UN Security Council Adopts Resolution 2222 on Protection of Journalists

The UN Security Council adopted on 27 May at it 74509th meeting in New York Resolution 2222 (2015) on the protection of Journalists. It is the second resolution adopted by the UN body in charge of maintaining international peace and security on the subject, after its earlier resolution 1738 adopted on 23 December 2006.

The Security Council, which underscored the urgency and importance of the protection of journalistts, condemned all abuses and violations committed against journalists, including killings, kidnappings and hostage taking. The Council stressed that "impunity for crimes committed against journalists, media professionals and associated personnel in armed conflict remains a significant challenge to their protection and that ensuring accountability for crimes committed against them is a key element in preventing future attacks."

The resolution called for unconditional release of journalists taken hostage, urged government to ensure accountability for crime against media professionals and,for the first time, affirmed that "United Nations peacekeeping and special political missions, where appropriate should include in their mandated reporting information on specific acts of violence against journalists, media professionals and associated personnel in situation of armed conflict."

The full text of the UN Security Council Resolution 2222 is available on this link: http://www.un.org/en/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=S/RES/2222(2015)or you can read all about it in our 'Top News Story' section of this website.http://www.un.org/en/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=S/RES/2222(2015)
