News and Press Releases

Journalist Hasnain Shah, a crime reporter for Capital TV, was gunned down by an unidentified armed group in broad daylight. The International…

Armed Taliban forces physically prevented a press conference on the crisis situation facing Afghan media workers due to take place on 26 January at…

Tras el crimen de la reportera Lourdes Maldonado, ocurrido el domingo 23 de enero, ayer se organizaron movilizaciones en todo México en reclamo por…

El reportero gráfico asesinado el 25 de enero de 1997 fue recordado con homenajes en todo el país, organizados por los sindicatos de prensa locales.…

La comunicadora fue hallada muerta de un disparo dentro de su vehículo en la puerta de su casa en Tijuana, Baja California, Estado en el que también…

Today's judgement ‘certified’ the Wikileaks founder’s right to apply to the Supreme Court to rule on the late introduction of assurances by the United…

Journalists Sai Win Aung and Pu Tuidim were killed by Myanmar’s military in two separate attacks on December 25 and January 8 respectively. The…

The Kashmir Press Club (KPC), the largest independent media body in Indian-administered Kashmir, has been forcibly closed following a raid by armed…

Two Gambian journalists died in a car crash on 17 January 2022 while returning home to Banjul, the capital, from an education mission.

Several Afghan journalists have been attacked and detained in the first weeks of 2022, as the Taliban assures press freedom organisations of its…

Margarito Martínez Esquivel murió luego de recibir un disparo cuando salía de su hogar en la colonia Sánchez Taboada, Tijuana. El reportero gráfico…

José Luis Gamboa Arenas falleció el sábado 15 de enero luego de permanecer varios días internado en un hospital local. Fue atacado el miércoles 12 a…

The Sudanese authorities announced on 16 January the revocation of Al Jazeera's Mubasher licence on allegations of “unprofessional" TV coverage of…

After roughly five months of negotiations, BBC journalists in Turkey went on strike on January 14. The walkout comes after the British broadcaster…

Une vingtaine de journalistes, dont des correspondants étrangers, ont été agressés alors qu'ils couvraient une manifestation à Tunis, capitale…

The international consortium of 17 international media outlets, Forbidden Stories, has uncovered what will go down as one of the worst assaults on…