15060 results:

6021. Bangladeshi journalist shot during political clashes dies  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF) have today strongly condemned the killing of Abdul Hakin Shimul, a journalist who died after being shot in Sirajganj, northern Bangladesh during political clashes. The IFJ demands immediate arrest and punishment of the perpetrators.   Abdul Hakin Shimul, a local correspondent of the Bangla-language daily Samakal, was shot in the face while covering clashes between two factions of the ruling party, the Awami League, on Thursday 2 February during which gunshots were fired. He was admitted to a local hospital in a critical condition. He died on Friday on the way to capital Dhaka,…  
6022. Colombia: periodista frente a sus torturadores en busca de justicia  

Informe en exclusiva de la FIP y su afiliado español FSC-CCOO La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), en colaboración con su afiliado español FSC-CCOO, publica en exclusiva un informe especial sobre la infatigable lucha de la periodista colombiana Claudia Julieta Duque. El informe (disponible aquí), firmado por nuestro enviado especial en Bogotá Marvin David Del Cid, forma parte de nuestro compromiso de solidarizarnos con todos aquellos que claman por que se haga justicia y en contra de la impunidad. Víctima de secuestro, torturas psicológicas, amenazas viles y persistentes durante años y asediada por una vigilancia extrema e ilegal junto con su hija, Claudia…  
6023. ​The story behind the killings – IFJ publishes in-depth report on media workers killed in 2016  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today published the full report on journalists and media staff killed in 2016. The report lists details of 93 media professionals killed in work-related incidents such as targeted murders, bomb attacks and crossfire incidents last year, a decrease compared to the 2015 figure of 112 killings. Read more here:  
6024. The story behind the killings – IFJ publishes in-depth report on media workers killed in 2016  

At the end of each year, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) publishes a list of all the journalists and media professionals killed in the course of their work over the previous 12 months. As part of our ongoing commitment to tackle impunity and campaign for greater safety for journalists, today, we are publishing the story behind the killings – an in-depth analysis of each region with an explanation of the victims and circumstances of each death. The report lists details of 93 media professionals killed in work-related incidents such as targeted murders, bomb attacks and crossfire incidents last year, a decrease compared to the 2015 figure of 112…  
6025. Iran: IFJ launches new Persian website  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today launched a new section in Persian in its Middle East website featuring news and reports on the situation facing Iranian journalists and promoting ethical journalism, independent reporting and journalists’ labour rights. The website, which is a joint effort between the IFJ and its affiliate in Iran, the Association of Iranian Journalists (AoIJ), aims at connecting Persian-speaking journalists with the international community of media workers in order to build greater professional solidarity and empower them to deliver quality independent journalism. “We welcome the support of all Iranian journalists and look forward to…  
6026. IFJ in the News this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 27th January to Friday 3rd February: 1. IFJ/EFJ urge Russian authorities to stop persecuting #Ukraine journalists 2. Cameroun : levée de bouclier des éditeurs contre le musellement des médias 3. Levée de boucliers contre le régulateur des médias au Cameroun 4. La Fédération internationale des journalistes s'inquiète des menaces contre les médias au Cameroun 5. La Fédération internationale des journalistes s'inquiète des menaces contre les médias au Cameroun 6. La…  
6027. The story behind the killings – IFJ publishes in-depth report on media workers killed in 2016  

At the end of each year, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) publishes a list of all the journalists and media professionals killed in the course of their work over the previous 12 months. As part of our ongoing commitment to tackle impunity and campaign for greater safety for journalists, today, we are publishing the story behind the killings – an in-depth analysis of each region with an explanation of the victims and circumstances of each death. The report (download it here) lists details of 93 media professionals killed in work-related incidents such as targeted murders, bomb attacks and cro ssfire incidents last year, a decrease compared to the 2015 figure of 112…  
6028. AFP : Le président du Syndicat des journalistes palestiniens sanctionné  

Les syndicats de journalistes français SNJ, SNJ-CGT et CFDT, membres de la FIJ, ont été informés que Nasser Bou Bakr, président du Syndicat des journalistes palestiniens et membre du Comité exécutif de la FIJ, journaliste de l’AFP à Ramallah, avait été sanctionné à la suite d’un différend avec sa hiérarchie. Malgré les interventions syndicales auprès de la direction, l’AFP a décidé brutalement et sans autre forme de recours de suspendre le contrat de travail de notre confrère par une mise à pied d’une semaine (22 au 28 janvier 2017) et de le priver de son salaire. Les accusations portées par la direction sont principalement fondées sur des informations erronées provenant de sites…  
6029. Journalism has an increasingly murderous price in Asia Pacific  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today launched the IFJ list of journalists and media staff killed in 2016, documenting the deaths of colleagues killed in the line of duty. In the Asia-Pacific region, 28 journalists were brutally murdered in 2016, an increase from 2015. The report, which is now in its 26th year, is a key tool in the IFJ’s continued efforts to tackle impunity for crimes against journalists and campaign for greater safety. In the Asia Pacific region, there have been some wins, but with each comes a devastating blow to the efforts made to secure the safety of journalists worldwide. In the last two years, the IFJ Asia-Pacific cautiously noted a marked…  
6030. Greece: Oldest newspapers cease publication following collapse of the most powerful media group  

