Walgney Assis Carvalho

The photographer who worked for Vale do Aço newspaper was killed near the town of Ipatinga in the state of Minas Gerais. He was shot twice in the back by a gunman on a motorcycle as he was sitting in a restaurant.

The photographer worked for the “Vale do Aço” newspaper. In March 8th 2013, a reporter who covered police issues for the same newspaper, Rodrigo Neto, was killed in Ipatinga. The MO was basically the same: a gunman, a motorcycle, a bar.

According to the Association of Investigative Journalism in Brazil ( Abraji), an anonymous caller to the State House of Representatives claimed that Walgney knew who might have killed Rodrigo Neto, a crime reporter who had been murdered in Ipatinga. The victim had also been shot dead in a restaurant by man on motorcycle.

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