15063 results:

9381. IFJ Gender Newsletter December 2012  

The new issue of the IFJ Gender Newsletter is ready. Click here to download.  
9382. Commission urges industry to deliver innovative solutions for greater access to online content  

Following the Orientation debate on content in the digital economy held on 5th december, the European Commission has adopted a Communication which sets out parallel tracks of action to be undertaken during this Commission's term of office to ensure that the EU's copyright framework "stays fit for purpose in the digital environment". A structured stakeholder dialogue, jointly led by Commissioners Michel Barnier (Internal Market and Services), Neelie Kroes (Digital Agenda) and Androulla Vassiliou (Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth), will be launched in 2013 to seek to deliver rapid progress in four areas through practical industry-led solutions. Results…  
9383. Commission urges industry to deliver innovative solutions for greater access to online content  

Following the Orientation debate on content in the digital economy held on 5th december, the European Commission has adopted a Communication which sets out parallel tracks of action to be undertaken during this Commission's term of office to ensure that the EU's copyright framework "stays fit for purpose in the digital environment". A structured stakeholder dialogue, jointly led by Commissioners Michel Barnier (Internal Market and Services), Neelie Kroes (Digital Agenda) and Androulla Vassiliou (Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth), will be launched in 2013 to seek to deliver rapid progress in four areas through practical industry-led solutions. Results of the…  
9385. IFJ Launches Situation Reports on Bangladesh, Sri Lanka  

The International Federation of Journalists, in collaboration with partners and affiliates released situation reports on journalists’ rights and the state of media freedom in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The information presented in the reports is the result of extensive consultations between the IFJ and its partners, field visits and interviews by IFJ personnel in the two countries.   The reports highlight the current priority areas for campaign and advocacy work in the two countries and identify focus areas for future international solidarity actions.   In Bangladesh, the deeply polarised nature of national politics continues to create fissures within the media,…  
9386. EFJ debates about press freedom and freedom of expression in Turkey  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) is organizing a press conference on "Press freedom and freedom of expression - What's wrong with Turkey ?" next Wednesday 19 December 2012 at 11 am with Ragip Zarakolu (Turkish columnist, writer, publisher) and Philippe Leruth (Belgian journalist, EFJ's vice-president).   Journalist and publisher Ragip Zarakolu has been subject to a lifetime of harassment from the Turkish authorities. After graduating college in 1968, Zarakolu began writing for magazines such as Ant and Yeni Ufuklar, both of which focused on issues of social justice in Turkey. After the 1971 Coup he was imprisoned for three years for his writings. In 1977, Zarakolu and…  
9387. IFJ Holds Conference on the Media and Globalisation  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) in collaboration with the Eastern Africa Journalists Association (EAJA) and the Southern Africa Journalists Association (SAJA) concluded today a two -day conference on the “Effects of Globalisation on the Media Industries in Eastern and Southern Africa in Johannesburg, South Africa,. The Conference brought together 22 journalists and trade union rights leaders from Eastern and Southern Africa, to deliberate and explore the current negative trends utilised by media conglomerates, as well as the challenges that globalization generates.   “This meeting wishes to draw attention to the media conglomerates in…  
9388. Turkey: more than 1500 days of preventive detention amount to punishment, says EFJ ahead of hearing in “Ergenekon” case  

As the so-called "Ergenekon" trial is about to resume in Istanbul, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and its Turkish affiliate the Türkiye Gazeteciler Sendikasi (TGS) are concerned about the fairness in the case of two Turkish journalists who have been in detention for more than 1500 days . The EFJ says their trial has been marked by lack of due process and procedural violations. "Today more than ever before, the EFJ is determined to continue defending the journalists' right to a fair trial ," said EFJ President Arne König. "After more than 1.500 days behind bars, it is now obvious that detention is not used as a means of precaution by the…  
9389. IFJ and EFJ Warn of Media Safety Crisis in Syria after Rebels' Threats to Execute Reporter  

Fears are mounting for the life of Anhar Kochneva, a female journalist and a dual national of Russia and Ukraine, who was kidnapped in October by the Free Syrian Army (FSA). Her captors are now threatening to execute her tomorrow unless their demand for a ransom is met.The International Federation and its European group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today called on those who hold the reporter to respect her right to life."This news is very alarming indeed and we are gravely concerned for the safety of Anhar  Kochneva," said IFJ President, Jim Boumelha. "Those who are holding her will be held responsible for summary execution if she is killed."According to the Russian…  
9390. IFJ supports striking newspaper workers in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists stands in solidarity with its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) and workers of the English newspaper-- the Daily Times who are striking this week in protest of the newspaper’s continued withholding of salary payments.   The situation at the Daily Times escalated on December 10 when two employees at the newspaper attempted to set themselves alight after their salaries had been withheld for 11 months.    According to media reports, receptionist Mohammad Aftab and Sohail Ahmed, a worker in the newspaper’s information technology department were seen pouring petrol on themselves on…  
9391. Commissioner Barnier launches "Licensing Europe"  

