Saif Tallal, Hassan Al Anbagi

Gunmen shot dead Saif Tallal, correspondent Sharqiya TV, and his cameraman Hassan al-Anbagi in Diyala north-east of Baghdad, according to channel quoted by AFP. Sharqiya TV is a Sunni-owned TV channel viewed as sympathetic to the country's Sunni minority, reports say.

According to the TV channed, the journalists were killed while returning to Baquba from a reporting trip on the attack on a mosque in Muqdadiya town, 69 miles north-east Baghdadwith, with the head of security command responsible for the province, Staff Lieutenant General Mizher al-Azzawi.

Minas al-Suhail, a colleague from the channel, told AFP that the two journalists were driving some distance behind the commander's convoy when asked militiamen in three SUVs stopped their vehicle in the village of Abu Saida. They ordered the journalists out of the car and executed them with Kalashnikov assault rifles, Suhail said.

Sharqiya TV added that Mr Talal had survived an assassination attempt two years ago. He was badly injured but decided to keep on reporting the events taking place in Diyala province.

Source: AFP

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