15063 results:

11411. Journalist Victim of Hit and Run After Investigating Gambling Venue in Cambodia  

<br/> The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned for the safety of Sakal newspaper editor Khuon Phlay Vy after he was attacked in Phnom Penh on February 15.<br/> <br/> According to the Cambodian Association for the Protection of Journalists (CAPJ), Vy, who uses the pen name Sar Keo Virak, was seriously injured when a white Toyota Camry chased him on a street and rammed his motorcycle. Virak remains in hospital.<br/> <br/> Virak told CAPJ, an IFJ affiliate, that he had previously received a verbal threat from an unidentified man over the phone, warning him not to publish a report about an illegal gambling place in Phnom Penh’s Boeng…  
11413. Fears Grow For Journalists Under Siege in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is dismayed as journalists in Nepal have come under increasing attack in the past few days as they attempt to cover protests and rallies across the country in the lead-up to national elections scheduled for April 10.    The Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), an IFJ affiliate, reports journalists and cameramen working in four districts in the east, the mid-west and near Kathmandu have endured physical and verbal abuse in the latest spate of incidents surrounding bands, or strikes, called by the Federal Republic National Front (FRNF), the Madheshi People’s Rights Forum (MPRF) and the United Democratic Madheshi Front…  
11416. FECOLPER denounces journalist receives death threat in Cartagena, Colombia  

"If you don't shut up, we'll kill you!" was the telephoned message journalist Alberto Borda Martelo received on 14 February 2008 at 6:17 p.m.(local time) in the city of Cartagena. The caller mentioned a series of criticisms the journalist had made on irregularities in the previous municipal government, especially in the building of hospitals. Borda Martelo, a member of a Colombian Federation of Journalists (Federación Colombiana de Periodistas, FECOLPER) affiliated organisation in Bolívar department, is the producer and host of "Combate" news programme, broadcast every morning on the Voz de las Antillas radio station, a member of the Todelar radio network. A…  
11417. ANP: impunidad a cuatro años del asesinato del periodista peruano Antonio de la Torre  

Este 14 de febrero se cumplirán cuatro años del asesinato del periodista Antonio de la Torre Echeandia, quien laboraba en el informativo “El Equipo de la Noticia” de radio Órbita de Yungay y fue victimado la noche del 14 de febrero del 2004. Han pasado cuatro años y el crimen continúa impune. Las últimas noticias dieron cuenta que Moisés Julca Orrillo, presunto autor material del asesinato del periodista fue capturado la noche del martes 18 de setiembre del 2007, en el distrito de Nuevo Chimbote cuando pretendía darse a la fuga. Moisés Julca, fue solicitado por la Primera Sala de la Corte Superior de…  
11420. IFJ Condemns Arab League Pact to Censor Satellite Broadcasters  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned a charter adopted by Arab governments to give state control over satellite broadcasters operating in their countries and that could be used to stifle independent and critical media voices. “This charter is a step backwards from the open and challenging developments in Arab satellite broadcasting of the past few years,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “It could deal a serious blow to press freedom if it limits media to broadcasting government-friendly views,” The IFJ says that governments should encourage media to set their own guidelines for ethical news coverage. However, the 22…  
11421. EFJ Supports Greek Journalists’ in Strike Over Social Security Changes  

The International Federation of Journalist and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), today reiterated their support for Greek journalists in their fight against the government's "fund merger" plan, which specifically targets journalists’ pension funds as a source of funding to cover deficits in other sectors’ ailing funds. “Journalists in Greece are aware of the great danger a weakening of the social security system would have on their future and are united with strength in fighting the government plans. We are in solidarity with our colleagues and believe that a decent and fair social security fund for all media workers is at the heart of a…  
11426. EFJ Fears for Future of French Public Broadcasting as Journalists Prepare Day of Action  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European group of the International Federation of Journalists, today said it fears for the future of public brodcasting in France and supported the Day of action organised tomorrow to protest President Sarkozy’s plan to strip the broadcaster of commercial revenue. “Advertising will be removed but there is no guarantee of alternative sources of funding, which is a great danger for the survival of public broadcasting” said EFJ Chair Arne König. Following the unexpected announcement from French President Nicolas Sarkozy that commercial incomes would be suppressed in public brodcasting, journalists’ unions…  
11427. Murder of Journalist in Pakistan Must Be Investigated Promptly  

