​Police Accused of Attacking TV Journalist in Uganda

Andrew Lwanga, a cameraman for the Wavah Broadcasting Services (WBS), a private TV station in Uganda, was the victim of police violence which required medical treatment, according to the Uganda Union of Journalists (UJU), an IFJ affiliate.

Lwanga was filming the arrest of youth activists when Old Kampala Police DPC, Joram Mwesigye, ordered his arrest and instructed police officers to clobber and flog him on the road side.

The journalist sustained injuries after being beaten and flogged on the tarmac while his camera was damaged as the police kicked him from all sides.

WBS Television senior Editor John Baptist Imokola said the journalist has been treated in a clinic and discharged, adding his condition stable and is improving. He confirmed the journalist’s camera was damaged and that the station is opening up a case against the Police.

The Uganda Journalists Union (UJU) President Ms Lucy Anyango Ekadu said the Police must stop forthwith acts of repression directed at the journalists.