6th December. Commissioner for Internal Market and Services Michel Barnier explained at the IP Forum held in the European Parliament his vision on authors' rights following the Orientation debate on content in the digital economy, namely: -         1)  Facilitate access of all europeans to their cultural heritage -         2)  Increase consumers' access to content in the European market -         3) Authors' rights protection as a real incentive to creation and investment in contents. In this sense, Barnier does not support the lessening of authors' rights…  
9392. The IFJ Denounces the Arrest of Journalist in The Gambia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today condemned the arbitrary arrest and detention of Abdoulie John, a Gambian journalist who was reportedly held by national security officers yesterday.   “We are seriously concerned for the physical safety of Abdoulie and urge the Gambian authorities to first indicate where he is detained and immediately release him,” said Gabriel Baglo, IFJ Africa Director. “We insist on knowing the place of his detention because his arrest reminds us of the case of Chief Ebrimah Manneh who disappeared in 2006 in similar circumstances. We will hold authorities in The Gambia entirely responsible for our…  
9393. IFJ Welcomes Verdict in Hong Kong Journalist Assault Case  

The International Federation of Journalists joins its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA), and other local media organisations in welcoming the not guilty verdict passed down in the case of photographer Sing Kai-Chung on December 7.   Over thirty people including representatives of the IFJ, the HKJA, the Hong Kong Photographers Association and the Apple Daily Union attended the hearing in support of former Apple Daily photo-journalist Sing Kai-Chung, who was found not guilty of common assault by the Eastern Magistrate of Hong Kong.   The IFJ had previously reported that Sing Kai-Chung was charged with common assault for allegedly pushing a…  
9394. The IFJ Condemns Police Shooting of Journalist in Tanzania  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the police shooting of a journalist in Tanzania.   “We vigorously condemn the shooting. It is a terrible atrocity. No one, journalist or not should be subjected to cruel and inhuman treatment by the police. Justifying their attacks on the basis of suspicions is not how the police should handle criminal matters,” said Gabriel Baglo, IFJ Africa Director.   Independent sources from Tanzania reported that police on December 4, shot journalist Shabani Matutu at his house in Dar-es-Salaam, the capital.   According to accounts by the journalist the door to his house was forced…  
9395. IFJ Voices Concerns for Media Safety in Egypt Crisis after Reporter's Shooting  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today raised concerns of the safety of journalists and media workers who are covering the unfolding crisis in Egypt. The Federation was reacting to reports of a serious incident in which journalist El-Hosseini Abul-Deif was shot on Wednesday. The reporter, who worked for El-Fagr newspaper, was shot and critically injured during the clashes and doctors at Zahraa Hospital declared him clinically dead on Thursday morning, according to media reports. Five people were killed during violent clashes between opponents and supporters of President Mohammed Morsi."We condemn the shooting of El-Hosseini and urge the authorities to investigate…  
9396. The IFJ Strongly Condemns Murder of Online Journalist in South Sudan  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today strongly condemned the killing of an online journalist in South Sudan. Diing Chan Awuol was shot dead on Wednesday in a suburb of the capital of South Sudan, Juba.   “We denounce the murder of journalist Diing Chan Awuol. This murder sends a bad sign that the South Sudan Government is not ready to protect the Safety of Journalists, and the   democratic values such as freedom of the press and expression. We call on the South Sudan Government  to take immediate and appropriate measures in safeguarding a peaceful environment for advocates and defenders of the freedoms of the press, expression…  
9397. Journalists urge Supreme Court to reconsider allowing live broadcast of Ampatuan massacre trial  

The IFJ supports the demands made by journalists and media organisations in the Philippines that the Supreme Court (SC) reverse its October 23 decision which disallows the live broadcast of the Ampatuan Massacre trial.   On December 6, the Public Interest Law Center filed a petition on behalf of organisations including IFJ affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), ABS-CBN, BusinessWorld, Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility (CMFR), GMA-7, Manila Times, Philippine National Police Press Corps and TV5, which seeks to compel the Court to reconsider the resolution disallowing broadcast of the trial - completely overturning the June 2011…  
9398. Palestinian Journalists Conclude Safety Training in Jenin, West Bank  

