IFJ Voice - July 2024

The IFJ Voice is a quarterly newsletter summarizing the latest activities and actions carried out by the IFJ around the world. In this edition we talk about Julian Assange's release, the launch of the IFJ and UPF's Shireen Abu Akleh award for women journalists, the new members that the IFJ has welcomed, our projects across the world, as well as our response to the conflict in Sudan, among many updates and news across our regional offices.

Credit: IFJ

The July 2024 edition of our newsletter of global information IFJ Voice is out and available in three languages. 

in English

en Français

en Español

Discover our latest info, including our latest projects, useful tools, media contests and our new podcasts selection

Don't miss out on our next edition! To receive this letter directly in your mailbox, please click here.

For more information, please contact IFJ on +32 2 235 22 16

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