15042 results:

1751. Zia-Ur-Rehman Farooqi  

  According to the First Information Report (FIR) filed at Kuhna Police Station Khanewal, several assailants stopped and threatened a car carrying media reporters, including Zia-Ur-Rehman Farooqi, a correspondent for 7 News in the Khanewal district of Punjab. Armed individuals opened fire on the journalists, hitting Zia-Ur-Rehman in the head. The other journalists in the car managed to escape unharmed, while the assailants fled the scene. Zia-Ur-Rehman was taken to the District Head Quarter Hospital in Khanewal, before being shifted to Nishtar Hospital Multan for further treatment. The journalist died of his injuries on April 28. Zia-Ur-Rehman was allegedly attacked for his…  
1752. Council of Europe report shows alarming increase in attacks on press freedom  

The spotlight was turned on increasing attacks on media freedom across Europe as the Council of Europe Platform to Promote the Protection of Journalism and the Safety of Journalists, together with the International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) and other partner organisations, launched the 2021 report "Defending Press Freedom in Times of Tension and Conflict" at the Brussels Press Club in Belgium on Wednesday 27 April 2022. The report lists the alerts posted by member organisations on the Council's Platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists, provides legislative and political context and identifies the measures needed to improve the…  
1753. Belarus: Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) awarded global press freedom prize  

The Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) has been awarded the 2022 UNESCO Guillermo Cano Prize. The Award Ceremony will take place on 2 May in Punta Del Este in Uruguay, on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) congratulate their Belarusian member for the well-deserved international recognition of its work for journalists and media freedom in Belarus. The IFJ and EFJ nominated their affiliate BAJ for the award, together with 46 Unesco ambassadors. An international jury of media professionals eventually awarded the journalists' association with one of the most prestigious prizes for press freedom. "By…  
1754. Egypt: Two women journalists targeted  

Journalists Hala Fahmy and Safaa Al-Korbaji have been targeted by security services after launching a campaign against its interference in the work of National Media Commission (NMC). Egyptian security forces arrested Al-Korbaji and are searching for Fahmy. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls for the immediate release of the detained journalist and for the security services to end the hunt for Fahmy.  Broadcaster Fahmy posted a video during the week of 7 March which she recorded during a live broadcast outside the Maspero Building, the headquarters of the NMC (previously known as the Egyptian Radio and Television Union - the public broadcaster), in which she warned…  
1755. Macedonia: Workshop on data visualisation  

Under the project Technical assistance to public service media in the Western Balkans implemented by a consortium led by the IFJ  and funded by the European Commission,  a 3 day regional workshop on data to journalism was organised in Skopje, North Macedonia from the 19th to the 21st of April 2022. Eleven journalists from the 6 PSMs were trained on the usage of data visualization and relevant tools as a way to explain complex information, but also to develop innovative storytelling techniques and enhance the quality of journalism. The workshop covered topics such as ways of finding, interrogating and visualizing data for both TV and online production by using case studies and…  
1756. Twitter: Elon Musk’s deal is bad news for media freedom  

Billionaire Elon Musk reached agreement with the board of Twitter board on 25 April to buy the social network for a deal valued at $44 billion and is set to become the sole owner of the platform. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) have condemned the planned takeover, warning it threatens pluralism, press freedom and creates a playground for disinformation. Elon Musk is the  CEO of electric car maker Tesla Inc and aerospace company Space X. He has a long established reputation of criticizing Twitter’s policies of content moderation and has regularly called on Twitter to become a more unregulated forum for "free speech".  Following the takeover,…  
1757. Palestine: ICC case filed over systematic targeting of Palestinian journalists  

Legal submissions alleging that Israel’s systematic targeting of journalists working in Palestine and its failure to properly investigate killings of media workers amount to war crimes, have been submitted to the International Criminal Court (ICC). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) and the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP) working with leading human rights lawyers from Bindmans LLP and Doughty Street Chambers submitted the formal complaint to the ICC in early April 2022.  The ICC’s Prosecutor’s Office (OPT) formally acknowledged receipt of the complaint on 25 April 2022. The…  
1758. Launch of the 2022 Annual Report of the Council of Europe’s Safety of Journalists Platform  

On Wednesday 27 April 2022, the Platform to Promote Protection of Journalism and Safety of Journalists will launch its report “Defending Press Freedom in Times of Tension and Conflict”. The annual report, which is written by the Platform’s Partner Organisations, highlights key areas of law, policy and practices affecting media freedom and safety of journalists in Europe and identifies actions required to improve effective protection of journalists. With the participation of: Sarah Clarke, Head of the Europe and Central Asia team, Article 19 Nicola Frank, Head of Institutional and International Relations, European Broadcasting Union Ricardo Gutiérrez, General Secretary, European…  
1759. UK: Home secretary must reject Assange extradition, say press freedom groups  

Nineteen organisations defending press freedom and journalists, including the IFJ, have urged on 22 April UK Home Secretary Priti Patel to reject the US government's request to extradite Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange.   The Rt. Hon Priti Patel Secretary of State for the Home Department 2 Marsham Street London SW1P 4DF   22 April 2022 Dear Home Secretary, We, the undersigned press freedom, free expression and journalists' organisations  are writing to express our serious concern regarding the possibility of extradition of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange to the United States and to ask you to reject the US government’s extradition request. We also request a…  
1760. Russia: Endless media freedom crackdown  