The two oldest newspapers in Greece, To Vima and Ta Nea, were among the publications which were supposed to cease publication last weekend. On Saturday, the media group which owns them, Lambrakis Press Group (DOL), announced the end of their publications “within days due to financial reasons.” The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ), together with their Greek affiliates, are asking for time to negotiate a long term solution. As a result, over 500 media workers, including 250 journalists, most of whom are members of the IFJ/EFJ Greek affiliate JUADN (Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspapers), are facing unemployment. The union also denounced the fact…  
6031. Thai journalists denounce media regulation bill  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South East Asia Journalist Unions (SEAJU) join the National Union of Journalist of Thailand (NUJT) in denouncing the draft media regulation bill that will further suppress media in already challenging environment. The IFJ and SEAJU call for the bill to be scrapped immediately. On Thursday, February 2, the Media Regulation Bill is scheduled to be presented to Thailand's National Reform Steering Assembly (NRSA) on Thursday, February 2, 2017 for further deliberations. If approved, the draft will be forwarded to the parliament for approval. Under the draft bill, the military government will establish the Media Professional Council,…  
6032. Journalists fined for ‘obstructing police’ in Maldives  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA) express serious concern over the court verdict on January 24 to fine two television journalists for ‘obstructing police officers’ during live coverage. Mohamed Wisam, 21, and Leevaan Ali Nasir, 20, both of pro-opposition Raajje TV, were fined MVR 28,800 (approximately USD 1,870) each by the criminal court. They are the first journalists to be sentenced in the Maldives in more than a decade. The court, which had found them guilty in December, didn’t impose a four-month jail term as prosecutors requested because they were first-time offenders. The fine is to be paid within a month. Wisam,…  
6033. Journalists beaten inside police station in Bangladesh  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF) strongly condemn the beating of two television journalists inside a police station in Dhaka, Bangladesh on January 26. The IFJ demands punishment to the responsible policemen. Cameraperson Abdul Alim and reporter Ishan Bin Didar of private TV station ATN News, were brutally beaten by a group of policemen inside the Shahbagh Police Station while they were covering the shutdown enforced by the demonstrators protesting the construction of a power plant. Alim needed three stitches on his right eyebrows as a result of the beating. Alim narrated the incident to a newspaper: "I was on…  
6034. Iran: flogging sentences against journalists amount to a flagrant violation of human rights!  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today joined its affiliate, the Association of Iranian Journalists, in calling for setting aside a court ruling ordering flogging two Iranian journalists who have been convicted with “inaccurate reporting” conviction. Local reports said that Iranian journalists Mustafa Barari and Arash Shoaa, from Gilan Noveen and Gilan No news websites, have received flogging sentences and a fine by the Revolutionary Court in Rasht city, north of Iran, following the complaint of one member of the Iranian Parliament over their publications. The journalists, who were charged with “spreading lies” and “publication without a license”, now face 114 and 40…  
6035. Colombia: tercer ataque a la prensa en 2017  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) expresa su preocupación por un nuevo episodio de violencia, donde un periodista fue atacado con armas de fuego el viernes 27 de enero en el departamento de La Guajira. Edwin Montiel, director de la radio Frontera Stereo, fue atacado el último viernes por la noche cuando se dirigía hacia su residencia en Maicao (La Guajira). Dos hombres a bordo de una motocicleta dispararon contra su automóvil, ante lo cual el comunicador descendió del mismo y se puso a resguardo en un terreno abandonado. Montiel, quien había recibido un ataque de similares características en 2012, asegura que el atentado se debe a su labor periodística, en tanto la radio…  
6036. Palestinian universities trained on IFJ-UNESCO safety curriculum  

IFJ-UNESCO's safety curriculum is now being introduced to universities in Palestine. On 27 January, the IFJ, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) and UNESCO concluded a 3-day training for professors from 8 different universities. The training follows a decision from the ministry of high education in Palestine to endorse the Safety Curriculum in October 2016.  The curriculum is the result of a two-year cooperation between the IFJ and UNESCO which involved consultations with universities and journalism schools from across the region. It combines theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in 11 lessons: Introduction to Journalism and Threats to Media Workers, Planning for…  
6037. Radio journalist beaten by Afghan politician’s bodyguards  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) in strongly condemning the attack on a radio journalist in Nangarhar province, eastern Afghanistan on January 26. The IFJ demands immediate arrest and punishment to the attackers. Zabihullah Ghazi, a correspondent of Voice of America radio in Nangarhar province was beaten by the bodyguards of former Mayor of Jalalabad Lal Agha Kakar, who also vandalized his car. The incident occurred when Ghazi, on his way to Jalalabad, tried to film the armed bodyguards beating people in a traffic jam. The Mayor of Nangarhar, Golab Mangal, assured AIJA of an investigation into the…  
6038. IFJ/EFJ urge Russian authorities to stop persecuting Ukrainian journalists  

Ukrainian journalists Mykola Semena and Roman Sushchenko are facing jail following charges by the Russian authorities of separatism and espionage, respectively. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ), together with other human rights groups, are asking for these charges to be dropped immediately. The IFJ and EFJ have joined calls from their Ukrainian affiliates, the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine (IMTUU) and the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), to condemn the persecution of independent media and journalists critical of the Russian authorities, especially in the Russia-annexed Crimea. Both Semena and Sushchenko are NUJU members.…  
6039. Des menaces contre des organes de presse au Cameroun  

La Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de journalistes (600.000 membres), a interpellé ce jeudi 26 janvier le Conseil National de la Communication (CNC) du Cameroun sur les menaces de suspension proférées à l’endroit de plusieurs organes de presse le 20 janvier 2017. Dans un communiqué diffusé sur la CRTV (Cameroun Radio et Télévision) le diffuseur d’état le 20 janvier dernier, le président du CNC, M. Peter Essoka a menacé de suspendre ou fermer des organes de presse « ayant diffusé des contenus séditieux et inquiétants ». M. Essoka avait dans son communiqué nommément cité certains organes de presse notamment Le Messager, Cameroon…  
6040. IFJ in the News this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 20th to Friday 27th January: 1. Journalists Group Backs Media Insurance Covering War Zones (Associated Press, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Daily Mail, ABC News, Fox News, The News Observer, The Herald Review, The Republic, Metro) 2. IFJ Unveils New Global Insurance Coverage for Journalists 3. Six journalistes arrêtés lors de manifestations anti-Trump 4. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (IFJ) proteste contre l’arrestation de six…  
6041. Honduras: Padilla trabajaba en una película sobre asesinatos de periodistas  

Igor Padilla, el periodista asesinado el 17 de enero en San Pedro Sula, en el norte de Honduras, se encontraba trabajando en la película “Reportero”, que trataba precisamente sobre los asesinatos de periodistas hondureños a manos de la delincuencia y los pandilleros. La cinta, que ha quedado en ‘stand by’ tras el asesinato del periodista, incluía una escena en la que varios sicarios secuestran y asesinan a un reportero que estaba filtrando información sobre uno de ellos. La película iba a ser distribuida en los meses de febrero o marzo. La escena trae a la memoria el trágico crimen de Igor Padilla, que era el productor del film y que trabajaba a su vez como corresponsal en San Pedro…  
6042. US: six journalists charged with rioting while covering inauguration unrest  

Update 4/02/2017 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called for felony charges against six US journalists arrested while covering protests against new President Donald Trump to be dropped. They are facing up to 10 years each in prison after being arrested covering unrest around Donald Trump´s inauguration on 20 January in Washington. Journalists Evan Engel (Vocativ), Alex Rubinstein (Russia Today America), documentary producer Jack Keller, live-streaming Matt Hopard, photojournalist Shay Horse and freelancer Aaron Cantú were arraigned on 21 January and charged with the most serious level of offense under Washington DC´s law against rioting, media reported. They…  
6043. Media workers jailed in China continues to rise  

The IFJ has documented 51 cases of journalists and other media workers who remain jailed or detained in China because they exercised their right to free speech and respected the public’s right to know. The full number is believed to total at least 68. The IFJ’s China Press Freedom Report 2016 records the names of the 51 detained workers, when and where their alleged crimes took place, the accusations against them, the sentences they were given, where these are known, and their current status. In 2016, there were two major incidents. The first involved three journalists in Wuwei City, Gansu Province. The second involved five people working with Causeway Bay Bookstore in Hong Kong. As in…  
6044. Pakistan TV anchors sexually harassed at workplace  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in strongly condemning the recent incident of sexual harassment of female anchors at the state-run Pakistan Television (PTV). The IFJ demands immediate investigation into the issue and appropriate action on the perpetrators. Two journalists – Tanzela Mazhar and Yashfin Jamal – have accused PTV Lahore’s Director News of sexual harassment; and taken up social media and TV talk shows to push for investigation after their complaint to PTV authorities yielded no results. Mazhar alleged that she had filed a complaint following the incident, only to be told by the inquiry committee that she…  
6045. Colombia: policía agrede a tres periodistas que cubrían protesta  

El pasado 22 de enero tres comunicadores fueron agredidos por las fuerzas de seguridad cuando se encontraban cubriendo las protestas producidas por el regreso de las corridas de toros en Bogotá. Mientras se desarrollaba una manifestación en repudio a las corridas de toros en la capital colombiana, Sebastian Cabiativa de Melodía Estéreo fue avasallado por miembros de la Policía Metropolitana de Bogotá quienes le impidieron seguir grabando los sucesos y le quitaron sus equipos, amenazándolo con dirigirlo a la Unidad Permanente de Justicia. En un episodio similar, Juan Pablo Pino de Publimetro fue abordado por un agente sin identificación que le impidió tomar registro de los hechos, y junto…  
6046. Igor Padilla  

Igor Padilla The 36-year-old TV news presenter for Canal HCH and well-known crime report was fatally injured when four unidentified gunmen opened fire on him in Suyapa, an area of San Pedro Sula as we he filming a TV documentary on violence against journalists in the country. According to reports, Padilla received a phone call and stepped on the street to take it when the four attackers, allegedly in police uniform, shot him with high velocity weapons. He was taken to hospital with multiples injuries but died on the way. 18 have been arrested in connection with the journalist’s murder and two have reportedly confessed to their involvement, reports added. The journalists’…  
6047. Greece: stop threats against media pluralism!  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) have strongly backed calls by Greek journalists to prevent banks forcing the closure of the country’s oldest newspapers and threatening up to 500 jobs. The IFJ and EFJ have backed demands from their Greek affiliate, the Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspapers (JUADN), to stop the banks foreclosing on the Lambriakis Press Group (DOL) loans. The group, which owns the oldest national newspapers To Vima and Ta Nea, is facing serious trouble after the banks threatened to call in their loans. Over 500 media workers, including 250 journalists, most of whom are JUADN members, have not being paid for 5 months and…  
6048. Palestine: New report reveals extent of safety crisis facing journalists  

