Five Journalists Injured in Violent Clashes at Kiev Parliament

Five journalists were among the injured in riotsbetween police and activists led by the populist Radical Party and the far-right Svoboda (Freedom) party outside the Parliament in Kiev on 31 August. The protesters had come out to oppose the bill amending the Ukrainian Constitution to grant greater autonomy to Russian-backed separatists in Eastern Ukraine.

Several grenades and tear gas were thrown as well as an explosive device, injuring at least 100 people including five journalists covering the clashes, police officers and national guards according to media reports.Ukrainian journalist Roman Malko received shrapnel wounds in both legs, journalists from Channel 5 Maxym Voloboey and Mykola Lebediev were wounded in the leg. Operator of news program TSN from TV Channel "1+1" Dmytro Boshakov was hit by shrapnel in the leg. French freelancer photojournalist Antoine Delaunay was injured by a stone in the face. Two members of the national guards were reportedly killed.