15063 results:

12742. Getting the balance right:working towards gender equality- IFJ leaflet  

Download the IFJ gender equality leaflet on http://www.ifj.org/pdfs/gender_leaflet_EN_lo.pdf  
12743. EFJ Welcomes Breakthrough Deal over Contracts at Greek Public Broadcaster  

The European Federation of Journalists today welcomed the decision of the Greek public broadcaster ERT to provide journalists with permanent job contracts, following negotiations that came to an end last month. The Chair of the EFJ Steering Committee, Arne König, said that this was “a breakthrough deal that will be welcomed throughout Europe. The Greek example shows that the development of casualisation and short term contracts can be avoided. We hope that this example will be followed by other countries”. An overwhelming majority of the journalists working under repeated short-term rolling contracts for ERT S.A. will have their temporary work agreements converted into open-ended…  
12745. EFJ Welcomes Breakthrough Deal over Contracts at Greek Public Broadcaster  

The European Federation of Journalists today welcomed the decision of the Greek public broadcaster ERT to provide journalists with permanent job contracts, following negotiations that came to an end last month. The Chair of the EFJ Steering Committee, Arne König, said that this was “a breakthrough deal that will be welcomed throughout Europe. The Greek example shows that the development of casualisation and short term contracts can be avoided. We hope that this example will be followed by other countries”. An overwhelming majority of the journalists working under repeated short-term rolling contracts for ERT S.A. will have their temporary work agreements converted…  
12748. Making News: Women in Journalism  

Making News: Women in Journalism By Ammu Joseph Making News: Women in Journalism brings together the personal stories and professional assessments of more than 200 women journalists in India, including familiar names such as Bachi Karkaria, Kalpana Sharma, Malini Parthasarathy, Mrinal Pande, Shobhaa Dé and Tavleen Singh. Capturing the experiences, opinions and distinct attitudes of a wide range of female journalists in print media, this book offers key insights into their views on their profession in general, as well as their perceptions of their own individual roles. In this new and updated edition of her 2000 book, Ammu Joseph, a long-time media professional and…  
12749. EURONEWS - January 2006  

Euronews is the bimonthly bulletin of the European Federation of Journalists, produced in the Secretariat in Brussels. Download PDF File here - - - EFJ News Media Concentration Broadcasting News Authors' Rights News Gender News European Policy Briefing Publications/Websites Calendar Contact EFJ NEWS EFJ Conferences for Journalists’ Rights in Europe The EFJ organised two major conferences during the autumn: The first meting, on 23-24 September in Bratislava, focused on “empowering freelance rights” by better integrating freelance issues in trade union work, with a particular focus on new EU member states and other Central and…  
12752. IFJ Calls for Presidential Veto on Criminal Defamation in East Timor  

February 9, 2005 His Excellency, President, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao C/- Ms. Lusitania Lopes Head of Public Relations President Office Rumbia, Dili, Timor-Leste Via email: [email protected] Dear Your Excellency, The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation representing over 500,000 journalists in more than 110 countries worldwide, is calling on Your Excellency, President, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao to exercise your constitutional powers and veto the penal code criminalising defamation in East Timor. The IFJ is calling for the use of your constitutional powers to veto the law in order to fulfil your constitutional mandate of…  
12753. Stop Killing of Journalists, Demands IFJ Following Brutal Murder in India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, today condemned the brutal murder of Prahlad Goala in Golaghat, Assam, on 6 January. Goala, 33, the Golaghat district correspondent of the daily Asomiya Khabar, was the father of a 14-month old daughter. “Prahlad Goala’s heinous murder once more highlights the fact that investigative journalists doing their job are at grave risk from the forces they attempt to expose. This murder must be condemned in the strongest terms, and the guilty immediately brought to justice,” said IFJ President Christopher Warren, who mourned the first death of a…  
12754. Baghdad a “Deathtrap for Journalism” Warns IFJ in Media Safety Alert after Kidnapping  

The International Federation of Journalists today said Iraq and its major cities had become a “deathtrap for journalism” and said its affiliates and others journalists’ groups in the country would vigorously support efforts to find a US journalist kidnapped at the weekend. “With more than 100 media deaths, hostage-taking on a regular basis and targeting of reporters, Baghdad has become a deathtrap for journalism,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “No journalist is safe once they take to the streets.” The IFJ says that western journalists are particularly in danger and says media organisations must warn correspondents, particularly…  
12756. Women’s Right to Land and Productive Resources  

