Ahmed Sharif Ahmed

According to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) an IFJ affiliate, Ahmed Sharif Ahmed, a senior technician of the government owned Radio Mogadishu was killed on 17 August in the morning at his home in the district of Shibis, north Mogadishu, by three men armed with pistols. Killers escaped from the scene.

“We call on authorities to investigate this murder and bring perpetrators to book. Somalia must not be a country where journalists and media practitioners are constantly targeted. Security of journalists and media workers must be guaranteed and press freedom promoted,” said Gabriel Baglo, IFJ Africa Director.

NUSOJ said the motive and culprits of the murder were not officially stated but media practitioners believe Al-Shabaab militants group killed Ahmed Sharif because of his work with Radio Mogadishu, a government run and controlled radio station.

Ahmed Sharif Ahmed, 39, is the sixth media worker murdered in Somalia since January of this year. IFJ considers this as a horrific death toll that simply cannot be tolerated. His murder once again demonstrates the appalling reality facing journalists and media workers on a daily basis in Somalia and the vital need to improve their safety and protection in the country.

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