15063 results:

14003. Yemen : Yemen Journalists Syndicate  

P.O. BOX 15 323 Sana'a Yemen Republic Phone : +9671 20 6999 or 32 6767 or +9677 32 00999 Fax : +9671 40 89 60 or 32 67 63 or +9671 21 2479 President : Mr. Nasser Taha General Secretary : Mr. Hafez Albukari Status : Full Member  
14005. World Journalists Back Strike by Italian Press: “A National Crisis, With Global Consequences”  

The International Federation of Journalists today back a strike by Italian journalists and press workers over government policy in Italy which, says the Federation, highlights a “national crisis with global consequences for media freedom and rights of journalists.” Journalists in Italy were staging a 24-hour national strike today to protest over perceived threats posed by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to the country's freedom of the press. The work stoppage was called by the Italian National Press Federation (FNSI) and involves newspaper, wire service and on-line journalists. Broadcast journalists are expected to strike on June 18. Journalists in membership of the FNSI, an IFJ…  
14008. IFJ Warns Coalition of “Backlash” Over Plans to Impose Controls on Iraqi Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists today warned coalition forces in Baghdad not to “stifle alternative voices” in media by imposing a code of conduct on reporters that has not been endorsed by Iraqi journalists. Responding to reports from Baghdad that coalition officials plan to impose a code of conduct on journalists, the IFJ today said attempts to regulate journalism in Iraq will backfire unless they meet international standards and are supported by Iraqi media professionals. “Without meaningful consultation there may well be a backlash causing resentment among Iraqi journalists that will hinder efforts to build a democratic society,” said Aidan White, IFJ General…  
14010. Journalists' Leaders to Debate Next Steps In Campaign Against Media Concentration  

The International Federation of Journalists today warned that the relaxation of media ownership rules in the United States and Europe opens the door to a new era of global media power that could damage democracy and diversity. IFJ leaders gather in Brussels this weekend only days after regulators eased restrictions in the United States that will allow some of the world's biggest media companies to strengthen their grip on local press, radio and television outlets throughout the US. At the same time, new laws in the United Kingdom will open up the world's second largest English-language media market to further concentration. "The power of media moguls to change the rules to suit…  
14012. Finland: Collective agreement on authors' rights- Finnish Union of Journalists (Suomen Journalistiliittoo)  

2.4 Copyright 1. General principles for the use of materials 1.1 The provisions on copyright in the collective agreement are intended to facilitate and promote reasonable and profitable development of business operations. The competition between newspapers/magazines and other areas of media forces them to search for new operational models. 1.2 The journalist or photographer is not permitted, without the publisher’s authorization, to use, for his/her own purposes, or to forward any material that he/she acquires or receives knowledge of during his/her period of employment. 2. Materials protected by copyright 2.1 Copyrighted materials are texts that exceed the work threshold…  
14013. IFJ Condemns US “Shocking Neglect” And Failure to Protect Journalists After New Media Killings in Iraq  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned an escalation of the violence against media in Iraq following the killing of two media staff and the attempted kidnapping of three journalists in Baghdad. The IFJ also described the refusal by US and Iraqi authorities to protect targeted journalists as “unconscionable and shocking neglect.” On 29 May, bodyguard, Mahmoud Ismael Daood and his driver, Samia Abdeljabar, were found dead after they were kidnapped a day earlier. The men worked for two journalists, Ismael Zayer, editor-in-chief of the Baghdad independent Arabic-language al-Sabah al-Jedid newspaper, and his wife Anneke van Ammelroy, who writes for the Dutch…  
14024. IFJ Calls on Sharon and Abbas to “Set Journalists Free” On Road to Middle East Peace  

The International Federation of Journalists today called for the rights and security of journalists to be made a priority in the forthcoming dialogue between Israeli and Palestinian leaders. “It is time to set journalists free and to build democracy through dialogue, tolerance and press freedom,” says the IFJ in a letter to both sides. The IFJ says that new peace talks between the two sides will falter unless “urgent and credible” action is taken to build a new democratic process that supports press freedom and independent journalism. In a letter to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas the IFJ calls for joint action to: Respect the safety and…  
14026. WSIS draft Action Plan and Draft Declaration. Response of Global Unions  

