IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 18 to 25 March 2022.


Russian Journalist, Oksana Baulina Killed During Shelling While Covering Ukrainian Invasion – Sahara Reporters

Tunisia detains journalist for refusing to reveal his sources – Middle East Monitor

Spanish daily slams China’s ‘wolf warrior diplomacy’ on reporters – Khabarhub

UNESCO To Distribute Protective Gear, Offer Warzone Training For Journalists Covering the Ukraine War – TV Tech

The media spotlight on Afghanistan is fading fast – but the agony of its people is far from over – The Guardian

Poland jails Spanish-Russian journalist Pablo González on bogus spy charges – WSWS

Chris Mullin wins Old Bailey fight to protect Birmingham pub bombings sources – Press Gazette

Julian Assange to Marry from High Security Prison – By Wire

The Supreme Court won’t listen to Assange, but the legal battle is still on – Bella Caledonia

The media spotlight on Afghanistan is fading fast – but the agony of its people is far from over – Rawa News

Tunis blasted over journalist held for refusing to give source – The New Arab



Sobre Pablo González y su detención – Noticias de Navarra

Apoyo de la Unesco a periodistas que cubren la guerra en Ucrania – Periodistas en Español

El periodismo en crisis – America Latina en movimiento

Ucrania.- La FIP condena los bombardeos rusos sobre civiles tras la muerte de la periodista Oksana Baulina – Notimérica

Periodismo, la peor profesión del mundo – Zamora News

El periodismo en crisis – CADTM

Túnez detiene a un periodista por negarse a revelar sus fuentes – Monitor de Oriente

Ya son cinco los periodistas que han muerto en la guerra de Ucrania - Semana



La Fédération Internationale des journalistes appelle à la libération du journaliste tunisien Khelifa Guesmi – Kapitalis

Tunisie : Le Syndicat National des Journaistes annonce une grève générale des médias publics le 02 Avril – Agence Afrique

La guerre en Ukraine, terrain miné pour les journalistes – France 24

La FIJ condamne l’arrestation de Khalifa Guesmi en vertu de la loi antiterroriste – Business News

Daily Brief du 23 mars 2022: La Russie accueille volontiers les étudiants tunisiens qui ont fui l’Ukraine – Tunisie Numerique

La guerre en Ukraine, terrain miné pour les journalistes – Bourse Direct

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