15063 results:

13021. IFJ Warns Over Safety Crisis in India Following Journalist Casualties in Srinagar attack  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, today expressed deep concern over the militant attack in Srinagar on Friday, in which at least seven journalists were injured, one of them still battling for his life. "Journalists in the strife torn Kashmir valley are continually in the line of fire, and are doing their job of informing the public at great personal risk," said IFJ President Christopher Warren. The casualty toll is the highest ever for journalists in the Valley in a single incident. In an attack in the heart of Srinagar on Friday, July 29, militants killed two people and injured 14 others,…  
13023. IFJ “Gravely Concerned” About Violence Against Yemeni Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) said today it is “gravely concerned” about increasing violence against journalists in Yemen. Violence has rocked the country in the last few weeks after a fuel price hike sparked riots against the government. Thirty-nine people actually died in the protests. The army and security forces in Yemen have arrested a number of journalists covering the events and attacked others, confiscating their cameras and film. Some journalists have been banned from covering the event. In other cases, Yemeni correspondents for foreign media have been barred from sending news reports using Yemeni TV satellite stations despite agreements…  
13026. IFJ Demands Release of Senior Pakistani Journalist After "Illegal Arrest" Linked to Critical Commentaries  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has strongly condemned the illegal detention of Rashid Channa, senior journalist for the Karachi evening newspaper, The Star, by Pakistan authorities. On Sunday July 24, 2005 at approximately 1:30pm, Channa was arrested by plain-clothes police and intelligence agents from his home in Karachi and was later released at approximately 1am on Monday July 25. During his detention at Shahra-e-Faisal Police Station Channa was refused permission to eat or drink, was mentally tortured and repeatedly told not to write stories critical of the Sindh Government Chief Minister Arbab Ghulam Rahim. "Journalists must be guaranteed the right to…  
13027. IFJ Condemns New Australian Labour Rules: “A “Charter for Unscrupulous Media Employers”  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world’s largest journalists group, has protested to the Australian government over plans to undermine employment rights which it warns will “reduce morale within the media industry and compromise the atmosphere of professionalism on which independent journalism thrives.” The IFJ has written a letter to Australian Prime Minister John Howard protesting that changes in labour law will make it easier for employers to fire staff and could have a distressing impact on thousands of people who work in journalism and the media industry in Australia. “These changes will do nothing for press freedom, will do nothing…  
13031. IFJ Calls on World Unions to Protest Over Jailing of US Journalist  

Dear Colleagues, After being sent to prison in the United States for refusing to reveal her sources in an investigation about the disclosure of the name of a covert CIA agent, New York Times reporter Judith Miller has still not revealed her sources. She could remain in jail until October when the grand jury investigation into who leaked the name of the agent will be over. Media organisations and journalists’ unions and other organisations have rallied to her defence. All IFJ and European Federation of Journalists unions should continue to show their support for Judith Miller and here are the best ways to do it: 1. Sign a petition started by the Reporters Committee for…  
13032. Nepalese Journalist’s Life in Imminent Danger, Mass Sackings at NTV  

The situation in Nepal remains critical for journalists, who face the possibility of kidnappings, torture and arrest on a daily basis. Beyond the violent intimidation of journalists is the prospect of job cuts and widespread censorship. Each of these factors is having a crippling effect on democracy in Nepal, and is a step backwards for a media that had made some positive progress in recent years. The latest development in this grim series of events is that the life of Gokul Baskota, executive editor of Kathmandu’s Dristi Weekly, is believed to be in serious danger as he continues to receive regular death threats. According to the Federation of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ), on…  
13037. IFRRO publishes Study on Reproduction Rights Organizations (RROs) in European countries-EFJ summary  

IFRRO carried out a study on RROs in European Countries, available on the IFRRO web site that covers 25 RROs in 22 European countries, of which 20 are EU Member States. The study is based on a questionnaire which was circulated to 26 European IFRRO members on 7 April 2005. The study analyses how RROs are set up and operate in European countries. Reproduction Rights Organizations (RROs) are set up jointly by authors and publishers and represent them both equally. Otherwise, they cannot be approved as a full RRO member of the IFRRO. There are also CMOs (Collective management organization) in membership of IFRRO which have an associate status. The IFFRO has right now no members in…  
13038. Euronews July 2005  

