IFJ Urges UN Human Council to Enforce Rights of Journalists in Occupied Palestinian Territories

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called in the UN Human Rights Council to enforce the rights of Palestinian journalists. The call was made in Geneva at the Council' session debated the reports of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Special Rapporteur on the situation of Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Both reports describe various violations of human rights , leading the High Commissioner for Human Rights to note that "violations of human rights fuel and shape the conflict." On his part, the Special Rapporteur , Makarim Wibisomo, describe the situation as " unacceptable."

In its statement, the IFJ said that the plight of Palestinian journalists in the Occupied Territories can no longer be ignored. The statement highlighted the restrictions on movements of journalists and media staff, frequent attacks on media professionals by both the Israeli security forces , the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. It called for greater understanding of safety risks to journalists' security, respect for their rights as well as investigations into acts of violence against them.

The IFJ statement can be consulted on www.if.org