 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), an IFJ affiliate, in strongly condemning the murder on February 9 of Chisti Mujahid, a senior journalist with the weekly Akbar-e-Jehan, in Quetta. It was reported from Quetta, in Balochistan Province, that a gunman shot Mujahid dead as he left his house in the morning. Mujahid was hit by two bullets, the PFUJ said. The IFJ and the PFUJ call on authorities to investigate the crime immediately and to ensure the culprit or culprits are brought to justice. “The IFJ is extremely concerned for the safety of journalists in Pakistan and a growing culture of impunity in…  
11429. Slovakian Press Law- EFJ letter to Prime Minister Fico  

Download the letter (PDF)  
11430. IFJ Appeals to Microsoft as Russia Uses Anti-Piracy Campaign as a Cover for Media Intimidation  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on Microsoft Corporation to reach a deal with Russian journalists over copyright issues following a blitz of lawsuits by the government, which is targeting independent media outlets. “Under the pretence of concern over piracy issues the government is waging a new campaign to silence its media critics,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “The government is using legitimate concerns over copyright protection to justify a new assault on press freedom.” The IFJ says that piracy is endemic in Russia, where more than 90 per cent of Russian media use unlicensed software. In a largely undeveloped…  
11434. IFJ Calls for Release of Newspaper Editor and Owner Sentenced to Jail in Niger  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the government of Niger to release L'enquêteur editor Ibrahim Souley and owner Soumana Maïga, who were sentenced to a month in jail after the Minister of Economy and Finance filed a libel complaint against the newspaper. “We are outraged that the judicial system is used to muzzle the press in Niger,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa office. “We call on the Niamey court to review its judgment in the appeal and to drop all charges against Souley and Maïga and release them.” Souley and Maïga of L’enquêteur were sentenced today by a court in the Niger…  
11438. EURONEWS - January 2008  

Euronews is the monthly bulletin of the European Federation of Journalists, produced in the Secretariat in Brussels. DOWNLOAD HERE - Euronews January 2008 For more information, please contact: Renate Schroeder and Marc Gruber – European Directors [email protected]   [email protected]   European Federation of Journalists International Press Centre Residence Palace Bloc C, second floor Rue de la Loi, 155 1040 Brussels Tel: 32-2-235.22.15 Fax: 32-2-235.22.19  
11441. EURONEWS AUF DEUTSCH - Januar 2008  

Euronews ist das Bulletin der Europäischen Journalisten Föderation . PDF Datei hier herunterladen Weitere Informationen über: Renate Schroeder and Marc Gruber – European Directors [email protected] [email protected] European Federation of Journalists International Press Centre Residence Palace Bloc C, second floor Rue de la Loi, 155 1040 Brussels Tel: 32-2-235.22.15 Fax: 32-2-235.22.19  
11442. The IFJ Condemns Closure of Women’s Magazine in Iran  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the recent closure of Zanan, Iran’s leading women and pro-reform magazine, after authorities said it provided a “dark picture” of the Islamic Republic of Iran. “The Iranian regime must end its censorship of the media and intimidation of journalists and activists fighting for decent rights for women in the country,” says Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “The closure of Zanan, a leading magazine which has been defending women’s rights for 16 years, is a great loss for freedom of speech in Iran.” Zanan’s editorial director, Shahla Sherkat, founded the magazine to compensate for the lack of media coverage…  
11443. The IFJ Condemns Closure of Women’s Magazine in Iran  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the recent closure of Zanan, Iran’s leading women and pro-reform magazine, after authorities said it provided a “dark picture” of the Islamic Republic of Iran. “The Iranian regime must end its censorship of the media and intimidation of journalists and activists fighting for decent rights for women in the country,” says Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “The closure of Zanan, a leading magazine which has been defending women’s rights for 16 years, is a great loss for freedom of speech in Iran.” Zanan’s editorial director, Shahla Sherkat, founded the magazine to…  
11444. IFJ Asia Pacific Regional Leaders Joint Statement to President and Government of Afghanistan  