International Meet Spotlights Women’s Right to Land and Productive Resources An International Consultation on Women’s Land and Resource Rights held in New Delhi on 13 and 14 November 2005 brought together about one hundred activists, policy makers, legal experts, academics and community women from Kyrgyzstan, India, Nepal, Nigeria, Sri Lanka and Uganda. The event was a collaborative effort between Consult for Women and Land Rights (CWLR), Action Aid India, the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), Initiatives for Women in Development (IWID), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the United Nations Development Fund (UNDP). It follows a year…  
12757. EFJ Pamphlet: authors' rights/copyright in a democratic society  

Download the pamphlet!  
12759. IFJ Concerned over Police Assault on Journalists in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation representing more than 500,000 journalists in over 110 countries, is deeply concerned over the assault and subsequent arrest of journalists in Surkhet in mid-western Nepal. “Assaults on journalists and restricting them from carrying out their professional work represent a severe challenge to press freedom and rule of law,” said IFJ President Christopher Warren. According to information received by the IFJ, police in Surkhet in mid-western Nepal, on 2 January, detained journalist Moti Poudel of Kantipur daily and cameraperson Kamal Panta of Kantipur Television Network from the premises of Surkhet…  
12762. Authors' Rights: Useful Extracts From EFJ Pamphlet  

Balancing the interests Guiding principles Important differences for staff journalists  
12763. IFJ Condemns Assault on Journalists in New Delhi  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, today condemned the attack on two journalists by the family members and friends of a senior politician on 25 December in New Delhi. "Attacks on journalists carrying out their task of truth telling are totally unacceptable and represent a curtailment of press freedom," said IFJ President Christopher Warren. Senior Correspondent Esha Roy and Staff Photographer Tanushree Punwani of the Indian Express, Delhi, were working on a story on the ongoing campaign to expose illegal properties owned by Delhi politicians. The two women journalists were surrounded by a…  
12764. EU-India Gender News: December 2005 issue  

Download our newsletter!  
12766. IFJ and FXI associate to revive of the Southern African Journalist Association  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Freedom of Expression Institute (FXI) have launched a programme to revive the Southern African Journalists Association (SAJA). SAJA is the southern Africa network of journalists and media workers unions most of which are affiliates of the IFJ. The IFJ is the biggest organisation of journalists in the world, with about 500 000 journalists worldwide. It has its head office in Brussels, Belgium and the Africa Region office in Dakar, Senegal. FXI is based in Johannesburg, South Africa. SAJA represents journalists and media workers in the Southern African states of Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Madagascar, Mozambique,…  
12768. IFJ Condemns Zimbabwe Government Attack on Voice of the People Radio  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned a government attack on journalists working at a radio station in Harare, Zimbabwe. Last week, armed state security agents raided and ransacked the offices of the privately-owned radio station Voice of the People (VOP) in Harare, seized equipment and arrested three female journalists. The three journalists, Maria Nyanyiwa, Nyasha Bosha and Kundai Mugwanda, were released on December 19. One of the station’s two directors, John Masuku, was later arrested and remains in police custody. “We are dismayed by this latest attack on Zimbabwean journalism and demand the immediate release of John Masaku,”…  
12769. IFJ Joins Protests against Political Intimidation of Croatian Public Broadcaster  

The International Federation of Journalists today protested against growing political intimidation of the Croatian Public Broadcaster, Hrvatske Radiotelevizija (HRT). Last week HRT came under sustained attack from members of the governing political party, the Croatian Democratic Party (HDZ), during a parliamentary debate on the broadcasters’ annual report. “Political attacks intimidate journalists into censoring their shows and towing the political line of the government in power,” said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ in a letter to the President and Prime Minister of Croatia. “There must be an immediate end to the intimidation of editors and journalists by…  
12771. IFJ Protest letter on Political Pressure on Croatian Broadcaster  