The repression of journalists and censorship are intensifying in Russia. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) condemn this wave of massive repression. While the censorship law adopted after the invasion of Ukraine criminalised the exercise of journalism in Russia, new and even more restrictive provisions are being considered. On 6 April 2022, Russian lawmakers proposed new legislation allowing the Prosecutor General’s Office to close media outlets that “disrespect” the country’s government, without a court order. The draft bill proposes to amend Article 57 of the Russian Mass Media Law so that journalists will be liable in case of…  
1761. World Copyright Day: Journalists must be paid for tech giants' use of their work  

This yearʼs World Book and Copyright Day – celebrated on 23 April – comes at a crucial point in the conflict between authors and the internet giants as unions step up calls to ensure journalists are paid for the use of their work. The International and the European Federations of journalists (IFJ/EFJ) call on governments and civil society to ensure that internet giants do not control information and that journalists receive a fair share of the benefits collected when their works are being used by the tech corporations. The IFJ and EFJ have warned against the ongoing business models of big tech giants such as Facebook (“Meta”) and Google (“Alphabet”) making benefits by…  
1762. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 15 to 22 April 2022. ENGLISH The International Federation Of Journalists Condemns The Attacks On Journalists In The Dominican Republic – Amico Hoops UK: RSF joins 19 organisations in urging Home Secretary Priti Patel to reject Assange extradition – RSF IFJ condemns use of new spyware Predator to target investigative journalist in Greece – News Laundry JSC: Israeli Forces Attack Journalists to Prevent Disclosing Violations at Al-Aqsa –…  
1763. Hong Kong: HKJA considers disbanding amidst growing safety concerns  

Hong Kong’s largest journalist union, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA), has announced to members that it will hold a special meeting to discuss the “future direction” of the group. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned by this announcement, given the extraordinary role the HKJA has played in delivering a reliable and strong voice for journalists in the region. On April 13, the HKJA, which has been running for 54 years, announced that it would be holding an Extraordinary General Meeting to discuss amending the group’s constitution and discussing options for its future amidst Hong Kong’s “rapidly changing social and political environment”. The…  
1764. Assange's fate in Priti Patel's hands  

NEC member Tim Dawson reports on developments in Julian Assange's case Julian Assange came a step closer to extradition today, when chief magistrate Paul Goldspring sent his case to the Home Secretary to consider. At a procedural sitting of Westminster Magistrates on 20 April 2022, the chief magistrate said that there was no scope for new evidence or arguments at this stage, but that a further appeal was possible. Assange appeared by video link from Belmarsh prison. Wearing a light, formal jacket, orange tie, jeans and a white shirt, he spoke only to confirm his name and date of birth. He appeared slightly slumped and slow to respond. The magistrate told Assange that his legal team…  
1765. Pakistan: PFUJ supports evacuating Afghan journalists   

The Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) has been working to provide every possible support to the Afghan Journalists to evacuate Afghanistan and remain in Pakistan for an interim period before leaving for European countries. Some Afghan journalists have contacted PFUJ directly while others have asked for help via the IFJ. The PFUJ has arranged with the Pakistan Information Ministry for the expedited approval of Pakistani Visas for Afghan Journalists, and as many as fifty journalists have been assisted with their applications.  The PFUJ nominated its Information Secretary, Ihtsham ul Haq, to coordinate these cases. A residential building has been rented for Afghan families where…  
1766. Afghanistan: Two detained amid rising attacks on Afghan media under Taliban rule  

Television presenter Moheb Jalili was beaten and abducted by Taliban militants on April 17 and reporter Reza Shahir was detained by the Taliban on April 19, in the latest of a series of attacks to press freedom in Afghanistan. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the arrests of the two journalists and calls on the Taliban to cease its escalating persecution of Afghan media workers. Moheb Jalili, a presenter for independent station 1 TV and former head of Ariana News, was abducted and tortured by the Taliban Intelligence Service in Kabul’s District 15 on April 16. In an interview with Hasht-e-Subh, an independent newspaper in Afghanistan, the journalist claimed that…  
1767. Bhutan: Foresters forced to retire after speaking to journalists  

On April 4, Bhutan’s Ministry of Agriculture and Forests issued a compulsory retirement order to two of its staff after they were seen speaking with members of the media. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Bhutanese affiliate, the Journalist Association of Bhutan (JAB), are deeply concerned by the actions of the Ministry, and urge Bhutanese officials to repeal the order against the two foresters. According to Kuensel, Bhutan’s national newspaper, the two foresters, both females, were speaking on live television to discuss the issue of excess staff deployment at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests.  The story aired March 23 on the Bhutan Broadcasting Service…  
1768. L'extradition d’Assange serait un signal désastreux pour tous les lanceurs d'alerte  

Ce 20 avril 2022, la justice britannique  se penchera à nouveau sur le sort de Julian Assange, le fondateur de WikiLeaks, traqué, emprisonné, torturé et menacé d'extradition aux États-Unis pour avoir révélé des informations d'intérêt général. Une persécution d'autant plus inique qu'elle est là pour l'exemple : Julian Assange incarne aujourd'hui la menace faite à nos dirigeants de devoir rendre des comptes. Une menace que les détracteurs d'Assange voudraient réduire à néant, alors qu'elle est la garantie d'une démocratie qui fonctionne correctement. C'est en ce sens que nous avons, à différentes reprises, appelé les autorités britanniques, françaises et européennes à faire cesser la…  
1769. Liban: nouvelle déclaration sur la liberté de la presse en prévision des législatives  