Almost half of all Palestinian field reporters, photographers and camera crews have been shot at, beaten, detained or banned from covering news, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) revealed in a new report. The PJS annual press freedom report, published on 17 January, recorded more than 600 attacks and violations of Palestinian journalists´ rights during 2016. The vast majority of these attacks (557) were committed by the Israeli army and security forces. Dozens of other attacks against journalists were committed by the security forces of Hamas, the de facto government in Gaza Strip, and the security forces of the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank. The PJS…  
6049. IFJ warns President Trump against threats to press freedom  

As US incoming president Donald Trump prepared for his inauguration the IFJ has called on him to stop attacking the media and respect freedom of expression as a fundamental right.   The IFJ has been deeply concerned about a number of clashes between Donald Trump and the press throughout the presidential campaign and beyond, including a series of intimidations and threats against journalists, hateful comments, media bans and proposals to amend libel laws.   “The journalists’ community holds Donald Trump accountable for his actions as President of the USA and we call on him to abide by core freedom of expression standards that are fundamental to his country’s democracy and…  
6050. UPDATE: Journalist detained in Hyderabad  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and it’s affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) condemn the arbitrary detention and slapping of charges of trespass against journalist Kunal Shankar in Hyderabad, Telangana state in southern India on January 17. The IFJ urges the Indian authorities to refrain from any activities hindering press freedom. Shankar, the Andra Pradesh and Telengana correspondent with the fortnightly English language magazine Frontline of the Hindu group, was picked up by the university security guards, and handed over to the police from outside the Life Sciences Building of the Hyderabad Central University where he was on assignment to cover a protest…  
6051. Report released: Strangling the Media: China Tightens its Grip  

The International Federation of Journalists today releases its China Press Freedom Report 2016, Strangling the Media: China Tightens its Grip. Launched at the Foreign Correspondents Club in Hong Kong, the report is the IFJ’s annual analysis of the state of media freedom in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau. It is produced under the IFJ’s China Press Freedom project, now in its ninth year, which works to support and defend media independence in the region. The report documents the challenges faced by local and foreign journalists, writers, publishers, bloggers, citizen journalists and other media workers. For the second time, the report includes the IFJ’s assessment of the number of…  
6052. Honduras: asesinan a periodista en San Pedro Sula  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) lamenta y condena el asesinato del periodista Igor Padilla, ocurrida el día martes 17 de enero. Padilla, presentador de noticias del canal HCH y conductor del programa de comeida y crítica social “Los verduleros”, fue atacado este martes por la tarde por cuatro desconocidos que vestían uniformes policiales, cuando se encontraba en el barrio Suyapa, de San Pedro Sula, filmando un anuncio televisivo. En el momento del ataque, la víctima había salido a la vía pública por una llamada, que se presume formaba parte de la emboscada. El periodista, de 37 años, murió camino al hospital, donde confirmaron que presentaba múltiples heridas producidas…  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) will release our ninth China Press Freedom Report on Friday, January 20, 2017. The report “Strangling the Media: China Tightens its Grip” documents various kinds of ideological control by the Central Authorities of China, which uses official policies, media strategy, administrative rules, laws, restrictive orders and the government-owned media as its weapons. Propaganda, censorship, surveillance, intimidation, detention without trial, sabotage of the internet, brutality in the field, and televised “confessions” were its ammunition.      Journalists in Hong Kong and Macau fought to report independently in difficult…  
6054. Iraq: journalist beaten by party officials  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Kurdistan Journalists Union (KJU) have condemned the brutal attack on a journalist by armed militia from the ruling party in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. On 15 January, Iraqi journalist Karwan Haji, working for Afro and Kanky-Lash newspapers, was brutally attacked by armed militia from the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), which leads the region. Militiamen entered his house in the morning, beat him and took him to the party’s headquarters in the city of Duhok. Reports said he suffered head injuries and damage to one hand and that some of his fingers were broken. The attack came after the journalist…  
6055. France : Solidarité internationale avec les salariés de « La Voix du Nord »  

Les sympathisants des salariés du quotidien régional français « La Voix du Nord », confronté à un plan de restructuration drastique, organisent un grand rassemblement de solidarité, ce mercredi, sur la Grand-Place de Lille. Les Fédérations européenne et internationale des journalistes (FIJ et FEJ) ainsi que leurs affiliés multiplient leurs messages de solidarité. Ces derniers jours, les messages de soutien à l’intersyndicale en lutte contre le plan de liquidation de l’emploi annoncé par le groupe belge Rossel, propriétaire de « La Voix du Nord », ont afflué au siège de la FIJ et de la FEJ. Le président de la Fédération allemande des journalistes (DJV), Frank Überall a dénoncé la…  
6056. Quel avenir pour le journalisme au Liban ?  

