IFJ in the News!

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between February 14 and 21, 2020

Credit: IFJ


Body of Pakistani Reporter Found Hours After He Went Missing New York Times

IFJ Secretary Calls On Speaker Pervaiz Elahi Muhammad Ifran, Urdu Point

Philippine protesters back ABS-CBN television survival against Duterte Asia Pacific Report

Conference recommends enhancing social media freedom and security The Peninsula

International Conference on 'Social Media' begins on Sunday The Gulf Times

World-wide journalists condemn court action against Julian Assange Pressenza

Fears raised over safety of Kurdish media-freedom campaigner after police detain him Steve Sweeney, Morning Star Online

Pervaiz assures journalists of solving problems The News

Conference recommends enhancing social media freedom and security MENAFN

IFJ president warns against using tech to mislead people The Gulf Times



Affaire Matand/BBC Afrique : le gouvernement congolais prépare une note de protestation MediaCongo.net

Soirée de solidarité avec les lanceurs d’alerte Loïc Le Clerc, Regards

11 Palestiniens arrêtés par les forces israéliennes L’Expression

Publireportage | Programme d’Appui aux Médias en Tunisie (Pamt/ MEDIA UP): L’information à l’épreuve des grandes mutations La Presse



Coronavirus.- La FIP pide a China que devuelva la acreditación a los tres periodistas del 'Wall Street Journal' notimérica

Asesinan a balazos a periodista de investigación en Paraguay telesur

Asesinan a balazos a colaboradora de radio en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua Animal Politica

Plagian a periodista en su cumpleaños Exelsior

Comienza en Qatar conferencia sobre medios de comunicacion Prensa Latina

La FIP pide a China que devuelva la acreditación a los tres periodistas del 'Wall Street Journal' elBoletin

FAPE condena asesinato de un periodista brasileño en Paraguay Crónica Viva

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