15057 results:

2661. China And East Asia Bulletin - April 2021  

As vaccines start to curtail the spread of Covid-19 globally, China used its financial prowess and vaccine diplomacy to influence media narratives around the world, while also flexing its muscle against criticisms closer to home. In Hong Kong, media tycoon Jimmy Lai plead guilty to unlawful assembly in pro-democracy protests but said that he had “done no wrong in affirming the rights of people to peaceful procession”. Meanwhile on the mainland, intimidation of foreign correspondents continued as did backlash against any critique of the country’s mass detention of Uyghurs. This IFJ China bulletin provides a snapshot of media freedom challenges in the China sphere. Read our latest newsletter…  
2662. Greece: Crime journalist killed outside his home  

Giorgos Karaivaz, a veteran Greek television journalist who specialised in reporting on crime was shot dead on April 9 near his home in Athens. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) have expressed their alarm at the cold-blooded murder of a journalist and urged the authorities to investigate what appears to be a planned ambush and targeted killing. According to preliminary reports, Giorgos Karaivaz, who worked for private TV station Star and also ran news blog bloko.gr, was shot several times by two men on a motorbike after parking his car near his home, in Athens, at around 2:30 PM. First local media reports said that the killers may have used silencers…  
2663. Giorgos Karaivaz  

The well-known Greek television reporter for Star TV and the founder of ther news website bloko.gr was gunned down outside his house in Athens. Police said that the veteran crime reporter was shot as he returned home from a shift on a daytime show on Star TV when he was ambushed by two men on a moped and shot at least six times, killing him instantly. According to witnesses, the murder took place at around 2.30pm as the journalist was getting out of his car near his house in Themou Anninou Street in the southern Athens suburb of Alimos. Deputy minister for citizen's protection Lefteris Economou suggested a link between the killing and organized crime. Police said they had collected 12…  
2664. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 2 and 9 April, 2021 English: Albanian Government Announce Vaccination of Field-Based Journalists (EXIT NEWS) New writers join the Splash team (SPLASH247.COM) Français: Rennes : Un journaliste afghan entre en clandestinité pour éviter l’expulsion (20 MINUTES) Español: Cataluña, un "territorio peligroso" para periodistas en el que "no hay presos políticos" (LIBERTAD DIGITAL) IFJ, news, vaccination, journalists, danger, politics  
2665. Suisse: le groupe Tamedia doit conclure un plan social équitable  

La fusion des journaux suisses "Bund" et "Berner Zeitung", propriété du groupe de presse Tamedia, entraînera d'importantes suppressions d'emplois. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) se joint à son affilié suisse, Syndicom, et exige que Tamedia réduise au maximum les licenciements et qu’il conclue un plan social équitable pour les personnes touchées par les mesures de démantèlement inévitables. Plus d'informations: https://syndicom.ch/fr/actuel/article/demantelement-au-bund-et-a-la-berner-zeitung/  
2666. Kenya: Journalist assaulted and killed at her home  

Betty Mutekhele Barasa, a senior video editor and television producer working for the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC), was assaulted and shot dead at her home in Nairobi, on 7 April by unidentified gunmen. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Kenyan Union of Journalists (KUJ) in condemning this heinous crime and urging the Kenyan authorities to launch a thorough investigation into this killing to ensure justice for Ms Barasa. Betty Mutekhele was shot twice while her family was held hostage by the assailants. According to her family, three men had been waiting for her to arrive from work and two of them were armed with AK-47 rifles.  The…  
2667. Yemen: YJS reports 24 media freedom violations in first quarter of 2021  

The Yemeni Journalists Syndicate has documented 24 violations of press freedom in the country between 1 January and 31 March 2021, ranging from arbitrary detentions to assaults and threats. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate in condemning the systematic violence against Yemeni media workers by warring parties and urges the authorities to take urgent steps to guarantee journalists' safety. The violations recorded by the YJS include seven cases of detention, seven cases of journalists being taken to court, six cases of media coverage being banned, two cases of work equipment being confiscated, one case…  
2668. Betty Mutekhele Barasa  

The senior video editor and television producer working for the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC), was shot dead at her home in Nairobi by unidentified gunmen who also held hostage her family during their attack. According to her family, three men had been waiting for her to arrive from work and two of them were armed with AK-47 rifles.  The assailants stormed the house, ransacked it and killed the journalist with two shots in the head.  Local media reports quoted  her husband who was in the house at the moment of the assault as saying that, while in their house, one of the attackers made a phone call saying they had completed their mission. After the shooting, the gang…  
2669. New Era for AJI  

The 11th Congress of the Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) was characterised by change. New leaders were elected, new structures were created and a new format was used to hold the congress, writes Ratna Ariyanti. New Leaders The winds of change swept through the 11th Congress as new journalists were elected to key roles. Ika Ningtyas, a freelancer and fact-checker for Tempo, was elected as Secretary-General and Sasmito Madrim, a journalist for VoA Indonesia, as Chairman. There was a ballot for both positions and the result was tight. Sasmito and Ika ran on a ticket against the incumbent, Revolusi Riza, Deputy Editor in Chief at CNN Indonesia and his running mate, Dandy Koswara, the Head of…  
2670. Myanmar: Civilians arrested after speaking with CNN  