Stipe Mesic President of the Republic of Croatia Fax: +385 1 4565 191 / 299 [email protected] Ivo Sanader, Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia Fax : +385 1 4569 210 / 316 [email protected] CC José Manuel Barroso President of the European Commission 21 December 2005 Your Excellencies, The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), representing over half a million journalists around the world, is deeply disturbed by reports of increased and overt political pressure being applied to the Croatian Public Broadcaster Hrvatske Radiotelevizija (HRT). According to our information, last week HRT came under sustained attack from…  
12772. Women Journalists in the European Integration Process: A Survey  

Women Journalists in the European Integration Process: A Survey by the European Federation of Journalists Europe, the media and gender rights are on the move. Ten years after the UN World Conference on Women in Beijing, which adopted a programme for equality in the media we still face severe changes in the European media landscape due to the European integration process. Hence the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) launched a survey on ‘Women Journalists in the European Integration Process’. The survey forms part of the plan of action for gender rights within the EFJ/IFJ and is a follow up to the EFJ gender seminar on ‘Women Journalists in the European…  
12774. Radio Station Closure Threatens Democracy in Indonesia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has concerns over people’s access to information following the forced closure of PT Radio Gelora Tavlul in Southeast Maluku, Indonesia. According to information received by the IFJ from its affiliate in Indonesia, Aliansi Jurnalis Independent (AJI), the Southeast Maluku Regent sent a letter on December 14, revoking the licence and banning activities of Gelora Tavlul Radio in Southeast Maluku Regency. The letter threatened to seal off the radio station and to revoke the business area licence of the management of Gelora Tavlul if they did not stop broadcasting within 24 hours. PT Radio Gelora Tavlul was established in 2003…  
12775. IFJ and NUJ Joint Letter to Tony Blair Expresses Concern over Safety of Media Staff and Deaths of Journalists in Iraq  

Prime Minister Tony Blair 10 Downing Street London United Kingdom December 19th 2005 Dear Prime Minister, Concern over Safety of Media Staff and Deaths of Journalists in Iraq On behalf of the National Union of Journalists and the International Federation of Journalists, the world’s largest journalists’ group, I am writing to draw your attention to the continuing and increasing plight of those journalists and media staff throughout the world who are the victims of violence for carrying out their professional duties. We are particularly concerned over the perilous situation facing journalists and media staff working in Iraq. The IFJ and the…  
12777. Belgian Assocation of Professional Journalists and IFJ Protest Over Expulsion of Mongolian Journalist in Blow to Press Freedom  

The AGJPB (General Association of Professionnal Belgian Journalists) and the IFJ (International Federation of Journalists) heard with consternation that the Mongolian journalist Eredhenand (Hanà) Tesernsodnom and her son were very discretely forced back to their home country last Sunday, and this unless the threats on her security because of her former activity as a journalist and unless a last call to the Belgian higher court, the Cour de Casation. Both AGJPB and IFJ deeply regret that the Belgian minister of Interior, Mr Patrick Dewael, remained indifferent to their repeated warnings in this particular case. Both will keep being attent on the safety of Mrs Tesernsodnom and her…  
12778. IFJ Warns of Media in “Front-line of Terror” As Car Bomb Kills Beirut Publisher  

The killing of a Lebanese newspaper boss and member of Parliament in a Beirut bombing is a “devastating blow” for press freedom said the International Federation of Journalists, which has postponed a regional meeting of journalists’ groups in the city this weekend citing security concerns. Gebran Tueni, the publisher of the independent An-Nahar newspaper, was among four people killed in the explosion that destroyed his car in the Mekalis area of mainly Christian east Beirut. Police say a parked car packed with explosive blew up as Tueni's car passed. “This targeted killing shows that media in Lebanon are in the front-line of a new terror campaign against free…  
12780. IFJ Condemns Eritrean Authorities Following “Bizarre and Cruel” Reimprisonment of Local Reporter  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned the “cruel and indifferent” actions of the Eritrean government following the recent release and re-imprisonment of independent reporter Dawit Issac in Asmara. The IFJ was reacting to the news that after Dawit Isaac, a journalist with Swedish and Eritrean dual nationality and founder of the now-banned weekly Setit, had been released from prison in mid-November he was put back in prison again two days after he was set free. “This has been a bizarre and disturbing cycle of events,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “We must know if Dawit was ever officially released and if so why he was…  
12783. IFJ Deeply Concerned over Kidnapping of Pakistani Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed deep concern over the kidnapping on Pakistani journalist Hayatullah Khan, whose status and location remain unknown. “This is censorship in its extreme,” said IFJ president Christopher Warren. “The Pakistan Government and local authorities must act immediately to ensure the security of journalists, particularly Khan who must be located whilst there is still a chance for his safe return,” said Warren. On Monday December 6, 2005, Khan a reporter for the Urdu language daily Ausuf and photographer for the European Pressphoto Agency (EPA) was kidnapped by masked assailants near North Wazirston,…  
12785. Two Journalists Killed, Others Injured As Africa Media Assignment Ends in Tragedy  