Le syndicat des journalistes libanais (SJL) a adopté le 19 avril une déclaration enjoignant les candidat.e.s aux prochaines élections législatives à soutenir la presse et réformer le secteur. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) soutient le SJL et encourage vivement les député.e.s libanais.e.s à insérer dans leurs programmes de véritables mesures protectrices des droits des journalistes, respectueuses de l'indépendance des médias et de la liberté d'association. La déclaration publiée le 19 avril fait suite aux différentes critiques émises par le SJL à l'encontre de la législature en place qui n'a pas su réformer le secteur à sa juste mesure ni répondre aux exigences de la…  
1770. France: "We can advise IFJ members who want to help Afghan journalists”  

Karine Barzegar is a journalist and member of the National Bureau of the National Union of Journalists (SNJ) in France. Since mid-August 2021, she, and a team from the SNJ have been helping Afghan journalists at risk who are trying to flee their country. She tells us about the mobilisation of her union, the challenges they face, but also about her greatest pride and ways to help our Afghan colleagues. 1. The SNJ has been very involved in helping Afghan journalists since the Taliban took power in August 2021. Could you describe the measures you have taken?  We have drawn up precise lists of Afghan journalists who have contacted us. We added their personal details, the media they worked…  
1771. IFJ success story: Afghan women journalist arrives in New Zealand  

Since the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, the IFJ has received thousands of requests for assistance from journalists and media workers on the ground, ranging from evacuation to financial assistance and emergency housing. The IFJ has committed to assisting with as many cases as possible, lobbying international governments to increase their humanitarian efforts and fast track the applications of those media workers fleeing Afghanistan. One such case is that of Mursal*, a prominent journalist and activist, who worked with both national and international media organisations in Afghanistan. Mursal is a strong advocate for women’s rights and worked as a women's affairs reporter with several…  
1772. New Zealand: "The next step for E tū is to provide further support to these journalists, including facilitating opportunities for employment"  

IFJ affiliate E tū union has secured the evacuation of Afghan journalists to New Zealand and is working on their integration in the country. In New Zealand, two Afghan women journalists – out of a group of 10 proposed by the IFJ - are already in the country. Three others have accepted New Zealand visas but are still to arrive, while two have subsequently been resettled in France. The remaining three journalists are currently having their applications considered. Two other journalists and their families, who are not on the IFJ list, have also been resettled in New Zealand. When they arrive in New Zealand the journalists and their families are settled in an Auckland apartment block with…  
1773. Photo-Fundraiser for Afghan Women Journalists  

The Taliban take-over of Afghanistan in August 2021 witnessed extremely repressive measures towards the media. The need for support and solidarity was amply clear. Driven out of their jobs and even their homes, women journalists, many of whom were sole earners for their families, were suddenly rendered jobless. Under the banner “Journalists for Afghanistan”, the Network of Women in Media, India, in partnership with The Media Safety & Solidarity Fund, organised a photo-fundraiser in September 2021 from sales of stunning photographs from the Associated Press. AP generously allowed the use of images from its Afghanistan coverage of over 20 years by internationally acclaimed…  
1774. Canada: "We won’t stop trying until everyone of them is safe"  

The Communications Workers of America - Canada (CWA Canada) has been very active in helping Afghan journalists and pushing the Canadian authorities to issue humanitarian visas to Afghan media workers at risk. CWA Canada president Martin O'Hanlon tells us how the Canadian union is helping Afghan media workers and their successful stories, but also the main challenges they've faced when asking for support from the authorities. Since the Taliban power takeover, how has the CWA Canada supported Afghan media workers at risk who needed to flee the country? How many journalists did you help to relocate until the date? In the midst of the Taliban takeover of Kabul in August, I began…  
1775. Journalists rise during Sri Lanka’s protest wave  

Amid a state of political uncertainty and ongoing protests across Sri Lanka, the role of journalists has become even more crucial, writes Ruki Fernando. Since late March, spontaneous street protests have been held across Sri Lanka, calling for the resignation of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, his brother and Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa, and several others from the Rajapaksa family who held Ministerial positions before resigning in the wake of protests. Triggered by massive price hikes and shortages of gas, fuel, electricity, food, medicine, and fertilizer, among others, social media has also been an important battle ground for protestors. Journalists injured, obstructed, threatened,…  
1776. México: detuvieron a un edil electo por el asesinato de un periodista en 2021  

Con este arresto ya son cuatro las personas que están vinculadas a proceso por el crimen de Jacinto Romero, periodista que murió tras recibir varios disparos el 19 de agosto del año pasado en el estado de Veracruz. El sospechoso, identificado como Patricio Alejandro “N” es exregidor electo del municipio de Ixtaczoquitlán. Según un informe de la Secretaria de Seguridad y Protección Ciudadana (SSPC), se han logrado al menos 21 detenciones vinculadas a seis de los ocho asesinatos cometidos contra comunicadorxs en lo que va de 2022. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas celebra todos los avances que se den para encontrar justicia, pero alerta que la tasa de impunidad continúa siendo…  
1777. Ukraine: the three solidarity centers for journalists are open  

