IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 14 May and 21 May 2021.

Credit: IFJ


IFJ urges UN Security Council to ensure safety of journalists in Gaza trip – Daily Excelsor

A Palestinian radio journalist was killed in an Israeli airstrike in Gaza - Insider

Guard assaults, breaks finger of journalist reporting on Iran vaccination campaign – The New Arab

Palestinian radio journalist killed in Gaza bombings – Radio Info

IFJ calls on UNSC to take urgent action to stop deliberate and systematic targeting of journalists in Gaza – WAFA

Israel denounced for ‘deliberately targeting’ journalists and media outlets – TRT World

Israeli airstrike kills Palestinian journalist in his house – Daily Times

Warnings of 'terrible massacre' planned by Israel against journalists – Middle East Monitor

China Distorts its Suppression of Journalists While Railing Against Media ‘Distortion’ – Polygraph

The International Federation of Journalists condemns the bombing of media offices in Gaza, including Associated Press and Al Jazeera – ABC

‘Silence the story’: Israeli bombing of media offices condemned – Al Jazeera

JPA holds sit-in in solidarity with Palestinians – MENA FM

Beijing Uses Its Global Media Outreach to Spin Narratives on Pandemic – The Epoch Times

Israel is deliberately obliterating media buildings in Gaza to cover up the war crimes that will follow – RT

Propaganda blitz: How China tried to mislead world with its… – The Times of India

Israel's bombing in Gaza silences the media – Rabble.ca

Do better on Palestine, media workers say – Green Left

Israeli Media Claims Tel Aviv Gave US ‘Smoking Gun’ Evidence of Hamas Presence in Razed Media Tower – Sputnik

Amid protests Pakistan wants OIC’s decisive steps to stop Israel’s aggression – Press TV

“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”: Thousands commemorate Al Nakba – Honi Soit


Pandemia: Federación Internacional de Periodistas presenta datos sobre las políticas de desinformación de China – ICN Diario

Asociación de periodistas insta al Consejo de la ONU a abordar los ataques a la prensa en Gaza – Sputnik

EEUU pide desescalada en Gaza pero Israel espera "el momento oportuno" – SwissInfo

Beijing utiliza su alcance mediático mundial para hacer cambiar las historias sobre la pandemia - The Epoch Times en español

Palestina prevé denunciar ante la CPI el ataque de Israel contra la prensa en Gaza – Sputnik

Continúan las agresiones contra periodistas en Palestina - Huellas

O.Próximo.- El Gobierno palestino pide a la comunidad internacional que actúe para "detener la agresión" de Israel – Notimerica


Huit nouveaux morts à Gaza, le bilan total monte à 227 décès, appel de Biden à une "désescalade aujourd'hui" – La Libre

Conflit israélo-palestinien: l’AGJPB appelle les gouvernements belges à prendre des «mesures d’envergure» contre Israël – SudInfo

Micro européen. Le Conseil de l’Europe et la sécurité des journalistes – France Info

Conflit israélo-palestinien : les Etats-Unis demandent des "précisions" au sujet de la frappe sur un immeuble de médias à Gaza et appellent à la protection des civils – RTBF

Maroc : des organisations de journalistes exigent la libération de Omar Radi et Slimane Raissouni – Bladi.net

Pourquoi Israël est en train de perdre la bataille médiatique – L’Orient Le Jour

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