Euronews is the bimonthly bulletin of the European Federation of Journalists, produced in the Secretariat in Brussels. Download PDF File here - - - EFJ News Media Concentration Broadcasting News Authors' Rights News European Policy Briefing Publications/Websites Calendar Contact EFJ NEWS EFJ Annual Meeting Debates Media and Quality in Bilbao The EFJ Annual Meeting took place in Bilbao on 3-4 April, focusing on debates on media, quality and journalists’ rights in the presence of over 50 delegates of member unions and associations, leading figures including Mr. Candido Mendes, the President of the European Trade Union Confederation and…  
13039. EURONEWS auf Deutsch - Juli 2005  

Bulletin der Europäischen Journalisten Föderation European Federation of Journalists EJF Nachrichten Medienkonzentration Nachrichten vom Rundfunk Urheberrechts-Nachrichten Gleichstellungsnachrichten Europa-Politik Briefing Veröffentlichungen/Websites Kalender DOWNLOAD (PDF)  
13041. Palestine Safety Training Workshop Report  

In July 2005, INSI organized a safety training for Palestinian journalists in Jenin. This work was supported by the International Federation of Journalists. Please click here to access the workshop report.    
13043. Journalists' Leaders in the Horn of Africa Attempt to Revive the Eastern Africa Journalists' Association  

Joint Statement from the Somali Journalists Network and the Ethiopian Free Press Journalists Association The leaders of the Somali Journalists Network (SOJON) and the Ethiopian Free Press Journalists Association (EFJA), Omar Faruk Osman, SOJON Secretary General and Kifle Mulat, EFJA President, meeting in Addis Ababa on 4 July 2005 concentrated on many vital concerns both national and regional levels. The leaders deprecated the continuation of infringements against media professionals in the Eastern Africa countries, particularly the Horn of Africa countries, where journalists and media institutions are attacked, censored, arrested, intimidated, killed and threatened.…  
13044. Nepal and the Philippines a priority, states IFJ Asia-Pacific regional meeting in Taiwan  

The appalling safety and press freedom conditions for journalists in Nepal and the Philippines are priority areas for solidarity action for the IFJ in the Asia-Pacific, says the conference of over forty journalist leaders representing the IFJ Asia-Pacific group, which just concluded in Taipei, Taiwan. The "Media for Democracy - the Challenge in Asia" IFJ regional conference met in Taipei from July 7-10 and made declarations on various issues of concern for journalists in the Asia-Pacific region. Hosted by the IFJ's Taiwan affiliate, the Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ), and supported by the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, the meeting brought together leaders of journalists'…  
13046. Fresh Wave of Violence Against Journalists in Bangladesh  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is shocked and concerned by recent reports emerging from Bangladesh that at least 10 journalists were brutally assaulted by National Security Intelligence (NSI) forces last week while they protested the arrest and assault of their colleagues. According to these reports, the problem began when members of the NSI physically attacked Sheikh Enamul Kabir as he took photographs of political graffiti that was written on the boundary wall of the NSI complex at Segunbagicha on Thursday, July 7. He was then arrested and taken into custody with another colleague, Sheikh Mamun, who had also been assaulted for objecting to Kabir’s arrest.…  
13051. IFJ Launches Journalism Resources on Conflict Reporting and Combating Criminal Defamation  

            The Asia-Pacific office of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today launched two specialist resources for affiliates and journalists working in the Asia-Pacific region. “Decriminalising defamation and On the Road to Peace are both timely and hands-on resources developed by journalists for journalists and their associations in the Asia-Pacific region. “The launch of these resources comes at a crucial time for journalists by addressing two of the most distressing issues facing journalists across the region: reporting conflict and defeating criminal defamation,” said IFJ…  
13053. Malaysia Silences Free Press  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned by the actions of the Malaysian National Security Bureau, which has banned several editions and halted distribution of the popular Chinese-language Epoch Times newspaper in Malaysia. According to reports, Bureau officers confiscated some editions of the newspaper before issuing a ban on editions #147 and #147. No official reason has been given for the ban. “This is a blatant violation of peoples’ right to information in Malaysia,” said Christopher Warren, President of the IFJ. “Bans like this seriously interfere with the media’s ability to report and express the views of the people…  
13054. Call on IFJ Unions to Express Solidarity with US Reporters Facing Jail  

