IFJ Executive Committee adopted motion on Sudan

The IFJ Executive Committee adopted the Motion on Solidarity for Sudanese Journalists at its meeting in London on 20 and 21 June 2024.

Sudanese journalists rally in front of "Hala 96" radio station's headquarters in Khartoum on December 8, 2021, to protest its closure following the October 25 military coup. Credit: Mujahed Sharaf AL-DEEN SATI / AFP

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) Executive Committee, convening in London, acknowledges the severe challenges faced by Sudanese journalists amid the ongoing conflict and instability in Sudan. The situation has become increasingly dire due and many journalists have faced severe threats, harassment, and violence, leading to a significant number being forced into exile.

The IFJ is deeply concerned about the increasing targeting of journalists, the threats to media freedom, and the plight of those forced into exile.


1. Solidarity Mission:

The IFJ Executive Committee resolves to work in collaboration with the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) to organise a solidarity mission for the Sudan Journalists Union (SJU) and the Sudanese journalists in the country and in the countries where they have been exiled. This mission aims to:

  • Assess the situation on the ground.
  • Provide support and solidarity to Sudanese journalists.
  • Advocate for the safety and freedom of the press.

2. Call for Peace and Stability:

The IFJ Executive Committee calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities and urges all parties and their external supporters involved in the conflict to work towards peace and stability. A stable environment is essential for the safety and freedom of journalists and for the media to function without fear of retribution.

3. Support for Journalists in Exile:

The IFJ Executive Committee resolves for the IFJ to help mobilize the necessary resources, in collaboration with the Federation of African Journalists, to support Sudanese journalists who have been forced into exile. This includes:

  • Providing legal and financial assistance.
  • Facilitating networks and connections to help them continue their professional work.
  • Advocating for their rights and safety in their host countries.

4. Advocacy:

The IFJ Executive Committee resolves for the IFJ and the FAJ to engage with African and international bodies and human rights organizations to highlight the plight of Sudanese journalists. We will call for:

  • Increased international attention to the plight of Sudanese journalists.
  • The establishment of mechanisms to ensure accountability for attacks on journalists.

The IFJ Executive Committee stands in solidarity with Sudanese journalists and the Sudanese Journalists Union (SJU) and reaffirms its commitment to defending press freedom and the rights of journalists in Sudan.

For more information, please contact IFJ on +32 2 235 22 16

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