elected to office with 54% of…  
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