Fifteen Palestinian journalists yesterday concluded a three-day training in safety which was organised jointly by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate (PJS) with the support of UNESCO Office in Ramallah.The workshop which took place in Jenin from 2 - 4 December 2012 brought together seven female and eight male journalists from Nablus, Jenin, Qalqilya and Tulkarem in northern West Bank."The safety of journalists remains of paramount importance to the IFJ and we congratulate our Palestinian colleagues on the completion of this workshop," said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. "We are committed to continuing providing the life-saving skills…  
9399. WACC and IFJ Resource Kit to Strengthen Gender-Ethical Journalism  

The World Association for Christian Communication (WACC) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) have launched a resource to promote gender ethical journalism. The Learning Resource Kit for Gender-Ethical Journalism and Media House Policy is the outcome of a project launched in July 2011 to promote fair gender portrayal within media houses and the journalistic profession. The kit draws from the insights of media practitioners, educators and communication researchers from Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, North America and Pacific. It brings together practical guidelines to enhance women’s representation in media content and encourage dialogue…  
9400. Petition- Support Europe's creators - support authors' rights  

(Version française ci-dessous) So many things have been said about copyright. A lot of it nonsense! Over the past few years, copyright has been accused of preventing works from being distributed, creating obstacles to consumer's access to works, lining the pockets of the rich and worse still, standing in the way of freedom of expression. Enough is enough! On 5th December, at the initiative of José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, the College of Commissioners will meet to examine initiatives that the Commission might adopt in the field of copyright. Should the worst be feared? This is a valid question, especially when you consider the interconnections and…  
9401. EFJ Focus November 2012  

Download EFJ Focus November 2012 now. It is available in English and French and German. EFJ Focus is a monthly bulletin of the European Federation of Journalists, produced by the Secretariat in Brussels. Further Information: Tel: 32-2-235.22.15/02Fax: 32-2-235.22.19E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]  
9402. EFJ supports Greek journalists against unfair reform of health insurance  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) is supporting its Greek affiliates in their opposition against plans to abolish the current health insurance system. Journalists are taking part in a demonstration organised today in Athens   by the Union of Periodical and Electronic Press and other Unions of Press workers. "Such a development means that journalists in Greece will now have their pensions reduced for the fifth time in a few years and will be forced to seek healthcare from a deeply troubled general health care system that is presently in the red by four billion euro," said EFJ President Arne König.  "All journalists working for the periodical press…  
9403. Agenda for European Social Dialogue in the Audiovisual Sector (SDAV) in 2013  

(22.11.2012) Social partners of the European social dialogue in the audiovisual sector (SDAV) met for their annual plenary meeting in Brussels on 22 November. The EFJ was represented by four delegates and Marc Gruber , the EFJ co-director.   The meeting welcomed the work of the "capacity building" project that came to an end in five countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Czech Republic) with a final declaration adopted during a regional conference in Tallinn. The declaration states that, among other things, "social dialogue need to be inclusive and cover all forms of employment" and "collective bargaining should cover all workers, including the most vulnerable…  
9404. Bomb Discovered under Senior Pakistan Journalist’s Vehicle  

The IFJ joins its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in expressing serious concern over the continuing targeting of journalists in the country, after a bomb was discovered under the vehicle of senior TV anchor Hamid Mir on November 26, 2012, in Pakistan’s capital city of Islamabad. Mir is the host of the popular programme Capital Talk which airs on Geo TV. According to reports verified by the PFUJ, a bomb was placed under his car but failed to go off. Geo News reported that Hamid Mir had gone to a market in his car and, after returning home, the driver spotted a suspicious bag lying under his car. The bomb disposal squad was immediately called in…  
9405. The IFJ Vigorously Denounces Explosive Device Attack Against a Newspaper and Its Print Premises in Cameroon  