Durant quatre jours, la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale avec 600.000 membres dans 140 pays, a rencontré et encouragé la profession alors que la presse est ravagée par une crise sans précédent. Après la fermeture du journal Assafir le 31 décembre dernier, un des quotidiens libanais les plus influents, la crise s'étend à toute la profession, tous les supports. En première ligne, les journaux An Nahar et Al Moustaqbal. Mardi 17 janvier, une délégation de la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), composée d’Anthony Bellanger, Secrétaire général de la FIJ, et de Nisrine Salameh, responsable de projets au département Moyen Orient…  
6057. IFJ supports new ‘by journalists for journalists’ insurance scheme  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has negotiated with a major insurance company to unveil a new cost-effective insurance scheme covering all media workers without restriction in any region of the world – including war zones. Many insurance companies refuse to insure news professionals working in dangerous areas, or do it at very heavy costs, which results in many reporters and freelancers, including fixers and technical staff, covering news in some of the world's most dangerous countries without the safety net of an insurance policy. Now the IFJ has joined forces with ‘Insurance for Journalists’ to provide the opportunity for cover for all its affiliates’ members…  
6058. ​IFJ Supports Unique ‘By Journalists for Journalists’ Insurance Scheme  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has negotiated with a major insurance company a unique cost-effective insurance scheme covering all media workers without restriction in any region of the world – including war zones. The scheme is launched today. Read all about it here  
6059. ​IFJ Supports Unique ‘By Journalists for Journalists’ Insurance Scheme  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has negotiated with a major insurance company a unique cost-effective insurance scheme covering all media workers without restriction in any region of the world – including war zones. The scheme is launched today. Many insurance companies refuse to insure news professionals working in dangerous areas, or do it at a very heavy cost, which results in many reporters and freelancers, including fixers and technical staff, covering news in some of the world's most dangerous countries without the safety net of an insurance policy. Now the IFJ has negotiated with ‘Insurance for Journalists’ to provide the opportunity…  
6060. Insurance for Journalists - campaign material  

Download the 'Insurance for Journalists' campaign material and help us promoting it using them in your websites, social media and electronic signature! This insurance is especially addressed to ALL journalists and media workers - fixers, translators, etc.- with no restriction both at home and abroad, including conflict zones and for a very affordable price! Read more Get it here now, it takes one minute! Any question? Contact us Donwload image here and use it as your email signature! Donwload image here. Donwload image here. Donwload image here. Download the image here. Donwload image here. Donwload image here. Donwload image…  
6061. Les salariés de La Voix du Nord appellent à la solidarité #TouchePasAMaVoix  

Les Fédérations internationale et européenne des journalistes (FIJ et FEJ) appellent leurs affiliés à soutenir l’intersyndicale qui lutte contre la suppression de 178 postes de travail, soit 25% des effectifs, au quotidien régional français « La Voix du Nord », basé à Lille. Un grand rassemblement de solidarité se tiendra sur la Grand-Place de Lille, devant le siège du quotidien, ce mercredi 18 janvier, à 14 heures. La FIJ et la FEJ appellent les journalistes européens à suivre le compte Twitter VDNenlutte et le profil Facebook VDN en lutte lancés par l’intersyndicale, afin d’informer l’opinion sur les suites du conflit social. Samedi matin, une première assemblée…  
6062. In Bahrain it is dangerous to defend quality journalism  

Journalist Nazeeha Saeed, who the IFJ has supported for six months, is to face a court in Bahrain today (January 16). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world's largest journalists’ organisation, has again denounced the pressure and attacks suffered by Nazeeha Saeed, the correspondent in Bahrain of France 24 and Monte Carlo Doualiya (part of France Médias Monde). Nazeeha Saeed, accredited journalist working for international media from Bahrain for 12 years, was accused last June of violating registration laws and was refused permission to work as a foreign correspondent and had a travel ban imposed on her. She is now facing charges in the Manama court of…  
6063. Journalist hacked to death in Tamil Nadu, India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (India) in condemning the murder of a journalist on the outskirts of Sattur in Tamil Nadu state, south India on Monday, 9 January. The IFJ demands the prosecution of those involved in the killing. An armed gang reportedly assaulted S Karthigal Selvan, 43, a weekly magazine journalist, near the Tamil Nadu Hotel and left him dead in a pool of blood. Selvan was a partner in the leased restaurant of the hotel. Six people have surrendered to the police in connection with the case. He is survived by his wife and two sons. The NUJI has condemned the killing and has demanded an immediate…  
6064. Journalist murdered in Balochistan, Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in condemning the murder of a journalist in Kalat, Balochistan province in southwestern Pakistan on Thursday, January 12. The IFJ demands the immediate arrest and prosecution of those involved in the killing. According to reports, unidentified attackers shot dead 37-year-old Muhammad Jan Sumalani, a reporter of Urdu language Daily Qudrat and Brahui language Daily Talar Quetta. He was also a member of the Ahmad Yar Khan Press Club, Kalat. He was intercepted while on his way home and two attackers opened fire on him, killing him on the spot. The motive for the killing is…  
6065. Magazine editor among disappeared activists in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in expressing serious concern over the disappearance of a magazine editor and other activists in Pakistan. The IFJ urges the Pakistan government to urgently investigate all cases of recent enforced disappearances and safely free the activists. Salman Haider, also known as Sallu Bhai, a blogger and one of the editors of Tanqeed, a quarterly magazine of politics and culture, was reportedly abducted from Islamabad on January 6. On the evening before his disappearance, Haider was out with his friends and was supposed to come home at 8pm. When he did not return by 10pm, his…  
6066. Muhammad Jan  

