Facély Camara, Molou Chérif, SidikiSidibé

Facély Camara, journalist at Liberté FM N’Zérékoré, Molou Chérif et SidikiSidibé, both technicians for radio N’Zérékoré were killed along with three health workers during a mob attack in Womey, near N'zérékoré, a city near Guinea’s southern tip, media reports said.

The journalists had gone to report on a visit by a group of doctors to the Ebola-stricken area to raise awareness about the virus which has claimed over 2600 lives in the region. They had been missing since Tuesday but officials said they discovered their bodies in the septic tank of a primary school in the village on Thursday 18 September.

The Government spokesman Damantang Albert Camara told Reuters that the workers and journalists were brutally beaten to death. "“The eight bodies were found in the village latrine. Three of them had their throats slit,” he said.

Correspondents say that say many people in the region distrust health officials and have refused to co-operate with authorities, fearing that a diagnosis means certain death.

Sources: BBC/RT

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