    The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today vigorously condemned the explosive device attack against a newspaper and a printing industry in the capital city of Yaoundé in Cameroon.    « We regret this press freedom violation act and call on authorities in Cameroon to deeply investigate this attack so as to bring the perpetrators to justice”, said Gabriel Baglo, IFJ Africa Director.   According to Cameroon’s national journalists union (SNJC in French), an IFJ affiliate, an explosive device attack took place in the night of November 25 to 26 against Press-Book Communications premises in Yaoundé,…  
9406. Call for fair deal for journalists as German publishers cut jobs  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has today expressed its support to its German affiliates, the Deutsche Journalisten-Verband (DJV) and Deutsche Journalistinnen- und Journalisten-Union in ver.di in their demand for a socially responsible behaviour from the publishers in dealing with the insolvency of the Frankfurter Rundschau and the closure of the Financial Times Germany.   “All in all over 800 journalists and media employees have lost their jobs and freelances lost important clients in Germany. Together with our German colleagues we ask the concerned media groups to offer adequate jobs to the journalists affected, including freelances, at the…  
9407. Time to decriminalize defamation in Italy, says the EFJ  

Controversy is building around a proposed libel law in Italy after an amendment was passed by the Italian senate that could send reporters to jail but would let editors off with a fine.   The FNSI, the European Federation of Journalists’ affiliate in Italy, has today called on journalists to join a day of protests and mobilisation. Together with the Italian Publishers Federation (FIEG) the FNSI has signed an urgent appeal  to the Parliament and to all political groups to reject this draft law and to decrimilize defamation.   “We reiterate our request to the Italian parliament to reverse the bill and to decriminalize defamation in Italy in order to…  
9408. IFJ Backs International Call for Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls on November 25  

The International Federation of Journalists `Gender Council marked the International Day for the elimination of violence against women by recording an increase of violence in 2012 and joins the call for the elimination of all forms of violence perpetrated against women and girls. While the number of women journalists joining the profession continues to rise, so does the level of violence aimed against them.UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, refers to it as a "pandemic", and quotes the horrifying statistic that 70% of all women will face some form of violence in their lifetimes.  "Violence against women harms families and communities across generations and reinforces…  
9409. IFJ Backs International Call for Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls on November 25  

The International Federation of Journalists `Gender Council marked the International Day for the elimination of violence against women by recording an increase of violence in 2012 and joins the call for the elimination of all forms of violence perpetrated against women and girls. While the number of women journalists joining the profession continues to rise, so does the level of violence aimed against them. UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, refers to it as a "pandemic", and quotes the horrifying statistic that 70% of all women will face some form of violence in their lifetimes.  "Violence against women harms families and communities across generations and reinforces…  
9410. IFJ Calls for Accountability for Attacks on Media as UN Launches Plan on Security of Journalists and Issue of Impunity  

The UN Plan of Action on the safety of journalists and the issue of impunity was officially launched at a two-day UN Inter-agency meeting which ended today in Vienna, Austria. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) described the meeting as a moment of truth for turning the many declarations on the issue of journalists' safety into reality. The Federation urged the world community to enforce its legal instruments which should constitute red lines and ensure their breaches carry strong consequences. "The continued grim toll of journalists' killings undermines media community's confidence in the international instruments," said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. "The new UN Action…  
9411. EFJ Calls for Urgent Dialogue in Faroe Islands Public Broadcaster Restructuring  

Today the EFJ expressed its surprise and concern about the restructuring taking place at the public broadcaster of the Faroe Islands and called on management to launch a genuine dialogue with staff.   On Monday 19th November, employees of Kringvarp Føroya (the public service broadcaster in the Faroe Islands) were informed that major changes in operations were to be implemented without any process of information and consultation.   “Not only is there a plan to cut one third of staff  from 84 people to around 60, but the information came without warning nor contact between the management and the union,” deplored Jógvan H. Gardar, Deputy…  
9413. Fears for Media Diversity and Press Freedom Heightened in Taiwan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ) in expressing concern about the details of the sale of Next Media’s Taiwan Holdings and the potential threat posed to media diversity and press freedom in Taiwan.   It was first reported in mid-October by local media that media mogul Jimmy Lai planned to sell his Taiwan-based print and television assets to a consortium including Jeffrey Koo, the chairman of Chinatrust Charity Foundation, William Wong, chairman of the Formosa Plastics Group (FPG), and a Singapore-based private equity fund.  Concerns over the impact on media diversity as a result of…  
9416. Impunity for Journalist Murders Reigns in the Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) today in commemorating the third anniversary of the Ampatuan massacre in the Philippines and marks the International Day to End Impunity by calling on governments from around the region to take immediate action to bring an end to impunity in the Asia Pacific.   The 2009 massacre, which saw 58 people including 32 journalists and media workers brutally murdered, is known as the world’s single biggest atrocity against journalists. The date was declared as the International Day to End Impunity in 2010.   As part of a joint campaign, on…  
9417. IFJ Condemns Death of Journalist in Karachi Double Bomb Strike  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joints its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in condemning the twin bomb attack near a religious shrine in Karachi, which killed four people and injured several others, including journalists, who had gathered at the spot to report on the first of the blasts.   The PFUJ reports that Saqib Khan, a photojournalist with the Urdu newspaper Ummat, was among those injured in the incident on November 22. He was subsequently taken to hospital for treatment for what appeared to be symptoms of shock, but suffered a cardiac arrest en route and died.   Kiran Khan, a reporter with Dunya News and Umar Khan…  
9418. IFJ Statement at WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights  