The Global Unions welcome the willingness of the WSIS drafting committee to change the Declaration and Draft Action Plan following the Preparatory meeting for the Summit held in Geneva in February this year. However, the Global Unions are not satisfied that the content as it stands meets the needs of workers, their families and their communities, nor does it embrace effectively the democratic and cultural priorities required for an inclusive, accessible and pluralist Information Society for all. We request that the final declaration and Action Plan reflect the following: 1) The recognition and application of fundamental rights and core labour standards of all workers in the…  
14029. Summary of IFJ concerns on Authors Rights  

updated version of IFJ concerns on authors'rights  
14043. Summary of IFJ concerns for WIPO meeting 27th May 2003  

Access the PDF file  
14049. EFJ 2003: Resolution on Freedom of Information, Pluralism and Public Service Broadcasting in Europe  

6. Resolution on freedom of information, pluralism and public service broadcasting in Europe EFJ Annual Meeting, Prague, 24-25 May, 2003 Submitted by Italian Federation of Journalists ‘Unions, FNSI At the Annual Meeting in Prague, the European Federation of Journalists strongly confirms its commitment to defend not only pluralism of information but also freedom of expression and opinion in all countries – questions which represent the foundation of all true democracies. Journalists and media workers join with all employees in the information, cultural and communications industries in rejecting the tendency towards excessive commercialisation and concentration of market power,…  
14050. Two Radio Journalists Fired After Covering Political Protest  

Statement from the Nepal Press Union Nepal Press Union strongly condemns the act of government owned Radio Nepal's management for firing two reporters on Thursday. Mr Murari Kumar Sharma of Dang District and Mr Uttam Hamal of Salyan District were working for Radio Nepal since eight years. Both are charged covering and despatching the news of joint peaceful movement against government by major five political parties. The Director of Radio Nepal Mr. Sailendra Raj Sharma says the decision of shacking two working journalists, was taken by the order from the Minister of Information and Communication Mr Ramesh Nath Pandey. Nepal Press Union strongly demands that the decision of Radio Nepal…  
14052. "Unite or Lose Public TV in Serbia", Warns IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists today expressed deep concern over the future of Radio Television Serbia, RTS, and in particular the continued political wrangling and interference in the work of the broadcaster. RTS is expected to be re-launched as the new 'Public Broadcasting Institution' of Serbia in the coming weeks. Its immediate survival will depend on the readiness of the public to pay the license fee that will ensure its financial viability and independence. However, public confidence in RTS is being eroded by continued interference from politicians in programming policy and the running dispute over appointments to the Broadcasting Council. The demand last week by…  
14054. French Unions Meet in Parliament on Employees’ Creation  

In the implementation process of the EU copyright Directive – for which the initial deadline was 22 December 2002- EFJ French unions fear France could allow for the introduction of provisions challenging journalists’ authors’ rights. On May 20, the French EFJ unions (SNJ, CGT, CFDT, FO) held their first meeting on employees’ creations within the French Parliament. The event - which was opened by EFJ General Secretary Aidan White- represented a great opportunity for journalists to debate the issue of authors rights in greater detail, and in particular to discuss the future implementation of the copyright Directive within French legislation. Discussions were also opened to film directors…  
14056. Protest to UK as European Journalists Plan Fightback in Battle Over Protection of Sources  

The case of two British journalists raided by armed police and arrested under official secrecy laws will be the focus of a summit meeting on protection of journalists' sources to be attended by journalists' leaders from 30 countries in Prague this weekend. The arrest of Liam Clarke, Northern Editor of The Sunday Times and Kathryn Johnston, the co-authors of an unofficial biography of Sinn Féin leader Martin McGuinness MP, followed searches at their home and offices on April 30th. Police took away computers and documents in a raid, which the International Federation of Journalists claims was a "breathtaking assault on press freedom and a blatant attempt to intimidate journalists."…  
14057. The Press Union of Liberia Protests Against Attacks on Two Journalists  