The International Federation of Journalists expressed condolences and sympathy to colleagues and families of two journalists killed in a tragic car accident in Guinea Bissau last week involving media staff travelling to an event to mark World Aids Day on December 1st. Fifteen journalists from six media institutions were involved in the road accident, as they were covering events in the Guinea Bissau region of Gabu, some 200km from the capital Bissau. The tyre of the mini-van in which they were travelling burst and the van somersaulted. Two journalists, Aruna Djamanca and Baldeh died on the spot. The remaining 13 journalists were flown to Dakar for medical treatment with the…  
12786. Challenge to Britain and European Union over Defence of Human Rights Defenders  

Governments in the European Union must step up their work to protect human rights defenders said groups representing journalists and others working in the field who are increasingly at risk. In an appeal to the UK Government, currently holding the presidency of the European Union, the International Federation of Journalist (IFJ), the National Union of Journalists in Britain and Ireland (NUJ) and Peace Brigades International European Office (PBI-EU) called on EU states to report on their actions to protect human rights defenders, and particularly journalists, all around the world. "It is time for concrete actions" said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "There have been enough…  
12790. The IFJ Expresses its Solidarity with Byline Strike at Daily 'Le Soleil' in Québec  

The International Federation of Journalists today said it is supporting the byline strike by journalists of the Québec daily Le Soleil, which began last week. This strike was prompted by a decision by the Gesca Group, which has owned Le Soleil since 2001, to publish articles and chronicles from the Montréal daily La Presse, also owned by Gesca, in Le Soleil. Journalistes at Le Soleil are also protesting the fact that they have been working without a contract for 23 months. The process of media concentration takes place with no regard for quality, maintaining a plurality of views or protecting the rights of media staff, the IFJ said. Guarantees of editorial…  
12791. 2005 Media Death Toll Tops 100 After Tenth Journalist Killed in the Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) says 2005 is turning into another “shocking and devastating year for press freedom” with another journalist killed in the Philippines bringing the total number of reporters and media staff killed over the year to more than 100. On December 1, 2005 George Benaojan reporter for DYDD radio and Bantay Balita columnist in Talisay City, Cebu, was shot by an unidentified attacker. He was the third journalist in the Philippines to be killed in the last two weeks. “These killings are not just a terrible pain to bear for media in the Philippines,” said Christopher Warren IFJ President. “They are part of a pattern…  
12794. Nigerian Journalists Condemn the Closure of a Radio Station and the Arrest of a Journalist  

Statement from the International Press Centre (IPC) The International Press Centre (IPC), Lagos, Southwest, Nigeria has condemned the closure on the morning of Wednesday November 30, 2005 of the Glory FM Radio Station owned by the government of Bayelsa State Southsouth Nigeria as well as the arrest of the station’s General Manager, Mr. Brighten Sorgwe by policemen believed to be acting under instructions from the Federal Government. Report has it that no fewer than 60 policemen positioned themselves at the entrance of the station without giving any reasons for their actions. While condemning the action, Coordinator of the International Press Centre (IPC), Mr. Lanre…  
12796. Nigerian Journalists Condemn the Manhandling of a Colleague  

Statement from the International Press Centre The International Press Centre (IPC), Lagos, Southwest Nigeria, has condemned the reported recent manhandling of the Abia State Correspondent of PUNCH Newspapers, Mr Ijendu Iheaka on Monday November 28, 2005 at the office of the State Commissioner for Health, Abia State Southeast Nigeria, Dr. Chika Emuchay. Mr. Iheaka was reported to have been manhandled by one Mr. Jude of the Ministry of Health for taking notes in the waiting room of the Commissioner who had gone for a radio interview with the Abia State Broadcasting Corporation in Umuahia. IPC Coordinator, Mr. Lanre Arogundade said in a statement today that the action is "barbaric"…  
12798. EFJ Supports Journalists in Berlin as Foreign Investors Setup Local Dominant Position  