Fair trade for creators must be transparent The International Federation of Journalists congratulates the Chair and the Secretariat team for theirexcellent hard work on this session and welcomes progress toward an instrument ensuring fair access tocreators' works by people with print disabilities worldwide. The International Federation of Journalists represents more than 600,000 journalists in 134 countries. Itdefends press freedom and social justice through strong, free and independent trade unions of journalists. Iam one of those journalists. We recall WIPO's mission to administer a body of law that "rewards creativity, stimulates innovationand contributes to economic development…  
9419. High Court Orders Stay in Criminal Proceedings against Indian Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the decision by the High Court in the southern Indian state of Karnataka, to stay criminal proceedings against TV news reporter Naveen Soorinje, who was arrested on November 7, on charges of involvement in an attack on a group of teenagers by a right-wing political group on July 28.   After a hearing on November 17, Soorinje’s plea for bail was turned down by a magistrate in Mangalore city, where he is based and where he is now being held in custody. In arriving at his ruling, the magistrate held that the veracity of Soorinje’s plea --that he was only at the scene of the attack as a reporter doing his job,…  
9420. Another Journalist Killed in Balochistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in strongly condemning the killing of another journalist, in what has been a series of targeted attacks in Balochistan Province, Pakistan, throughout 2012.   According to media reports, Rehmatullah Abid, a senior journalist working with the Dunya News TV Channel, was sitting in a shop when unknown armed men, riding a motorcycle, opened fire, shooting and killing him instantly.   The incident occurred on Sunday, November 18, in the Washbood Area of the Panjgur District, some 600 kilometres away from Quetta, the provincial capital…  
9421. IFJ Calls for Probe into Media Targeting in Gaza Violence  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the international community to investigate deliberate attacks by Israeli military against media buildings in Gaza.   At least six journalists were injured, including cameraman Khader al Zarah who lost a leg after their offices came under sustained bombing from Israel's military which targeted in the early hours of Sunday Al Shawa and Husari where several media organisations, including Hamas' TB Al Quds TV, Al Qudsa radio, Maan network and many other radio stations are based. Another media facility, the Asshurouq building, which houses Sky, ITN, Al Arabiya TV and Abu Dhabi TV was also attacked. "We demand a…  
9422. Conference on Gender Equality in Journalists' Unions: Confronting the Financial Crisis, Empowering Women, 13 - 14 November, Athens  

Where are women in journalists' unions in 2012? What policies have shown results in promoting equality between women and men in journalism? What can be done to engage more young journalists in unions' activities and structures? While the feminisation of journalism led to an increase of female membership in journalists' unions and associations in Europe, still few have accessed leading roles in these bodies and young women journalists pay a specific price for this. The same applies in the profession where women pay a high price in terms of extra job precariousness, the unyielding gender pay gap and blocked access to leading roles. With the support of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, the…  
9423. Equal rights for journalists: learning the lessons of Europe’s journalists’ unions  

The challenges facing journalists' unions across Europe are not always the same, but there are common threads: job losses and attempts to undermine established working conditions; changing employment practices that are making harder for journalists to organise, to speak with a collective voice and to stand up for their working rights. The European Federation of Journalists has a role to play in meeting these challenges, but that does not mean all the answers can be found in an office in Brussels. This was the objective of a two-day conference in Thessaloniki in April 2012, with the support of the European Commission. Participants heard first-hand of examples of campaigns and actions…  
9424. IFJ and FAJ Call On the International Community to Reinforce the Mobilization to Free a Life-Sentenced Journalist in Burundi  

