IFJ Voice- January 2024: Editorial

As the year 2024 begins, we would like to extend our warmest wishes to you, despite the difficult circumstances in many parts of the world.

Credit: IFJ

2024: Preserving the safety of journalists 

Once again this year, we cannot ignore the continuing and distressing reality faced by countless journalists around the world in their quest for the truth. Our thoughts go out in particular to our colleagues in Palestine, who have been paying a heavy price for more than three months. Their only crime: fulfilling their mission to inform the whole world. We will not forget them.  

Elsewhere in the world, many media workers find themselves on the front line, courageously reporting on crucial issues in an increasingly hostile environment. Our 2023 killed list, whose detailed and definitive report will be published shortly, highlights in particular the dangers faced by journalists in India, Ukraine, Mexico, Syria and Cameroon, where physical violence, arbitrary detention and judicial harassment have become unfortunate companions in the noble pursuit of journalism. 

Once again this year, we urge governments around the world to recognise the crucial role that journalists play in maintaining democracy. More than ever, we need a binding legal instrument that obliges states to genuinely protect journalists. If you have not yet added your organisation's name to the list of signatories to our draft international convention for the United Nations, it's not too late to do so.

Sincerely yours

The IFJ General Secretariat

For more information, please contact IFJ on +32 2 235 22 16

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