News and Press Releases

The Yemeni Journalists Syndicate has documented 24 violations of press freedom in the country between 1 January and 31 March 2021, ranging from…

Myanmar’s military detained 11 people after they talked with CNN journalists in Myanmar on April 2. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)…

Investigative journalist Morgan Large discovered that her car had been sabotaged, with two bolts removed from a wheel on Monday 29 March. The…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

Employees at Artı TV and online media Artı Gerçek face losing their jobs as a result of their parent company's decision to terminate its contract with…

On April 1, the founder of media group Next Digital, Jimmy Lai, was convicted of organising and taking part in an unauthorised assembly in 2019. The…

Este 30 de marzo, la justicia colombiana decidió la primera condena por el secuestro y asesinato del equipo periodístico de El Comercio, compuesto por…

A Tempo journalist in the East Java was assaulted and threatened for investigating a case of alleged bribery involving the former director of…

Este 29 de marzo, el Centro de Investigación Periodística (CIPER) divulgó un documento que demostraría que la Dirección Nacional de Inteligencia del…

The British Broadcasting Corporation's (BBC) China correspondent, John Sudworth, has been forced to relocate to Taiwan over concerns for his safety.…

Carlos Alberto Tafur, periodista de la emisora ‘Radio Stereo G 96,5’, ha recibido amenazas de muerte por revelar diferentes casos de corrupción en la…

At least 35 cases of harassment against 72 journalists were logged in Cambodia in 2020, according to a new report by the Cambodian Journalists…

The National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) has won support for a 14-point plan to save the country's print media.

A local disc jockey for Kiss FM was shot dead in Tagbilaran City on March 27. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the…

In a statement published today, leading international press freedom and journalists’ organisations condemn the continued judicial persecution of…

Myanmar’s military arrested two Kachin state-based journalists and three Shan state-based journalists in two separate incidents, as violence continues…