Myanmar’s military detained 11 people after they talked with CNN journalists in Myanmar on April 2. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemn the arrests of civilians and urge Myanmar’s military to allow the media to report without restrictions. CNN correspondent Clarisa Ward interviewed eleven individuals at markets in Yangon’s Insein and Mingaladon townships. Interviewees were then taken away by plainclothes officers directly after speaking to CNN. The news outlet subsequently confirmed at least eight of the eleven people were released on April 5. In an interview with CNN, military spokesman Major General Zaw Min Tun confirmed the arrests of three people from the first…  
2671. France: Journalist's car sabotaged  

Investigative journalist Morgan Large discovered that her car had been sabotaged, with two bolts removed from a wheel on Monday 29 March. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) have strongly condemned the attack and urged the French authorities to investigate the case immediately and take measures to ensure the safety of journalists and freedom of information in the region. Morgan Large works for the bilingual French-Breton Radio Kreiz Breizh and is known for her investigations into the agriculture sector in the Brittany region. The sabotage of her car parked close to her house is the latest act of intimidation against her and her family, adding to the…  
2672. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 26 March and 2 April, 2021 English: UN panel finds 'alarming' media restrictions in Pakistan (ANI) ZUJ To Honour Late Dongozi Through Annual Memorial Lectures (NEW ZIMBABWE) Pakistan: PFUJ Secretary General receives death threat (IFEX) As PH, Cambodia struggle for press freedom, China amps up influence (RAPPLER) Français: Philippe Leruth: le président s’en va (L'AVENIR) Tanger : La FMEJ ouvre sa section régionale les 2 et 3 avril…  
2673. Turkey: 55 journalists' jobs under threat  

Employees at Artı TV and online media Artı Gerçek face losing their jobs as a result of their parent company's decision to terminate its contract with the two media. Five workers have already been fired or forced to resign since the decision was made on 22 March. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) and their Turkish affiliate DİSK Basın-İş denounced the management decision and have called for the workers' rights to be respected. German-based Turkish TV station Artı TV and online media Artı Gerçek belong to the Artı Media Foundation, controlled by German-Dutch owners. Employees of both media had already been working without a…  
2674. Hong Kong: Media mogul Jimmy Lai found guilty of unauthorised assembly  

On April 1, the founder of media group Next Digital, Jimmy Lai, was convicted of organising and taking part in an unauthorised assembly in 2019. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) protests against the political persecution and calls on the Hong Kong government to overturn the verdict. Jimmy Lai Chee-ying and six other pro-democracy campaigners were found guilty of organising and taking part in an unauthorised assembly on August 18, 2019. The sentencing will be handed down on April 16. Among those convicted on Thursday include Martin Lee Chu-ming, Leung Kwok-hung, Albert Ho Chun-yan, Lee Cheuk-yan, Cyd Ho Sau-lan and Margaret Ng Ngoi-yee, all of whom…  
2675. Frontera colombo-ecuatoriana: a tres años del secuestro y asesinato de Javier Ortega Reyes, Paúl Rivas Bravo y Efraín Segarra Abril, continúa la búsqueda de justicia  

Este 30 de marzo, la justicia colombiana decidió la primera condena por el secuestro y asesinato del equipo periodístico de El Comercio, compuesto por Ortega Reyes, Rivas Bravo y Segarra Abril. A pocos días de cumplirse el tercer aniversario de este crimen ocurrido en la frontera entre Colombia y Ecuador, queda pendiente continuar la investigación y enjuiciar a todos los autores materiales e intelectuales del hecho. El pasado martes 30 de marzo, la Fiscalía General de la Nación de Colombia obtuvo la condena a 28 años de prisión para Jesús Vargas Cuajiboy, acusado de formar parte del secuestro y homicidio del equipo periodístico del diario El Comercio de Ecuador entre los meses de marzo y…  
2676. Indonesia: Journalist abused for reporting on bribery  

A Tempo journalist in the East Java was assaulted and threatened for investigating a case of alleged bribery involving the former director of investigations and tax collections at Indonesia’s Finance Ministry. The IFJ and its affiliate AJI condemn violence and intimidation of journalists in Indonesia and implore all authorities to respect press freedom. On March 29, the journalist Nurhadi is reported to have entered the wedding of the daughter of the former director, Angin Prayitno Aji, to collect information for his report on bribery when two men believed to be Angin’s personal bodyguards accused him of trespassing, despite him showing his press card. Nurhadi said that the bodyguards then…  
2677. Chile: documento revela maniobras fraudulentas de la Dirección Nacional de Inteligencia del Ejército para espiar al periodista Mauricio Weibel  

Este 29 de marzo, el Centro de Investigación Periodística (CIPER) divulgó un documento que demostraría que la Dirección Nacional de Inteligencia del Ejército (DINE) empleó engaños e incurrió en ilegalidades para solicitar a un ministro de la Corte de Apelaciones una autorización judicial para realizar escuchas telefónicas al periodista Mauricio Weibel en el año 2017. En el año 2015, el periodista chileno Mauricio Weibel publicó la investigación que dio a luz uno de los hechos conocidos más graves de corrupción y fraude hacia el interior del Ejército del país sudamericano. Conocido popularmente como “Milicogate”, el caso investigado por el equipo periodístico conducido por Weibel descubrió…  
2678. China: BBC correspondent leaves China after pressure and threats  

