News and Press Releases

On December 29, Hong Kong police raided the newsroom of the pro-democracy online news outlet, Stand News, and arrested a total of seven journalists…

32 journalists will spend New Year’s Eve in prison in Belarus. This is one of the figures in the annual review of repression that the Belarusian…

A Moscow tribunal ordered the closure of Memorial International, a human rights group, on 29 December, for failing to label its documents as drafted…

Founder of Next Digital Jimmy Lai and six former executives and senior employees of the now-defunct pro-democracy newspaper, Apple Daily, are facing a…

La filmación, tomada en 2017, muestra una reunión entre el ex ministro de Trabajo de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Marcelo Villegas, y un grupo de…

Le 30 novembre à Maurice, un projet de loi sur l'Autorité indépendante de radiodiffusion (IBA) qui permettra aux autorités de pénaliser les radios…

Le 10 décembre 2021, Najla Bouden, cheffe du gouvernement tunisien, a appelé les ministres et secrétaires d’Etat à obtenir confirmation des services…

Before we say goodbye to a challenging year, it is time to remember some of our great achievements over the last 12 months, which wouldn't have been…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), in partnership with the United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), has…

Sayed Rashed Kashefi, a reporter with the Kabul Times and Rasa TV, was allegedly beaten and detained for over six hours while covering a fight at an…

L'homme qui a harcelé pendant 9 ans la journaliste et autrice belge Myriam Leroy sur les réseaux sociaux a été condamné le 21 décembre à 10 mois de…

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) joined 16 media freedom and journalists’ organisations in writing the…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the International Labor Organization (ILO) have joined forces to launch the Migrant Narratives…

Deux journalistes togolais, Ferdinand Ayite et Joel Egah, respectivement directeurs de publication du bihebdomadaire L’Alternative et de…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

Dailekh District Court has sentenced three people convicted of the murder of Dailekh based journalist, Dekendra Raj Thapa, to life imprisonment. The…