Unidentified gunmen shot dead the journalist of Qudrat, the local Urdu language newspaper in Pakistan's troubled southwestern Balochistan province, close to Afghan and Iranian border, according to AFP quoting police sources 37-year-old Jan was shot while on his way home on a motorcycle in Qalat district, some 160 kilometres south of Quetta, the provincial capital. "Two attackers on motorcycle opened fire on him, using a pistol and killing him on the spot," senior police officer Muhammad Ali told AFP. Jan was also working as a press secretary for the Balochistan media council. Source: AFP  
6067. Colombia: ataque a periodistas con armas de fuego  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) expresa su preocupación por el intento de homicidio contra dos comunicadores en el departamento de Cúcuta, quienes se hallaban bajo custodia de la Unidad Nacional de Protección (UNP). Este jueves 12 de enero por la noche, los periodistas Cristian Herrera del periódico regional Q Hubo y Andrés Julián González de La Opinión, fueron atacados con armas de fuego por desconocidos, cuando intentaban aproximarse a la zona de el Cerrito, para cubrir un presunto homicidio. Ambos comunicadores, y sus custodias, fueron abordados por un hombre, al que luego se sumaron otros dos, y cuando se disponían a abandonar el lugar comenzaron a ser atacados con…  
6068. France: FIJ et FEJ solidaires avec les travailleurs de « La Voix du Nord »  

Les Fédérations internationale et européenne des journalistes condamnent fermement le plan de restructuration présenté par la direction du quotidien « La Voix du Nord », mardi, lors d’un comité d’entreprise extraordinaire, à Lille. Le groupe belge Rossel, propriétaire du titre, entend supprimer 178 postes, dont 72 emplois de journalistes, au sein du quotidien régional du Nord. La FIJ et la FEJ soutiennent leurs affiliés français, le SNJ, le SNJ-CGT et la CFDT-Journalistes, face à cette liquidation « préventive » d’un quart des effectifs, dans une entreprise qui a dégagé en 2015 cinq millions d’euros de marge bénéficiaire. La FIJ et la FEJ apportent tout leur soutien aux salariés de…  
6069. A Greek newspaper publisher and its director charged with libel  

On 10 January, Greek police arrested the publisher and the director of Parapolitika newspaper, Giannis Kourtakis and Panayiotis Tzenos, following a lawsuit filed against them for libel and attempted extortion by Greek defense minister Panos Kammenos. The EFJ and the IFJ condemn the massive police raid at Parapolitika headquarters in Athens and the detention of both newspaper executives. Publisher Giannis Kourtakis said he went voluntarily to the police headquarters after being informed about the lawsuit, while director Panagiotis Tzenos was arrested by police in his office, in Athens. Panos Kammenos filed a lawsuit against Kourtakis and Tzenos for alleged libel and attempted…  
6070. Turkey: journalists detained following reports on Erdogan's leaked emails  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) are deeply concerned by the ongoing detention without any official explanation of journalists and media workers Tunca Öğreten (freelance), Mahir Kanaat (accountant for BirGün daily), Ömer Celik (DIHA news director), Metin Yoksa (DIHA correspondent) Eray Saygin and Derya Okatan (journalist at ETHA) in Turkey. According to the information received by the IFJ-EFJ, all of them were detained as part of a Turkish police operation on 25 December at 04:30 from their homes in Istanbul, Ankara and Diyarbakir. Derya Okatan has been on hunger strike against the “state of emergency rulings” since 25 December and Ömer Celik was beaten…  
6071. Pakistani TV reporter unlawfully detained for hours  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in expressing serious concerns over the unlawful detention and alleged torture of a television reporter in Sukkur of Sindh Province in Pakistan. Imdad Phulpoto, the station head of SAMAA TV in Sukkur, was forcibly detained on the morning of 5 January by dozens of police officers without any warrant or legal document before being released later that evening. He said that he was tortured and was taken around the city throughout the day and was neither questioned nor given a reason for his detention. Imdad had done several stories exposing corrupt practices of…  
6072. Sri Lankan PM Security Division seizes TV’s drone camera  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Free Media Movement (FMM) Sri Lanka in condemning the seizing of a drone camera used by the Hiru TV to report on a demonstration in Mirijjawila, Hambantota on January 7. Hiru TV used the drone camera to film the demonstration against the inauguration of the Sri Lanka–China industrial zone in Hambantota, which was attended by Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe. During the demonstration the police fired tear gas shells and launched water canons to disperse the demonstrators. The camera was returned to Hiru TV after a few hours but without the memory card containing the recording of the incidents. The FMM called…  
6073. IFJ in the news - Special 2016 killed list  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from 30 December concerning the list the IFJ publishes each year about the journalists and media staff killed in work-related incidents. 93 of them were killed worldwide in 2016.  1. 93 Journalists Killed in 2016; 29 More Die in Accidents (Associated Press; The New York Times) 2. 93 professionnels des médias tués en 2016 (AFP; La Libre) 3. Un total de 93 profesionales de los medios fueron asesinados en 2016, casi 20 menos que el año anterior (Europa Press; La Vanguardia) 4.…  
6074. Sudan signs Declaration on Media Freedom in the Arab World  