The British Broadcasting Corporation's (BBC) China correspondent, John Sudworth, has been forced to relocate to Taiwan over concerns for his safety. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Chinese government to stop harassing foreign correspondents in China. Sudworth “moved to Taiwan after it became increasingly difficult to remain in China,” the BBC said. He will continue to report on China from Taiwan and collaborate with colleagues who remain in Beijing. The BBC has come under fire from Chinese authorities for reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic and the internment camps in Xinjiang, where at least one million Uyghur and other Muslim minorities are understood to be…  
2679. Perú: Periodista local amenazado tras informar sobre casos de corrupción  

Carlos Alberto Tafur, periodista de la emisora ‘Radio Stereo G 96,5’, ha recibido amenazas de muerte por revelar diferentes casos de corrupción en la región amazónica de Perú en los últimos cuatro meses. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y su afiliado, la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas de Perú (ANP), exigen a las autoridades garantizar la seguridad del periodista amenazado. A través de su programa ‘Señal Informativa Digital’, Tafur ha denunciado negligencias e irregularidades que han tenido lugar en las municipalidades distritales de Huambos, Longar y la municipalidad provincial de Rodríguez de Mendoza, en la región Amazonas. Estas se traducirían en un perjuicio…  
2680. Cambodia: Report shows journalists, media freedoms targeted  

At least 35 cases of harassment against 72 journalists were logged in Cambodia in 2020, according to a new report by the Cambodian Journalists Alliance (CamboJA). The IFJ and its affiliate CamboJA condemn violence and intimidation of journalists in Cambodia and implore the authorities to respect press freedom. In its first annual “Cambodian Journalism Situation Report 2020”, published on March 29, CamboJA detailed the various cases of harassment and threats journalists faced while doing their job, with at least 31 out of 72 journalists arrested after being either attacked or threatened with violence while exercising their press freedoms throughout the year. The most common types of…  
2681. IFJ White Paper on Global Journalism  

The IFJ has published a reference document: the White Paper on Global Journalism. In addition to studies on freedom of expression, working conditions, youth or gender equality, the IFJ reports in this 62-page document that 2658 journalists have been murdered since 1990, 65 of them in 2020, and 235 are currently in prison. The publication of this White Paper on Global Journalism, coordinated by the IFJ General Secretary, is a response to the questions that everyone may have, because its scope covers all trade union fields accross our profession (safety and protection of journalists, ethics, quality of information, gender equality, youth, working conditions, salaries) and it shows in detail…  
2682. Ukraine: Unions and newspaper editors unite in call for urgent action to save print media  

The National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) has won support for a 14-point plan to save the country's print media. The plan, developed with representatives of the newspaper industry, was endorsed at a NUJU-organised conference of 200 editors and journalists held on 25 March. The demands, also supported by the International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ),  will now be sent to the Government and Parliament in a bid to  save the sector, protect media jobs and protect freedom of information in Ukraine. Demands agreed by conference participants to protect media and jobs during the Covid-19 pandemic, included: The creation of a…  
2683. Philippines: Radio announcer fatally shot  

A local disc jockey for Kiss FM was shot dead in Tagbilaran City on March 27. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) urge the Philippines police to investigate the death quickly and thoroughly. Rizalino ‘Inday Rufing’ Torralba, 45, was killed inside Room 8 at the Backpackers’ Inn around 10pm on March 27, in Mansasa, Tagbilaran City, Bohol. The NUJP reported she died from a gunshot wound from an unknown calibre handgun. Police said that Andrew Fontreras is suspected to have killed the radio presenter. Frontreras told police Rufing grabbed his gun, which was on the bed and allegedly fired it…  
2684. Montenegro: Press freedom groups condemn judicial persecution of journalist Jovo Martinović  

In a statement published today, leading international press freedom and journalists’ organisations condemn the continued judicial persecution of Montenegrin investigative journalist, Jovo Martinović after his appeal was rejected. Leading press freedom and journalists’ organisations, including Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners, strongly condemn the decision by the Court of Appeals to reject Jovo Martinović’s appeal and uphold the first instance verdict of the High Court in Podgorica which convicted Martinović to 12 months of prison. While he will not be imprisoned due to time already spent behind bars, Jovo Martinović will have a criminal record, solely due to his journalism.…  
2685. Myanmar: Five journalists detained in separate raids  

Myanmar’s military arrested two Kachin state-based journalists and three Shan state-based journalists in two separate incidents, as violence continues to rise across the country against the military coup. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the continued arrests of media workers in Myanmar and attempt to silence the press and suppress the truth. Ko La Raw from Kachin Waves and Ma Chan Bu, from the 74 Media, were arrested by the military while reporting in the city of Myitkyina on March 29. Witnesses said the journalists were both beaten and detained by authorities while reporting on a crackdown on anti-regime protestors. The arrests coincide with escalating violence…  
2686. Chile: equipo periodístico de TVN es atacado a balazos  

Iván Núñez y Esteban Sánchez, trabajadores de la Televisión Nacional de Chile, fueron atacados con armas de fuego en la noche del 26 de marzo en la Región del Biobío, sur del país. Iván Núñez y Esteban Sánchez, periodista y camarógrafo de TVN, respectivamente, fueron emboscados y baleados este sábado en un sector rural del sur chileno. Ambos trabajadores fueron atacados cuando regresaban de mantener una reunión con Héctor Llaitul, líder de la Coordinadora Arauco Malleco (CAM), para pactar una entrevista a realizarse en los próximos días. Según reportaron distintos medios nacionales, el vehículo donde se transportaba el equipo de prensa recibió, según estudios preliminares, al menos tres…  
2687. Groundhog day for fake news in Malaysia  