On 5 July 2005, the International Federation of Journalists sent out the following appeal to all its member unions: Dear Colleagues, The IFJ is asking all of its unions to send messages of support to journalists Judith Miller of the New York Times and Matthew Cooper of Time who have refused to reveal sources of information in a scandal over a leak from the White House that led to the naming of a CIA agent. Tomorrow (Wednesday) they face a judge who may send them to jail. The leak was authorised it is believed because the husband of the agent contradicted claims about Iraqi access to uranium, a claim that President Bush used to justify the US invasion of Iraq in 2003.…  
13055. Somali Journalists Condemn the Detention of Two Colleagues  

Statement of the Somali Journalists Network The Somali Journalists Network is condemning the recent arrest of STN journalists in Bossasso of Bari region. The Puntland police in Bossasso arrested on 30 June Mr. Abdirisak Omar Ismail (Shek Adun) and Mr. Awale Jama’ who are the director and the editor of STN Bossasso respectively, as the management of STN confirmed. The motive behind the arrest of the journalists is an interview they had with one of the candidates for the position of Mayor of Bossasso according to sources in Bossasso. But deputy police commander in Bossasso stated that the journalists broadcasted false information. The deputy police commander added that…  
13056. IFJ/ EFJ accuse Romanian lawmakers of undermining democracy  

The International Federation of Journalists and its regional group the European Federation of Journalists today accused Romanian lawmakers of undermining the democracy following changes to the law covering national radio and television that reinforce political control of public broadcasting. The IFJ is supporting angry journalists and media staff who are protesting over sudden changes to the law that remove staff representatives from the administration board of the state broadcaster and replace them with political appointments. “Romania is in danger of stepping back into the past and the dark days of state control of media,” said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ and the…  
13061. Nigerian Watchdog Condemns the Arrest of a Journalist  

Statement from the International Press Centre The International Press Centre (IPC), Lagos, Nigeria, has expressed strong concerns about the reported recent arrest of the punch correspondent in Akwa Ibom State, South-South, Nigeria Mr. Haruna Acheneje by men of the State Security Service (SSS) in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State Capital. It was reported that three SSS men walked into Acheneje’s office at about noon on Thursday, June 30 2005 and arrested him. No official reason was given for his arrest and he was refused access to his colleagues and other sympathizers. IPC Coordinator, Mr. Lanre Arogundade, recalled in a statement today that this is not the first time that Mr. Acheneje…  
13064. European Journalists Back Greek Unions in Battle over Defence of Rights of Media workers  

The European Federation of Journalists, the regional body of the International Federation of Journalists, today accused media employers in both public and private sectors over cuts in jobs and management practices that are “tearing to shreds” the fabric of quality journalism. Months of unpaid wages in some newspapers, job cuts in official information services, the end of some work contracts in state media and threats to pension rights and social insurance across the industry are a sign of a profound crisis within Greek media says the EFJ. “There is no escaping the gravity of this crisis,” said Aidan White, General Secretary of the EFJ and the IFJ.…  
13065. European Journalists Call on Brussels to Drop New Legal Threat to Media  

“Harmonising the rules on the law applicable so that media can be sued according to different legislations across Europe will cause chaos and endanger press freedom”, warned the European Federation of journalists (EFJ) today, in reaction to last week’s vote in the European Parliament on a proposal for a Regulation on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations (“Rome II”). The current proposal, as amended last tuesday by the European Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee, says that the law of the country where the damage occurred will apply to privacy infringements, unless a manifestly closer connection may be deemed to exist with a particular…  
13068. IFJ and SOJON Protest Over “Undemocratic and Excessive” Court Decision to Detain Somali Editor  

The International Federation of Journalists today protested over the “undemocratic and excessive” decision handed down against the editor of a weekly newspaper by a court in Garowe the headquarters of Puntland autonomous regional administration in northeast Somalia. On 19 June, acting under Presidential powers police arrested Abdi Farah Nur, an editor working for the weekly paper Shacab, along with two other personnel of a printing agency directed by the same company that own the newspaper. The two media staffers were later released. In a hearing, three days later, the judge ruled that Abdi Farah Nur should be transferred to Garowe top-security prison and held for an…  
13069. IFJ Tells Governments to ‘Back Off” as Iraqi Expulsion Sparks Row Over Interference in Work of Media  

