News and Press Releases

A Kathmandu Press article highlighting an alleged scam involving high level government employee and the sons of the defence minister and the prime…

The Australian government’s proposed $130 billion “JobKeeper” package falls short of supporting freelancers and non-permanent media workers. The…

Nation Multimedia Group (NMG), one of Thailand’s largest media companies cut employees’ salaries on April 1 citing the Covid-19 business downturn.…

As the world battles the Covid-19 pandemic under widespread lockdowns and the mass movement of work into an online space, the International Federation…

Ugandan journalist Perez Rumanzi was admitted into hospital after being severely beaten by members of the Ugandan police force.

IFJ in the news !

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

The leaders of the global union movement, the ITUC and Global Union Federations, convened by video on 30 March to assess developments and urgent needs…

Serbian Prime Minister, Ana Brnabic, withdrew a planned decree that would have limited the publishing of information related to COVID-19 just to…

Un journalistes son caméraman et leur chauffeur ont été agressés par les forces de police, le jeudi 26 mars, à Champ - dans le district de Fils au…

Italian journalists are on the front lines in the emergency that has hit the country. Federazione Nazionale Stampa Italiana (FSNI) is working to…

First tributes

The social responsibility of the journalist has never been more true than in this period of global crisis, as the preamble to our Global Charter of…

En varios países empresas de medios despiden o suspenden trabajadores de prensa valiéndose de la crisis económica producida por el COVID como…

Sajid Hussain, a Pakistani journalist granted political asylum in Sweden in 2017, is reported as missing. The International Federation of Journalists…

The Supreme Court of India ordered media to only refer to, publish and broadcast the official version of the information on the health crisis, citing…

Ko Nay Myo Lin, the editor-in-chief of Voice of Myanmar (VOM), was arrested on March 30 for breaching the Counter Terrorism Law after publishing an…

The Iranian State Board for Fighting Corona Disease (SBFCD) passed a nationwide ban on all print publications on 30 March. The International…