The international community must reinforce the mobilization to free a life-sentenced journalist in Burundi, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) said today after a Burundian prosecutor asked the appeal court to confirm the life sentence handed to journalist Hassan Ruvakuki over “terrorism charges”.   ‘’The international community must reinforce the mobilization to free our colleague from jail. This is a shocking position from the prosecutor. He must know that there is a big difference between a terrorist and a journalist. We remind authorities in Burundi that our colleague has performed…  
9426. IFJ and EFJ Condemn Censorship in Ukraine National News Agency  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today condemned the management of the Ukraine National News Agency (UNIAN) for censoring journalism critical of President Yanukovich. In an extraordinary act of mismanagement and abuse of power two journalists, Lubov Zhalovaha and Valentyna Romanenko, were fined 200 hryvanas each, approximately 20 euro, for posting an article entitled ‘Bankova Picket: Yanukovich was given a shoe with a Christmas tree'. "We are stunned by this example of blatant censorship of critical journalism," said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. "The relatively modest size of the penalty cannot…  
9428. Indian Journalist Arrested After Covering Vigilante Attack  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins partners and affiliates in India in condemning the arrest of Naveen Soorinje, a journalist with the Kasturi TV news channel in Mangalore city in the southern Indian state of Karnataka. Soorinje is accused of being involved in an attack on a group of teenagers by a right-wing political group on July 28.   The attack was one of a recurring series carried out by a group that has earned notoriety for its moral vigilantism.   Reports received by the IFJ indicate that Soorinje was arrested late in the night on November 7, when he was returning from a reporting assignment for his Kannada-language news channel. He has…  
9429. IFJ and EFJ call for Urgent Reform of Chaotic Georgian Broadcast Sector  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its regional organisation, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), today called on the newly elected Georgian parliament to prioritise reform of the broadcast sector that has fallen into post election disarray.Since the 1st October parliamentary elections, journalists working for a series of broadcast companies have lost their jobs, had their programmes abruptly cancelled or whole teams of media staff have seen their salaries ceased. Meanwhile there is an ugly struggle for control of the media following the electoral results that have transformed the national political scene. "We are appalled that journalists and media staff have…  
9430. Journalist Heikki Jokinen elected in the IFRRO board as IFJ representative.  

Freelance journalist Heikki Jokinen from Finland was elected as substitute director for creators in the IFRRO board as a representative of the IFJ. The International Federation of Reprographic Rights Organisation (IFRRO) in a global federation for the collective management organisations active in the print sector. It has 138 members from 75 countries, including several authors' and publishers organisations. The IFFRO members' authors' rights revenue is more than 800 million euro a year. The IFFRO board was elected during the IFRRO congress in Buenos Aires at the end of October and has 12 members from five continents. Heikki Jokinen is a former chair of the EFJ freelance expert…  
9431. Journalist Heikki Jokinen elected in the IFRRO board as IFJ representative.  

Freelance journalist Heikki Jokinen from Finland was elected as substitute director for creators in the IFRRO board as a representative of the IFJ. The International Federation of Reprographic Rights Organisation (IFRRO) in a global federation for the collective management organisations active in the print sector. It has 138 members from 75 countries, including several authors' and publishers organisations. The IFFRO members' authors' rights revenue is more than 800 million euro a year.   The IFFRO board was elected during the IFRRO congress in Buenos Aires at the end of October and has 12 members from five continents. Heikki Jokinen is a former chair of the EFJ freelance…  
9432. Public Interest Reporting Restrained in China Ahead of National People’s Congress  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned by a series of recent restrictions on the Chinese media’s ability to report on issues of public concern, as well as the blocking of news sites throughout October.   While the new leadership of China’s Politburo is set to be selected on November 8, the IFJ has received reports that China’s Central Authority has censored a number of stories of public concern.   On October 25, the Chinese Authority reportedly blocked The New York Times English and Chinese-language official websites in China, after they published an investigative report into the assets of Premier Wen Jiabo and his family.…  
9433. Victory for press freedom in Lithuanian defamation case  

Today the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) welcomed a court ruling acquiting the Chairman of the Lithuanian Journalists' Union of libel."It is a great victory for press freedom and for journalism as a public good" said EFJ President Arne König. "We are glad and relieved to see that the Court applied the right of journalists to tell the truth without fear, but we are still concerned by the problems of ethics in Lithuanian media raised in this case".Initially, Mr. Vitas Tomkus, the owner of the Respublikos Leidiniai (Respublika Publications) media group, had filed a private claim saying Dainius Radzevi?ius, chairman of the Lithuanian Journalists' Union had defamed him…  
9434. EFJ Position on data protection  

EFJ Position on Reform of Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data  
9435. EFJ calls Greek Court to drop charges against journalist Kostas Vaxevanis  