The news that a French reporter is to be expelled from Baghdad by Iraqi officials claiming they are trying to protect her safety has been greeted with anger by the International Federation of Journalists, which today said that governments should “back off, stop interfering and let journalists get on with their work.” The IFJ says that the decision to expel freelance reporter, Anne-Sophie Le Mauff from Iraq, after she had already come under pressure from the French Government to leave, was a dangerous signal that “some governments think they know better than journalists on the spot about how to do their job.” Yesterday morning, three representatives from the…  
13070. IFJ Protests Mindless Murder of Journalist in India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, today protested against the senseless shooting to death of a journalist in Muzaffarnagar in northern India. "We are deeply saddened by the death of our colleague, a victim of a mindless act of violence, and mourn this needless loss, " said IFJ President, Christopher Warren. According to information received by the IFJ, M Sagar, 28, a correspondent of the daily Shah Times was shot dead on the night of June 17 after he objected to celebratory gun-firing in Muzaffarnagar town in northern India. Police say Sagar was working at his office late into the night,…  
13071. Solidarity and a Charter of Journalists’ Rights Needed Over Iraq Media Crisis IFJ Tells Baghdad Conference  

The International Federation of Journalists says that only a charter of journalists’ rights, including employment protection and more action to reduce risks facing Iraqi reporters will solve the current media crisis in Iraq. Speaking at a conference in Baghdad organised by the official National Communication and Media Commission on Wednesday IFJ General Secretary Aidan White said that use of the media for political in-fighting and poverty conditions for the journalistic workforce were major challenges to overcome in building a new era for Iraqi journalism. “What is needed is for political groups to guarantee the independence of journalism and for all media groups to sign up…  
13072. EFJ Backs New Italian Strike as Journalists Fight For Fairness in Collective Agreements  

Leaders of the European Federation of Journalists, meeting in Brussels today, have given their backing to a strike called for tomorrow by the Italian journalists’ federation which is demanding a fair deal from employers who are resisting their demands for new collective agreements. “This is a battle for fairness and for justice in the workplace,” said the chair of the EFJ, Arne König. “Italian colleagues are facing a profound crisis of confidence within Italian media as a whole, now they are struggling for fair treatment of journalists at work. It is an action that will command support across Europe.” The EFJ, which is the regional group of the…  
13073. Rights of Journalists and Collective Bargaining in Algeria: IFJ Workshop, June 8-11th, 2005  

Capacity Building of Journalist’s Unions and Associations in the Middle East, North Africa and Gulf Region Mission conducted by: Britta Søndergaard, Danish Union of Journalists This event was supported by the European Commission and International Media Support. Objectives of the mission. • To get a better understanding of the situation of the journalists in Algeria • To exchange experiences in a seminar for journalists concerning organisation of work and collective bargaining • To discuss a national seminar and training workshop Summary of the workshop report About 15 people from different medias were present to discuss the judicial…  
13076. IFJ Renews Call for Release of Algerian Journalist Mohamed Benchicou  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) at a press conference in Brussels today, renewed its call for the release of Mohamed Benchicou and the decriminalisation of press offences in Algeria. “This 14th day of June is a symbol for all journalists that are being harassed, oppressed and imprisoned by their governments,” says Bertrand Ginet, IFJ Programme Officer. “Mohamed Benchicou is a figure of the Algerian press and whose immediate release we are expressly requesting for. The fact that he today “celebrates” his first year of imprisonment, demonstrates how much the principles of the State of law has been led astray in Algeria”. Mohamed…  
13077. EFJ Welcomes New Online Aid for Training of Journalists  

The European Federation of Journalists today welcomed the final launch of the ‘Reporstag-e’ virtual training site for journalists at a Press conference in Samos, Greece gathering members of the Association Journalist of Provincial Press (ESET) on 11th June. “We have reached an important target in providing free online training for journalists, particularly freelances who are often forced to take responsibility for their own training”, said Pamela Moriniere, project co-ordinator for the EFJ. “ The platform now directs journalists to more than 70 available online courses addressing new technology challenges for journalists”. The press conference marked the conclusion of the final…  
13080. EFJ Welcomes New Online Aid for Training of Journalists  