  We, the representatives of journalists’ unions and associations across the Asia-Pacific region, meeting in Kuala Lumpur, call on the President and Government of Afghanistan to take immediate action to overturn the death penalty imposed on Sayed Parvez Kambakhsh on January 22, 2008. As Asia-Pacific affiliates and partners of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), jointly fighting for freedom of expression and the media in all countries and communities of our region, we condemn in the strongest terms the decision by the primary court of Balkh province to sentence Parvez to death on charges of blasphemy. We demand the Government and President of Afghanistan…  
11447. IFJ Calls on Kenyan Government To Investigate Death Threats against Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the Kenyan government to launch an immediate investigation into a wave of death threats against journalists after at least 8 senior journalists were targeted by a group accusing them of creating rifts in the country “The Kenyan government must act swiftly to end these threats and ensure that journalists are not targeted during this volatile time,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa office. “These accusations are totally unfair and false and just put more pressure on our colleagues who are already working in very difficult conditions.” On Wednesday the journalists all received the…  
11448. Diversity Toolkit for Factual Programmes in Public Service Television  

The European Broadcasting Union, in cooperation with the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, the European Social Fund Sweden and with the contributions of the EFJ, has produced a "Diversity Toolkit for factual programmes in public service television" The Toolkit brings together elements of practical information (checklists, references) and good practice advice that can be used, applied and learned from. It includes a DVD with extracts from news and current affairs programmes from a dozen European countries illustrating some of the difficulties facing journalists when they report on minorities. The Toolkit may be used for non-commercial purposes either by journalists…  
11449. EFJ Welcomes Successful Collective Bargaining Deal at Swedish Private Broadcaster  

Today the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European regional group of the International Federation of Journalists, welcomed the successful contract deal that journalists reached with Sweden's private broadcasters. After long negotiations between the Swedish Union of Journalists and the Employers Association of Sweden's major private broadcasting companies, including TV4, a new three-year collective agreement was signed with a major break-through regarding pay, working hours and short term contracts. The new agreement includes a wage increase averaging more than ten per cent during a three year period. The union was also able to negotiate a working time reduction for…  
11450. IFJ Report on Breaking the Chains in the Arab World & Iran 2008  

Click HERE to read the 'IFJ Report on Breaking the Chains in the Arab World & Iran 2008'  
11453. IFJ Calls on Ugandan Authorities End Harassment of Newspaper Staff  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on Ugandan authorities to put an end to the harassment of journalists in the country after five journalists and editors of the privately-owned Daily Monitor newspaper were charged with defamation after they published stories alleging the government’s Inspector General is involved in a salary scam. “These journalists should not be charged with defamation simply for investigating allegations of government impropriety,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa office. “We call on the Ugandan authorities to put an end to this attempt to intimidate journalists doing critical reporting. The Inspector…  
11457. IFJ Accuses Afghan Parliament of Being “Out of Touch with Democracy”  