Kostas Vaxevanis should not face criminal charges for doing his job, the European Federation of Journalists(EFJ) said today.  After an inquiry by the Prosecutor of the Misdemeanor Court of Athens on Saturday 27 October, the police was seeking Greek investigative journalist Kostas Vaxevanis for publishing on HOT DOC magazine the "Lagarde List" consisting in 2059 names of Greek citizens with deposits in the Swiss HSBC bank. Mr Vaxevanis was briefly detained by the police the following day and he is now facing trial on 1st November for publishing the "Lagarde List" thus "violating privacy law".    "We clearly think that the publication of a list already shown in…  
9436. Journalist Attacked in PNG  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its partner the Pacific Freedom Forum (PFF) in condemning the violent attack on a journalist in Papua New Guinea (PNG) on October 13.   According to reports received from the PFF, Michael Koma, a correspondent for PNG daily the Post-Courier, was viciously attacked on October 13, after his report inquiring into high-level local government appointments in the Highlands province of the country was published in the paper two days earlier.   According to the PFF, four men approached Koma while he was sitting outside a relative’s house in the Highlands district of Kundiawa, and after questioning him over the…  
9437. The IFJ regrets the death of radio journalist in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) regrets today, 28 Ocotber, the death of Somalian radio journalist Mohamed Mohamud on 28 October. Mohamed Mohamud died from injuries he suffered from a gunshot on 21 October. Seventeen journalists have been killed in Somalia this year. Mohamed Mohamud, aka Turyare, producer and Webmaster of Radio Shabelle was fatally wounded on 21 October in an attack while walking back home in the Hawo Tako neighbourhood of Wadajir distrinct in Mogadishu when two unidentified armed men fired at him. Three bullets penetrated his stomach causing the journalist to immediately…  
9438. EFJ Supports Italian journalists in its advocacy for a decent draft law on defamation  

A proposed libel law introduced in Italy's Upper House last week stirred up a frenzy of protest among journalists and the EFJ's affiliate, the Federazione della Stampa Italiana (FNSI).  The latest draft proposal, which will be discussed in the Senate next week, seeks to eliminate jail terms in cases of libel, however replacing them with - among others - hefty fines and the right of the offended party to immediately get his or her side of the story out in the accused publication free from any editorial oversight.  "It is not good to have a bad  law  which includes the risk of putting journalists to go to prison", said Arne König, EFJ President. "But…  
9439. IFJ Calls on Egyptian Authorities to Reinstate Suspended Editor in Chief  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today expressed grave concern over the suspension of Jamal Abdel Rahim, editor in chief of daily El Joumhouryia, by the Chairman of the Egyptian Shura Council. The suspension came after the state-owned paper published news on the travel-ban of former defence minister Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi and General Sami Anan, both under investigation for corruption.  The Egyptian Journalists Syndicate (EJS) has strongly condemned the suspension describing it as  "a dangerous precedent and a violation of both the Egyptian Journalists' Syndicate law and the Press and Publications law". It also said the decision was a flagrant…  
9440. IFJ Strongly Condemns Killing of Journalist in Northern Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today strongly condemned the killing of Ahmed Farah Ilyas , a TV journalist who was shot dead by gunmen on Tuesday 22 October in northern Somalia.   “We condemn in the strongest terms the murder of Ahmed Farah Ilyas  which serves as a reminder of the dangerous environment our Somali colleague operate in every day, said Gabriel Baglo, IFJ Africa Director. “We call on the new government to show its determination to halt the violence targeting media , fueled by intolerance against independent reporting.”   According to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), an IFJ affiliate,…  
9441. Indian Journalist Arrested on Terrorism Charges Released on Bail  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins partners in India in welcoming the release on bail of Syed Mohammad Ahmad Kazmi, an Indian journalist held in custody for seven months on charges of terrorism.   Following orders passed by the Supreme Court of India on October 19, Kazmi was released after posting a bail bond of two hundred thousand Indian rupees (roughly four thousand U.S. dollars) the following day.   Kazmi was arrested on March 6 on charges of aiding and abetting a February 15 bomb attack on an Israeli diplomatic vehicle in India’s capital city. At that time, he was working for an Iranian news agency in Delhi and also for…  
9442. IFJ/EFJ Authors' Rights Newsletter October 2012  