The promulgation of a resurrected ‘fake news’ law by the Malaysian government has drawn widespread condemnation from press freedom, civil society and human rights groups, writes Jim Nolan. The disquiet surrounding the resurrection of a ‘fake news’ law in Malaysia in early March was magnified because the new law was not enacted by Parliament, which currently remains in suspense following a controversial declaration of a state of emergency in January but instead was issued as an executive Ordinance.  Critics questioned why Parliament was suspended under the emergency – and continues to be closed despite businesses and schools re-opening. It was perhaps, unsurprising but all too…  
2688. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 19 and 26 March, 2021 English: Mexico is a dangerous country for journalists (JOURNAL PIONEER) CNN embarks on three-year digital project to cover gender inequality worldwide (JOURNALISM.CO.UK) After the Smoke Clears, what will be Left of Media in Myanmar? (KAREN NEWS) Français: Tunisie : Le PDL annonce de nouvelles décisions (TUNISIE NUMERIQUE) Menacé de mort par les talibans, un journaliste afghan craint d'être expulsé (L'ORIENT LE…  
2689. France: la FIJ exige toujours le retrait de la loi Sécurité globale  

La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), représentant 600.000 journalistes dans le monde, et ses membres français du SNJ, du SNJ-CGT et de la CFDT-Journalistes s’opposent toujours à la proposition de loi relative à la Sécurité globale, votée par le Sénat le 18 mars. La proposition de loi relative à la Sécurité globale, votée par les députés français en première lecture le 24 novembre 2020, prévoit notamment dans son article 24 d’empêcher la diffusion d’images des forces de l’ordre, qui estiment qu’elles peuvent « porter atteinte à leur intégrité physique ou psychique ». Voté en première lecture par l’Assemblée nationale, ce texte modifierait en l’état la loi de…  
2690. Myanmar: AP journalist released by authorities  

Myanmar authorities released Associated Press (AP) journalist Thein Zaw from detention on Wednesday, March 24, following his arrest three weeks ago. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) are relieved Thein Zaw has been released and urge the Myanmar military to release the remaining detained journalists. A court hearing on Wednesday resulted in Zaw’s release from Insien prison in Yangon after a judge announced all charges against him would be dropped because he was doing his job at the time of his arrest. Leaving prison, he was taken home by his brothers and friend, looking ‘visibly thinner than before his arrest’. Ian Phillips, the AP vice president for international news said…  
2691. Pakistan: PFUJ Secretary General receives death threat  

Media union leader Rana Muhammad Azeem, secretary general of the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), received a death threat after exposing a mafia gangster in a television appearance. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Pakistan affiliate to call for an urgent investigation into the threat. Media union leader Rana Muhammad Azeem, secretary general of the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), received a death threat after exposing a mafia gangster in a television appearance. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Pakistan affiliate to call for an urgent investigation into the threat.  The PFUJ said on March 26…  
2692. Norway: Mandatory quarantine rule for foreign journalists must be amended  

The Norwegian government has decided it will require a mandatory quarantine of 10 days for all foreign journalists on assignment in Norway. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) join their affiliate, the Norwegian Union of Journalists (NJ), in its call for an urgent amendment to a measure that will make it almost impossible for foreign journalists to report in Norway. The NJ, along with national media and editors associations wrote to the government calling for exemptions for foreign journalists on assignment in Norway from the country's Covid-19 regulations.  According to the NJ, the quarantine obligation is…  
2693. Burundi: 7 journalistes condamnés à perpétuité  

La Cour suprême du Burundi a condamné le 23 juin 2020 sept journalistes à des peines de prison à perpétuité pour avoir "fomenté un coup d'état contre le gouvernement", décision portée à la connaissance du public le 2 février 2021. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) et son affiliée, l’Union Burundaise des Journalistes (UBJ), dénoncent vivement la condamnation et enjoignent le gouvernement burundais à ordonner la levée inconditionnelle de cette condamnation  et assurer le respect de la liberté de la presse. Le 13 mai 2015, après plusieurs semaines de manifestations contre le 3eme mandat brigué par le Président Pierre Nkurunziza, des militaires ont tenté un coup d'état qui…  
2694. Belarus: leaders of journalists’ organisations in Europe call on heads of governments to take action  

Leaders of 50 journalists’ unions and associations in 34 European countries today called on their governments to intensify pressure and take action in the face of constant violations of human rights and press freedom in Belarus. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) supports the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and all its European affiliates’ efforts to protect Belarussian media workers rights and freedoms. In a joint letter, they urge their head of government to demand from the Belarusian authorities the immediate release of the 12 imprisoned journalists and the withdrawal of administrative and criminal proceedings against Belarusian journalists. On the…  
2695. Sri Lanka: Journalist charged with ‘false claim’ of abduction  

Sri Lankan journalist Sujeewa Gamage, who was arrested by police for allegedly making 'false claims’ about his own abduction, was granted bail on March 19. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and Sri Lankan affiliate the Free Media Movement (FMM) call on Sri Lankan police to cease arbitrary arrests of journalists in the country and demands an impartial investigation into the Gamage case. Police from the Colombo Crime Division (CCD) detained 62-year-old Gamage on March 17 for allegedly making 'false claims’ that unknown assailants abducted and tortured him on March 10. Gamage was arrested after being released from a hospital where he was being treated for burns and…  
2696. Syria: Journalist detained for second time in six months  

A journalist working for state-owned newspaper ‘Al Wehda’ was detained for the second time in six months on 7 March, in an alleged defamation case. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls for his immediate release. Two days before being arrested by the cybercrime police in the Syrian capital, Damascus, journalist Kenan Wakkaf posted a message on his Facebook account stating: "By the time you read this post I will be in detention. If you don't ask for your right, who will? If it is not now, when?” His detention came a week after he posted a story on Facebook about a Syrian conscript soldier who was held as a hostage after being assigned to guard the house…  
2697. After the smoke clears, what will be left of media in Myanmar?  