Hundreds of journalists, representatives of state institutions, civil society organizations and human rights activists joined  the signing of the Declaration on Media Freedom in the Arab World at a ceremony in Khartoum. Among the participants at the event on 7 January were senior government officials including HE Hasabo Mohammed Abdul Rahamn,  Vice president of Sudan and HE Ahmed Belal Osman, minister of information, the Press Council, the national committee for human rights and the Human Rights Commission.   Sudan is the fourth Arab country to sign the Declaration after Palestine, Tunisia and Jordan.   On Sunday 8th Jan, the Declaration was signed by HE Yasir…  
6075. Concentración de medios en América latina: su impacto en el derecho a la comunicación  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), desde su Oficina Regional, realizó una investigación sobre la concentración de medios en la región de América latina y el Caribe, donde repasa los principales aspectos de esta problemática que afecta las condiciones laborales de los trabajadores de prensa así como el derecho a la comunicación de la sociedad en su conjunto. Tal como lo describe la Introducción al trabajo que aquí se publica, “los medios de comunicación son una pieza clave en la construcción de sujetos sociales y de la agenda pública. Son, en tal carácter, grandes productores de hegemonía, en la medida que elaboran creencias, percepciones, gustos, usos, mentalidades,…  
6076. India: Killing spree continues in Bihar and Jharkhand  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (India) in strongly condemning the killing of a journalist in Samastipur district of Bihar, India on January 3.   The IFJ demands the immediate arrest and prosecution of the assailants to ensure justice for Brajkishore Kumar Brajesh, who worked for a Hindi daily newspaper. He was shot dead by five or six assailants near a brick kiln in Salkhani village. Although the police suspects an old enmity as a reason for the killing, it has yet to be ascertained and IFJ affiliates in India are investigating if the killing was work-related.   NUJ(I) President…  
6077. The Gambia: IFJ condemns closure of three radio stations  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the closure of three independent radio stations in the Gambia.  According to the Gambia Press Union (GPU), Taranga FM, Hill Top FM, and Afri Radio were closed down on Sunday 1st and Monday 2nd December by the National Intelligence Agency NIA without explanation.     Media reports claim the NIA agents ordered the members of staff of the privately owned Taranga FM to stop transmission. “Four NIA agents and a uniformed policeman came to the radio this afternoon (Sunday) around 2:30 pm (local and GMT) and told us to stop broadcasting,” Taranga FM staff told AFP on condition of…  
6078. 93 media professionals killed in 2016  

93 journalists and media professionals were killed in 2016 according to new statistics published by the world's largest journalists' organisation.  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), which represents 600.000 members in 140 countries, today published a list of 93 journalists and media staff who were killed in 2016 in work-related incidents. A further 29 died in two plane crashes.  The killings, including targeted murders, bomb attacks and crossfire incidents span 23 countries in Africa, Asia Pacific, the Americas, Europe and the Middle East and Arab World regions. Although the figures for 2016 are down on previous years the IFJ has warned against…  
6079. 93 media professionals killed in 2016, Reports IFJ  

93 journalists and media professionals were killed in 2016 according to new statistics published by the world's largest journalists' organisation. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), which represents 600.000 members in 140 countries, today published a list of 93 journalists and media staff who were killed in 2016 in work-related incidents. A further 29 died in two plane crashes. The killings, including targeted murders, bomb attacks and cross fire incidents span 23 countries in Africa, Asia Pacific, the Americas, Europe and the Middle East and Arab World regions. Although the figures for 2016 are down on previous years the IFJ has warned…  
6080. 93 media professionals killed in 2016  

93 journalists and media professionals were killed in 2016 according to new statistics published by the world's largest journalists' organisation. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), which represents 600.000 members in 140 countries, today published a list of 93 journalists and media staff who were killed in 2016 in work-related incidents. A further 29 died in two plane crashes. The killings, including targeted murders, bomb attacks and cross fire incidents span 23 countries in Africa, Asia Pacific, the Americas, Europe and the Middle East and Arab World regions. Although the figures for 2016 are down on previous years the IFJ has warned against complacency…  
6081. Turkey: Another journalist arrested in media crackdown  

The IFJ is calling for the immediate release of Turkish investigative journalist Ahmet Sik following his arrest today as part of the ongoing crackdown on media freedom in Turkey. The arrest came after he allegedly published tweets which the authorities claim supported the banned PKK and because he wrote a piece for the opposition newspaper Cumhurryet. Ahmet had previously been detained for having written that the Turkish state had been infiltrated by the Fethullah Gülen movement. IFJ President Philippe Leruth said: "Instead of being arrested he should have received a press award as the authorities claim the Gulen movement was behind…  
6082. Dmitry Runkov, Vadim Denisov, Alexandre Soydov, Michael Luzhetsky, Oleg Pestov, Eugene Tolstov, Pavel Obukhov, Alexander Suranov, Valery Rzhevsky  

Nine members of the Russian media were aboard the jet which crashed into the Black Sea on 25 December, killing 92 people aboard. They included crews from Channel One (correspondent Dmitry Runkov, cameraman Vadim Denisov and sound engineer Alexandre Soydov), NTV Channel ( correspondent Michael Luzhetsky, operator Oleg Pestov and sound engineer Eugene Tolstov) and Zvezda TV (correspondent Pavel Obukhov, cameraman Alexander Suranov and assistant cameraman Valery Rzhevsky).  
6083. Iraq: Demands for release of kidnapped woman journalist  