Download the latest issue of the IFJ/EFJ newsletter now.  
9443. IFJ Concerned by Alleged Political Interference in Hong Kong’s Digital Broadcasting Corporation  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned by allegations of the Chinese Liaison Office in Hong Kong exercising undue political influence over the editorial policies of the Hong Kong-based Digital Broadcasting Corporation.   Hong Kong’s Digital Broadcasting Corporation (DBC), the first digital radio station in Hong Kong closed on October 10, after just four months on-air. The station was forced to cease operations after a disagreement between shareholders, and a lack of funds to continue broadcasting. However, there have been allegations that the closure was politically motivated.   Following the station’s shutdown, protests…  
9444. Concerns for Media Diversity and Workers’ Rights in Taiwan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) shares the serious concerns of its affiliate, the Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ), over threats to media diversity and basic working rights of media personnel, after the sale was announced of several major newspapers, magazine publications, and television stations in the country.   The ATJ has raised concerns about the impact that the sale of Next Media Group’s assets could have for media diversity and the potential negative impact on press freedom. Taiwan’s media reported in mid-October that Hong Kong businessman and media mogul Jimmy Lai planned to sell his Taiwan-based print and television assets…  
9445. UK: Saying No To Austerity  

On 20 October, tens of thousands of people from across the UK and Northern Ireland were marching to take part in’ A Future That Works’. Organised by the Trades Union Congress (TUC) , the Scottish TUC and the Congress of Trade Unions' Northern Ireland Committee, to protest against the government's austerity policies, it demanded that the government adopts an alternative economic strategy that puts jobs, growth and people first. As well as a march and rally in London, marches and rallies  took place in Glasgow and Belfast.   The European Federation of Journalists and its affiliates supported the demonstration. EFJ President Arne König said:…  
9446. French Foreign minister to ask Turkey to clarify its legislation  

(19 Oct 2012) Following a question raised by the French Senator Michelle Demessine concerning the situation of arrested journalists in Turkey, the French Minister for Foreign Affairs gave a written response (early in October) where he starts by underlining that "freedom of expression is a fundamental right protected by the international law and is part of the functioning in a pluralistic democracy".   Laurent Fabius states that he cannot intervene in judicial cases but adds : "I can assure you that I will, through discussions at the European or bilateral levels, ask Turkey to clarify its legislation in order to better protect civil liberties". The French minister has…  
9447. Media Freedom Needs Closer Attention in Sri Lanka’s Post-War Politics  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins partners and affiliates in Sri Lanka in calling for closer attention to be paid to media freedom issues in the post-war process of reconciliation in the country. Consultations carried out by the IFJ and its affiliates with key actors in the country suggest hopes that the end of Sri Lanka’s civil war in May 2009 would quickly improve conditions for the country’s media practitioners are fading fast.   In June 2012 the Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) announced a “National Action Plan” (NAP) to give effect to the recommendations of a commission on national reconciliation, appointed at the end of the…  
9448. IFJ welcomes the Supreme Court decision ordering a temporary restraining order against the Philippines Cybercrime law  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists Philippines (NUJP) in welcoming the October 9 decision by the Supreme Court of the Philippines to issue a temporary restraining order against the implementation of RA 10175 - the Cybercrime Prevention Act, also known as the Cybercrime law.   The Cybercrime law has been broadly criticised and serious concerns have been raised regarding its potential to negatively impact freedom of expression, particularly as the scope of criminal libel under the law extends to all online expression.   The 120-day restraining order against the implementation of the Cybercrime law…  
9449. Journalist killed and others injured as gunmen open fire at public meeting in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists joins its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in expressing outrage and condemning the killing of journalist Mushtaq Khand, a reporter for privately-owned Dharti TV, during a public meeting organised by the ruling Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) in Khairpur, in the south-eastern province of Sindh, on the evening of October 7.   Mushtaq Khand, a reporter for Dharti Television Network, was covering the PPP meeting when over 10 gunmen opened fire. It is believed that up to seven people were killed and twelve people were injured in the incident, including three journalists - Faheem Mangi , Allah Dad Rind and…  
9450. The IFJ Strongly Condemns the Police Violence Inflicted Upon Two Journalists in Uganda  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today strongly condemns the harassment inflicted upon a photojournalist and a television reporter in Uganda on 4 October 2012. “We are deeply concerned about the systematic crackdown on journalists in Uganda. We condemn this violence and call on authorities to investigate the case. We will never stop advocating and defending the rights of journalists to conduct their work safely and freely”, said Gabriel Baglo, IFJ Africa Director.     According to news reports and independent sources like the Human Rights Network for Journalists-Uganda (HRNJ-Uganda) freelance photojournalist Isaac Kasimani from the…  
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