Solidarity centers just launched by the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), with the support of the International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ), and the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine (IMTUU), will help journalists to continue their work during the war in Ukraine. The project was made possible by the IFJ-EFJ appeal for donations. NUJU is launching a network of journalistic solidarity centers to help media workers during the war. These centers are open in Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi, in the headquarters of the regional organisations of NUJU. The centers are open to all journalists operating in Ukraine. They can be used as newsrooms, but…  
1778. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 8 to 15 April 2022.   ENGLISH:  Assange’s supporters gather in London to protest against his three years in prison - Daily Maverick "Brown envelope" journalism in Africa and how to combat it – IJNET Arbitrary Travel Restrictions, Harassment Of Activists And Targeting Of Journalists In India – Civicus Media Watchdogs, UN Call on Taliban to Stop Arbitrary Detention of Journalists in Afghanistan ‘ VOA News 'Misuse of PSA':…  
1779. Jhannah Villegas  

Jhannah Villegas was shot dead by unidentified attackers at her home in the southern Philippine province of Maguindanao. According to reports, she had previously received threats from unknown individuals she had criticised in the media. Journalists' safety, Philippines, IFJ, Impunity  
1780. Bangladesh: Journalist shot dead after exposing drug traficking activities  

Journalist Mohiuddin Sarkar Nayem was allegedly shot dead by drug dealers near the border with India in Cumilla city on 13 April. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the killing of the journalist and urges the Bangladesh authorities to investigate the murder and punish the guilty. According to local journalists, Mohiuddin Sarkar Nayem, a reporter for a local newspaper ‘Dainik Cumillar Dak’ was shot by two men at 9:30 pm. The assailants fled before police reached the crime scene. According to the police, Nayem was shot four times and his body sent to Cumilla Medical College for autopsy.  Although the police are investigating the…  
1781. Somalia: Mass arrests of independent journalists in Somaliland region  

Somaliland police arrested 16 journalists and raided the headquarters of Horn Cable TV on 13 April. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Somali affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), condemn this mass and unjustified arrests of independent media workers and call for their immediate release. Some journalists were arrested while they were covering a standoff between inmates and guards at the Hargeisa Central Prison where a riot had broken out. Journalists from different media moved to the prison to cover the event. According to reports, police officers initially turned against journalists at the scene, assaulting and arresting ten of them.…  
1782. Greece: Journalist spied on by new surveillance software, report  

Journalist Thanasis Koukakis was allegedly spied on by a new surveillance software named Predator for at least three months, a report revealed. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Journalists' Union of Athens Daily Newspapers (JUADN) in condemning any attempts to interfere with journalists' communications and urges the Greek government to swiftly investigate and identify those behind the espionage of our colleague. The journalist was informed of the breach of confidentiality of his communications and the violation of his mobile phone on 28 March 2022, when he received an official response from the University of Toronto's Citizen Lab, an interdisciplinary laboratory…  
1783. Russia: Four journalists sentenced to forced labor  

The Dorogomilovsky District Court in Moscow sentenced on 12 April four journalists from student magazine, DOXA, to two years of forced labour. According to the judge, the journalists had called on young people to demonstrate against the Kremlin. They were arrested in April 2021 after a raid on the editorial office. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) denounced the eradication of press freedom in Russia and called for the immediate release of the journalists who were just doing their job. On 14 April 2021, law enforcement officers in Moscow raided the office of student-run magazine DOXA and the apartments of four of its editors, Natalia…  
1784. Yemen: YJS reports 20 media violations in the first quarter of 2022  

The Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) has documented 20 violations of press freedom in the country between 1 January and 31 March 2022, ranging from arbitrary detentions to physical assaults and threats. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Yemeni affiliate in condemning the systematic violence against media workers by warring parties in Yemen and urges the authorities to take urgent steps to guarantee journalists' safety. The violations recorded by the YJS include two cases of detention, six cases of suspension of radio stations, five cases of attacks on press organizations and journalists and five cases of torture of arrested media workers. The union also…  
1785. Mohiuddin Sarkar Nayem  

The reporter for Dainik Cumillar Dak, a local newspaper,  was shot dead repotedly by drug dealers near the border with India in Cumilla city .  According to local journalists, Mohiuddin Sarkar Naye was shot by two gunmen who fled before police reached the crime scene. According to the police, Nayem was shot four times and his body sent to Cumilla Medical College for autopsy.  Media reports added that our men with alleged links to the shooting death of Mohiuddin were arrested a day after the killing. Local journalists and the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF) suspected that Nayem was killed in reprisal for his reporting exposing…  
1786. Vietnam: Journalist sentenced to ‘re-education’ for alleged defamation  

Phan Bui Bao Thy was sentenced on April 7 by the People’s Court of Quảng Trị to one year of mandatory ‘re-education’ classes for alleged defamation. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the sentencing and calls on the Vietnamese authorities to withdraw all charges against Phan Bui Bao Thy. The People’s Court handed Phan Bui Bao Thy the sentence for allegedly defaming state leaders on social media. Those sentenced to ‘re-education’ are able to live outside prison but are required to attend mandatory classes on Vietnam’s local law and regulation.  According to Asia Politik, Thy, who is the bureau chief of the online magazine Giao Duc Va Thoi Dai (Age and…  
1787. Hong Kong : Un journaliste chevronné arrêté pour « sédition »  