Today the European Federation of Journalists expressed its public support to the journalists of the Berliner Verlagsgruppe who have expressed concern over the purchase of group by the investing company Mecom & VSS, lead by British media businessman David Montgomery. Following the decision on Friday 25 November of the German anti-cartel department to allow the selling of the media group, the works council gathering unions and staff representatives of the Berliner Kurier, Tip, the Berliner Adendblatt and the Berliner Zeitung adopted a statement to express concern over the plans. “We fear that the entrance of Mr. Montgomery in the German media market is not very good news for…  
12799. EU Flag code  

/gifs/EU flag email.bmp   Cet évènement a été organisé avec le soutien financier de l'Union européenne. Les vues exprimées lors de cette conférence sont celles de la Fédération Internationale des Journalistes et ne peuvent donc en aucun cas être comprises comme le reflet de la position officielle de la Commission européenne.  
12800. Press photographers win injunction case in Denmark  

The Haderslev court in Denmark has forbidden the photo bureau Colourpress to use the photographs of two press photographers and has ordered the bureau to call back the photos taken by the two photographers from other bureaus. On behalf of the two press photographers the Danish Union of Journalists had filed for an injunction against the photo bureau Colourpress forbidding the bureau to use or to sell licenses for the use of the photographs taken by the two photographers. The court complied with demands of the Danish union. The underlying reason for the court case was that the photo bureau continued issuing licenses for the use of the photographs taken by the two press photographers…  
12803. IFJ Calls for Associated Press to ‘Come Clean’ Over Fears of Attack on Union Rights  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today expressed concern that one of the world’s leading news agencies, the Associated Press, may be looking to terminate deals it has made with unions across the globe. Associated Press representatives in Mexico, where five union staff members have been forced to quit their editorial jobs and the company is trying to end the collective bargaining arrangement, have said they are implementing a global strategy to eliminate agreements with unions in its offices around the world. In a telephone call with AP Chief Executive Thomas Curley this week, Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary, sought clarification over the company’s…  
12804. IFJ Concerned that Political Pressure Caused Dismissal of TV Editor in Croatian Public Broadcaster  

The International Federation of Journalists today protested against political pressure that led to the dismissal of Tihomir Ladišiæ, an editor for Croatian Public Broadcaster HRT, for leading a discussion on the role of the Croatian Army in shelling Sarajevo. Ladišiæ, an HRT journalist for ten years, was dismissed on 8 October following public protests by the ruling Croatian Democratic Party, HDZ, and the Croatian Legal Party about the content of the show and HRT’s editorial policy. “This is a shocking example of political interference with the public broadcaster” said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ. “This act is reminiscent of the Tudjman era when journalists were…  
12807. IFJ Concerned that Political Pressure Caused Dismissal of TV Editor in Croatian Public Broadcaster  

The International Federation of Journalists today protested against political pressure that led to the dismissal of Tihomir Ladišiæ, an editor for Croatian Public Broadcaster HRT, for leading a discussion on the role of the Croatian Army in shelling Sarajevo. Ladišiæ, an HRT journalist for ten years, was dismissed on 8 October following public protests by the ruling Croatian Democratic Party, HDZ, and the Croatian Legal Party about the content of the show and HRT’s editorial policy. “This is a shocking example of political interference with the public broadcaster” said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ. “This act is…  
12808. IFJ Calls for Immediate Investigation Following Killing of Two Journalists in the Philippines in 60 Hours  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has serious concerns for journalists’ safety in the Philippines following the murders of two journalists within a sixty-hour period. According to IFJ affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), radio announcer, Ricardo "Ding" Uy, was gunned down outside his home in Sorsogon City on Friday November 18, 2005. Police reported Uy was shot five times in the head, torso and mouth with a .45 caliber pistol at approximately 11am by a lone attacker on a motorcycle. Uy was a radio announcer for DZRS-AM in Sorsogon City and president of the Media Reporters Association of the province and a Bayan Muna…  
12810. Rome II:model for lobbying  

For a model to lobby EU governments on the draft Rome II Regulation (law applicable to non contractual obligations, including defamation) click here  
Search results 12741 until 12810 of 15063