Victorino Chermon and 19 other Brazilian Journalists Killed in Plane Crash

20 sport journalists from Brazil were among the 75 victims of the ill-fated plane carrying the players of the Brazilian football team Chapecoense which crashed near the Colombian city of Medellin. Chapecoense was flying to Colombia to play the final match of Copa Sur Americana against Atlético Nacional de Colombia. The plane took off in Sao Paulo, stopped in Bolivia on the way to its final destination in Medellin. According to reports, there were six survivors, journalist Rafael Henzel of Radio Oeste, three football players and two members of the crew.

The journalists who died in the plane crash are:

Victorino Chermont (Fox Sports Brasil), Rodrigo Santana Gonçalves (Fox Sports Brasil), Devair Paschoalon (Fox Sports Brasil), Lilacio Pereira Jr. (Fox Sports Brasil), Paulo Clement (Fox Sports Brasil), Mario Sergio (Fox Sports Brasil), Guilherme Marques (Globo), Ari de Araújo Jr. (Globo), Guilherme Laars (Globo), Giovane Klein Victória (RBS), Bruno Mauri da Silva (RBS), Djalma Araújo Neto (RBS), André Podiacki (RBS), Laion Espíndola (Globo Esporte), Renan Agnolin (Radio West Capital), Gelson Galiotto (Radio Super Conda), Douglas Dorneles (Radio de Chapecó), Fernando Schardong (Rádio Chapecó), Edson Ebeliny (Rádio Super Condá) and Jacir Biavatti (Rádio Vang FM).

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