Journalists in Myanmar face worsening conditions as military crackdowns and violence is compelling many to flee, writes Phil Thornton. Freelance journalist Ko Wei Min* describes thick black smoke mushrooming over his home in Hlaing Tha Yar and reflects back to Sunday, March 14, when the “soldiers came in 20 trucks armed with machine guns.” The smoke that hung over Hlaing Tha Yar like a war zone came from Chinese-owned factories torched by unknown arsonists and resident roadblocks set ablaze by both protestors and soldiers. Ko Wei Min explained to the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) that by the next day local hospitals were clogged with dead and injured civilians: “Snipers…  
2698. A Way Forward: Pacific Media Consultation Report 2021  

The International Federation of Journalists, Asia-Pacific (IFJ Asia-Pacific) report, A Way Forward: Pacific Media Consultation Report 2021 explores the diverse and complex media landscape of the Pacific. This report was independently developed by the IFJ Asia-Pacific and commissioned under the IFJ's UNESCO IPDC project, Building The Capacity Of Media Associations To Assess Regulatory Environments And Strengthen Professional Journalism In The Pacific.  The report follows local stakeholder assessments of the media regulatory environment in four countries - Fiji, Samoa, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu using UNESCO Media Development Indicator's (MDI's). Read…  
2699. Freelance journalists: Organizing is key to survive the pandemic  

In certain parts of the world, the pandemic has boosted the unionization wave in digital media but also among freelance journalists, who are increasingly identified as workers rather than self-employed businesses and are more and more covered by collective agreements to defend their labor rights and fair rates for their work. International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) affiliates all over the world are playing a key role in organising freelance journalists and supporting them during the pandemic. From massive layoffs to media closures, from precarity to news deserts, journalists all over the world are suffering the fallout from a pandemic that is having serious repercussions across…  
2700. Pakistan: Hindu minority journalist murdered  

Ajay Lalwani, a reporter with Royal News TV and Daily Puchano died on March 18 after sustaining multiple gunshot wounds in an attack in Sindh province. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) call for an urgent investigation to the case. The 31-year-old journalist received  bullet injuries to the stomach, arm and knee as he waited in line for a barber shop on March 17 in Saleh Putt Sakhar, a town in interior Sindh province.  According to the PFUJ, the assailants came by motorcycle and car and fled from the scene after the attack. The seriously injured journalist was rushed to Civil Hospital…  
2701. Myanmar: BBC and Mizzima News journalists abducted  

Myanmar security agents detained two reporters, one from the BBC Burmese service and one from Mizzima News on March 19. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the continued and relentless attacks on media workers and press freedom in Myanmar and calls for the immediate release of all detained journalists. UPDATE MARCH 23: Detained BBC journalist Aung Thura was released in Myanmar, days after he was detained, the BBC World News reported. BBC reporter Aung Thura and Mizzima News reporter Than Htike Aung were reportedly taken away by plainclothes security agents while reporting outside a court in the capital, Nay Pyi Taw. Both journalists were covering legal…  
2702. La France doit accorder le droit d'asile à un journaliste afghan menacé de mort à Kaboul  

La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), représentant 600.000 journalistes dans le monde, et ses membres français du SNJ et du SNJ-CGT appellent les autorités françaises à accorder le droit d'asile au journaliste afghan Elyaas Ehsas, qui est menacé d'une expulsion vers la Suède (dans le cadre des accords de Dublin) avant d'être probablement renvoyé en Afghanistan où il est condamné à mort par les Talibans. Elyaas Ehsas, âgé de 27 ans, reporter de guerre pour une chaine de télévision à Kaboul (Afghanistan), a quitté son pays en 2015 après avoir reçu des menaces par des groupes talibans, en raison de sa qualité de journaliste, mais également de son appartenance à la minorité…  
2703. IFJ Killed Journalists Report - 2020  

The International Federation of Journalists today published the report on journalists and media staff killed in work-related incidents around the world during 2020. The annual report, in its 30th edition, details the circumstances of the 65 killings which occurred during targeted attacks, bomb attacks and cross –fire incidents in 16 countries. That is 17 more killed than were in 2019 (49),  and bring the total to 2680 journalists and media workers who lost their lives to violence in the world since 1990, when the IFJ started publishing these annual reports to highlight the deepening safety crisis in the media. The figures published by the Federation for this year show that the…  
2704. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 12 and 19 March, 2021. English: Journalists' group: 65 media workers killed in 2020 (ABC NEWS) World Gets More Dangerous For Journalists: Report Finds 65 Media Workers Were Killed In 2020 (WBFO-NPR) Finding Beds For Mental Health Patients; Journalists Killed In 2020 (WBUR) Journalists' Body Asks Malaysian Government to Repeal Emergency Laws on 'Fake News' (THE WIRE) Journalists' Union calls for media pay audits to tackle inequalities…  
2705. UK: Politicians must stop attacking journalists  