Le 11 avril, Allan Au, journaliste et professeur à l’université, a été arrêté par la police chargée de la sécurité nationale de Hong Kong en vertu de la loi sur la sédition de la ville. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) condamne les actions de la police hongkongaise. De plus, elle exhorte les autorités à libérer immédiatement le journaliste et à abandonner toutes les charges retenues contre lui. Allan Au, journaliste chevronné et professeur à la School of Journalism and Communication, a été arrêté par la police hongkongaise au cours d’une descente matinale dans sa résidence à Kwai Chung.  Dans un communiqué publié lundi, les officiers de police ont confirmé qu’un…  
1788. Three years in prison is too long; Assange must come home  

Australia must step up diplomatic efforts to encourage the US government to drop its bid to extradite Julian Assange who has now been imprisoned for three years, writes the IFJ’s Australian affiliate, the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA). Today marks the third anniversary of Assange’s arrest when he was dragged from the Ecuador Embassy in London on April 11, 2019 to face extradition proceedings for espionage charges laid by the US. The WikiLeaks founder and publisher has been held at Belmarsh Prison near London ever since, where his mental and physical health has deteriorated significantly. On this day, the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance calls on the Biden…  
1789. India: Kashmiri journalist rearrested under draconian PSA  

Kashmiri Journalist Aasif Sultan, who was granted bail on April 5 after spending almost four years in prison under India’s ‘anti-terror’ act, has been rearrested on April 10 and booked under Jammu and Kashmir’s Public Safety Act (PSA). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliate, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU), condemn the misuse of the draconian PSA to harass and detain journalists and urge the Indian authorities to immediately release Aasif Sultan. Sultan was originally detained in August 2018, accused of ‘harnessing known militants’, criminal conspiracy, and aiding and participating in militant activities under India’s Unlawful Activities (Prevention)…  
1790. Vietnam: Journalist sentenced to prison for 'abusing democratic freedoms'  

Vietnamese journalist Nguyen Hoai Nam was sentenced to three years and six months in prison by The People's Court of Ho Chi Minh City on April 5 for a report he published that allegedly criticised the state. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns Nguyen Hoai Nam’s sentence and calls on the court to immediately revoke all charges against him. On April 5, The People's Court of Ho Chi Minh City sentenced Nguyen Hoai Nam to three-and-a-half years in prison after finding him guilty of violating Article 331 of Vietnam’s Penal Code. According to the BBC, the court indictment stated that in 2018, Nam, a local reporter for Ho Chi Minh City Law newspaper, published an…  
1791. India: Police arrest journalists in retaliation for news report  

Uttar Pradesh police have arrested three journalists in the state’s Baila district after they broke the news about a school exam question leak. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliate, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU), urge the Indian authorities to immediately release the journalists. Journalists Ajit Ojha and Digvijay Singh, associated with Hindi daily Amar Ujala, and Manoj Gupta of Rashtriya Sahara, were arrested on March 30 for their reporting on the leak of a Class 12 ‘English’ paper, scheduled to take place the same day. The paper was leaked alongside the answer key of a Class 10 Sanskrit subject scheduled for March 29. Both Uttar Pradesh…  
1792. Jordan: Journalist spied on via Pegasus software  

Jordanian journalist Suhair Jaradat has been spied on via the Pegasus Software, a report by Citizen lab and human rights group Front Line Defenders (FLD) revealed on 5 April. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns any attempts to interfere with journalists' communications and urges the Jordanian government to swiftly investigate and identify the users of the software. At least 180 journalists across the world have been spied on using Pegasus software, a tool developed by the Israeli cyber-surveillance company NSO and sold to several clients, including states across the world.  The spyware grants NSO's clients full control over the infected…  
1793. India: Odisha journalist assaulted in police custody  

Reporter Loknath Dalei was allegedly assaulted and mistreated by police officers from Nilagiri police station on April 6, for his prior reporting on the district’s alleged corruption. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned by the journalist’s assault and urges the authorities to expedite their investigation into the incident and bring the perpetrators to justice. According to India Times, Loknath Dalei, a reporter for Kanak TV in Balasore, attended Nilagiri police station regarding about a minor motorcycle accident on April 4. At the station, the journalist was confronted by the Inspector, Droupadi Das, who proceeded to assault him. "The police made me sit…  
1794. Pakistan: PECA ordinance overruled by Islamabad High Court  

The Islamabad High Court (IHC) has rescinded the Pakistan Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) Amendment Ordinance, which included new regulations to prosecute journalists. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), welcome the court's decision to overturn the PECA Amendment Ordinance and congratulate Pakistan’s media on this historic victory. On April 8, the PECA Ordinance, originally issued in February 2022, was deemed ’unconstitutional’ by the IHC. Justice Athar Minallah, Chief Justice of the IHC, stated that the ordinance breaches Article 19 of the Constitution, which ensures the right to freedom of speech, as…  
1795. Russia: Nobel laureate and Novaya Gazeta's editor Dmitry Muratov assaulted in Moscow  

