Samoa: Media to be restricted at CHOGM

At a press conference on September 11, the Samoan Government announced measures restricting media work at October’s Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Journalists Association of Western Samoa (JAWS), urge the Samoan government to allow for an open and transparent reporting environment and support local and independent media through the meeting.

Lefaoalii Unutoa Auelua-Fonoti announced that the Samoan government agreed to implementing measures restricting media work at October's Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), at a press conference in Samoa's capital, Apia, on September 11. Credit: YouTube

During a briefing on preparations for the meeting in Apia on September 11, the Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and Co-chair of the CHOGM media sub-committee Lefaoalii Unutoa Auelua Fonoti revealed that coverage of the event will be granted exclusively to state-owned broadcasters Radio 2AP and the TV9 Channel, in collaboration with New Zealand company MMG Communications. Additionally, the Press Secretariat and Savali newspaper will serve as the sole official photographers for the October meeting.  

Lefaoalii further stated that both local and foreign media will need to request access to pooled photographs and footage of the event, following an endorsement of media guidelines by Samoa’s cabinet earlier this month. Journalists will not be allowed to cover side events unless they are accredited to a designated pool, and reporters will be prohibited from interviewing delegates directly. 

The government has claimed the guidelines address security concerns, and are in line with media restrictions described in a conference blueprint. Earlier this year, JAWS nominated two senior journalists to advise the meeting’s Media Committee to ensure that the realities of media work were reflected through all planning, but this offer was not accepted.  

JAWS IFJ Gender Council representative Lagipoiva Cherrelle Jackson said: “The dismissive attitude shown toward Samoan media during their press conference and the committee's restrictive measures on media coverage are deeply troubling. The demand for exclusively positive coverage, favouritism toward public broadcasters, the prohibition on filming public events, and the severe limitations on access to major events threaten to undermine press freedom. Such actions inhibit the Samoan media’s ability to provide comprehensive and unbiased coverage of this significant public event.” 

The Commonwealth Association comprises 56 member countries in South Asia and the Pacific, representing 2.7 billion people. The CHOGM will be held between October 21-24, with the 2024 meeting the first convened by a Pacific Island nation.  

JAWS said: “It is very disappointing for a government that claims strong belief in democracy, transparency and accountability to be in the forefront of such restrictions."  

IFJ said: “As Pacific nations and communities face historic challenges, meetings like CHOGM are a matter of great public importance. The Samoan government must ensure that local and independent media have a seat at the table and that media guidelines for this important international summit uphold the principles of transparency and accountability.” 

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