News and Press Releases

AGBOKA Koffi Agbévavi is a web journalist and director of Empreinte News. He is a member of the Union of Independent Journalists of Togo (UJIT). A…

Attacks on press freedom in Europe are at serious risk of becoming a new normal, 14 international press freedom groups and journalists’ organisations,…

What is your biggest concern for press freedom in your country? What are your daily challenges as a journalist? What are the most important stories…

On April 19, Chinese authorities arrested two media workers based in Beijing, Cai Wei and his girlfriend Tang. They voluntarily contributed to…

Local journalist Saeed Qaisar Inphool Nagar was found hanging in a building in the Kasur district, 40 km from Lahore on April 29. He had been missing…

Los principales grupos mediáticos de ese país, El Mercurio y La Tercera, avanzan en posibles planes de vaciamiento que iniciaron antes de la pandemia,…

Hassan Al-Aboudi is deputy editor in chief of Al-zawrw newspaper in Iraq. He is a member of the Iraqi Journalists' Syndicate, head of the Press…

Nima Hassan Abdi is a Somali journalist who has worked in the media sector for 16 years, mainly in the electronic media, where she had both…

On the eve of World Press Freedom Day on 3 May and in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world's…

Journalists at Vedomosti, one of Russia’s most prominent business publications, have demanded the removal of Editor in Chief, Andrey Shmarov, for what…

Farah Marshita Abdul Patah is a journalist working in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She started her career in journalism in 2009 with Malaysia’s leading…

Six companies representing 18 media outlets in the country were reported to the Ministry of Labor for practices on the sidelines of Covid-19 for a…

The IFJ, the world's leading organisation of journalists, joins leading global workers' organisations on World Day for Safety and Health at Work (28…

D Andrew Sam Raja Pandian, the founder of SimpliCity, a bi-lingual news portal in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu is in judicial custody for his reports …

Sajal Bhuiyan, the Narsingdi district correspondent for SA Television was punched, kicked and beaten by men wielding batons while collecting…

Maja Sever is a journalist and editor at Croatian Radio-Television. She is also the president of the Croatian Trade Union of Journalists, an active…