Novaya Gazeta's editor-in-chief and Nobel Prize winner Dmitry Muratov was attacked in a train on Thursday 7 April 2022. Two people doused him with red paint mixed with acetone, injuring his eyes. The International and Europea Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) strongly condemned the attack. The incident occurred in a train compartment at the Moscow railway station Kazansky heading to Samara. “They poured oil paint with acetone in the compartment. Eyes burn terribly. Train Moscow-Samara. Oily smell all over the car. Departure has already been delayed by 30 minutes. I'll try to wash off. He shouted: "Muratov, here's to you for our boys," said the editor-in-chief of Novaya Gazeta. A…  
1796. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 1 to 8 April 2022. ENGLISH: Phones of Jordanian Activists, Journalists Infected by Pegasus Spyware – OCCRP Alpian CMO Roman Balzan: ‘Building a bank takes everything. Building a new kind of bank takes more.’ – Venture Lab Israel charges Palestinian journalists with incitement — for doing their jobs - +972 Andy Vermaut (AIDL - PostVersa):"Pakistani media faces threats and infringements." – NewsWires This is how Kyiv’s oldest newspaper is…  
1797. Algérie: inquiétudes après la fermeture définitive du journal "Liberté"  

Le conseil d'administration du quotidien algérien indépendant Liberté a dissout la société éditrice, mercredi 6 avril, "pour des raisons financières". La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) s'inquiète des restrictions portées à la liberté d'expression et à la liberté de la presse en Algérie. Fondé en 1992 par Issad Rebrab, propriétaire du premier conglomérat privé en Algérie, Cevital, le quotidien Liberté  a été fermé le 6 avril. Selon les médias algériens, les salariés de Liberté ont rejeté les raisons financières invoquées par le propriétaire et ont qualifié la décision d'"inattendue" et d'"injustifiée". "Nous n'avons pas été informés de cette…  
1798. Myanmar: Reporter sentenced to five years in prison under terrorism law  

On April 5, Win Naing Oo, a reporter for Myanmar news outlet Channel Mandalay, was sentenced to five years in prison for alleged incitement under Myanmar’s Counter-Terrorism Law. The International Federation of Journalists condemns the sentencing of the journalist and calls on Myanmar authorities to immediately revoke the charges against him. A court inside Obo Prison sentenced Win Naing Oo, the former chief correspondent at Channel Mandalay, to five years in prison under Section 52 (A) of Myanmar’s Counter-Terrorism Law.   Under the law, “whoever is convicted of committing [acts of terrorism] shall be sentenced to a minimum of three-year imprisonment to a maximum of seven-year…  
1799. Hong Kong: Hong Kong police arrest six activists for sedition  

Six activists, including journalist Siew Yun-long and former union leader Leo Tang, were arrested on suspicion of sedition by Hong Kong police on April 6. The International Federation of Journalists (IF) strongly condemns the charges and calls on the Hong Kong authorities to immediately release the journalist and other activists. According to Radio Free Asia, Hong Kong’s national security police arrested the six activists over their conduct during court hearings between December 2021 and January 2022. If convicted, the accused face up to two years in jail.  The six had allegedly “caused nuisance" and were accused of affecting “jurisdictional dignity and court operations", Hong Kong…  
1800. India: Two journalists killed in car accident  

Two Indian journalists have died in a car accident in the Bongaigaon district of Assam on April 5. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses its condolences to the journalists' families and stands in solidarity with India's journalist community. [UPDATE] According to the latest reports, the two journalists were on their way home after attending a cultural function earlier that night and did not attend the event as part of their work or for any news coverage.  Journalists Abdul Latif and Deepankar Rai, affiliated with local daily Dainadin Baarta and the All Assam Student Union (AASU), were killed around midnight on April 5 when the car they were travelling…  
1801. El Salvador: reformas legislativas ponen en riesgo el trabajo periodístico  

El Órgano Ejecutivo y la Asamblea Legislativa presentaron ayer una serie de reformas a la Ley de Proscripción a las Pandillas y al Código Penal que habilitan la criminalización de la actividad periodística y ponen en riesgo a lxs trabajadorxs de prensa. Todo esto sucede en el marco de la aplicación de un Estado de Excepción decretado para profundizar la “guerra contra las maras”, tras el cual se redujeron las garantías judiciales mínimas. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas acompaña a la Asociación de Periodistas de El Salvador (APES) en su preocupación por estas modificaciones y exige el respeto irrestricto a los derechos humanos. Durante la jornada de ayer, el gobierno…  
1802. Roman Nezhyborets, Zoreslav Zamoysky  

The bodies of the two journalists were found in Bucha and Yahidne, following withdrawal of the Russian forces from the region. Roman Nezhyborets’ body was found buried in the northern village of Yahidne, and Zamoysky’s body was found in Bucha, near Kyiv. Nezhyborets worked as a video editor for Dytynets, a privately owned TV broadcaster. Russian forces occupied Yahidne on 5 March. Nezhyborets, who was sheltered with his family in Yahidne, attempted to hide evidence of his work with Dytynets, and called his mother to ask that she notify his friends and colleagues that he should be removed from group chats for Dytynets workers, according to his mother. After Russian forces withdrew from…  
1803. The time is now to speed up the just transition and tackle climate change, report  

Global greenhouse gas emissions need to peak before 2025 and transition policies that are proving effective must be boosted to achieve this goal, a new Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report has revealed. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) supports the global unions’ call to boost a just and green transition with more and better green jobs as a key way to tackle climate change. The new report, published on April 4, revealed that without immediate and deep emissions reductions across all sectors, the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C, as agreed by almost all countries in the Paris accords, is beyond reach. To keep the 1.5°C objective alive, worldwide…  
1804. Afghanistan: Blocking access to international media major blow to access to information, union survey  