The IFJ today backed calls by its UK affiliate, the NUJ, on government ministers and all politicians to stop traducing journalists and media outlets following comments by Jacob Rees-Mogg MP, leader of the House of Commons. Rees-Mogg accused HuffPost's deputy political editor of being "either a knave or a fool" and claimed that media coverage about the foreign secretary, Dominic Raab MP, was "shockingly distorted by low-quality journalism," adding: "It’s a very cheap level of journalism, it’s not a proper way to behave." This follows on from leaked Whatsapp messages last week in which the secretary of state for health and social care, Matt Hancock MP, described The Guardian newspaper as a…  
2706. Ajay Lalwani  

The reporter with Royal News TV and Daily Puchano died from multiple gunshot wounds sustained during an attack in Sindh province. The 31-year-old journalist was shot in the stomach, arm and knee as he waited in line for a barber shop on March 17 in Saleh Putt Sakhar, a town in interior Sindh province. The seriously injured journalist was rushed to Civil Hospital Sakhar for the treatment but died the next day on March 18. According to the PFUJ, the assailants came by motorcycle and car and fled from the scene after the attack. Lalwani was a vocal journalist and frequently  raise issues of the Hindu minority in Pakistan. He also criticised the Pakistani…  
2707. Perú: la crisis sanitaria y la falta de acceso a la salud pública elevan el número de muertes por COVID-19 a 135 periodistas  

Según un informe difundido por la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú este martes 16 de marzo, el número de muertes conocidas a causa del COVID-19 entre lxs trabajadorxs de prensa alcanza a 135. De ellxs, 61 personas adquirieron la enfermedad en el ejercicio de su trabajo y 74 de manera comunitaria. Tal como señala la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP) en un informe difundido en redes, el período constituido entre abril del 2020 y marzo 2021 constituye un año de periodismo en emergencia: en la nación andina han fallecido 230 periodistas según los registros de la ANP; 135 por COVID-19 y 95 por otras complicaciones de salud que fueron desatendidas por la saturación del…  
2708. Colombia: el Estado se retiró de la audiencia en la CIDH por el caso de Jineth Bedoya, sobreviviente de secuestro, tortura y violación  

Este lunes 15 de marzo, el Estado colombiano se retiró de la audiencia fijada por la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos al recusar a lxs jueces por “prejuzgar a Colombia” en el caso de periodista y activista colombiana Jineth Bedoya Lima. La comunicadora es sobreviviente de hechos tortura y violación sucedidos luego de ser secuestrada por paramilitares en mayo del año 2000, cuando realizaba una investigación en la cárcel La Modelo (Bogotá). En un acto que no tiene precedentes en la subregión sudamericana, el director de la Agencia Jurídica del Estado (ANDJE) de Colombia, Camilo Gómez, presentó oralmente una queja para recusar a lxs jueces que participaban de la sesión de la Corte…  
2709. Palestine: PJS secures financial aid for local media and journalists  

The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) has secured a financial aid package from the Palestinian authority for Palestinian local media and journalists of around 600.000$ to help them going through the economic crisis provoked by the Covid-19 pandemic. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the Palestinian authorities’ support and commends its affiliate’s work in securing an essential financial relief for journalists. The Covid-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on the Palestinian media sector and has led to closure of several local media and the dismissal of dozens of media workers. In this context, the PJS held several meetings with Palestinian authorities…  
2710. India: Samajwadi Party cadres and security personnel attack journalists  

Several journalists were pushed, chased and assaulted by Samajwadi Party cadres and security personnel of Samajwadi Party leader, Akhilesh Yadav, at a hotel in Moradabad district in Uttar Pradesh (UP) on March 11. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliates the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) and the National Union of Journalists- India (NUJ-I) urge the UP government to investigate the case and punish those involved in the attack. In a video shared to Twitter by Times of India reporter Piyuh Rai, Yadav can be heard aggressively telling journalists to ‘get lost’ following the incident. Yadav is also heard saying ‘BJP ke liye kaam mat karo’ (don’t work…  
2711. China: Chinese embassy criticises BBC reporting as biased  

China’s embassy in the United Kingdom has issued a letter to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) critiquing its reporting on China and urging the national broadcaster to “abandon bias”. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its UK affiliate, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), reject Chinese authorities’ repeated targeted attacks on the BBC and call for respect for freedom of the press internationally. On March 11, a spokesperson from the Chinese embassy in the UK said the embassy had sent a letter to BBC’s Radio 4 to express “strong dissatisfaction” with the report “The Disinformation Dragon”. The spokesperson said the report, which aired on March 9, included…  
2712. Samoa: Attorney General attacks Samoa Observer  

The Office of the Attorney General of Samoa threatened the Samoa Observer with a legal investigation into its reporting of perceived conflict of interests pertaining to retainer agreements between the government and Attorney General’s former law firm. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses solidarity with journalists at the Samoa Observer who are under pressure by the Samoan Government’s attempts to silence press freedoms and threats to journalists. The Office of the Attorney General published two press releases on March 12 in response to reporting from the Samoa Observer. The press releases threatened the Samoa Observer and said “initial internal assessment suggests…  
2713. IFJ and FAJ call on African governments to give priority to journalists for COVID-19 vaccinations     