The European Federation of Journalists today welcomed the final launch of the ‘Reporstag-e’ virtual training site for journalists at a Press conference in Samos, Greece gathering members of the Association Journalist of Provincial Press (ESET) on 11th June. “We have reached an important target in providing free online training for journalists, particularly freelances who are often forced to take responsibility for their own training”, said Pamela Moriniere, project co-ordinator for the EFJ. “ The platform now directs journalists to more than 70 available online courses addressing new technology challenges for journalists”. The press conference…  
13083. IFJ Calls for Solidarity as Surging Wave of Violence Sees Tragic Death of Somali Reporter  

The International Federation of Journalists today called on the urgent need for action by the Somali authorities to provide greater protection for journalists following the tragic killing of a young Somali reporter. On 5 June, unidentified gunmen opened fire on HornAfrik radio journalists Duniya Muhiyadin Nur and Anab Mohamed Yare as they were traveling in a sedan on a road connecting Mogadishu city to Afgoye district of lower Shabelle region, 30 kilometres outside of Mogadishu . Female reporter, Duniya Muhiyadin was immediately admitted to Madiina hospital, but died shortly afterwards due to severe injuries sustained from her bullet wounds. Her colleague, Anab Mohamed Yare survived…  
13084. Working material- EFJ Seminar Women Journalists in the EU Integration Process  

Country Reports (English) Cyprus (North) Cyprus (South) Estonia Finland Finland Equality Plan Germany Greece Italy Latvia Lithuania Malta Norway Russia Serbia Slovenia Switzerland United Kingdom   Rapport Nationaux  Danemark Finlande Lettonie Lithuanie Malte Norvège Portugal Serbie Suisse Espana (SP) Speakers' presentations Ann Magritt Austena Margareth Gallagher Cécile Gréboval Anna Pilavaki  
13086. EU Journalist Award 2005 : For Diversity, Against Discrimination  

Berlin, 6 June 2005 – The European Commission has launched the “For Diversity. Against Discrimination.” EU Journalist Award 2005. Journalists in the 25 EU Member States are invited to submit articles on the subject of combating discrimination and promoting diversity in employment. Media professionals and anti-discrimination experts will select 25 national award winners of each category. A European Jury will then select the finalists who can look forward to winning a study trip to an EU country of their choice. This is the second year that the European Commission is supporting the “For Diversity. Against Discrimination.” EU Journalist Award. In 2004,…  
13087. Detail  

Today the International Federation of Journalists supported the strike of journalists at Italian public broadcaster RAI. Following the call of the union USIGRAI, journalists ask for a better and “credible” governing body for RAI. The Executive Committee of the IFJ, meeting in Rome on 4-5 June 2005 and gathering over 20 journalists’ leaders from across the world, backed the concerns of the Federazione Nazionale della Stampa Italiana (FNSI) and of the USIGRAI over the future of RAI, in the context of political interference and plans of privatisation. “The IFJ is worried about the current political manoeuvres around RAI”, said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “Public broadcasting needs…  
13088. IFJ Backs Strike Over “Credible” Governing Body for RAI  

Today the International Federation of Journalists supported the strike of journalists at Italian public broadcaster RAI. Following the call of the union USIGRAI, journalists ask for a better and “credible” governing body for RAI. The Executive Committee of the IFJ, meeting in Rome on 4-5 June 2005 and gathering over 20 journalists’ leaders from across the world, backed the concerns of the Federazione Nazionale della Stampa Italiana (FNSI) and of the USIGRAI over the future of RAI, in the context of political interference and plans of privatisation. “The IFJ is worried about the current political manoeuvres around RAI”, said IFJ General Secretary Aidan…  
13090. Step in the Right Direction for Journalists' Safety in the Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the arrest of the chief suspect in the murder case of radio commentator Rowell Endrinal. On May 26, Clarito Arizobal, chief suspect in the February 11, 2004, murder of radio commentator Rowell Endrinal was arrested in Legaspi, southeast Manila, following three weeks of police surveillance. "This is certainly promising news, but the Filipino law enforcers are still a long way off securing unbridled safety for Filipino journalists", said IFJ President Christopher Warren. The arrest follows the murder of two Filipino journalists this month. Following 13 killings in 2004 and five this year, the total journalists' death toll…  
Search results 13021 until 13090 of 15063