The recent decision of the Taliban regime to block the broadcast of international media has been a major blow for press freedom and public access to information in Afghanistan, according to a survey carried out by the Afghanistan's National Journalists Union (ANJU) supported by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). The IFJ calls for immediate action to restore the broadcast of international media, key for Afghan people to receive information about their country. The Taliban-led government in Afghanistan banned the broadcasts of international media outlets being transmitted via local media, including the BBC, Voice of America News and DW, among others.  The targeting of…  
1805. Russia: Journalist Ivan Safronov on trial for "high treason"   

The trial behind closed doors of Russian journalist Ivan Safronov opened at a court in Moscow where he is accused of "high treason" for allegedly sharing military secrets with Czech Republic in 2017. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns once again the prosecution of Ivan Safronov and strongly opposes the charges against him. Ivan Safronov was one of the most prominent journalists reporting on defence issues in Russia. He was arrested in July 2020, after leaving journalism to work as an adviser to the head of the state space agency.  "For a year and nine months I have been forced to say that I am guilty of high treason," he said in a statement released ahead of…  
1806. Perú: se registraron agresiones a ocho periodistas en jornada de paro nacional  

Al menos ocho trabajadorxs de prensa fueron agredidos en las coberturas de la jornada nacional de protesta desarrollada el lunes 4 de abril, según los registros de la Oficina de los Derechos Humanos de la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP). La Federación Internacional de Periodistas repudia la violencia de la que fueron víctimas lxs comunicadorxs y exige que se apliquen las medidas necesarias para que puedan realizar su trabajo de forma segura. También se mantiene en alerta ante el creciente clima de hostilidad contra la prensa, que se profundizó durante el proceso electoral de 2021. Durante la tarde del lunes, la Oficina de Derechos Humanos de la ANP emitió una alerta…  
1807. Ukraine: documentary film-maker Mantas Kvedaravicius killed in Mariupol  

Lithuanian documentary film-maker Mantas Kvedaravicius was killed in Mariupol, Ukraine, by Russian forces on Saturday 2 April as he attempted to leave the city. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) condemned his "deliberate killing" and have demanded Russian forces let journalists work without being targeted. Kvedaravicius, 45, was known for his 2016 documentary, Mariupolis, which won Best Documentary at the Lithuanian Film Awards, as well as receiving commendations at the Berlin, Hong Kong and Stockholm film festivals. The film-maker also directed the 2011 award-winning documentary Batzakh, on Russia's war in Chechnya. According to the Ukrainian Ministry…  
1808. Sri Lanka: Several journalists assaulted and detained during Mirihana protests  

Several journalists were assaulted and at least six were taken into custody by police personnel from Sri Lanka’s Special Task Force (STF) on March 31, while covering a protest in Mirihana, within the Nugegoda suburb of Colombo. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Sri Lankan affiliates, the Federation of Media Employees Trade Union (FMETU) , Sri Lanka Working Journalists' Association (SLWJA) and the Free Media Movement (FMM), strongly condemn the journalists’ assaults and detainments and urge Sri Lanka’s government to allow journalists report independently and without fear. On March 31, officers from the STF reportedly assaulted several journalists and detained at least…  
1809. Ukraine: Ukrainian photojournalist Maks Levin found dead in Kyiv  

Ukrainian photojournalist Maks Levin who went missing since 13 March while documenting the Russian invasion of Ukraine near the capital, Kyiv, has been found dead on 1 April. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their Ukrainian affiliates, NUJU and IMTUU, in condemning the deliberate attacks on journalists in Ukraine. The photojournalist, Maks Levin, 40, was a prominent freelancer. His body was found in the Huta-Mezhyhirska village on Friday, according to the news website LB.ua, one media outlet where Maks Levin worked. On Saturday, the Vyshhorod district prosecutor’s office said in a statement that based on preliminary information, Mr.…  
1810. Yevgeny Bal  

The veteran journalist, writer and member of the IFJ affiliate National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU)  was detained by the Russian military on 18 March 2022 at his home near Mariupol, allegedly for possessing "compromising" photos with the Ukrainian military found during the search of his flat. Bal was detained for three days, tortured and beaten. He was released on 21 March and  died on 2 April. The National Union of Journalists of Ukraine said that his death was result of the torture he had suffered during his detention.. Source : Council of Europe’s Platform for the Promotion of Journalism and the Safety of Journalists Journalists' safety, Ukraine, IFJ,…  
1811. Mantas Kvedaravičius  

The Lithuanian documentarian Mantas Kvedaravičius was killed while attempting to leave Mariupol, according to news reports, social media posts by his friends and colleagues, and a statement by Ukraine’s Ministry of Defence. The Russian film director Vitaly Mansky wrote on Facebook that Kvedaravičius died “with a camera in his hand”. The President of Lithuania, Gitanas Nauseda, issued a statement saying that Kvedaravičius “until the very last moment, in spite of danger, worked in Russia-occupied Ukraine”. The Ministry of Defence alleged that Kvedaravičius had been killed by Russian forces. Kvedaravicius’ documentary film “Mariupolis,” about the south eastern Ukrainian port city, was shown…  
1812. México: periodistas sufrieron amenazas mientras realizaban una cobertura con activistas de protección del medio ambiente  