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the Pan-African Organization of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), has called on African Governments to give priority to journalists for the COVID 19 vaccinations since they have already been designated as frontline workers. The federations welcome the decisions taken by the Ugandan and Somali governments to include journalists among the first groups of people in the line for COVID-19 vaccination, and urges other African governments to do the same. Since the start of March 2021, African countries have been receiving limited supplies of COVID-19 vaccines under the COVAX facility. However, FAJ and its affiliated journalist unions…  
2714. Malaysia: Civil society groups protest ongoing suspension of Parliament  

Civil society organisations staged a protest at Malaysia’s Parliament in Kuala Lumpur on March 14, demanding an end to the country’s emergency proclamation and the suspension of its Parliament. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls upon Malaysian Prime Minister to lift the suspension to allow the return of democracy. Organised by the Freedom of Expression Cluster, formed of a group of civil society organisations in Malaysia, protesters demanded the restoration of their constitutional rights and fundamental liberties. It was reported that police arrived halfway through the protest to observe and ensure social distancing. The action was mobilised in response to the country’s…  
2715. USA: IFJ calls for release of Mumia Abu Jamal  

Mumia Abu-Jamal, an African-American journalist with close ties to the Black Panthers, who has spent nearly 40 years in prison, has tested positive for Covid. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has backed calls from US (NWU) and French (SNJ, SNJ-CGT) affiliates for his immediate release amid growing fears over his health.  Abu-Jamal, 66, is currently being held for life without parole at the Mahanoy Penitentiary in Pennsylvania. He suffers from severe respiratory difficulties and has to deal with serious heart failure, as well as debilitating skin problems.  He is being held in solitary confinement in the prison infirmary but has not…  
2716. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 5 and 12 March, 2021 English: 10 Female Journalists Who Have Transformed The Media Industry (ALBAWABA) Gender pay gap unacceptable: IJU (THE ARUNACHAL TIMES) Vyshinsky once again urges international bodies to protect journalists In Latvia (URDUPOINT) Challenging the media on gender portrayal (MALAYSIAKINI) Journalists’ group: 65 media workers killed in 2020 (KHALEEJ TIMES) International journalists body wants fake news law repealed…  
2717. Malaysia: New emergency laws criminalise “fake news”  

Malaysia’s Pakatan Nasional government implemented a new emergency law on March 11 that will criminalise “fake news” relating to Covid-19. The IFJ and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (Peninsula Malaysia) strongly condemn the decision to implement the new fake news ordinance as a major threat to media freedom and call for it to be immediately repealed. Emergency (Essential Powers) (No. 2) Ordinance 2021, which came into effect on March 12, stipulates a fine of RM100 000 (USD24,342), three year’s imprisonment, or both, for the publication and distribution of alleged “fake news” regarding Covid-19 or the Emergency Proclamation. It gives a 24-hour notice to take down posts…  
2718. IFJ’s 30th Annual Report on Killings of Journalists and Media Staff Puts Death Toll at 65 in 2020  

The International Federation of Journalists today published the report on journalists and media staff killed in work-related incidents around the world during 2020. The annual report, in its 30th edition, details the circumstances of the 65 killings which occurred during targeted attacks, bomb attacks and cross –fire incidents in 16 countries . That is 17 more killed than were in 2019 (49),  and bring the total to 2680 journalists and media workers who lost their lives to violence in the world since 1990, when the IFJ started publishing these annual reports to highlight the deepening safety crisis in the media. The figures published by the Federation for this year show that the…  
2719. Impunity and journalism: the right to know  

How do authoritarian regimes and armed conflicts silence journalists and undermine justice? How has the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the challenges facing independent journalism around the world? To mark the publication of the International Federation of Journalists’ (IFJ) “Killed list of journalists” and following the publication of Fight Impunity’s (FI) report on "The State of Impunity in the World", the two organisations invite you to a joint conference on the impact of impunity on journalism and media freedom worldwide. It will be held online on 15 March from 11.30 am to 1pm CET. The online event will bring together the Chair of the European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Human Rights,…  
2720. Turkey: Journalist Levent Gültekin assaulted by a mob  

On 8 March, journalist Levent Gültekin was attacked by a group of around 20 people just a few metres away from his workplace at the Halk TV station in Bakırköy, Istanbul. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ), along with their Turkish affiliates, the Journalists’ Union of Turkey (TGS), the Journalists’ Association of Turkey (TGC), the Journalists’ Association (GCD) and the Broadcast and Printing Press Workers Union, strongly condemn this brutal aggression and call for thorough investigations. The IFJ and EFJ said that the roots of these attacks, namely hatred-stirring, politically motivated online threats and insults, must also be…  
2721. Afghanistan: Women quitting journalism due to security fears  

Over 300 Afghan female journalists have quit their jobs in recent months due to security concerns, including a spate of female media workers' killings in the country.The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned over the critical situation of Afghan journalists and calls on the Afghan government to guarantee their safety. An Afghan Journalists Safety Committee, report revealed several female journalists from 34 provinces have left the country due to the threats and harassment they were suffering. The report also cites the recent wave of targeted killings as one of the main reasons for women to stop reporting. The remaining female journalists are demanding…  
2722. Journalists arrested, independent media shut down in Myanmar  

