IFJ International Press Card (IPC)

It gets you wherever the story takes you.

An instantly and internationally recognisable professional identification 

The International Press Card (IPC) is recognised the world over and is the only press pass endorsed by national journalists' organisations in more than 130 countries. The IPC is ONLY available to members of IFJ-affiliated national journalists' organisations. To apply for your card contact your local union.

List of members of the Romania journalist associations:


  • Piata Presei Libere nr.1
    Casa Presei, intrarea B1, etaj 1, sector 1
  • President: Leonard - Octavian Paduret

    Executive President: Cristinel Godinac

    General Secretary: Gabriel Nastase

    Vicepresident: Adrian Ionescu

    Vicepresident: Sorin Torica

    Vicepresident: Janina Tudor

    Social Media



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  • What's the IPC
  • FAQ
  • Promote the IPC

The IPC is...

An instantly and internationally recognisable professional identification. The International Press Card (IPC) is recognised the world over and is the only press pass endorsed by national journalists' organisations in more than 130 countries.

The world's oldest and most reputable identification for working journalists across the globe. The IPC was launched at the IFJ World Congress in 1927. It provides instant confirmation that the bearer is a professional working journalist. It is only issued to genuine journalists who are committed to ethical standards and solidarity between media professionals.

An acknowledgment of your commitment to ethical standards and IFJ's Code of Ethics. The IPC recognises the IFJ Global Charter of Ethics for Journalists.

A symbol of solidarity between media professionals. IPC card holders belong to the IFJ family. The IPC connects journalists globally and ensures that IFJ affiliated organisations extend to the IPC bearer assistance and courtesy in the performance of her/his mission.  

A guarantee of IFJ assistance across the globe. Journalists travelling in conflict zones have testified to the benefits of the IPC . It has helped many journalists get out of tricky situations in dealing with soldiers, police or officials.

A door opener. The IPC facilitates access to official meetings. Holders can take advantage of the IFJ's official recognition within the European Union and within the agencies of the United Nations and other international fora. In many countries the IPC will help journalists gain privileged access to media events - this is never guaranteed, but the card gives journalists a better chance of success than any other international accreditation.

An admission into the fellowship of the IFJ global journalists' community. The IFJ provides support and services to press card holders, including access to the IFEX network which is a coalition of press freedom and journalists' groups that monitors the state of press freedom the world over. Regular bulletins from the IFJ and updates on actions in defence of journalists are available to all card holders.

The IPC is valid for two years from the date of issue.

Frequently asked questions

Who can apply?

The IPC is ONLY available to members of national journalists' unions or associations which are members of the IFJ. Please contact your union directly to receive more information.

Who cannot apply?

The IFJ does not issue press cards directly to individual journalists. In order to apply a journalist MUST be a member of a union or association affiliated to the IFJ.

Who supports the IPC?

The IPC has, for 80 years, been issued by the world's largest network of journalists groups - see full list of IFJ's members. Whenever a card holder is travelling they can rely on the IFJ network to provide assistance. In most countries, the support and recognition provided to national journalists will be available to IPC holders.

What makes the IFJ Press Card the professional choice?

Simply, the IPC is a statement of commitment by the holder to the IFJ's Declaration of Principles on the Conduct of Journalists, the world's most recognisable set of principles and standards for the conduct of journalism.

What is the length of validity of the IPC and how much does it cost?

The card is valid for two years and is available to the members of national associations and unions of journalists in over 130 countries at a fee. Please contact your union directly to find out the price.

How do I get one?

Journalists can apply for cards through national organisations of journalists.

Importantly, the IFJ card is not issued without verification of the applicant's status as a working journalist.

Tips for promoting the card

  • Put the IFJ Press Card photos on your website and any other communications you carry out. Download Press Card photos HERE
  • Create a link on your website from the Press Card photo to the information on the IFJ website on how to get a Press Card: 
  • Create an advertisement for your publication. See an example here

Benefits for you: This will make your members aware of the press card and the support it offers them.

Benefits for IFJ: This will allow us to reach out to more journalists to advise them on the wide ranging benefits of the card and the assistance it provides and to encourage them to apply for one.