A woman journalist kidnapped in Iraq should be released immediately according to the IFJ, the world’s largest journalists’ organisation. The IFJ, representing more than 600,000 journalists around the world, today backed calls from the Iraqi Journalists’ Syndicate for more action from the authorities to secure the release of Afrah Shawqi Hammudi who was kidnapped by gunmen on Monday. Gunmen, posing as members of the security forces, broke in to her home in southern Baghdad before kidnapping her and stealing phones, computers and cash. The Iraqi Journalists Syndicate President Moaid Allami demanded that the Iraqi authorities accelerate the investigation into the circumstances of the…  
6084. Egypt: Call to free Al-Jazeera producer  

The International Federation of Journalists has called on the Egyptian authorities to immediately free Al Jazeera news producer Mahmoud Hussein. The 600,000-strong IFJ has also called on UN General Secretary Ban Ki Moon to act to “defend human rights and protect press freedom” by supporting calls for Mr Hussein's release. Hussein was arrested on 23 December while on vacation with his family in Egypt and is being held in an unknown place, facing accusations of “disturbing public security and spreading false news”. IFJ President Philippe Leruth has now written to Ban Ki Moon and to Egypt's President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi calling on him to intervene and secure Mr Hussein's immediate…  
6085. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 16th December to Friday 23th December: 1. Panamá: where journalism is an insult against honour 2. Second edition of the National Sports Congress kicks off 3. Gambia: Justice For Deyda Hydara May Be In Sight 4. Probe newsman’s slay- Palace 5. Gov't calls for probe into death of journalist Larry Que 6. International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is outraged over the recent attack on the RIA Novosti office in Kiev 7. Pakistan's Electronic Media Faces…  
6086. Yemen: IFJ urges prompt investigation into mysterious death of journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists´ Syndicate (YJS), in mourning the death in mysterious circumstances of a Yemeni journalist on 20 December. Mohamed al-Absi was working as an investigative reporter on a number of local and political newspapers and he was a recognised journalist in Yemen. Reports said the journalist was having dinner with a friend in a restaurant on 20 December in the capital Sana. A few hours later they both felt unwell and were driven to the hospital, where the reporter died, while his friend survived. Some media have speculated he had a heart attack while the family says he may have been poisoned but the…  
6087. Paraguay: FIP y SPP instan a autoridades a respetar garantías de periodista detenido  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas, junto a su afiliado el Sindicato de Periodistas del Paraguay (SPP) expresa su preocupación ante la detención del periodista Pedro Espinoza, solicitando a las autoridades judiciales que se cumplan las garantías del debido proceso. El periodista, docente de la Universidad Nacional del Este y locutor de Radio Parque, además de miembro del Comité Central del PCP y del Sindicato de Periodistas del Paraguay, fue detenido por la policía el pasado el 2 de diciembre en Ciudad del Este junto con su pareja. Durante el procedimiento policial, se incautaron 45 kilos de marihuana y panfletos alusivos al Ejército del Pueblo Paraguayo (EPP) presentes en el…  
6088. La Inteligencia Artificial irrumpe en las redacciones  

Los robots capaces de transformar millones de datos técnicos en narrativas comprensibles mediante la generación de lo que los expertos llaman ¨lenguaje natural¨ (imitación del lenguaje humano) ya son una realidad gracias a la Inteligencia Artificial, una técnica que utilizan agencias como Bloomberg o Associated Press para hacer sus datos más comprensibles. Definida como una de las tendencias tecnológicas más influyentes de las próximas décadas, la Inteligencia Artificial es una rama de la informática en la que los ordenadores están programados para desarrollar actividades que normalmente requieren inteligencia humana. Esta tendencia tiene múltiples aplicaciones en diferentes sectores…  
6089. Larry Que  

The publisher of Catadunanes News Now was shot in the head as he was entering his offices, in Virac, Catadunanes, in central Philippines. He died from his injuries the following day in hospital. Que’s murder came after he published his column, which criticised local officials and their alleged negligence in allowing the setting up on the island-province of a recently raided shabu laboratory that authorities claimed was the “biggest” so far discovered in the country. According to the NUJP, a second journalist, broadcaster Jinky Tabor, who was a witness to the raids that discovered the lab has also received death threats.  
6090. La Belgique arrête un journaliste kurde sur requête de la Turquie  

Le journaliste kurde connu sous le nom de Maxime Azadi a été arrêté en Belgique par les forces de l’ordre, jeudi dernier, lors d’un contrôle de routine. Son avocat, Me Walleyn, a confirmé l’information à l’agence Belga, ce mardi. Maxime Azadi dirige l’agence de presse kurde Firat News (ANF), établie aux Pays-Bas. Il tient également le blog Au-delà de l’information, sur la plateforme Mediapart. Il aurait été arrêté par la police belge à la demande des autorités turques qui le soupçonnent de « collaboration avec une organisation terroriste ». Il a été placé sous mandat d’arrêt vendredi par le juge d’instruction de Turnhout. L’avocat du journaliste a déposé lundi une requête en libération.…  
Search results 6021 until 6090 of 15060