Fresh crackdowns have shuttered Myanmar’s independent media and left journalists jobless, threatened and fearing the worst as the military junta tightens its grasp, writes Phil Thornton. Myanmar’s military has intensified its efforts to dismantle the country’s independent media and to block journalists’ ability to work. Media covering the country’s nationwide protests told IFJ, ‘legal’ restrictions, harassment, arrests and increased violence by the military is intended to stop credible information getting out to the public. A look at the front page of the military’s sponsored Global New Light of Myanmar on Wednesday, March 10, confirmed the coup leaders latest attack on independent media…  
2723. Perú: las periodistas Graciela Tiburcio Loayza y Luciana Távara Bermejo son blanco de persecución judicial, acosos y hostigamientos tras una investigación periodística sobre el candidato electoral Quijada Tacuri  

Tras la publicación de una investigación periodística que expuso distintas denuncias de acoso sexual realizadas hacia el candidato al congreso peruano Quijada Tacuri, las periodistas Graciela Tiburcio Loayza y Luciana Távara Bermejo del medio Wayka recibieron hostigamientos en redes y amenazas. El 25 de febrero, luego de ser lanzada la investigación, el candidato a congresista interpuso una denuncia penal contra Tiburcio, Távara, tres de sus presuntas víctimas de acoso y la mamá de una de ellas. Desde el día anterior al lanzamiento de la investigación periodística que expuso los presuntos delitos de acoso sexual hacia estudiantes por parte Víctor Quijada Tacuri, las periodistas Graciela…  
2724. China: Brothers of Radio Free Asia journalist confirmed missing  

Two family members of Radio Free Asia (RFA) editor, Eset Sulaiman, have been confirmed as detained by Chinese authorities as part of an intimidation tactic for his coverage of human rights abuses of China’s Uyghur community. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the detainment and forced disappearances of the family members in retaliation for the RFA journalist’s reporting. Following confirmation from Xinjiang authorities, RFA reported on March 3 that RFA editor Eset Sulaiman’s brothers had been detained since 2018.  Ehet Sulaiman (57) and Ehmet Sulaiman (39) served as the director of the Tengritagh Township Teaching District and the deputy head of Kumul…  
2725. Myanmar: More journalists detained, media offices raided in Yangon  

Myanmar’s military detained two journalists and raided a further two news outlets on March 8 as the military continues its onslaught to quell media coverage of nationwide protests. The IFJ condemns the ongoing attacks on media workers and media organisations in Myanmar and calls for the military to commit to guarantee journalist safety in the country under the crisis. Kamayut Media’s co-founder, Han Thar Nyein, and editor-in-chief, Nathan Maung, were arrested by the Myanmar military on March 8 during raids of their offices in Yangon. Witnesses reported seven military trucks were involved during the raid on the independent media organisation. The arrests follow the death of a second National…  
2726. Bangladesh: Youth league member arrested for role in journalist’s murder  

The Police Bureau of Investigation (PBI) arrested a member of the youth wing of the country’s ruling Awami League on March 7 in connection with the murder of journalist Borhan Uddin Muzakkir during clashes in Noakhali in South Eastern Bangladesh in February 2021. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) demands justice and a full and impartial investigation. Belal Hossain (30) was arrested by the PBI from Basurhat Bazar, ward 1 of Charfakira union parishad of the Companiganj Upazila (Sub District) in Noakhali District at around 1pm on March 7. Belal, a member of the Charafkira Union Juba League is the first person to be arrested in connection with the murder of Muzakkir…  
2727. Hazim Özsu  

The presenter for Radio Rahmet FM was killed in the Turkish city of Bursa, according to a statement of UNESCO Director-General. The authorities said that they arrested a man suspected of killing the journalist and he reportedly admitted to the crime because he did not agree with certain expressions related to sacred values Özsu used in his programmes during the Covid-19 period, the statement added. Source:UNESCO Journalists' safety, Turkey, IFJ, Impunity  
2728. Paraguay: trabajadorxs de prensa resultan heridxs en medio de la represión a las jornadas de protesta  

El viernes 5 de marzo, periodistas, camarógrafxs y choferxs resultaron víctimas de los violentos actos represivos que tiñeron las jornadas de protestas registradas en todo Paraguay. El Sindicato de Periodistas del Paraguay (SPP), organización afiliada a la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), ha denunciado este lunes que, en el marco de la represión indiscriminada a las protestas ciudadanas que desde el viernes 5 de dan en el país, trabajadorxs de prensa resultaron heridxs mientras realizaban sus labores. Junto a SPP, la FIP repudia estos actos de violencia, a la vez que suma su voz en exigir medidas de salud y seguridad para lxs trabajadorxs que cumplen sus tareas en la…  
2729. UK: Government publishes first ever national action plan to protect journalists  

The United Kingdom's government has published the country's first national action plan to protect journalists from abuse and harassment. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) welcomed the plan and said it was an important step towards ensuring journalists can carry out their work free from harassment and attack. Following a survey of members last year, which found that more than half of respondents had experienced online abuse and nearly a quarter had been physically assaulted or attacked, the NUJ called for action to halt the rising instances of harassment and abuse, both on and off-line. The union also highlighted the…  
2730. Myanmar: Media organisations shut down by military, offices raided  

Media organisations across Myanmar were ordered to close by the Myanmar Military Council on Monday, March 8 including Myanmar Now who had their offices raided that night. The IFJ condemns the Myanmar Now raid and urge the military to allow the media to operate without interference. Soldiers and police raided local media outlet Myanmar Now’s headquarters, seizing computers and part of the newsroom’s data server, among other equipment. The publication, which has provided extensive coverage of the protests and regularly scrutinised the military, evacuated their offices on January 28 as a precautionary measure, due to the possibility of a coup intensifying. It is the first targeted attack on a…  
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