News and Press Releases

Unidentified gunmen assassinated photographer Nabil Hasan al-Qaiti on June 2, outside his home in a suburb of Aden city located in the south of…

The Department of Health’s Bureau of Quarantine has released a directive which prohibits overseas Filipino workers who are quarantined from granting…

Women trade union leaders and activists joined forces to expose the injustices and abuses facing female workers during the COVID pandemic in a webinar…

Kevin Davasagayam is a journalist with the Sun. As part of the #MYMediaMatters campaign, supported by the European Union, Kevin recognises the pivotal…

Rao Ghulam Murtaza, a journalist affiliated with Daily Jahan-e-Pakistan was shot dead by robbers in broad daylight in Jodhpur in the Punjab province…

Supreme Court of Cambodia has upheld the ruling on withholding the passports of two former RFA reporters who were charged with espionage. The…

Lawmakers have approved the Human Security Act or new anti-terrorism law, giving the government more power to restrict dissent. International…

The International Federation of Journalists joins 63 global media unions and advocacy groups denouncing the Philippines government’s closure of the…

Desconocidos tiraron una bomba incendiaria contra el automóvil del director del medio Ciudad Obregón Informa, Marco Antonio Duarte Vargas. El hecho…

The IFJ has demanded an end to the deliberate, outrageous and systematic targeting of journalists covering protests in the US, as the toll of those…

An Indonesian Solidarity Party politician sues journalist Farid Gaban for his critique of Teten Masduki, minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium…

Liew Teck Lai is a journalist with the Sin Chew Daily. As part of the #MYMediaMatters campaign, supported by the European Union, he says that…

The Sakal Media Group announced plans to close two of its publications leaving at least 45 editorial staff and non-editorial staff unemployed. The…

A roadside bomb killed Khurshid TV journalist, Zamir Amiri and technician Shafiqullah Zabih, who were on a bus carrying 15 Khurshid TV employees. The…

A suspected murderer involved in the death of Aziz Memon pled guilty before a local court in Naushero Feroze district. The International Federation of…

A TV journalist was forced by bosses to submit her resignation for being pregnant and not being "mobile" enough to report. The International…