Un grupo armado amedrentó a periodistas del periódico El Universal y a activistas mientras documentaban la extracción de recursos naturales en el cerro Tecalco-Chiconautla. Las dos reporteras, el fotógrafo y miembros de organizaciones de pueblos originarios que fueron amenazadxs con ser prendidxs fuego y apuntadxs con un arma larga mientras se lxs obligaba a dejar de registrar lo que sucedía en el lugar. Dos de los agresores portaban chalecos con la leyenda “policía estatal”. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas repudia esta nueva agresión en México, país en el que en los primeros tres meses del año ya se registraron ocho asesinatos de trabajadorxs de prensa. Un grupo de periodistas…  
1813. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 25 March to 1 April 2022. English: Efforts underway to evacuate journalists, boost safety in Ukraine – Euractiv China attempts to sway international perception through media – The Print China holds espionage trial of Chinese Australian journalist – Spectrum Local News Save Our Storytellers – Daily News In Afghanistan, ‘people selling babies, young girls to survive’ – AlJazeera Afghan family says journalist in Kandahar arrested – The…  
1814. Editorial - On the road to congress  

The IFJ family will meet in Muscat, Oman, from 31 May to 3 June for its 31st World Congress. This will be an opportunity for us to see all delegates again after two years of pandemic, during which time it was not possible to convene the Executive Committee, our regional groups or the Gender Council. In addition to the pandemic, which has had a heavy impact on our sector, the IFJ has been mobilised for months by the political crises in Afghanistan and Yemen and since 24 February by the war in Ukraine. In each case, journalists and media workers are paying a heavy price and our actions in these countries are focused on delivering practical solidarity in the face of humanitarian emergencies.…  
1815. Maks Levin   

The 40-year-old prominent Ukrainian freelance photojournalist who went missing since 13 March while documenting the Russian invasion of Ukraine near the capital, Kyiv, was found dead in the Huta-Mezhyhirska village on Friday, according to the news website LB.ua, one media outlet where Maks Levin worked. Vyshhorod district prosecutor’s office said in a statement that based on preliminary information, Mr. Levin was shot by Russian armed forces with “small arms fire,” and that a criminal investigation into his death was underway. The colleague Mr. Levin had been traveling with, Oleksiy Chernyshov, has not been found. Journalists' safety, Ukraine, IFJ, Impunity  
1816. Croatia: Union reports over 900 lawsuits against journalists and media  

There are at least 951 active lawsuits against Croatian journalists and media in which plaintiffs are demanding 10.3 million Euros in compensation, a Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA) survey has revealed. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) support their affiliate’s demands to urgently change the law to end the culture of harassing journalists and the media with lawsuits. Using SLAPPs (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) is a widespread practice in Croatia. Their objective is to censor, intimidate and silence media workers by burdening them with court proceedings. According to the CJA's survey, at least 951 lawsuits were…  
1817. Pakistan: Senior Pakistani journalist attacked in Punjab  

On March 27, journalist Zahid Sharif Rana was attacked by ten men in the Bakhar region of Pakistan’s Punjab province. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Pakistan affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), in strongly condemning the attack, urging the Pakistani authorities to immediately launch an investigation into the assault so that the perpetrators can be brought to justice. According to the First Information Report (FIR), Zahid Sharif Rana, a senior reporter at Daily Ausaf, was targeted by ten members of Tehreek-e-Insaaf, Pakistan’s ruling party, who assaulted and harassed him on the street. In a video of the incident recorded by a…  
1818. Tunisia: Public media workers announce one-day strike over risk to media freedom and editorial independence  

Tunisian public media workers will go on strike on April 2 in protest against shrinking press freedoms and attempts by President Kaïs Saied and his government to control public media’s editorial line. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Tunisian affiliate, the SNJT, in fully supporting the strike and calls on all journalists to stand united amid continuous attempts to limit their rights. Workers of the four public media organisations in Tunisia, the national TV, national radio, Tunis Africa news agency (TAP) and the publishing house La Presse will take part in the one-day strike in protest against an increasingly difficult situation for the free exercise of…  
1819. Afghanistan: Media crackdown intensifies as international broadcasters taken off air  

At least four news broadcasters have been taken off air, eight media workers arrested, and two media houses shuttered by the Taliban since March 26, amid a wide-reaching ban on foreign media. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Afghanistan affiliate, the Afghanistan National Journalists' Union (ANJU), call for the immediate release of the detained journalists and the retraction of all arbitrary restrictions on both national and international media with the intention of stifling press freedom. On March 27, the BBC revealed that its news bulletins in Persian, Pashto and Uzbek languages were taken off air after their local partners were ordered to remove all…  
1820. Australian, U.S. Press Leaders Condemn China’s Secretive Prosecution and Detention of TV Journalist  

U.S. and Australian press leaders on Wednesday strongly condemned the ongoing detention and secretive prosecution of journalist Cheng Lei, an Australian citizen and mother of two children, who was previously a high-profile business news anchor on China’s state-owned TV channel CGTN. Lei, who earlier in her career worked for CNBC, is scheduled to be tried in a closed court hearing in Beijing on Thursday, March 31 after being held in prison for 19 months. She has been denied contact with her 10-year-old and 12-year-old children. She is being held on dubious charges that have yet to be substantiated with any evidence. At this point, it is unclear if Australian consular staff will be allowed to…  
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