IFJ Warns against Threat of Fake Press ID to Journalists’ safety in West Bank

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) raised their concerns over press safety following the attack against Israeli soldiers on 16 October by a Palestinian posing as a journalist with fake press identification.

The incident occurred as a young Palestinian man mingled on Friday 16 October with journalists covering a clash between Palestinian civilians and Israeli troops in the city of Hebron in the West Bank. Wearing a flash jacket and a T-shirt with a fake "press" logo, he approached a soldier and stabbed him before being shot dead. PJS confirmed that the killed young man was not a journalist and did not work for any Palestinian, Arab, or foreign media organisation.

This is not the first time that such incident occurs in the region. In 2007 the IFJ and PJS already denounced the use by gunmen in Gaza of a vehicle marked with the words “TV” in an attack on Israeli forces as an “outrageous violation of rights that puts journalists everywhere at risk”. LINK : https://protectionline.org/2007/06/11/palestinian-gunmen-posing-as-journalists/

Read the full IFJ statement here