​IFJ Backs UN Call for Accountability for Violence against Media in Ukraine

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today supported the recommendations of the High Commissioner for Human Rights' report on Ukraine to the 27th of UN Human Rights Council in Geneva for investigations in reported cases of violence and intimidation against journalists.

The report on the situation of human rights in Ukraine said that " Foreign and domestic journalists have been threatened, abducted and killed," among many violations of rights and freedoms of media in the country.

In its recommendations, the report called for "an environment in which the public can benefit from pluralistic information, while calls for hate speech and violence are curbed."

It further recommended that "all acts of intimidation against journalists must be condemned and the government must ensure that all acts of violence are properly investigated."

In a statement to the Council, the IFJ echoed this recommendation and gave its full endorsement to the stance of a number of member states, such as Ireland and Austria, by urging the Council to uphold the rights and freedoms of all journalists reporting on the Ukraine crisis.

Read more on www.ifj.org