Statement from the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) Monrovia, Liberia The Press Union of Liberia (PUL) says its attention has been drawn to two seperate incidents of attack and threats against journalist Teah Doegmah of the Talking Drum Studio and Moses Sonkarlay of the Liberia Communications Network, reportedly by two public officials. Journalist Teah Doegmah, Project Officer of the Talking Drum Studio said he was manhandled and detained on orders of Assistant Police Director for Operations, Col. Leo Jerbo. Mr. Doegmah said the incident took placed at the Aminata Filing station on the Bushrod Island on May 14 - National Unificiation Day. He said that while waiting to be served…  
14060. IFJ Condemns Deportation as Low Point in Mugabe Campaign Against Press  

The International Federation of Journalists today described the decision by Zimbabwe to deport Andrew Meldrum, veteran Africa correspondent, as a low point in the continuing struggle for press freedom in the country. “The twilight world of independent journalism has been rendered dark by this malicious and spiteful act from the regime of Robert Mugabe,” said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ. The IFJ says that the deportation of Meldrum, the Guardian correspondent who has lived in Zimbabwe for the last 23 years, will be vigorously condemned by journalists and press freedom groups worldwide. “This is another blatant attempt to penalize dissent, stifle criticism, and undermine…  

LONDON - The recently formed International News Safety Institute (INSI), a non-governmental organisation dedicated to the safety of journalists and media staff, have announced that they will hold their first AGM in conjunction with this year's News Xchange conference in Budapest, Hungary. The INSI AGM will take place on 5 November, the day before the start of this year's two-day News Xchange event. INSI was launched on International Press Freedom Day, 2 May, in Brussels. Already supported by a coalition of more than 100 journalists' groups and top media organisations around the world, The International News Safety Initiative's stated objectives are to: • Support and develop safety…  
14064. IFJ Warns Of “Cruel Deception” If Indonesian Hostage Deal Breaks Down  

The International Federation of Journalists today made a final appeal to the leaders of armed separatists in Indonesia to make good on a promise to release hostages, including a journalist, as last-minutes obstacles threatened plans to free up to 100 captives. In a letter sent today to Hasan di Tiro, the President of the Sumatra National Liberation Front (GAM), the IFJ said any failure by GAM to deliver on a promise to free Fery Santoro, a broadcast journalist held for 10 months, would be “a cruel deception” that would expose GAM to criticism within the international community. “The journalists of Indonesia and around the world have taken seriously GAM’s word to release the hostages…  
14066. Returning War Correspondent Lost His Job - IFJ Joins Greek Union in Protest  

In northern Greece, staff members of the Makedonia newspaper went on a 24-hour strike on Tuesday, protesting the dismissal of their colleague Charalambos Bikas. The journalist was fired on unclear grounds after he returned from the war in Iraq. The strike is organised by the IFJ-affiliated ESIEMTH. The IFJ has sent a letter of the support to the union, and a letter of protest to the management of the Makedonia.  
14068. Swedish court fines owners of database for illegally using articles- Carl Selling vs Mediearkivet Svenska AB  

On 7 April, the district court of Stockholm ruled in favour of a freelance journalist in a case brought against the Mediearkivet company – which operates a database containing articles from several Swedish newspapers and magazines. The court ordered Mediearkivet to pay 1.500 EURO to the freelance journalist for illegally using two of his articles, originally sold to the newspaper "Göteborg-Posten", and available on-line for a period of five months. The company - which is co-owned by a number of Swedish publishers- claimed that the articles had not been made available to the public since none of their clients had read the articles during that particular period. The company also claimed…  
14070. Azerbaijan Republic: JuHI - Journalists' Trade Union  

3/57 Bunyad Sardarov St. Baku AZ1001 Azerbaijan Telephone: +994 50 324 6530 (mobile) Fax: N/A Chairman : Mushfiq Aleskerly  (since January 2003) E-mail: [email protected]  or [email protected] Website:  http://www.juhiaz.org  Status: Full member  
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