The International Federation of Jouranlists (IFJ) today accused Afghan parliamentarians of being out of touch with democracy when they supported a death sentence passed on a journalist and condemned international human rights protests. The upper house of the Afghan parliament was commenting on a decision issued last week by a religious Islamic court that convicted Sayed Parwez Kambakhsh, a journalism student and reporter for the daily newspaper Jahan-e Naw, of blasphemy and sentenced him to death. “This statement by Afghan lawmakers is a shocking confirmation of intolerance and a lack of respect for free speech,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “It is…  
11458. EFJ Warns of “Critical” Situation at Romanian Public Broadcaster  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European regional group of the International Federation of Journalists, supported its Romanian affiliate MediaSind in their struggle against the infringing the labour legislation at Romanian Television Society (RTvS) and continuous ban of Romanian public television in Moldova. “Public broadcasters should set standards for the industry including standards for social and professional matters” said EFJ Chair Arne König. “We condemn this behaviour and we call on the management of RTvS to respect their duties towards the staff” Under Romanian law it is illegal for a company to “stipulate rights weaker than those received through…  
11459. EFJ Warns of “Critical” Situation at Romanian Public Broadcaster  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European regional group of the International Federation of Journalists, supported its Romanian affiliate MediaSind in their struggle against the infringing the labour legislation at Romanian Television Society (RTvS) and continuous ban of Romanian public television in Moldova. “Public broadcasters should set standards for the industry including standards for social and professional matters” said EFJ Chair Arne König. “We condemn this behaviour and we call on the management of RTvS to respect their duties towards the staff” Under Romanian law it is illegal for a company to “stipulate rights weaker than those received through…  
11461. IFJ Demands Release of Editor Jailed for Libel in Central African Republic  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the judicial authorities in Central African Republic to overturn a recent decision by a court to sentence newspaper editor Faustin Bambou to six months in jail for inciting public disorder and revolt, defamation and insults connected to an article he wrote accusing two government Ministers of accepting money from a French nuclear company. The editor’s lawyers lodged an appeal. “We condemn this sentence, which is an obvious attempt to punish him for embarrassing government officials,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa office. “We call on the court to drop all the charges against…  
11464. IFJ Condemns Latest Violence in Somalia after Journalist Killed in Blast  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the killing of Somali journalist Hassan Kafi Hared who died in a mine explosion that also killed two aid workers and their driver. His death followed reports that another journalist has been beaten for “biased and provocative” broadcasts. “We are saddened by the death of Hassan Kafi Hared and express our solidarity with his wife and his three children,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa office. “The local authorities and the Transitional Government must conduct thorough investigations into this death and all attacks on journalists and bring the perpetrators to justice.”…  
11468. Deadly Stories 2007: IFJ Report on Journalists and Media Worker Deaths  

Click here to read the report.  
11470. IFJ Calls On Afghanistan's President To Overturn Death Sentence  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns a decision by the primary court of Afghanistan’s Balkh province to sentence Sayed Parvez Kambakhsh to death for blasphemy. Parvez, 23, a journalist for the daily Janan-e-Naw, was detained in the northern city of Mazhar-e-Sharif on October 27, 2007, for reported insolence against Islam. He was accused of distributing articles and books that contained anti-Islamic sentiment. The court’s decision was issued on January 22 in closed session despite appeals and protests from the provincial council of Balkh province, IFJ associate the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA), and exiled…  
11476. IFJ Calls for Release of a Journalist Held in DRC  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the authorities of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to release the journalist Maurice Kayombo, who has been held for two weeks on charges of “blackmail and disparaging an official,” after the Secretary General of the Mining Ministry filed a complaint against him. “We condemn this detention, which is being used to intimidate journalists doing investigative reports,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa office. “We call on the Congolese authorities to release Maurice immediately and drop the criminal charges against him. This complaint should be heard by the media regulatory…  
11480. IFJ Calls for Chadian Authorities to End Media Repression  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the Chadian authorities to end a wave of media repression, which started in November 2006 in the wake of violent conflict in the eastern part of the country and has most recently been seen in the detention and intimidation of media executives. Lazare Djekourninga Kaoutar, the director of FM Liberté radio station, is charged with “broadcasting false information.” He was released on Friday after three days in jail but the station is still closed. He is due to appear in court today. “This latest arrest is another aspect of the ongoing media repression by Chadian authorities,” said Gabriel…  
Search results 11411 until 11480 of 15063