Rajesh Verma, Israr

According to information received by the IFJ affiliate, the National Union of Journalists ofIndia (NUJ-I), cameraman Rajesh Verma who worked for the IBN 7, a cable channel which broadcasts in English, Hindi, Marathi and other languages all across India, and a freelance photographer identified only by the single name Israr, were attacked by a mob dispersing after a meeting in Muzaffarnagar town on 7 September.

Both had been assigned to cover the meeting and seem to have been attacked with deliberate intent. Rajesh Verma was shot through the chest and Israr died of serious injuries inflicted by blunt objects.

An estimated twenty-seven people have been killed in communal rioting that broke out in Muzaffarnagar district on Saturday, 7 September. Reports indicate that despite a heavy deployment of security forces, the situation continues to be volatile and tense.

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